[Checkins] SVN: Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/ Can't externals these.

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Mon Sep 24 18:59:50 EDT 2007

Log message for revision 79952:
  Can't externals these.

  _U  Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/
  A   Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/CHANGES.txt
  A   Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/COPYRIGHT.txt
  A   Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/EXTERNALS.txt
  A   Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/HISTORY.txt
  A   Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/INSTALL.txt
  A   Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/INSTALL_SVN.txt
  A   Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/LICENSE.txt
  A   Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/README.txt
  A   Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/RELEASE.txt


Property changes on: Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0
Name: svn:externals
   - README.txt svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/CMF/tags/2.1.0/README.txt
CHANGES.txt svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/CMF/tags/2.1.0/CHANGES.txt
HISTORY.txt svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/CMF/tags/2.1.0/HISTORY.txt
LICENSE.txt svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/CMF/tags/2.1.0/LICENSE.txt
README.txt svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/CMF/tags/2.1.0/README.txt


Added: Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/CHANGES.txt
--- Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/CHANGES.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/CHANGES.txt	2007-09-24 22:59:50 UTC (rev 79952)
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+CMF 2.1.0 (2007/08/08)
+  New Features
+    - PortalFolder: Enabled 'Components' ZMI tab.
+      This GenericSetup tab allows to inspect and edit component registrations. 
+  Bug Fixes
+    - Fixed all componentregistry.xml files to use plain object paths and strip
+      and slashes. GenericSetup does only support registering objects which are
+      in the site root.
+    - Allow email addresses with all-numeric domain names. The RFCs do not
+      support them but they do exist.  
+      (http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/6773)
+CMF 2.1.0-beta2 (2007/07/12)
+  New Features
+    - CMFCore.exportimport.skins: Added the ability to remove whole skin
+      selections using a GS profile.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/479)
+    - Workflow definition instances now have a description field
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/480)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - UndoTool: Fixed 'listUndoableTransactionsFor'.
+      The required 'object' argument is now respected. This doesn't change the
+      behavior as long as 'object' is the site root object.
+    - CMFCore.TypesTool: Corrected method signature of all_meta_types to have
+      an interface keyword argument, as per the underlying OFS.ObjectManager
+      interface declaration.
+    - SkinnableObjectManager: Changed the way skins are set up.
+      Acquisition wrapping no longer triggers 'setupCurrentSkin'. This is now
+      done on publishing traversal after the BeforeTraverseEvent triggers
+      'setSite'. This fix replaces a temporary hack introduced in 2.1.0-beta,
+      making sure ISkinsTool is looked up after setting the site.
+    - CMFCore.CMFBTreeFolder: CMFBTreeFolders could not be used as the
+      toplevel /Members container.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/441)
+    - Pass 'object' through to TypeInformation objects' 'listActions'.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/482)
+    - Removed extraneous "Cache" tab from FS-based skin objects.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/343)
+    - CMFCore.WorkflowTool: Using the '(Default)' keyword for a type's 
+      workflow chain will now reset any custom workflow chains for the type.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/475)
+    - Use the property API to get the member specific skin, because
+      direct attribute access won't work with PAS based membership.
+      (http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/5904)
+    - Add POST-only protections to security critical methods.
+      http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-0240)
+    - Allow customization from DirectoryViews to be redirected into
+      alternate folders, and use manually-built clones.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/382)
+    - Use a utility, registered for
+      'Products.CMFDefault.interfaces.IHTMLScrubber', to perform scrubbing
+      of HTML;  fall back to the old, hard-wired behavior.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/452)
+    - Remove antique usage of marker attributes in favor of interfaces,
+      leaving BBB behind for places potentially affecting third-party code.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/440)
+    - Fixed DST-driven test breakage in CMFCalendar by adding an optional
+      'zone' argument to the DublineCore methods which return string
+      rednitions of date metadata.
+     (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/476)
+    - Favorite: Fixed UID handling broken in 2.1.0-beta.
+    - CMFDefault: Removed CMFUid dependency inadvertently added in 2.1.0-beta.
+    - CMFActionIcons: Fixed interface declarations added in 2.1.0-beta.
+  Other
+    - The CMF now depends on Zope 2.10.4 or higher.
+    - CMFDefault: Adjusted factory.py to new GenericSetup version.
+    - CMFUid.UniqueIdAnnotationTool: Annotation handling has been switched
+      from triggering it through old-style manage_*-methods to using
+      events. UID assigning behavior has been made more flexible. Please
+      review CMFUid/README.txt for information about the current
+      behavior and the new features. 
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/474)
+CMF 2.1.0-beta (2007/03/09)
+    If you upgrade an existing CMF instance to CMF 2.1, please see
+    INSTALL.txt for instructions on how to run a separate upgrade script.
+  New Features
+    - CMFCalendar: Zope3 style browser views are now used by default.
+      An additional setup profile allows you to hook up the oldstyle skins and
+      to make customizations TTW.
+    - DirectoryView: Added 'registerDirectory' ZCML directive.
+      Using the old registerDirectory method in __init__.py is now deprecated.
+      See zcml.IRegisterDirectoryDirective for details.
+    - DirectoryView: Added support for non-product packages.
+      This introduces new registry keys. Old registry keys stored in
+      persistent DirectoryView objects are updated on the fly.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/467)
+    - Document: Added two new methods for safety belt handling.
+    - setup handlers: Improved properties handler.
+      It now works with properties using a default_charset other than UTF-8.
+    - Merged patches from Martin Aspeli to enable generating events before
+      and after DCWorkflow transitions, and in the 'notify' methods of the
+      workflow tool (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/461).
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFUid.UniqueIdHandlerTool: Touching the internal UID value on a
+      content item will not cause reindexing all indices anymore, only the
+      specific UID index will be touched.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/469)
+    - CMFCore.MembershipTool: Fixed inconsistent behavior where member lookup
+      would take all user folders up to the Zope root into account whereas
+      member area creation would not.
+    - CMFCore.MembershipTool/CMFDefault.MembershipTool: when using an
+      object without a __nonzero__ but with a __len__ (ala
+      CMFBTreeFolder) as a member folder, the createMemberArea method
+      would believe there was no members folder if the folder was
+      empty, and so would fail (change "not membersfolder" to
+      "membersfolder is not None") .
+    - CMFDefault.File and CMFDefault.Image: Restored ZMI Cache tab which was
+      lost in CMF 1.6.
+    - CMFCore.DynamicType: Fixed behaviour regarding default view.
+      DynamicType was making it impossible to use a Zope3-style
+      default view for CMF content types.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/459)
+  Others
+    - Tool lookup and registration is now done "the Zope 3 way" as utilities.
+      Please see docs/ToolsAreUtilities.txt for some developer notes.
+    - CMFCore utils: Marked 'minimalpath' and 'expandpath' as deprecated.
+    - The CMF now depends on Zope 2.10.2 or higher.
+CMF 2.1.0-alpha2 (2006/11/23)
+  New Features
+    - WorkflowTool: Added the IConfigurableWorkflowTool interface.
+      This change includes the new 'getDefaultChain' and 'listChainOverrides'
+      methods and an improved 'setChainForPortalTypes' method. The import
+      handler now supports the 'remove' attribute for removing overrides.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/457)
+    - CMFCore.CachingPolicyManager: Implemented the old OFS.Cache.CacheManager
+      API. Now objects other than CMF content or CMF templates can have their
+      caching headers set by the caching policy manager with the same 
+      fine-grained control.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/408)
+    - testing: Added test layers for setting up ZCML.
+    - CMFDefault formlib: Added zope.formlib support.
+      This includes some CMF specific base classes and an 'EmailLine' field.
+    - browser views: Added some zope.formlib based forms.
+    - CMFDefault utils: Added 'checkEmailAddress' function.
+    - Added CMFCore.FSRestMethod:  ReST equivalent of FSSTXMethod.
+    - CMFCore.FSSTXMethod:  Modernized, added tests, made customization
+      possible (now renders via ZPT by default, using 'main_template').
+    - Portal: Added 'email_charset' property.
+    - CMFDefault utils: Added 'makeEmail' function.
+    - CMFDefault.Image and CMFDefault.File: Overridden index_html methods
+      add Cache Policy Manager-awareness and thus bring these implementations
+      in line with CMFCore.FSFile and CMFCore.FSImage
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/454)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFCore.CachingPolicyManager: Prevent firing of caching policies
+      for templates (DTML or ZPT) that are rendered in-line (without a 
+      separate request) while rendering the requested content item's view.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/456)
+    - CMFDefault RegistrationTool: Fixed too restrictive email checking.
+      The new 'checkEmailAddress' function is now used.
+    - Fixed test breakage induced by use of Z3 pagetemplates in Zope 2.10+.
+    - CMFDefault skins: Fixed encoding issues in welcome and reminder emails.
+      'password_email' and 'registered_email' now encode their return value
+      correctly, using 'email_charset' and the new 'makeEmail' function.
+  Others
+    - The CMF now depends on Zope 2.10.1
+CMF 2.1.0-alpha (2006/10/09)
+  New Features
+    - CMFDefault utils: Added getBrowserCharset function.
+      Returns the charset preferred by the browser. Strings encoded with this
+      charset are decoded correctly by Five.browser.decode.processInputs.
+    - Content: Added IFactory utilities for all content classes.
+      They are now used by default instead of the old constructor methods.
+    - FactoryTypeInformation: Added support for Zope3 style factories.
+      If the 'product' property of a type info instance is empty the 'factory'
+      property is interpreted as an IFactory name.
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFCore.ActionInformation: don't use a fixed set of properties for
+      ActionInformation. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/232/)
+    - CMFCore.CatalogTool: Use current executable's proxy roles, if any,
+      in place of user's roles when computing 'allowedRolesAndUsers' for
+      a query. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/380)
+  Others
+    - skins: Changed encoding of translated portal_status_messages.
+      Now getBrowserCharset is used to play nice with Five forms. Customized
+      setRedirect and getMainGlobals scripts have to be updated.
+    - FSFile: Added registration for 'txt' extension.
+    - Profiles: All profiles are now registered by ZCML.
+    - ZClasses: Removed unmaintained support for ZClasses.
+      Marked the 'initializeBases*' methods as deprecated. 
+    - Content: All content classes are now registered by ZCML.
+      ContentInit is still used to register oldstyle constructors.
+    - Favorite: Added 'handleFavoriteAddedEvent' subscriber.
+      This replaces the 'manage_afterAdd' hook and some code in 'addFavorite'.
+    - CMFCatalogAware: Added 'handleObjectEvent' subscriber.
+      This replaces the deprecated 'manage_afterAdd', 'manage_afterClone' and
+      'manage_beforeDelete' hooks.
+    - setup handlers: Removed support for CMF 1.5 CMFSetup profiles.
+CMF 2.0.x and earlier
+  For a complete list of changes see HISTORY.txt.

Added: Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/COPYRIGHT.txt
--- Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/COPYRIGHT.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/COPYRIGHT.txt	2007-09-24 22:59:50 UTC (rev 79952)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Copyright (c) 2006 Zope Corporation (TM) and Contributors.
+All Rights Reserved.
+This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.

Added: Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/EXTERNALS.txt
--- Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/EXTERNALS.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/EXTERNALS.txt	2007-09-24 22:59:50 UTC (rev 79952)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Used for maintenance of external resources in this svn bundle.  Edit
+# this file as appropriate and then run the following command from within
+# the checkout directory where this file lives on your local machine:
+# svn propset svn:externals -F ./EXTERNALS.TXT .
+GenericSetup svn+ssh://svn.zope.org/repos/main/GenericSetup/tags/1.3.1

Added: Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/HISTORY.txt
--- Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/HISTORY.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/HISTORY.txt	2007-09-24 22:59:50 UTC (rev 79952)
@@ -0,0 +1,3767 @@
+CMF 2.0.0 (2006/04/16)
+  New Features
+    - CMFCalendar.CalendarTool: The first day of the week preference can
+      now be set on the calendar tool through the ZMI.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/400)
+    - CMFCalendar: Added experimental Zope 3-style browser views.
+      The views are disabled by default. See README.txt of the browser
+      sub-package for further information.
+  Bug Fixes
+    - IndexableObjectWrapper: Fixed list of provided interfaces.
+      The interfaces declared for the wrapped object are no longer masked.
+    - CMFDefault: Removed CMF specific slots from five_template.
+      The CMF specific slots added in CMF 2.0.0-alpha have been removed again
+      from the five_template.
+  Others
+    - CalendarTool: Slightly modified the behavior of getUseSession.
+      This method now explicitly returns a boolean value.
+    - Skins, views and FSSTXMethod: Removed 'Desktop' class div tags.
+      There is still the 'Desktop' ID div tag in main_template.
+CMF 2.0.0-beta2 (2006/03/26)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFDefault: Refactored slots in five_template and main_template.
+      main_template has now a new 'body' slot that wraps around 'header' and
+      'main' slot. main_template's 'header' slot is now empty by default.
+    - PortalFolder: Content IDs starting with '@@' are now disallowed.
+      These names are reserved for browser views.
+    - CMFDefault: Changed the way browser views are hooked up.
+      To become independent of the lookup order views are now named different
+      than the corresponding skin methods. The views are now enabled by
+      default and hooked up by a new extension profile.
+  Others
+    - CMFDefault skins and views: Removed 'full_metadata_edit_form'.
+      'metadata_edit_form' is now used for the full set of metadata.
+CMF 2.0.0-beta (2006/02/26)
+  New Features
+    - CMFDefault skins: Improved support for custom i18n domains.
+      If setStatus is used portal status messages are now translated before
+      they are added to the query string of a redirect.
+    - CMFDefault utils:  Added 'translate' function.
+      This should only be used if the message can't be translated in the
+      template. It is a small shortcut to getGlobalTranslationService.
+    - CMFDefault: Added experimental Zope 3-style browser views.
+      The views are disabled by default. See README.txt of the browser
+      sub-package for further information.
+    - skins: All page templates now use unicode.
+      Please make sure to pass only 'ascii' strings or unicode to them.
+    - CMFDefault utils: Added 'decode' function.
+      It decodes values using the default_charset of the site.
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFDefault setuphandlers: Disabled password encryption.
+      'registeredNotify' and 'mailPassword' don't work with encrypted
+      passwords.
+    - CMFDefault skins: Fixed clipboard data validation.
+      Split off validateClipboardData from folder_paste_control.
+    - CMFDefault skins: Refactored and improved discussion_reply_form.
+    - CMFDefault utils: Fixed html_marshal function.
+      The return values are no longer escaped to avoid double quoting and no
+      longer stringified. The page templates take care of these steps.
+  Others
+    - CMFDefault RegistrationTool and skins: Refactored mail creation.
+      'mailPassword' now calls the 'password_email' script and
+      'registeredNotify' the 'registered_email' script. These scripts call the
+      templates and do the necessary string decoding and encoding.
+    - CMFDefault skins: Refactored 'logged_in' page and 'password_form'.
+      'logged_in' now redirects to the 'password_form' if a new member has to
+      change her password.
+    - Replaced deprecated 'manage_afterAdd' and 'manage_beforeDelete' hooks
+      in CookieCrumbler with a Z3-style event subscriber which does the
+      registration with the container's __before_traverse__.
+CMF 2.0.0-alpha (2006/01/22)
+  New Features
+    - CMFCore.FSPythonScript:  Customized versions now track the "original"
+      source from which they were customized, and can present a diff between
+      that version and their current source text.
+    - CMFDefault and CMFCalendar: Added locales directories with .pot files.
+      A modified i18nextract.py script from Zope 3 is used to extract
+      translatable strings from .py, .pt, .html and .xml files.
+    - CMFDefault.MetadataTool:  support arbitrary additional schemas.
+      The "stock" DublinCore-specific API is still accessible, implemented
+      via a special "DCMI" subobject.
+    - WorkflowTool and DCWorkflow: Improved add form for workflow objects.
+      Presettings can now be loaded from workflow settings in setup profiles.
+      This replaces the feature that did allow to load presettings from the
+      oldstyle workflow factories registry.
+    - WorkflowTool: Switched to generic plug-in mechanism for workflows.
+      Any class registered for IWorkflowDefinition can now be used in the
+      WorkflowTool.
+    - DCWorkflow: Added 'revision2' profile.
+      This replaces the hardcoded 'Revision 2' default workflow.
+    - CMFActionIcons, CMFCalendar, CMFDefault, CMFTopic, CMFUid:
+      use the new 'for_' argument in GenericSetup's profile registry API
+      to indicate that profiles are intended for CMFCore's ISiteRoot sites.
+    - CMFTopic:  added specialized GenericSetup support for topics, to
+      allow capturing criteria in a single XML file.
+    - CMFDefault and CMFTopic: Split off CMFTopic profile.
+      CMFTopic support is now configured by an optional extension profile.
+      CMFDefault no longer depends on CMFTopic.
+    - TypesTool: Improved add form for type info objects.
+      Presettings can now be loaded from type info settings in setup profiles.
+      This replaces the feature that did allow to load presettings from
+      registered (oldstyle) fti data.
+    - CMFCore.CachingPolicyManager: Caching policies can now control all the 
+      Cache-Control tokens defined in the HTTP 1.1 spec (s-maxage, public, 
+      private, no-transform).  When no-cache is enabled, a Pragma: no-cache 
+      header is also sent for HTTP 1.0 clients. Thanks go to Geoff Davis
+      for contributing the necessary patches.
+    - ActionsTool: Improved add form for 'CMF Action' objects.
+      Presettings can now be loaded from Action settings in setup profiles.
+    - CMFCore and GenericSetup: Added catalog tool setup handlers.
+      This includes node adapters for PluginIndexes, ZCTextIndex and ZCatalog.
+      Support for additional indexes can be added by providing INode adapters.
+      All indexes are cleared by this handler, so please make sure to
+      re-catalog existing content if necessary.
+    - GenericSetup.utils: Added new sub-framework for XML im- and export.
+      Instead of using ConfiguratorBase configurators should now implement
+      IBody or INode. These adapters should subclass from XMLAdapterBase or
+      NodeAdapterBase and mix in ObjectManagerHelpers and / or
+      PropertyManagerHelpers if needed.
+    - CMFCore.exportimport:  Added framework and interfaces for exporting
+      and importing content using the export / import contexts provided by
+      GenericSetup.
+    - The features of CMFonFive have been folder into CMFCore and
+      CMFDefault:
+      * Zope 3 menus (browser:menu) are bridged to CMF actions using the
+        portal_fiveactions tool. Any menuItem registered will be
+        accessible though the portal_actions tool, where the menu for
+        which the item was registered will be used as the action
+        category.
+      * The Zope 3 'cmf' skin layer provides integration between the
+        Zope3 standard macros and the CMF main template, by redefining
+        five_template.pt.
+    - TypeInformation and newstyle Actions: Added i18n support.
+      If 'i18n_domain' is specified, 'title' and 'description' are returned as
+      MassageID objects instead of strings. This allows to use different i18n
+      domains for different TypeInfos and Actions.
+    - Replaced user messages by Message objects to improve the i18n support.
+    - CMFDefault GenericSetup profile: Added CMF BTree Folder to the list of
+      automatically instantiated types in the types tool.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/371)
+    - CMFDefault skins: Added members_delete_form.
+      This adds a confirmation step to avoid accidental deletion of members.
+    - DirectoryView and derived classes can now have metadata associated with
+      them just like regular FSObject-derived objects can.
+    - DirectoryView and derived classes: It is now possible to customize what 
+      gets created to represent directories inside the directory view.
+      Previously, the code had a fixed assumption that all directories on the 
+      file system must turn into instances of 
+      CMFCore.DirectoryView.DirectoryView(Surrogate). It is now possible to 
+      register a class deriving from DirectoryView and have that be 
+      instantiated instead.
+    - ActionsTool: Added new way to define Actions.
+      'CMF Action Category' objects can now be added to the portal_actions
+      tool and 'CMF Action' objects to categories or subcategories. To
+      migrate oldstyle Actions (ActionInformation objects) you can create a
+      snapshot and re-import Actions using the portal_setup tool.
+    - TypesTool: TypeInformation classes are now pluggable.
+      Any class registered for ITypeInformation can now be used in the
+      TypesTool.
+  Bug Fixes
+    - PortalFolder: Synced _verifyObjectPaste code with OFS.CopySupport.
+      The behavior is almost the same as before, but the code is less tolerant
+      if content types are not registered properly.
+    - ActionProviderBase: getActionObject did stumble over newstyle Actions.
+    - CMFCore.exportimport.content:  Ensure that BODYFILE in our "faux"
+      request is a file-like object, FBO objects which expect to call its
+      'read' method.
+    - Got rid of the "CMF Site" and "Configured CMF Site" duality in the ZMI
+      add list by removing the "CMF Site" class registration in CMFDefault
+      and moving the "Configured CMF Site" registration from CMFSetup into
+      CMFDefault, renaming it to "CMF Site". 
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/364)
+    - Updated RELEASE.txt and the slurp_release script to now use Subversion
+      instead of CVS, and to reflect the new tag/branch naming conventions
+      used in the CMF repository.
+    - Added testing framework to suppress / examine output from warnings
+      module and from zLOG.
+    - CMFUid/UniqueIdGeneratorTool.py: Replaced the old BTree.Length.Length
+      implementation by a simple counter. Using a BTree.Length.Length object
+      as counter may have caused setting the same unique id to multiple 
+      objects under high load. The tools counter gets automigrated on the 
+      first access. This is a forward port from CMF-1_5-branch before the 
+      CMF 1.5.2 release.
+    - CMFCore.utils.ToolInit: For icon registration to work with ToolInit
+      you would have to have the same product_name parameter as the actual
+      product name of the product. Now we just pick up that product name from
+      the product context instead, and ignore the product_name parameter (with
+      a deprecation warning).
+    - CMFSetup: Merged the registerClass and registerIcon call since 
+      registerClass is capable of registering icons.
+    - DublinCore and PortalFolder: Changed fallback in 'Type' method.
+      The fallback is only necessary if the related type info is missing.
+    - CMFCore.PortalContent: Wrong variable name in __call__ would blow up
+      if no default view could be found for a piece of content.
+  Others
+    - Moved GenericSetup out of the CMF package, it is now a standalone
+      product, but still distributed as part of the CMF package.
+    - Replaced use of deprecated 'zLOG' module with standard Python
+      'logging' module.
+    - TypeInformation: Removed support for old setting formats.
+      If TypeInformation objects are initialized with keyword arguments,
+      'actions' and 'aliases' keys have to use the format introduced in
+      CMF 1.5.
+    - CMFSetup and GenericSetup: Removed obsolete CMFSetup product.
+      Added __module_aliases__ to support setup tools created with CMFSetup. 
+    - DCWorkflow: Removed hardcoded default workflows.
+    - Workflow: Removed deprecated WorkflowInformation and getActionsFor.
+    - CMFCore and GenericSetup: Moved mechanisms for content export / import
+      to GenericSetup/content.py, and made more generic.
+    - CMFDefault: Removed PortalGenerator and manage_addCMFSite.
+    - Portal Types: Removed factory_type_information data.
+      TypesTool.listDefaultTypeInformation was removed, the 'fti' argument of
+      utils.ContentInit and the 'typeinfo_name' argument of
+      TypesTool.manage_addTypeInformation are ignored.
+    - CatalogTool: A new portal_catalog is now empty.
+      Removed enumerateIndexes, enumerateLexicons, enumerateColumns and
+      _initIndexes. Please use the setup tool to populate the catalog.
+    - CMFActionIcons, CMFCalendar and CMFTopic: Removed old install scripts.
+    - Refactored and extended CMFDefault.tests.test_join so it can be easily 
+      subclassed and reused for alternative membership implementations. All
+      that is needed is to ovverride _createPortal to return a portal with
+      the desired non-default membership-related tools installed.
+    - Remove all "old-style" actions from tools that still carried them 
+      (CMFDefault.MembershipTool, CMFDefault.PropertiesTool, 
+      CMFDefault.RegistrationTool, CMFDefault.SyndicationTool,
+      CMFDefault.DiscussionTool, CMFCore.UndoTool). These have been
+      superceded by "new-style" action information objects stored inside
+      the Actions Tool.
+    - Some simplifications to the slurp_release release helper script and
+      updates to the RELEASE.txt release instructions.
+    - The CMF now depends on Zope 2.9.0 including Five.
+    - Non-release packages moved out of the /CMF/ repository package:
+      o hotfixes moved to /CMF_Hotfixes
+      o others (CMFCollector, CMFStaging, CMFTracker, CMFWorkspaces)
+        moved to /CMF_Extras/
+    - To document how to create a CMF release from CMF a description is now
+      included in RELEASE.txt at the root of the CMF package. This text can
+      guide release managers or volunteers with the appropriate release
+      privileges.
+    - Added DeprecationWarning to the all_cmf_tests.py script. The canonical
+      way to run the tests is using "zopectl test".
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/272)
+    - CMFDefault: Oldstyle DefaultWorkflowDefinition is no longer registered.
+      So you can't accidentally add this deprecated workflow.
+    - The "Access future portal content" was not used anywhere and has been
+      removed. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/240)
+    - CMFDefault: Marked 'manage_addCMFSite' as deprecated.
+      To add a new CMF site, select 'Configured CMF Site'. The 'CMFDefault
+      Site' profile creates a new site like those you know from 'CMF Site'.
+    - CMFDefault: Cleaned out some super-ancient code for migrating
+      or fixing PTK content so it would work with CMF.
+    - CatalogTool: Removed deprecated indexes and metadata.
+      'Creator' was replaced by 'listCreators', 'portal_type' should be used
+      instead of 'meta_type'.
+    - CMFCore: Removed some deprecated aliases and constants.
+    - Permissions: Removed deprecated oldstyle permission modules.
+    - TypeInformation: Removed deprecated Type method.
+    - PortalFolder: Removed deprecated _morphSpec() and spec arguments.
+    - Portal Types: Removed deprecated _getViewFor / getActionById machinery.
+      PortalContent objects might be used as methods, so __call__() still
+      returns their default view.
+    - CMFDefault and CMFTopic skins: Removed deprecated DTML skins and layers.
+    - ActionsTool: Removed deprecated support for oldstyle Action Providers.
+      If Action Providers don't implement the ActionProvider interface they
+      are now ignored.
+    - Workflow: Removed deprecated WorkflowMethod machinery.
+CMF 1.6.2 (2006/08/15)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFCore.FSDTMLMethod: Add class-default '_owner', to prevent unintended
+      acquisition of ownership (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/450)
+CMF 1.6.2-beta (2006/08/08)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFCore.CatalogTool: Added 'cmf_uid' method to IndexableObjectWrapper
+      so that CMFUid UIDs are not acquired during indexing.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/446)
+    - CMFCore.PortalContent:  '_guessAliases' may leave type information
+      with a default alias of '(Default)';  work around that case.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/445)
+    - standard_error_message.pt was out of sync with Zope.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/Zope/2133)
+  Other
+    - CMFUid: Removed remnants of CMFSetup. Made sure the extension profile is
+      registered for ISiteRoot.
+    - CMFDefault + CMFTopic: Made sure extension profiles are registered for
+      ISiteRoot.
+CMF 1.6.1 (2006/06/09)
+  Other
+    - Updated GenericSetup to trunk at revision 68556
+CMF 1.6.1-beta (2006/06/03)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - Forward-ported fix for DCWorkflow global actions missing IDs
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/308).
+    - CMFCore Expression: Fixed 'request' provided by expression contexts.
+      'request' was not set correctly if 'object' is not specified.
+    - CMFCore.interfaces._tools: Corrected the API given for
+      WorkflowDefinition.isActionSupported.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/407)
+    - IndexableObjectWrapper: Fixed list of provided interfaces.
+      The interfaces declared for the wrapped object are no longer masked.
+    - Got rid of zLOG in favor of python's logging module.
+CMF 1.6.0 (2006/02/26)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - Correct software dependencies in INSTALL.txt
+CMF 1.6.0-beta (2006/02/19)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - Removed BBBTransaction class from CMFCore.utils
+    - Extension profiles: Fixed import of actions, now they don't
+      overwrite all previous actions in the action provider. Fixed
+      import of action icons.
+  Features
+    - CMFCore.FSDTMLMethod/FSImage/FSFile: Added 304 Not Modified support
+      analogous to the support added for FSPageTemplates earlier on.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/402)
+    - Replaced Z2 interfaces w/ Z3 interfaces, dynamically creating Z2
+      interfaces via bridge
+    - Back-ported the GenericSetup style of site creation from CMF trunk
+    - FSFile: autodetect the encoding of UTF-8 text files with a
+      suitable Byte Order Mark (0xEF 0xBB 0xBF).
+    - CMFSetup: Split off GenericSetup.
+      GenericSetup allows to use CMFSetup functionality outside CMF. See
+      the README.txt of GenericSetup for details.
+  Others
+    - CMFCore utils: Made _checkPermission depend on Zope's checkPermission.
+      There is no longer a need to modify the checkPermission behavior in CMF.
+    - Reordered base classes of File and Image, to allow use of super().
+    - Changed TypesTool.manage_addTypeInformation method to log a warning
+      instead of raise an exception if the typeinfo_name is not found.           
+CMF 1.5.7 (08/27/06)
+  No changes from 1.5.7-beta
+CMF 1.5.7-beta (08/17/06)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFCore.CatalogTool: Added 'cmf_uid' method to IndexableObjectWrapper
+      so that CMFUid UIDs are not acquired during indexing.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/446)
+    - CMFCore.PortalContent:  '_guessAliases' may leave type information
+      with a default alias of '(Default)';  work around that case.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/445)
+    - CMFCore.CatalogTool:  Removed import of LOG object from ZCatalog in
+     favor of the new 'logger' pattern using Python's logging module.
+    - Forward-ported fix for DCWorkflow global actions missing IDs
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/308).
+    - CMFCore Expression: Fixed 'request' provided by expression contexts.
+      'request' was not set correctly if 'object' is not specified.
+    - CMFCore.interfaces.portal_workflow: Corrected the API given for
+      WorkflowDefinition.isActionSupported.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/407)
+    - A re-used variable name led to rendering errors in some cases
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/411)
+    - The line-endings problem fixed for file-based PythonScripts applies to
+      multi-line python code in file-based PageTemplates as well. The same
+      fix (universal line-endings support) is now used here too.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/403)
+  Other:
+    - The Actions Tool Action Providers ZMI tab now shows the action IDs
+      provided by each listed provider.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/447)
+CMF 1.5.6 (2006/02/26)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - In certain circumstances file-based PythonScripts with foreign line
+      endings were not handled correctly. PythonScripts are now read using
+      Python's universal line-endings support.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/403)
+CMF 1.5.6-beta (2006/02/19) 
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFDefault.DiscussionTool: Ensure that isDiscussionAllowedFor will
+      not accidentally acquire discussion settings from the content
+      object's parent.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/398)
+    - CMFDefault.RegistrationTool: Adding single quotes to the allowed
+      characters in the local part of an email address.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/401)
+    - CMFCore.FSPythonScript: FSPythonScripts forgot to add __file__ to
+      the script globals. This broke warnings.warn() when a stacklevel
+      argument pointing into the script was passed (2).
+    - CMFSetup.workflow: Workflows managing no permissions at all could
+      make the CMFSetup workflow exporter fail.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/397)
+    - CMFDefault.DiscussionItem: Deleting a discussion reply would not
+      recurse and left items below the deleted reply still cataloged
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/391)
+    - Corrected the HelpSystem documentation for DCWorkflow Guards
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/394)
+    - CMFCore utils: Synced _checkPermission with Zope 2.8.5 code.
+      checkPermission of Zope 2.8.5 and later contains bug fixes and respects
+      proxy roles, but for backwards compatibility CMF 1.5 still needs its own
+      implementation.
+  Others
+    - Made unit tests close the request properly.
+    - Made cut / copy / paste tests more independent from implementation
+      details of '_verifyObjectPaste'.
+    - Modified several deprecation warnings to indicate point-of-use of the
+      deprecated feature.
+CMF 1.5.5 (2005/11/20)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - DefaultWorkflowDefinition: Changed meta_type to make it unique.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/298)
+    - CMFSetup: fixed empty attribute parsing when an encoding is
+      defined.
+  Others
+    - CMFCore: removed old backward compatibility code that slowed down
+      TypeInformation.allowType and gave PortalFolder.allowedContentTypes
+      quadratic complexity.
+    - Removed deprecated 'all_cmf_tests.py' and supporting 'test_all.py'
+      from products (use 'zopectl test' to run CMF tests instead).
+CMF 1.5.5-beta (2005/11/06)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFCore.DynamicType/ActionProviderBase: If an action cannot be looked
+      up, provide a more helpful debugging message for the error log.
+    - CMFCore.MemberDataTool: Fixed the pruneMemberData functionality in the
+      ZMI: Now it is enough to press the button once.
+    - Collector #381:  CMFCore unit tests depended on CMFDefault / workflow.
+    - CalendarTool: If an event ends at exactly midnight, don't show it
+      in the list of events for the day starting at midnight.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/246)
+  Features
+    - CMFCore:  added 'skinname' to the thread-specific tuple created by
+      the Skinnable base class to cache the skin path lookup, to facilitate
+      querying later;  added a 'getCurrentSkinName' to the Skinnable API
+      to do the query.  Thanks to Laurent Rowe for the patch.
+    - CMFSetup: added support for importing and exporting workflow script
+      metadata for scripts that are External Methods. One very important
+      difference to other scripts remains: Since the CMFSetup machinery
+      cannot access the filesystem code for external methods it only
+      saves the data needed to instantiate the ZODBi-based External Method 
+      object. If, during an import, the filesystem-based code cannot be
+      found, the import will fail.
+    - CMFActionIcons:  added support for exporting / importing
+      action icons tool configuration (via GenericSetup).
+    - CMFSetup:  added support for configuring content type registry.
+    - CMFSetup:  added support for configuring caching policy manager.
+    - CMFSetup:  added support for configuring cookie authentication and
+      mailhost tools (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/387).
+    - CMFCore.CachingPolicyManager: Caching policies can now control all the 
+      Cache-Control tokens defined in the HTTP 1.1 spec (s-maxage, public, 
+      private, no-transform).  When no-cache is enabled, a Pragma: no-cache 
+      header is also sent for HTTP 1.0 clients. Thanks go to Geoff Davis
+      for contributing the necessary patches.
+    - CMFCore.FSPageTemplate:  These now have the option to return a status 
+      304 and no content when a conditional GET is sent.  This is a potential 
+      significant win for sites. This behavior is activated on the
+      CachingPolicyManager by using policies that set suitable ETag headers
+      when delivering the content. Geoff Davis invested the time to add
+      this feature.
+  Others
+    - CMFDefault.Portal:  deprecated 'manage_addCMFSite'.
+    - Collectors #384:  Added '__traceback_info__' to FSDTMLMethod's
+      call-stack etnry.
+    - Collector #383:  Added tab to 'portal_uidhandler' tool to allow
+      querying objects given UID.
+    - CMFCatalogAware: refactoring. Defines now 2 methods,
+      _getCatalogTool() and _getWorkflowTool(), that are used to find
+      the catalog and workflow tool. It's now possible to override
+      these methods using inheritence for a given content type to
+      specify another catalog or workflow tool the content type can
+      use
+    - CMFSetup: allow export of properties of old objects that were
+      stored as lists (instead of tuples now).
+CMF 1.5.4 (2005/09/04)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CatalogTool: Made sure the catalog_object method works with Zope 2.8.
+      The new 'pghandler' argument was missing. This broke at least the
+      refreshCatalog method used by 'Update Catalog'.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/379)
+CMF 1.5.4-beta (2005/08/28)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFCore.utils: The return value from _mergedLocalRoles allowed
+      direct manipulation of objects' local role settings since it
+      contained references to the actual values instead of copies.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/376)
+    - CMFTopic.DateCriteria: The behavior and naming of date criteria
+      operators was very confusing and in many cases unexpected and 
+      wrong. For that reason e.g. Plone replaced the implementation
+      with a more user-friendly handling which is hereby introduced
+      to CMF proper. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/339)
+    - CMFCore.PortalContent, CMFCore.FSSTXMethod, CMFTopic.Topic,
+      CMFDefault.SkinnedFolder: Cache headers from the Caching Policy Manager
+      never got set for DTML-based skins due to the way the view template
+      __call__ method was invoked. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/374)
+    - CMFCore.FSImage and FSFile: Unlike the current behavior of Zope itself,
+      FSImage and FSFile would set a content-length response header for 304
+      (not modified) responses, which should not be done according to 
+      RFC 2616. It won't do so anymore, but Zope itself will still force a
+      content-length header in ZServer.HTTPResponse. This misbehavior
+      has been filed as a Zope issue (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/Zope/1866).
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/372)
+    - PortalFolder: Improved the _checkId method.
+      Method Aliases mask objects with matching IDs. Thus _checkId() and
+      checkIdAvailable() now make sure non-managers can't create objects with
+      IDs already taken by Method Aliases of the current folder.
+    - CMFDefault.Image and CMFDefault.File: When calling the constructor,
+      any intelligent content type detection would be destroyed by the
+      call to initialize Dublin Core values, which would overwrite the
+      content_type. It is now preserved, if possible.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/370)
+  Features
+    - CMFTopic.Topic: Made Topics a tad more useful by subclassing from
+      CMFDefault.SkinnedFolder instead of CMFCore.PortalFolder, because
+      SkinnedFolder is CatalogAware. Topics now offer useful information
+      for Title, Description and SearchableText, so Topic objects can
+      be located in the portal by using the standars search facilities.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/53)
+  Others
+    - CMFCore.PortalFolder._checkId() allows root doted prefixed name
+      object overrides.
+CMF 1.5.3 (2005/08/07)
+  Bugs fixed
+    - When the CMFBTreeFolder was moved into CMFCore, its base class was
+      changed to PortalFolderBase. This broke an assumption in the
+      portal_syndication tool that relied on all syndication containers
+      deriving from PortalFolder (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/369)
+CMF 1.5.3-beta (2005/08/02)
+  Bugs Fixed
+    - Changed the INSTALL_SVN instructions to conform to the new branch
+      and tag naming scheme instituted for the subversion repository.
+    - Apply an interim fix for slow pathwalking implementation in
+      development mode on Windows (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/367)
+      Note that a better fix would be to leverage pywin32 APIs for
+      file / directory monitoring.
+    - FSObject.manage_doCustomize() was broken for folderish objects on Zope
+      2.8 because manage_permission requires a context to work.
+      (see http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/368)
+    - CMFCore/FSPropertiesObject and CMFCore/FSMetadata: Removed a wrongly 
+      inserted DeprecationWarning in the FSPropertiesObject class and
+      put it into the FSMetadata class. We are not deprecating ".props"
+      files, but ".properties" and ".security".
+    - Change CVS checkout documentation to their equivalent Subversion
+      instructions
+    - In CMFSetup, make sure to give special treatment to both CVS and 
+      .svn folders where this is necessary (e.g. to implicitly skip them
+      when importing profiles)
+    - Made sure FSDVTest always deletes its temporary folder on tearDown.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/106)
+    - Fix DefaultWorkflowDefinition bug on isActionSupported() for the
+      keywargs support to reflect DCWorkflowDefinition changes. Add a
+      test case for this definition as well.
+  Others
+    - CMFCatalogAware: reindexObjectSecurity() now always reindexes the
+      catalog objects without changing their catalog uid. This is useful
+      for third-party code that indexes objects with special uids.
+CMF 1.5.2 (2005/07/17)
+  Bugs Fixed
+    - CMFCore/ActionInformation.py: Permissions of action categories starting
+      with 'document' are now evaluated in the object context instead of the
+      portal context. This should probably be generalized some more.
+    - Added testing framework to suppress / examine output from warnings
+      module and from zLOG.
+    - CMFUid/UniqueIdGeneratorTool.py: Replaced the old BTree.Length.Length
+      implementation by a simple counter. Using a BTree.Length.Length object
+      as counter may have caused setting the same unique id to multiple 
+      objects under high load. The tools counter gets automigrated on the 
+      first access.
+  Others
+    - CMFCore/CMFBTreeFolder.py:  Moved here from Zope core's
+      Products/BTreeFolder2;  conditional import, with module alias, into
+      __init__.py, for compatibility with Zope 2.7;  2.8.0 has BTreeFolder2
+      in the core (see http://www.zope.org/Collectors/Zope/1813).
+CMF 1.5.2beta2 (2005/07/08)
+  Features Added
+    - CMFDefault/skins/zpt_generic/talkback_tree:  Add link to allow
+      managers to delete replies (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/38).
+  Bugs Fixed
+    - CMFDefault.utils.parseHeadersBody:  use standard library's 'rfc822'
+      module to parse metadata headers, to take advantage of better handling
+      of edge cases.
+    - CMFDefault.utils.formatRFC822Headers:  strip trailing blank line
+      of multi-line value, to prevent premature halt of parsing.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/230)
+    - CMFCore.MembershipTool:  allow 'getMemberById' to crawl up the
+      hierarchy of user folders until it finds the user.  This means that
+      users from any user folder in or above the portal will be treated
+      as full members of the portal.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/354, also
+       http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/63)
+    - CatalogTool: Added manage_convertIndexes.
+      This method should not be used with Zope 2.7. It overrides the broken
+      manage_convertIndexes of Zope 2.8.0.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/357)
+    - CMFCore.WorkflowTool:  Make (deprecated) WorkflowInformation objects
+      schema-compatible with current ActionInformation.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/355)
+    - CMFCore.utils.ToolInit: For icon registration to work with ToolInit
+      you would have to have the same product_name parameter as the actual
+      product name of the product. product_name is now optional, defaulting 
+      to the real product name. It is also deprecated, and starting with 
+      CMF1.6 product_name it will be ignored.
+    - CMFSetup.workflow: scripts were not exported, they're now in a
+      'scripts' subdirectory, and encoding was not propagated at import
+      time.
+  Others
+    - Moved tests which used to 'import Zope' to try 'import Zope2'
+      (with a fallback for Zope 2.7).  Thanks to sacco for the patch!
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/362)
+    - CatalogTool: Removed obsolete Vocabulary.
+CMF 1.5.2beta (2005/06/26)
+  New Features
+    - CMFDefault browser: Added browser package and five_template.
+      This allows to use the main_template for forms generated by Five.
+    - CMFDefault skins: Added style_slot to main_template.
+    - CMFCore.PortalFolder: A new class PortalFolderBase was added. The
+      class is a subclass of Folder while PortalFolder is a subclass of
+      PortalFolderBase and OrderedFolder. It was added for software which
+      is incompatible w/ the ordered interface.
+    - CMFCore.ActionProviderBase: Add the methods _getOAI and _getExprContext
+      which can be used to hook in custom version of getOAI() and
+      getExprContext().
+    - CMFCore.TypesTool.TypeInformation.queryMethodID(): Add new argument
+      context=None and change all calls of queryMethodID to apply the context.
+    - Interfaces: Added newstyle (Zope 3) interfaces.
+      This change has no effect on Zope 2.7 without Five.
+    - CMFSetup.skins: Small featurelet that adds a new keyword to the
+      "layer" tag in skins.xml named "remove". If "remove" is
+      specified, the named layer will be explicitly removed from the 
+      skins path(s).
+    - CMFCatalogAware: reindexObjectSecurity() now supports an
+      optional argument 'skip_self' that prevents the object itself
+      from being reindexed, but its descendants still are. Allows an
+      optimization when you want to reindex all the idxs *and* the
+      security in a single shot with reindexObject().
+    - CMFCatalogAware: allow easy subclassing of the "security indexes"
+      that are reindexed by reindexObjectSecurity(), through the
+      attribute _cmf_security_indexes.
+    - doActionFor() propagates **kw to isActionSupported() through
+      _checkTransitionGuard() until the guard.check() method so that
+      StateChangeInfo() can be constructed with those kwargs.
+  Bug Fixes
+    - ActionInfo: Make 'setActionExpression' sane if passed a string
+      which is already prefixed with "string;".
+    - ActionInfo: Fixed copy method.
+    - CMFTopic.Topic/CMFCore.PortalContent: Clean up a previous change
+      by changing __call__ methods to be aligned with what's on CVS
+      HEAD and using the old _getViewFor function as a fallback to
+      retain backwards compatibility.
+    - DCWorkflow: Add a note to the Transitions and States forms
+      explaining that the renaming actions will not automatically
+      update any items in the workflow that might be affected by
+      the change. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/89)
+    - CMFDefault.SyndicationTool: Zope 2.8 raises AttributeError where
+      earlier Zopes used to raise KeyError.
+    - Set cache headers in 304 responses from FSImage / FSFile
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/355)
+    - CMFCore.DirectoryView: Do not cause ZODB writes or ConflictError
+      if an old DirectoryView with a non-existing path is left. Sends a
+      warning to stderr about those.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/347)
+    - CMFSetup utils: Fixed handling of comments and empty descriptions.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/352)
+    - CMFDefault.MetadataTool: When asked for a non-existing metadata
+      policy, the tool would return the default policy unwrapped. This
+      means, at a minimum, that the security declarations on the 
+      MetadataElementPolicy instance would never be applied correctly.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/342)
+    - CMFSetup.workflow: Make sure to set the "permissions" attribute on
+      DCWorkflow definitions to a tuple, which is expected throughout
+      the DCWorkflow code. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/346)
+    - CMFCore.FSObject: Try to find and call the appropriate method to
+      determine the skins tool name instead of hardcoding "portal_skins".
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/349)
+    - CMFCore.FSZSQLMethod: Add the forgotten setting to allow simple 
+      direct traversal for ZSQL methods to the list of settings recognized 
+      and applied by FSZSQLMethods during instantiation and customization.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/350)
+    - CMFCore.FSObject: When customizing filesystem objects in the skins 
+      tool, some security-related settings were not transferred to the 
+      customized object, namely proxy roles and permission settings.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/351)
+    - Sync catalog metadata column with correct name of DublinCore string
+      ExpirationDate method. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/345)
+  Others
+    - CMFSetup: the import/export of portal types uses a new XML format
+      that can hold arbitrary properties, to facilitate subclassing. The
+      old format is still recognized when importing.
+    - WorkflowTool: Marked WorkflowInformation and getActionsFor deprecated.
+      getActionsFor is superseded by listActionInfos and WorkflowInformation
+      was just used by getActionsFor.
+CMF-1.5.1 (2005/04/24)
+  Other
+    - Made INSTALL.txt more general so it does not refer to specific CMF
+      version numbers in the 1.5 series and thus won't look outdated from
+      one release to the next.
+    - CMFCatalogAware: reindexObjectSecurity() optimizations in case
+      of an indexable container.
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFDefault.SyndicationTool: Coerce property values into correct
+      types. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/344)
+    - CMFCore.Skinnable: Don't catch ConflictError in __of__.
+    - CMFCore.CMFCatalogAware: In reindexObjectSecurity, use
+      _unrestrictedGetObject when available, and LOG when the object
+      cannot be retrieved.
+CMF-1.5.1beta2 (2005/04/17)
+  New Features
+    - MemberDataTool: setSecurityProfile (called by MembershipTool's
+      setPassword) now uses the userFolderEditUser() API of the user
+      folder to change user information.
+    - DCWorkflow: To bridge some of the bound variable name differences
+      between TALES expressions used in DCWorkflow and those used elsewhere
+      in the CMF, added two "aliases" to the expression context that reflect
+      the CMF conventions: "object" points to "here", and "folder" points
+      to "container" (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/338)
+    - CMFSetup: Improved update directives for extension profiles.
+      See the new PROFILES.txt for details.
+    - CMFCore.DirectoryView: Made list of file names to ignore configurable.
+      The previously hardcoded list of files to ignore when creating their
+      ZODB representations can now be configured by passing a sequence of
+      names to registerDirectory, which will be ignored in addition to the
+      standard list of ignored names (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/319).
+    - CMFCalendar: Added extension profile.
+      You can now set up CMFCalendar in one step together with a new site or
+      add calendar support to an existing site using the portal_setup tool.
+    - CMFSetup: Added support for extension profiles.
+      Extension profiles are profile fragments used to modify base profiles.
+      They can be shipped with add-on products or used for customization
+      steps. Importing an extension profile adds or overwrites existing
+      settings in a fine-grained way. You can't export extension profiles.
+      Snapshots and exports always represent the merged settings.
+    - CMFSetup: Sometimes it is not necessary or desirable to create a 
+      snapshot upon initial site creation. Matter of fact when run in a unit 
+      test situation, addConfiguredSite can throw permission errors during the
+      snapshot-taking because no specific SecurityManager has been set up.
+      Add new flag "snapshot" to factory.addConfiguredSite to turn off
+      snapshotting if desired
+  Bug Fixes
+    - TypesTool: Removed _checkViewType.
+      The control-content-creating-by-typeinfo-view-permission feature did
+      never work. Use DCWorkflow's allowCreate method instead.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/114)
+    - CMFDefault.DublinCore: Force local timezone when displaying date
+      metadata. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/325)
+    - CMFCore.SkinsTool: Prevent adding skin layers with invalid path elements
+      There is a disconnect between the ability to define what can be ignored
+      inside DirectoryViews and what can be put into skins paths in
+      the SkinsTool. Now a check is done inside addSkinSelection that makes 
+      sure the same ignore-policy that is used for the DirectoryView is 
+      applied to the elements of a skin path.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/336)
+    - CMFCore.FSZSQLMethod: Added configuration parameters that were left out.
+      Some of the configuration parameters to ZSQL methods, specifically 
+      those describing custom pluggable brains classes and the
+      connection_hook, were not implemented in FSZSQLMethod. Also added a 
+      first small unittest module for FSZSQLMethod testing.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/335)
+    - CMFSetup utils: Modified ConfiguratorBase.
+      If the DEFAULT value is used, CONVERTER is no longer called. This makes
+      setting DEFAULT more intuitive. While very unlikely, the change might
+      break existing third party configurators.
+    - CMFSetup: Reduced probability of profile ID conflicts.
+      The first argument of 'registerProfile' is now 'name' instead of
+      'profile_id'. The profile ID combines 'name' and 'product'.
+    - CMFSetup.skins made the assumption that the CMF site can always
+      acquire REQUEST and would set up the current skin with it. Added a test
+      to see if REQUEST is available and if it is not, skip the step that
+      sets up the current skin.
+    - CMFCalendar zpt skin: Removed dependency on dtml layer.
+    - CMFCalendar: Modified install script.
+      Adds date indexes instead of field indexes. No longer adds the dtml
+      layer to zpt skins.
+    - CMFCore.utils: Added 'transaction' for backwards compatibility.
+      CMF now uses the Zope 2.8 transaction API und uses utils.transaction as
+      fallback in Zope 2.7.
+    - CMFCore.TypesTool: Added backwards compatibility code to the fix for
+      collector issue 49. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/49)
+    - CMFCore.Skinnable: Changed the way layers (skindata) are stored
+      (no more _v_ attribute) to prevent them being lost in the middle
+      of a request when memory pressure is high. This change is
+      incompatible with SpeedPack, but includes one of its two
+      optimizations about skins. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/198)
+    - DublinCore: Fixed creators upgrade to not call a potentially
+      costly method on the user folder.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/300)
+    - CMFCatalogAware: When reindexing security, all subobjects must be
+      reindexed even if they are not visible by the current user. Also
+      fixed to work correctly with Zope >= 2.7.6.
+CMF 1.5.1beta (2005/03/24)
+  New Features
+    - CMFCore.TypesTool and CMFCore.PortalFolder: If invokeFactory is 
+      called from code it will now hand back the created object's ID. This
+      does not change any behavior when called directly from the web. Both
+      methods returned None before, so there is no dependencies anywhere
+      on their return values, anyway. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/331)
+    - CMFSetup: When importing skins configurations you can now specify a
+      layer to be inserted after a given layer. Previously you could only
+      insert before a given layer.
+    - CatalogTool: All default FieldIndex instances used for indexing
+      DateTime values are now created as DateIndex instances instead. All
+      default TextIndex instances are now created as ZCTextIndex instances.
+      (CMF collector issues http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/191 and
+      http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/302)
+    - CMFSetup: Improved 'skip purge' behavior of the skins import handler.
+      If purging is disabled, it's now possible to modify existing skin
+      configurations. You can use '*' as wildcard for skin-path ids and a
+      'insert-before' attribute to specify where to insert a new layer.
+    - CMFSetup tool: Improved 'Properties' tab.
+      The active site configuration can now be selected from a list of
+      registered profiles and stored snapshots.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/264)
+    - CMFSetup: Added handlers for site properties.
+    - CMFSetup utils: Added 'ConfiguratorBase' class.
+      It's now recommended to use this class as base for all configurators.
+      The class includes some generic methods to handle subobjects and
+      properties.
+    - FSObject: Now FSObject-derived items like FSImage or FSFile can have 
+      security declarations inside the metadata file.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/289)
+    - profiles: Moved 'default' profile to CMFDefault.
+      Using the new 'importVarious' handler this profile now allows to create
+      CMF sites identical to those created with manage_addCMFSite. 
+    - CMFDefault: Added 'importVarious' setup handler.
+      This provisional handler will be removed again as soon as full handlers
+      are implemented for these steps.
+    - CachePolicyManager: You can now set a ETag using a TALES expression
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/236) 
+    - RegistrationTool: The regular expression that limits what people
+      can put in as a valid member ID is now configurable TTW in the
+      portal_registration tool (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/117)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFCore.MembershipTool: Change a couple conditional tests that tried to
+      determine if the MemberDataTool had been found to explicitly test for
+      None as the return value instead of a truth test on the tool itself, which
+      would fail unexpectedly on folderish MemberDataTool implementations 
+      that don't have actual content (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/330)
+    - CMFCore.CachingPolicyManager and CMFCore.ActionInformation: The names
+      available to TALES expressions throughout the CMF showed some
+      inconsistencies. To prevent confusion the names "content" and 
+      "content_url" that were used for Cache Policy Manager policies as well
+      as the special ActionInformation.oai class are now deprecated and will
+      be removed in CMF 1.7. The canonical names to be used are "object" and
+      "object_url", which matches all other CMF expression contexts with
+      DCWorkflow being the only exception due to its non-CMF roots.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/328)
+    - CMFCore.PortalFolder: Cataloging portal folders was prevented by
+      overriding the typical indexing calls, but one of them was forgotten,
+      so they still got cataloged.  (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/309)
+    - CMFCore.DirectoryView: A special __setattr__ on the
+      DirectoryViewSurrogate class made sure to write changes through to the
+      underlying DirectoryView, but there was no equivalent __delattr__
+      cleanup. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/316)
+    - CMFDefault.RegistrationTool: Allow email addresses with an underscore
+      as the last element of the alias part.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/326)
+    - FSPageTemplate: Ensure that if a content type is specified using a
+      .metadata file we respect it (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/320)
+    - CMFCore.tests.test_PortalFolder:  fixed testing bug copied forward
+      from OFS.tests.testCopySupport.
+    - CMFDefault.RegistrationTool: Allow '+' in e-mail addresses.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/322)
+    - ActionInfo: Fixed issue with oldstyle Action info mappings.
+      The 'allowed' key was broken for non-empty 'permissions'.
+    - CMFDefault.DiscussionTool: 'getDiscussionFor' sometimes returned
+      unwrapped talkback objects.
+    - CMFSite: Made 'title' and 'description' properties undeletable.
+      This change has no effect on existing sites.
+    - FSObject: Ensure that a cache manager association on a Filesystem-based
+      object in the Skins Tool gets applied to the customized object in the
+      ZODB upon customization. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/304)
+    - TypesTool: Changed the way available factory_type_informations are
+      presented on the dropdown list when adding a new type from a 
+      filesystem FTI to the Types Tool. The new representation includes
+      the "id" as set in the FTI instead of just the product name and the
+      meta_type. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/49)
+    - CMFSetup: Fixed import of workflow bindings.
+      The 'workflow' import step has to be run after the 'typeinfo' step.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/265)
+    - CMFCore.CatalogTool: Take into account query restrictions on
+      'effective' or 'expires' attributes during a search.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/120)
+    - WorkflowTool: Fixed 'setChainForPortalTypes'.
+      If 'chain' was an empty string, it wasn't set correctly.
+    - FSFile, FSImage: Made available to caching policy manager as
+      standard content. (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/299)
+    - FSDTMLMethod: Small code cleanup to remove duplicate variable
+      definition (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/291)
+    - Portal: Fixed 'setupDefaultProperties'.
+      Backwards compatibility was broken and the 'default_charset' argument
+      was ignored.
+    - Document/NewsItem: If the "plain text" format is selected the
+      content will no longer be tested for HTML and reduced to text
+      between opening and closing "body" tags
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/214)
+    - Document/NewsItem: A call to setFormat will now re-cook the
+      document content if the format has been changed (arising from
+      discussion about http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/214)
+    - DirectoryViews/FSMetadata: Corrected some erroneous docstrings
+      about proxy role handling using .metadata files
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/177)
+  Other
+    - CMFCore.FSPropertiesObject: Added a deprecation warning to announce the
+      fact that .properties files will disappear in CMF 1.7 and should be 
+      replaced with CMFCore.FSMetadata (.metadata) files.
+CMF 1.5.0 (2004/10/21)
+  New Features
+    - Portal: Added 'default_charset' property.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/261)
+    - CMFDefault utils: Added 'toUnicode' function.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/261)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - ZPT skin: Fixed 'RSS'.
+      Values are now converted to unicode, using 'default_charset'.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/261)
+    - DublinCore: Added 'setCreators' method.  Note that
+      'notifyModified' also modifies creators. If the current user
+      should not be added to creators, make sure notifyModified() is not
+      called after setCreators().  (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/61)
+    - ZPT skin: Fixed '*metadata_edit_form'.
+      Setting "Enable Discussion?" to 'Off' was broken.
+    - CMFSetup: Made sure imported values are converted to strings.
+      For now imports and exports work only with 'ascii' encoding.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/287)
+    - FSPageTemplate: Don't hide sub-tracebacks in development mode.
+    - TypesTool: Removed again the "add properties from the ZMI" feature.
+      That feature existed only in 1.5.0beta2.
+    - ActionProviderBase: Modified exceptions raised by 'getActionInfo'.
+      Now Unauthorized is raised if at least one Action was found but
+      the user is not allowed to access any of them.
+    - RegistrationTool: Generated passwords no longer contain 'OQ0Il1'.
+    - The permalink feature is now turned off by default and may be turned
+      on by setting the boolean property 'enable_permalink' in the cmfs
+      root property sheet through the ZMI. Through the 'get_permalink'
+      script the permanent link of an content object can be asked for.
+      Additionaly the site may be asked if the permalink feature is turned
+      on or not by adding 'isAvailable' instead of an unique id
+      (http://www.example.com/permalink/isAvailable). Returns '1' or '0'.
+      Also removed the badly designed 'tal:on-error' directive in
+      'main_template'.
+CMF 1.5.0beta2 (2004/09/27)
+  New Features
+    - CookieCrumbler: Merged changes from standalone version.
+      Cookies set on an HTTPS connection are now marked as secure, meaning
+      they will not be transmitted over HTTP.
+    - PortalFolder: New 'Folderish' Interface defines the 'content*'
+      methods.
+    - PortalFolder: Improved WebDAV folder listings.
+      Hidden sub-objects like tools are now filtered out. To see all
+      sub-objects, you need the 'Manage portal' permission.
+    - TypesTool: New properties can be added from the ZMI to
+      TypeInformation objects.
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFDefault/Document:  store / return size of "raw" source text for
+      'get_size'.
+    - ZPT skin: Refactored registered_notify_template.
+      For security reasons, it no longer adds the password to the login URL.
+    - PortalFolder: Fixed '_checkId' policy.
+      In a subfolder, members without 'Manage portal' permission were not
+      able to create content items whose names clashed with content items
+      in the portal root.
+    - CookieCrumbler: Improved 'came_from' URL.
+      Problems in connection with stack manipulation on traversal or usage
+      of 'traverse_subpath' should be fixed now.
+    - PortalFolder: Public 'content*' methods or no longer publishable.
+      This prevents expensive anonymous calls to contentItems(),
+      contentIds() and contentValues() via URLs. They still can be used
+      in TTW code.
+    - ZPT skin: Added missing mail_password_template.
+    - TypeInformation: Simplified Method Aliases API.
+      The new queryMethodID() replaces getMethodPath() and getMethodURL().
+      Aliases for method paths are no longer supported.
+    - FSFile: Allow setting a content_type value using a .metadata file
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/281)
+    - FSPageTemplate: Refine the XML content type detection so that
+      addtional data such as encoding is preserved
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/228)
+    - ActionInformation: If a path expression ending in an object that
+      gets called using __render_with_namespace__ (such as DTML objects
+      and Scripts (Python)) is used a KeyError for "here" would be thrown
+      inside PageTemplates.ZRPythonExpr.call_with_ns. call_with_ns
+      expects the namespace to contain "here", which the context coming
+      from CMFCore.Expressions.createExprContext did not provide. Added
+      "here" as an alias pointing to the provided "object"
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/171)
+    - DiscussionItem: Made sure that the workflow is notified of their
+      creation.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/280)
+    - CMFCatalogAware: When pasting a content item, local roles were not
+      changed to reflect the new ownership.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/205)
+    - ZPT skin: Added missing RSS script and template.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/279)
+    - DirectoryView: Improved createDirectoryView() backwards compatibility.
+      Using platform specific path separators is deprecated.
+    - UniqueIdAnnotation: Fixed manage_after* methods.
+      They didn't work correctly in nested folders.
+    - Workflow: Marked WorkflowMethod alias WorkflowAction as deprecated.
+    - ZPT skin: Improved folder_copy_control and folder_cut_control.
+      They now catch CopyErrors.
+    - DirectoryView: Readded expandpath() for backwards compatibility.
+      Some products still import expandpath from DirectoryView because
+      it was once defined there. Note that importing expandpath from
+      DirectoryView is deprecated and doesn't work with CMF HEAD / 1.6.
+    - RegistrationTool: An optional password can now be passed to
+      registeredNotify() (Issue #277).
+    - Tool icons can now reside in subdirectories (Issue #144).
+CMF 1.5.0beta (2004/08/12)
+  New Features
+    - The CMF is now under the terms of version 2.1 of the Zope Public
+      License (ZPL); it was previously under ZPL version 2.0.
+    - TypeInfos: Marked getActionById as deprecated.
+      Use getActionInfo if you need an URL or getMethodPath if you need a
+      method.
+    - CatalogTool.CatalogTool now has a private 'unrestrictedSearchResults'
+      method bypassing the effective and expiry date and roles. The new
+      method has to be used with care to not expose security holes in
+      applications using the CatalogTool.
+    - CMFCalendar.CalendarTool: Made workflow states configurable TTW.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/110)
+    - Minor featurelet: The "Action Providers" ZMI tab on the portal_actions
+      tool now links directly to the tools shown
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/181)
+    - CMFCore.utils: Introduced contributorsplitter() utility function
+      along the lines of keywordsplitter().
+    - Actions and Action providers: Further refactoring.
+      o Removed again OldstyleActionProvider Interface and
+        OldstyleActionProviderBase that existed only in 1.5.0-alpha.
+        ActionProvider now also works with oldstyle Action mappings.
+      o listActionInfos() and getActionInfo() now return ActionInfo objects
+        instead of Action info mappings. ActionInfo objects have a backwards
+        compatible mapping interface.
+    - Added CMFUid product which provides tools for generating,
+      registering, and storing unique IDs for content (gregweb).
+      o As an example of how to use unique ids, enhanced CMFDefault.Favorite
+        content class, using unique ids to track moved or renamed
+        content items.
+      o At the bottom of the page the permanent link to the content object
+        is shown (http://www.example.com/<cmf_root>/permalink/1234, where
+        1234 is the unique id of the content object)
+    - Added __init__ method to the IOpaqueItems.ICallableOpaqueItem
+      interface.
+    - CookieCrumber now supports logging the authenticated user id to
+      the access log just like basic auth.
+    - 'portal_setup' tool can now disply / download diffs between profiles
+      and / or snapshots.
+    - The 'find' tab on the 'portal_skins' tool will now mark the object that
+      would be returned when using the specified skin
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFCore.PortalFolder: Enforce check of "Delete objects" permission
+      during cut + paste.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/259)
+      N.B.  This fix depends on an update to the underlying Zope software,
+            e.g., Zope 2.7.3 or later.  Two new unit tests fail on
+            Zope 2.7.2 and earlier.
+    - CMFDefault.MetadataTool: Validation would disallow
+      vocabulary-constrained metadata elements to be empty
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/217)
+    - CMFDefault.DiscussionItem: Replies were not sorted chronologically
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/211)
+    - CMFDefault.Image and CMFDefault.File: When copy/pasting Image and File
+      objects the review state did not revert to "private".
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/176)
+    - CMFSetup: Refactored rolemap.
+      Converted the roles attribute to role sub-elements. Fixed an
+      acquisition bug that caused incomplete exports. Updated default
+      profile.
+    - CMFWiki: Prevent deprecation notice for the deprecated
+      CMFWikiPermissions module by replacing its usage in CMFWiki.__init__
+      with the new permissions module.
+    - CMFTopic: Change topic_view template to show title and ID (it only
+      showed title before)
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/180)
+    - CMFCore.PortalFolder: Unlike other content, only Managers were able
+      to create PortalFolders using mkdir in FTP. Fixed by inserting
+      missing security declaration for PortalFolder.manage_addFolder
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/167)
+    - Default text format for NewsItems is now structured-text, just like
+      it is for Documents, tuhs removing a spurious difference.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/138)
+    - CMFCalendar.CalendarTool: (Lost) fix for issues 65 and 159.
+      The determination of the date/time range constituting a specific month
+      was faulty.
+    - CMFDefault.DublinCore: Use the portal_metadata tool's 'getPublisher'
+      for the DublinCore 'Publisher' element (thanks to Eric Brown for the
+      patch).
+    - CMFCalendar.CalendarTool: Code assumed US datetime format throughout.
+      At least since Zope 2.7 users can change that.
+    - CMFCalendar.Event: Day, month, and year were processed in the wrong
+      order by Event.edit().
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/202)
+    - CMFCore.PortalFolder: _verifyObjectPaste() did not check the
+      container's allowed content types, enabling users to paste objects
+      they were not allowed to add.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/216)
+    - CMFDefault.File and CMFDefault.Image: setFormat() failed to update
+      the content_type property causing index_html() to use a stale mimetype
+      when serving the file or image.
+      (http://www.zope.org/Collectors/CMF/226)
+    - CMFDefault.Document, CMFDefault.Link, and CMFCalendar.Event:
+      WebDAV PUT() caused improper splitting of 'Contributors' metadata
+      header.
+    - CMFCore.PortalFolder: Fixed missing import of BadRequest exception.
+    - DCWorkflow DefaultWorkflowClassic: Fixed 'pending' state permissions.
+    - CMFSetup: Refactored actions, type-infos and workflow definition.
+      Changed some XML attributes. Converted list items and descriptions to
+      sub-elements.
+    - ActionInformation: Some attribute cleanup.
+      Enforced usage of 'Title' instead of 'Name', 'URL' or
+      'URL (Expression)' instead of 'Action'. Enforced boolean type of
+      'Visible'.
+    - DiscussionTool: Fixed two acquisition bugs.
+      (Collector #119 and #201)
+    - Change default CookieCrumbler Cache-Control header value from
+      "no-cache" to "private" to allow browser caches to cache cookie
+      authenticated pages but not proxies and HTTP accellerators.
+    - ActionInformation: Correctly store an empty tuple for permissions
+      if no permission is given (Collector #242).
+    - DublinCore: Use a default ceiling date that is parsable by
+      DateIndex (Collector #132).
+    - RSS: Creates correct XML by always quoting arguments (Collector #170).
+CMF 1.5.0alpha (2004/07/09)
+  New Features
+    - CMFActionIcons product is now shipped as part of the CMF release.
+    - New portal_setup tool provides export / import of various site
+      configuration choices, both as tarballs and as TTW "snapshots".
+      See the "README":CMFSetup/README.txt.
+    - zpt skin: Some forms are now scripts.
+      These scripts are dispatchers that call validators and controllers and
+      set redirect depending on the selected button. If redirect is not set,
+      the script calls a template and returns the resulting HTML page.
+    - ActionProviderBase, ActionInformation: Added methods to modify/edit
+      actions. New method 'getActionObject' in 'ActionProviderBase' and
+      'edit' method in 'ActionInformation' (Collector 195).
+      An action now may be modified/edited the following way::
+        action_provider.getActionObject('object/view').edit(title='VIEW')
+    - Topic objects now support syndication (Collector #203).
+    - PortalFolder and zpt skin: PortalFolder now inherits from
+      OrderedFolder.
+      o Added buttons to 'folder_contents' that allow to set a default
+        sorting for each PortalFolder or to order the sub-objects by hand.
+      o Modified 'index_html' to show sub-objects in the selected order. The
+        old 'index_html' is still available as 'index_html_categorized'.
+    - CMFDefault utils: Added 'html_marshal' function.
+      This is similar to ZTUtils.make_hidden_input(), but returns a sequence
+      of (name, value) pairs instead of html code.
+    - CMFCore utils and content types: Marked _getViewFor as deprecated.
+      __call__() and view() methods using _getViewFor() are deprecated as
+      well. Use Method Aliases instead.
+    - CMFDefault Site: Now adds the 'Classic' DCWorkflow on creation.
+      If DCWorkflow is not installed, no default workflow is added.
+    - DynamicType: Added 'getActionInfo' method.
+      This is a shortcut to getActionInfo() of the related TypeInformation.
+    - DublinCore: setModificationDate is now guarded by
+      'ModifyPortalContent'.
+    - zpt skin: Reimplemented 'folder_contents' and related controllers.
+      Uses a dispatcher script that calls the right validators and
+      controllers if a form button is pushed. The result looks almost
+      the same as before.
+    - PortalFolder and SkinnedFolder: Added 'new' and 'rename_items' Actions.
+      Used for redirects they are invisible by default.
+    - CMFCore exceptions: Added some Exceptions.
+      AccessControl.Unauthorized is a subclass of zExceptions.Unauthorized,
+      so for best results use 'AccessControl_Unauthorized' to raise
+      Unauthorized and 'zExceptions_Unauthorized' to catch them all.
+      'CopyError' and 'ResourceLockedError' are now also available for
+      TTW code.  'EditingConflict' is a new CMF class replacing the old
+      string exception.
+    - Callable Opaque Items, CMFCatalogAware: Added an interface
+      'ICallableOpaqueItemWithHooks'. CMF now calls the manage_after*
+      and manage_before* hooks of a marked opaque item on copying,
+      moving or deleting the containing content object.
+    - DublinCore: Creator element no longer depends on Ownership.
+      (Collector #25)
+      o Added listCreators() and listContributors() to the DublinCore
+        Interface. Creator() now returns the first element of listCreators().
+        Contributors() is now a deprecated alias of listContributors() and
+        might change in a future version.
+      o Updated DublinCore implementation in DefaultDublinCoreImpl and
+        DiscussionItem. Added new addCreator() method that is called by
+        notifyModified(). SkinnedFolder also uses the new methods.
+      o Updated ContentFilter to work with listCreators().
+      o Updated CatalogTool to index listCreators. Creator index and metadata
+        are deprecated and might be removed in a future version.
+      o Updated skins to search listCreators() and show all creators.
+    - TypeInfos: _finishConstruction() now calls reindexObject().
+      This makes sure changes made by ScriptableTypeInformation scripts are
+      indexed and notifyModified() is called after content creation.
+    - Document: Removed WorkflowMethod wrapper of setFormat().
+      This was the only wrapped MutableDublinCore method and caused an ugly
+      second reindexObject() / notifyModified() call in the middle of
+      _editMetadata().
+    - CatalogTool: Updated to post Zope 2.6.2 ZCatalog interface.
+      'catalog_object()' and 'reindexObject()' now support the new
+      'update_metadata' argument. 'reindexObjectSecurity()' doesn't update
+      catalog metadata anymore.
+    - Added new hook to CookieCrumbler "twiddleAuthCookie". The
+      twiddleAuthCookie skin script, if present is called on each request
+      where a cookie authentication token is present. It is passed the auth
+      cookie name and value so that it can perform such functions as
+      extending the expiration of the cookie. A twiddleAuthCookie script
+      along with a setAuthCookie script could create login sessions that
+      timeout after a period of inactivity for example.
+    - Refactored ActionsTool and Action providers:
+      o Added listActionInfos() and getActionInfo() to the ActionProvider
+        Interface, added 'object' argument to listActions().
+      o Added OldstyleActionProvider Interface and OldstyleActionProviderBase
+        for Action providers still not using ActionInformation objects.
+        WorkflowTool and CMFCore DiscussionTool use this.
+      o Action providers queried by ActionsTool should implement the new
+        ActionProvider Interface. Action providers subclassing
+        ActionProviderBase inherit the necessary methods.
+      o To ease transition it will be sufficient to implement the
+        OldstyleActionProvider Interface, using OldstyleActionProviderBase.
+        The use of Action providers not implementing one of these Interfaces
+        is deprecated. Support for them will be removed after CMF 1.5.
+      o Added helper methods getOAI() and getExprContext() to get computed
+        contexts from REQUEST cache or create new ones.
+    - CMFDefault MembershipTool and zpt skin: Added 'Manage members' Action.
+      The skin now provides basic membership management: Browsing members,
+      registering new members and deleting members including their member
+      data, member area and Local Roles.
+    - The caching policy manager now sets the header
+      'X-Cache-Headers-Set-By' when it sets cache headers
+      in a response.
+    - FSDTMLMethods now play nicely with the caching policy manager.
+    - zpt skin: Added batch_widgets.pt and getBatchNavigation.py.
+      roster and search use now the new navigation macro. Looks like before,
+      but i18n works better and it's easier to reuse or replace the code.
+    - zpt skin: Added zpt version of registered_notify_template.
+    - CMFCorePermissions: Made them available for import by Scripts.
+    - CMFCore MembershipTool and MemberDataTool: Added 'delete' methods.
+      o deleteMemberData() deletes the member data of a member.
+      o deleteMemberArea() deletes the member area of a member.
+      o deleteLocalRoles() now has a 'recursive' argument.
+      o deleteMembers() deletes members including member data, member area
+        and Local Roles.
+    - CMFCore MembershipTool: Changed interface.
+      o createMemberarea() is now called createMemberArea(). For backwards
+        compatibility createMemberarea is a deprecated alias.
+      o getMembersFolder() is now also part of the CMFCore interface.
+    - CMFCorePermissions: Added 'Change local roles' Permission.
+      PortalFolder's 'Local Roles' Action and MembershipTool's Local Roles
+      methods are now guarded by 'Change local roles' of the object.
+    - Added CMFCore 'exceptions.py': Errors defined in this module are
+      available for import by Scripts.
+    - CMFCore and CMFDefault MembershipTool: Changed permissions.
+      'createMemberarea()' for someone else and 'getRoster()' including
+      hidden members are now protected by 'Manage users'. 'getMemberById()',
+      listMemberIds() and listMembers() as well.
+    - Document and NewsItem: Un-hardwired 'manage_FTPget()' for 'text/html'.
+      Added 'source_html.dtml' and 'source_html.pt'. 'manage_FTPget()' now
+      has a 'gethtml' hook and uses 'source_html' by default.
+      (Collector #168)
+    - TypeInformation: Added Method Aliases.
+      o TypesTool and TypeInformation now have an 'Aliases' tab to configure
+        Method Aliases TTW.
+      o factory_type_information now has a key 'aliases' to configure Method
+        Aliases in a product. This key is required, but may be empty: If it
+        doesn't exist, TypeInformation will try to update by guessing
+        aliases.
+      o DynamicType manipulates 'TraversalRequestNameStack' depending on
+        Method Aliases. '(Default)' and 'view' aliases bypass __call__() and
+        view() methods on traversal.
+      o PortalFolder's 'mkdir' hook now makes use of Method Aliases.
+    - CMFCore and CMFDefault MembershipTool: Changed member area creation.
+      'wrapUser()' does no longer call 'createMemberarea()'.
+      'createMemberarea()' should now be called from the 'logged_in' page.
+    - CMFDefault MembershipTool: Added a customization hook to
+      'createMemberarea()'. A 'createMemberContent' script placed inside the
+      tool overrides default member content creation.
+  Bug Fixes
+    - zpt skin: Removed dependency on dtml layers.
+    - CMFCore utils: Marked 'format_stx' function as deprecated.
+      It's no longer necessary to work around default STX handling.
+    - DirectoryView: Refactored path handling.
+      Should now work with any products path setup. (Collector #210)
+    - Enforced new "local permissions" pattern:  each top-level CMF product
+      should have a 'permissions.py' module which imports / declares all
+      permissions used within the product;  other modules within the product
+      should import from there.  Likewise for 'exceptions.py'.
+    - Removed pre Zope 2.7.0 compatibility code. Now Zope 2.7.0 or a later
+      platform is required for CMF.
+    - CatalogTool: Marked the 'meta_type' index as deprecated.
+    - PortalFolder: Marked the 'spec' argument as deprecated.
+      Use the 'filter' argument with 'portal_type' instead for
+      contentItems(), contentIds(), contentValues() and listFolderContents().
+    - PortalFolder: Fixed portal_type acquisition bug in ContentFilter.
+    - DynamicType: Added 'getPortalTypeName()' to the interface.
+    - Collector #227:  expose ZPT filename in tracebacks which include
+      FSPageTemplates.
+    - zpt skin: Switched base tag policy back to that of dtml skin.
+      This makes the use of relative URLs in content easier. If you have
+      content that depends on the old policy you can customize getBaseTag.pt
+      and add a slash. (Collector #66)
+    - Actions of folderish types: Fixed some inconsistencies.
+      Whatever the old CMFDefault policy was - this is the current policy:
+      "object" is used for Actions related to the object itself, "folder" is
+      used for Actions related to the container of the object.
+      o Changed the category of PortalFolder and SkinnedFolder Actions to
+        'object'.
+      o Moved 'folderContents' of folderish types from ActionsTool to
+        PortalFolder's type info. Other folderish types now have to declare
+        their own 'folderContents' Action if they need one.
+      o Renamed Topic's 'subtopics' and SkinnedFolder's 'foldercontents'
+        Action to 'folderContents' to get them in sync.
+    - StrippingParser: Added 'big', 'small', 'sub' and 'sup' to valid tags.
+    - _checkPermission: Added check for executable owner and proxy roles.
+    - SkinsContainer: Fixed context wrappers returned by getSkinByPath().
+      The original context of skin folders is now removed. This avoids having
+      SkinTool attributes added to the CMFSite root object.
+    - CatalogTool: Removed deprecated 'id' from default indexes and metadata.
+    - Skins: Fixed a DateTime related issue in search_form and doFormSearch.
+      Added one second to epoch to work around the problem that the timezone
+      gets lost if time is 00:00:00.
+    - CMFCore.PortalFolder: Explicitly declare base interfaces.
+    - Tests: CachingPolicyManager tests don't fail on Windows anymore.
+      (Collector #107)
+    - SkinsTool: Fixed cookie paths.
+      clearSkinCookie() now uses the same cookie path as updateSkinCookie()
+      which is now "inside-out" hosting safe.
+    - DefaultDublinCoreImpl: Changed accessor permissions.
+      As defined in the interface accessors are now protected by 'View'.
+    - CMFDefault utils: Made 'tuplize()' work correctly with string types.
+    - CMFCore utils: Reverted obsolete workaround in _checkPermission.
+    - Skin scripts: Made except statements safer by being more specific. Hope
+      this still catches all relevant errors.
+    - Removed some pre 'Zope 2.4.3 with PageTemplates' backwards
+      compatibility cruft. A later platform is required since CMF 1.3.
+    - Collector #153: CookieCrumbler didn't preserve query strings.
+CMF 1.4.7 (2004/08/11)
+  New Features
+    - Minor featurelet: The "Action Providers" ZMI tab on the portal_actions 
+      tool now links directly to the tools shown 
+      (http://zope.org/Collectors/CMF/181)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFCore.PortalFolder: Enforce check of "Delete objects" permission
+      during cut + paste. (http://zope.org/Collectors/CMF/259)
+      N.B.  This fix depends on an update to the underlying Zope software,
+            e.g., Zope 2.7.3 or later.  Two new unit tests fail on
+            Zope 2.7.2 and earlier.
+    - CMFDefault.MetadataTool: Validation would disallow
+      vocabulary-constrained metadata elements to be empty
+      (http://zope.org/Collectors/CMF/217)
+    - CMFDefault.DiscussionItem: Replies were not sorted chronologically
+      (http://zope.org/Collectors/CMF/211)
+    - CMFDefault.Image and CMFDefault.File: When copy/pasting Image and File
+      objects the review state did not revert to "private".
+      (http://zope.org/Collectors/CMF/176)
+    - CMFTopic: Change topic_view template to show title and ID (it only
+      showed title before; http://zope.org/Collectors/CMF/180)
+    - CMFCore.PortalFolder: Unlike other content, only Managers were able
+      to create PortalFolders using mkdir in FTP. Fixed by inserting
+      missing security declaration for PortalFolder.manage_addFolder 
+      (http://zope.org/Collectors/CMF/167)
+    - Default text format for NewsItems is now structured-text, just like
+      it is for Documents, thus removing a spurious difference
+      (http://zope.org/Collectors/CMF/138).
+    - CMFCalendar.CalendarTool: (Lost) fix for issues 65 and 159.
+      The determination of the date/time range constituting a specific month
+      was faulty.
+    - CMFDefault.DublinCore: Use the portal_metadata tool's 'getPublisher'
+      for the DublinCore 'Publisher' element (thanks to Eric Brown for the 
+      patch).
+    - CMFDefault.Document: Make Document render compliant XHTML when format
+      is 'plain' (thanks to Eric Brown for the patch).
+CMF 1.4.6 (2004/07/30)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFCalendar.Event: Fixed long-standing bug where day, month, and year
+      were processed in the wrong order by Event.edit().
+      (http://zope.org/Collectors/CMF/202)
+    - CMFCalendar.Event: PUT() caused improper splitting of 'Contributors'
+      metadata header.
+    - CMFCalendar.CalendarTool: Code assumed US datetime format throughout.
+      At least since Zope 2.7 users can change that.
+      (http://plone.org/collector/3218)
+    - CMFCore.PortalFolder: _verifyObjectPaste() did not check the
+      container's allowed content types, enabling users to paste objects
+      they were not allowed to add.
+      (http://plone.org/collector/2183)
+    - CMFDefault.File and CMFDefault.Image: setFormat() failed to update
+      the content_type property causing a stale mimetype to be used when
+      serving the file or image.
+      (http://plone.org/collector/1323)
+    - CMFDefault.Document and CMFDefault.Link: PUT() caused improper
+      splitting of 'Contributors' metadata header.
+      (http://plone.org/collector/3217)
+    - CMFCore.utils: Introduced contributorsplitter() utility function.
+    - CMFCore.PortalFolder: checkIdAvailable() failed to catch 
+      zExceptions.BadRequest.
+CMF 1.4.5 (2004/07/08)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - When someone customises something twice, rather than raise an error,
+      show them a nice message and takes them to the already customised
+      object.
+    - FSImage didn't recognize '.bmp' files (Collector #245).
+    - Further hardening of member property, 'email', to prevent trickier
+      header injection into system-generated e-mails (Collector #243 redux).
+CMF 1.4.4 (2004/05/14)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - Unchecked member property, 'email', could allow header injection
+      into system-generated e-mails (Collector #243).
+CMF 1.4.3 (2004/04/22)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFCalendar.CalendarTool: Converted '_usage' queries to dictionary
+      syntax. Shuts up DeprecationWarnings in Zope 2.7.
+    - CMFCore.CachingPolicyManager:  make REQUEST argument optional
+      for public methods, to ease scripting policy operations from
+      setup code. (Collector #234)
+    - Action definitions: Removed leading spaces. (Collector #229)
+CMF 1.4.3-rc1 (2004/02/05)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFCore.PortalFolder: Explicitly declare base interfaces.
+    - CMFCore.MembershipTool: Don't swallow ConflictError during wrapUser.
+    - CMFDefault.SkinnedFolder: Creator() method now resembles the one from
+      DublinCore. This allows for unowned objects and shuts up a deprecation
+      warning in Zope 2.6.4/2.7.0.
+    - CMFCore.CookieCrumbler: No longer disregards an existing cookie auth
+      token for DAV requests (like PROPFIND) that occur over the main HTTP
+      port. Eliminates additional user challenges for browser-based DAV
+      clients like MS WebFolders.
+    - CMFCore.FSMetadata: the "acquire" flag for permission mappings was
+      not converted to an int;  '0' was therefore coming through as true.
+    - CMFCore.FSPageTemplate.py: compatibiltity with Python 2.3 (can't
+      mutate a class' __dict__ directly;  use setattr(klass, name, value)
+      instead).
+CMF 1.4.2 (2003/10/27)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - CMFDefault RegistrationTool:  enforced using the member's e-mail
+      address, rather than the one passed in from the request.
+    - CMFCore MembershipTool: Fixed 'getCandidateLocalRoles()'.
+      Didn't work without having 'Member' role. (Collector #148 and #169)
+    - CMFCore MembershipTool: Changed the permission for searchMembers to
+      'List portal members'. By default Anonymous users are no longer able to
+      list member ids and email addresses. (Collector #189)
+CMF 1.4.1 (2003/09/08)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - Initialize class security correctly on ActionProviderBase
+      (Collector #186).
+    - Filesystem-based scripts should open their files in text mode, not
+      binary (Collector #185).
+    - Remove ownership from filesystem-based skin methods, which
+      can't be trojaned, and therefore need not pay the performance
+      penalty of ownership checking.
+    - CMFCore/MembershipTool.py:  include traceback in log messages
+      for errors during 'wrapUser'.
+    - CMFDefault/skins: Fix permission name and html in roster.
+    - CMFCore/TypesTool.py: Make sure oldstyle FactoryTypeInformation
+      data is always converted.  Actions are now completely migrated during
+      TypeInformation creation.
+    - CMFCore/utils.py: Fix buglet in 'minimalpath()', which caused
+      proudct lookup to fail when a second 'Products' directory was
+      in the path.
+    - CMFCore/Skinnable.py: Fix acquisition wrapping so that getPhysicalPath
+      is not spoofed during funny traversals.
+    - CMFCore/TypesTool.py:  Fix ownership of constructor scripts used by
+      ScriptableTypeInformation (Collector #165).
+    - CMFDefault/skins: Fix some minor template issues in ZPT skins
+      (Collector #156 and other).
+    - CMFDefault and CMFCalendar skins: Fix stylesheets (Collector #164).
+    - CMFCalendar:  fix bug in month-spanning events (patch from Helge
+      Tesdal).
+    - CMFCore and CMFDefault MembershipTool: Make sure 'createMemberarea()'
+      always grants the right Ownership and Owner role for new member folders.
+      This doesn't fix existing member folders with wrong Owner roles.
+      If you use a customized MembershipTool, make sure your createMemberarea
+      method does the Right Thing.
+      (Collector #162)
+CMF 1.4 (2003/05/19)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - The memberdata tool now fetches properties from member objects using
+      'getProperty' when returning search results, rather than performing
+      direct attribute access on the member.
+    - The CookieCrumber now functions for HEAD requests.
+    - type actions: They are now absolute URLs by default.
+      For 'getActionById' and '_getViewFor' they are converted to relative
+      URLs. (Collector #152)
+CMF 1.4beta1 (2003/04/28)
+  New Features
+    - Made TypeInformation objects derive from CMFCore.ActionProviderBase:
+      their actions are now TALES expressions, and they have conditions
+      (like all the "tool actions").
+    - zpt skins (CMFDefault): Added i18n attributes.
+      See INSTALL.txt for installing internationalization support.
+      (Collector #122, thanks to Gitte Wange for her contribution)
+    - zpt skins (CMFDefault): Added 'zpt_content/transition_form.pt'.
+      'content_*_form.pt' now use this template.
+    - skins (CMFDefault): Made scripts independent of submit button 'values'.
+    - Added .css to the extensions that create FSFile objects in
+      DirectoryViews (see CMFCore/FSFile.py)
+      All sites upgrading which expected css extension to be dropped and to
+      contain DTML will be required to rename their css files to foo.dtml.
+      (Collector #129)
+    - Added .js to the extensions that create FSFile objects in
+      DirectoryViews
+    - MembershipTool (CMFDefault): Un-hardwired members folder.
+      You now can get the members folder object using 'getMembersFolder()'.
+      If you want to change the id of the members folder, rename the folder
+      and set the members folder using portal_membership's configuration tab.
+      (Collector #128)
+    - utils: Changed behavior of 'bodyfinder' and 'html_headcheck'.
+      The head check in html_headcheck is now a bit different, but the result
+      should be closer to what people expect.
+      The head check in bodyfinder is removed. In most cases you want to call
+      bodyfinder only if html_headcheck is true.
+    - Added FSFile skin object, in order to allow .swf files (et al.) in
+      skins
+    - Added 'listMetaTags' skin method, which filters the DublinCore
+      metadata into a form suitable for inclusion as <meta> tags.
+    - Added .metadata file for FSObjects, which allows the easy addition of
+      more features without adding lots and lots of files. ConfigParser format.
+    - Added proxy roles to FS Python Scripts and FS DTML Methods via the proxy
+      property in .metadata files.
+  Bug Fixes
+    - utils: Changed behavior of 'StrippingParser' and 'scrubHTML'.
+      They now close empty tags.
+      (Collector #108, thanks to 'tanghus' for the patch)
+    - Removed deprecated 'register' module and 'PortalContentRegistration'
+      interface.
+    - Moved URLTool to CMFCore. Added interface and basic tests.
+      (Collector #67)
+    - Protected the Pending review action in DefaultWorkflow by
+      ReviewPortalContent (Collector #52).
+    - Raise ValueError instead of TypeError in TypesTool.getActionById
+      if the action is not found (Collector #56).
+    - Cleaned up Interfaces and API Help (Collector #96):
+      o Removed redundant 'Syndicatable' and 'IndexableContent' interfaces.
+      o Removed unfixable 'Membership' and 'ReviewableContent' interfaces.
+      o Removed listActions() from 'Contentish' and 'portal_workflow'
+        interface.
+      o Removed redundant or 'None' overriding of listActions().
+      o Updated all interfaces to work with new Zope 2.6 Interface API.
+      o Added 'portal_properties' and 'Dynamic' interfaces.
+      o Added many interface implementation tests and made them pass.
+    - MembershipTool (CMFDefault): Fixed acquisition bug. (Collector #102)
+    - Skinnable: Changed docstring for setupCurrentSkin and added
+      docstring to changeSkin: the latter is now used to set skin
+      manually mid-request. (Collector #27)
+    - Document: Ensured that setFormat('text/plain') does not overwrite
+      text_format if text_format is 'plain'. (Collector #140)
+    - Action providers: Default _actions' are now tuples, not lists.
+      (Collector #123)
+    - Document: Ensured that 'edit()' and 'PUT()' strip of xhtml headers and
+      html headers including DOCTYPE declarations. (Collector #41)
+    - Fixed some minor buglets. (Collector #80, #94 and #95)
+    - Ensure that a couple of calls to string.split only split into a
+      maximum of two parts.
+      (Collector #82)
+    - Enabled the CMF to be installed in a PRODUCTS_PATH.
+      In doing so, also made it easier to move CMF sites between
+      Windows and Unix.
+      (Collector #64)
+    - Multimodule checkin to convert calls from user.getUserName() to
+      user.getId() where appropriate.  User names should not be used
+      as immutable references, while user ids should.  The distinction
+      is not clearly enforcd in the stock user folder or any current user
+      folder implementations, but newer user folder implementations
+      will rely upon it.
+    - Remove redundant VERSION.txt files;  the canonical spelling is
+      'version.txt' (Collector #13).
+    - Correct security assertion on CMFDefault.Image's manage_afterAdd
+      (Collector #141).
+    - Ensure that the security attributes are reindexed on all
+      subobjects too when a folderish object changes state in the
+      workflow (Collector #115).
+    - Backport fix of CMFCore/tests/test_FSImage.py to work with
+      recent Zopes (> 2.6), which force HTTP headers to be strings.
+    - Use return instead of raise in RegistrationTool.testPropertiesValidity
+      if id is incorrect (Collector #48).
+    - Correctly cleanup temporaries in CMFCore.MemberDataTool when
+      wrapping a user object (Collector #136).
+CMF 1.3.3 (2003/10/26)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - Ensure that e-mail address to which we mail the user's password
+      in 'registeredNotify' comes from the member, rather than the
+      request (thanks to Yvo Schubbe for the report).
+    - Restrict ability to search members to users who have the 'List
+      portal members' permission (Collector #189).
+CMF 1.3.2 (2003/09/05)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - Initialize class security correctly on ActionProviderBase
+      (Collector #186).
+    - Remove ownership from filesystem-based skin methods, which
+      can't be trojaned, and therefore need not pay the performance
+      penalty of ownership checking.
+    - Skinnable: Fix __of__ method so that it does not remove previous
+      acquisition wrappers, which leads to invalid UIDs in the catalog
+      when indexing objects using methods acquired from "above" the CMF
+      site.
+    - Sort candiate selection list when adding a FilesystemTypeInfo
+      or ScriptableTypeInfo object to the types tool.
+    - Open filesystem-based skin methods as text files, to avoid
+      platform-specific line-ending issues (Collector #185).
+    - Correct security assertion on CMFDefault.Image's manage_afterAdd
+      (Collector #141).
+    - Ensure that the security attributes are reindexed on all
+      subobjects too when a folderish object changes state in the
+      workflow (Collector #115).
+    - Backport fix of CMFCore/tests/test_FSImage.py to work with
+      recent Zopes (> 2.6), which force HTTP headers to be strings.
+    - Use return instead of raise in RegistrationTool.testPropertiesValidity
+      if id is incorrect (Collector #48).
+    - CookieCrumbler: Accept authentication on HEAD requests. 
+      Thanks to Brent Hendricks.
+    - Correctly cleanup temporaries in CMFCore.MemberDataTool when
+      wrapping a user object (Collector #136).
+CMF 1.3.1 (2003/03/06)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - Fixed editSyInformationProperties in SyndicationTool to ensure  
+      that updateBase is saved as a DateTime instance.
+CMF 1.3.1beta1 (2003/02/26)
+  New Features
+    - Implemented PUT and GET support to CMFCalendar.Event for
+      editing via FTP/WebDAV (thanks to Sidnei da Silva).
+  Bug Fixes
+    - Fixed incorrect security declaration in File.py (Collector #91).
+    - Remove over-helpful default argument values in
+      'CMFDefault.DefaultDublinCoreImpl._editMetadata'.  Now, if
+      called without a value for an argument, the method will not
+      change that value.  Collector #10.
+    - Remove workaround in CMFCore.utils for recognizing links in
+      StructuredText:  STX in CMF content should now recognize exactly
+      the same links as the underlying Zope.  Note that we *do* still
+      provide a customized HTML class, to permit embedding images without
+      generating the "whole" page.  Collector #6.
+    - Remove bizarre, shadowing import of CMFCore.utils as 'utils'
+      into package namespace of CMFDefault;  instead, import specific
+      names from that package directly (thanks to Paul Winkler for
+      pointing out the incongruity).
+    - Fix (theoretical) bug in CMFCore.DirectoryView which allowed
+      non-registered directories to slip through (UI didn't exercise it).
+    - Merge Christian Theune's fix for funky default argument values on
+      CMFCalendar.Event's constructor and edit methods (collector #76).
+    - FSPageTemplates overwrote a user-generated 'Content-Type' header.
+      We now check to make sure a Content-Type header is not already set
+      before allowing a page template to set its own.
+    - Fixed bugs around 'addActionProvider' in ActionsTool (Collector #42).
+    - Fixed race condition in lazy initialization of filesystem-based skin
+      methods;  the bug led to odd name errors on 'context' for
+      FSPythonScripts (Collector #37).
+    - Removed crufty 'isDesktop' stuff from 'folder_factories' and
+      'folder_contents' methods.
+    - Fixed HTML-invalidating call to 'filterCookie' in 'folder_contents'.
+    - Fixed unclosed 'tr' element  in ZPT version of 'folder_edit_form'
+      (Collector #57).
+    - Fixed CalendarTool to use portal_type and not Type to search for
+      events in the catalog (Collector #28, thanks to Heimo Laukkanen
+      for the report).
+    - Fixed a bug in CalendarTool where events were not showing on the
+      last day of the month.
+CMF 1.3 (2002/08/06)
+  New Features
+    - FSPageTemplates now autodetect XML if a document has the standard
+      '&lt;?xml version="xx"?&gt;' at the top, setting the content_type to
+      "text/xml" so that it is parsed and served as XML.
+    - Added a 'Workflows' tab in the ZMI that displays the workflow
+      state of the object.
+    - Wired 'scrubHTML' check into default versions of 'document_edit'
+      and 'newsitem_edit' skins (site managers who prefer to allow
+      JavaScript in content can customize to remove the check).
+    - Added utility methods for checking / scrubbing HTML content of
+      unwanted tags:  
+      CMFDefault.utils:  scrubHTML, isHTMLSafe
+      Known bad tags ('script', 'applet', 'embed', 'object'),
+      attributes (starting with 'on'), and values (starting with
+      'javascript:') cause 'scrubHTML' to raise an exception;  unknown
+      tags are silently dropped.  'isHTMLSafe' returns true if
+      'scrubHTML' would not raise an exception on the same text.
+    - Exposed useful utility methods to scripting / skinning.
+      CMFCore.utils:  getToolByName, cookString, tuplize, format_stx,
+        keywordsplitter, normalize, expandpath, minimalpath
+      CMFDefault.utils:  formatRFC822Headers, parseHeadersBody,
+        semi_split, comma_split, seq_strip, tuplize, bodyfinder,
+        html_headcheck.
+    - Added two utility functions, 'isHTMLSafe' and 'scrubHTML', to
+      CMFDefault utils;  these modules check for / remove undesirable
+      tags from textual content.
+    - Made public functions of 'CMFCore.utils' and 'CMFDefault.utils'
+      available for scripting.
+    - Allowed Portal Folders to be discussable.
+    - Improved the ActionsTool so that permission checking for actions
+      is done in the context of the object for all categories that start
+      with 'object' or 'workflow', in the context of the folder for
+      those that start with 'folder', and in the context of the portal
+      otherwise. This is useful for admin-defined additional categories.
+  Bug Fixes
+    - Fixed Image and File so that they reindex on PUT.
+    - Fixed WorkflowTool so that it doesn't pretend to workflow non-CMF
+      objects (Collector #19).
+    - Removed redundant block of code from CMFDefault/Link.py (Collector
+      #18).
+    - Fixed discussion tree display not to embed entire HTML document
+      (Collector #17, thanks to Jeffrey Shell for the inspiration).
+    - Fixed CookieCrumbler to emit "Basic" and not "basic" auth as per
+      HTTP spec (Collector #14, thanks to Simon Eisenmann for the
+      report). This fixes some WebDAV locking problems with (rightfully)
+      picky clients, like ExternalEditor.
+    - Made old ListCriterion instances forward-compatible across earlier
+      addition of 'operator' field.
+    - Defaulted CMFCore.MembershipTool's createMemberArea flag to true,
+      to preserve existing behavior:  member area should be created by
+      default on first login (Collector #5).
+    - Hardened DefaultDublinCoreImpl's EffectiveDate() and
+      ExpirationDate() methods to deal better with older / uninitialzed
+      content.
+    - Refactored content construction in the Types tool to make
+      cataloguing and workflow notification more uniform.
+    - Made Undo work again by removing any LF in transaction ids.
+    - Made WorkflowTool.updateRoleMappings update security-related
+      indexes.
+    - Append '/' to links in skin templates to the root of the site, to
+      pacify clients which won't send Basic Auth tokens because the path
+      doesn't match.
+    - Removed the binding of Folder and Topic types to the default
+      workflow for newly-created CMFSites (Collector #4).  Note that
+      existing sites will still need to remove these bindings manually,
+      as indicated in the "Upgrading" section of INSTALL.txt.
+    - Updated initial action reported by CMFDefault's DefaultWorkflow:
+      was "joined", now "created".
+    - Fix 'index_html' template to filter using 'View' permission
+      (folders which were not viewable were triggering authentication,
+      instead of being skipped).
+    - Repair free-form subject entry on 'full_metadata_edit_form' (was
+      merging all keywords onto the same line, plus soft-wrapping!).
+      Likewise the "Contributors" textarea.
+    - Ensured that Link, File, and Image content objects reindex
+      themselves after edit (wrapping 'edit' as a WorkflowMethod no
+      longer guarantees that).
+    - Fixed CMFCalendar's "day view" to accomodate the removal of
+      'title' metadata from catalog in favor of 'Title' (thanks to
+      Dieter Maurer for pointing this out).
+    - Corrected a skins performance optimization (the version as
+      released in the beta did not take effect).
+CMF 1.3 beta2 (2002/07/07)
+  New Features
+    - Changed the modification date so that it is updated at reindex
+      time and does not rely anymore on bobobase_modification_time. This
+      makes export+import of objects not lose the modification date.
+      Before exporting objects created with an older CMF version,
+      reindex the "modified" index in the catalog (you just have to do
+      it once, and only if you need to export objects).
+    - Made the workflow tool compute chains using type names, as well
+      as instances (Tracker #441).
+    - Made the DCWorkflow worklists accept a list of formatted values
+      for cataloged variable matches. The separator is a semicolon
+      (Tracker #496).
+    - Made the security-related indexes of the portal catalog be updated
+      for all impacted objects whenever local roles are changed (Tracker
+      #494). This feature makes use of the 'path' index.
+    - Made 'path' (PathIndex) a standard index inside CMF. When
+      upgrading from earlier versions this index will have to be created
+      by hand.
+    - Enabled "within day" queries for FriendlyDateCriteria E.g.,
+      field="modified", value="Now", operation="within_day",
+      daterange="old" -> content which was modified "today".
+      (Tracker #474).
+    - Made the id of the current user available to old action providers
+      (DCWorkflow being a prime example) as 'user_id' (Tracker #495,
+      thanks to Luca Olivetti for the patch).
+    - Modified the 'standard_error_message' page template to show the
+      'error_log_url', if passed in (Zope 2.6 will pass this argument
+      if an error log is installed).
+    - Extended the metadata tool to permit passing the type name
+      directly (e.g., when building a new object, one might need to know
+      the allowed subjects before construction).
+    - Added a working calendar implementation to the CMFCalendar product,
+      which had previously provided only an Event content type.  Thanks to
+      Andy Dawkins for the work.
+    - Updated FS-based skin methods to read optional '.security files,
+      whcih control the role-permission mappings for each skin method.
+      See CMFCore/tests/fake_skins/fake_skin/test4.py.security for an
+      example.
+  Bugs Fixed
+    - Fixed PortalFolder's filtering so that it correctly restricts
+      itself to the portal types allowed by the TypesTool (Tracker #483).
+    - Fixed the TypesTool so that TypeInformation's Title is
+      decorrelated from its Id (the old TypeInformation.Type() should
+      not be used anymore). The Id is what gets put in the "portal_type"
+      attribute of a content object, which one gets at using
+      somecontent.getPortalTypeName(). The Title is returned by
+      somecontent.Type(). "portal_type" is now indexed, and in most
+      cases should be used when doing catalog queries instead of "Type".
+    - Provided all default skins (content_hide_form, content_show_form)
+      for the DCWorkflow default workflow [rev 2]. Note that, when using
+      this workflow, the descriptions in the retract and reject forms
+      are slightly incorrect as they mention the "private" state but in
+      fact go to the "visible" state.
+    - Fixed verification of portal types in the TypesTool to work in the
+      presence of portal types with a non-empty title (Tracker #497).
+    - Removed unintentional sharing of ActionInformation data between
+      class defaults and persistent instances derived from
+      ActionProviderBase.  Likewise for TypeInformation instances.
+    - Enabled creation of "My Stuff" folder for users (e.g., the manager)
+      authenticated "above" the normal user folder (Tracker #485, thanks
+      to Dieter Maurer for the patch).
+    - Fixed handling of discussion items so that they are correctly
+      indexed, unindexed and reinserted into the workflows when copied
+      or moved.
+    - Correctly reindex the just-reset workflow variables of an object
+      in a DCWorkflow after a paste.
+    - Correctly insert into the workflows the objects created by a
+      Scriptable Type.
+    - Fixed Friendly Date Criterion edit form to correctly display the
+      duration in its menu (Tracker #475, thanks to Axel Joester for the
+      patch).
+    - Fixed relative URL in metadata_edit_form that broke if the
+      main_template had a base tag (Tracker #506).
+    - Made discussion replies work correctly when hitting Enter in the
+      title field (Tracker #515), and corrected discussion Preview
+      followed by an Edit that lost body information (Tracker #516).
+    - Fixed the deletion of replies (Tracker #513, thanks to Stefan H.
+      Holek for the patch).
+    - Made the Link objects deal correctly with empty remote urls
+      (Tracker #507) and not strip trailing slashes (Tracker #451).
+    - Made content_type_registry deal correctly with TypeInfos that have
+      a title (Tracker #465, thanks to Juan Antonio Valiño García for
+      the patch).
+    - Changed CMFDefault.MembershipTool to not create a member folder at
+      member creation time when the memberareaCreationFlag is false
+      (Tracker #519). Note that any code that depended on the member
+      folder being created after addMember will fail, that code should
+      call createMemberarea directly if needed.
+    - Fixed CMFDefault.RegistrationTool to correctly check the lack of
+      'email' property when creating a new member or when checking
+      member's properties validity (Tracker #508).
+    - Fixed addtoFavorites to correctly add a favorite of someone else's
+      document (Tracker #501).
+    - Fixed CatalogTool to create a meta_type index; this is needed now
+      that ZCatalog doesn't create any default indexes when
+      instantiated.
+    - Fixed recent_news to use 'Title' instead of 'title' to display the
+      title of each news ('title' isn't indexed anymore).
+    - Fixed listFolderContents to take into account its optional 'spec'
+      argument.
+    - Fixed index_html to correctly filter out unauthorized subfolders
+      (Tracker #503).
+    - Fixed exception handling to not use a string exception in
+      PortalFolder (Tracker #512).
+    - Changed the permission protecting the "Join" action provided by
+      the default registration tool from "View" to "Add portal member"
+      (Tracker #509).
+    - Removed redundant "Syndication" action from SkinnedFolder; the
+      SyndicationTool provides this aciton. (Tracker #481)
+    - Updated INSTALL.txt to note the dependency of CMF on the TAL and
+      ZTUtils packages and on the PageTemplates product for Zopes < 2.5.
+      (Tracker #489).
+    - Updated CatalogTool to create a Vocabulary if none present (as
+      won't be for catalogs created under Zope 2.6).
+    - Adapted interface checks to work with new spellings in Zope 2.6
+      (older Zopes should still work).
+    - Removed '##bind' headers from FSPythonScripts where they only
+      repeat the defaults.
+    - Corrected patterns used for "HTML body stripping" to avoid
+      HTML embedded within structured text.
+    - Fixed computed action of form in 'folder_rename_form' (Tracker #511;
+      thanks to "yuppie" for the patch).
+    - Improved cacheability of skin images by using absolute URLs.
+    - Suppressed repeated load of FSImage content from filesystem
+      (should only happen when in debug mode).
+    - Repaired skin methods' read of '.properties' files, which hold
+      additional metadata about the skin method beyond what can be
+      expressed in the body.
+    - Updated caching policy manager tool to use correct date format
+      (RFC 1123 instead of RFC 822).
+CMF 1.3 beta 1 (2001/04/03)
+ New Features
+   - CMFDefault Documents, News Items and Discussion Items now support
+     a 'plain' text format, which simply HTML-quote's the text before
+     displaying it.
+   - Added CachingPolicyManager tool, which manages caching policies
+     for skin methods, and updated FSPageTemplate to use a CPM if
+     found.
+   - Added functionality such that only users who have the
+     view permission on the relevent Type object can create
+     content of that type.
+   - Added the ability to limit what types of object an
+     object of a given Portal Type can be created in. 
+     If 'Implicity Addable' is set (the default), then 
+     objects of that Type can be added anywhere.
+     If it is not set, then objects of that Type can only be 
+     added to objects whose Type's allowed_content_types
+     contains the Type.
+   - Enabled querying actions from workflow tool in absence
+     of actions tool (Tracker #401).
+   - Added 'operator' attribute to CMFTopic.ListCriterion, to permit
+     specifying an operator ('and', for the most part) for indexes which
+     support it, e.g., KeywordIndex (Tracker #442).
+   - Added ZMI interface for editing Link URL (Tracker #364).
+ Bugs Fixed
+   - Make ZMI editing of NewsItems safe (Tracker #472).
+   - Made generated home pages for new members participate fully in
+     workflow (Tracker #467).
+   - Added 'text_format' wiget to NewsItem's edit forms (Tracker #460).
+   - Fix sharing bug pointed out by Dieter Maurer (Tracker #484)
+     in ActionProviderBase.  Thanks for the patch!
+   - Added forwared-compatibility for "old" content (pre CMF 1.0!;
+     Tracker #454, thanks to Lucas Hofman for the patch).
+   - Made 'PortalFolder.invokeFactory' enforce the 'filter_content_types'
+     property of the folder's type information object.
+   - Added stripping of leading / trailing whitespace from
+     Subject keywords (Tracker #479, thanks to Lucas Hofman
+     for the patch!)
+   - Gave URL tool explicit __roles__, to enable use in 'nocall:'
+     expressions.
+   - Turned off auto-expansion of customized FSPageTemplates
+     (Tracker #477).
+   - Fixed ActionProvidorBase for the case when no permission 
+     is specified for an action that is added TTW.
+   - Fixed ActionsTool so that duplicate actions are stripped.
+   - Caused CMFDefault Portal constructor to strip passed-in id
+     before creating a portal object with that id.
+   - Allowed the ActionsTool to gracefully handle objects
+     which return ActionInformation objects. Thanks to 
+     Andy Dawkins for the analysis. (Tracker #457)
+   - Made workflow Expressions use the correct ModuleImporter
+     so that they operate correctly in their restricted 
+     environment. Thanks to Dieter Maurer for the patch.
+     (Tracker 463)
+   - Fixed incorrent permissions in "pending" state of default 
+     DCWorkflows. Thanks for Lynn Walton for the report and 
+     Florent Guillaume for the patch. (Tracker #464)
+   - Fixed missing comma that affected manager permission to modify
+     in the published state. Thanks to Florent Guillaume for the 
+     patch (Tracker #459)
+   - html_quote'd errors raised by FSPageTemplates. Thanks to 
+     Dieter Maurer for the patch. (Tracker #462)
+   - Fixed typo in zpt_stylesheet.css. Thanks to Florent Guillaume
+     for the patch. (Tracker #461)
+   - Fixed long standing bug in FSPythonScript where get_size returned
+     the incorrect length. This broke editing using EMACS via FTP or
+     WebDAV. Thanks to John Glavin at South River Technologies for
+     help finding the bug.
+   - Reworked functionality added in Tracker #409 which broke the 
+     Types Tool. (Tracker #458)
+   - Fixed bug whereby DirectoryView instances were not noticing
+     some of the changes they should when Zope was running in debug mode
+     on Windows (Tracker #305)
+   - Fixed a bug where the workflow notifyCreated method was called during
+     manage_afterAdd in PortalContent, making it possible for the
+     notification to occur on the wrong workflow.  The notification has 
+     moved to the contstructInstance method on the TypesTool after
+     the _setPortalTypeName method has been called on the object.
+   - Extended TypesTool to permit registration of new TypeInformation
+     implementations (Tracker #409, thanks to Jeffrey Shell for the
+     work!)
+   - Fixed a bug in Favorites.getObject to use restrictedTraverse on the portal
+     object.
+   - Made all tool-generated actions configurable through-the-web,
+     via an "Actions" tab on each tool;  made the list of ActionProviders
+     configurable TTW as well.
+   - Fixed setting the Link.format to URL_FORMAT so the initially returned
+     metadata headers would return 'text/url' properly.  Added unittests.
+   - Enabled querying actions from workflow tool in absence
+     of actions tool (Tracker #401).
+   - Fixed CMFDefault.utils.parseHeadersBody to properly handle the headers
+     generated on a windows app (i.e. Dreamweaver) with /r/n; added the
+     compiled regular expression object to the method signature.
+   - Added full webdav sipport code to Link.py.  Changed _writeFromPUT to call
+     _editMetadata instead of editMetadata.
+   - Made links emitted by 'topic_view' play nice with virtual hosting
+     (Tracker #433).
+   - Cleaned up emission of RFC822-style headers (Tracker #407),
+     terminating headers must be terminated with CRLF, and padding
+     continuation lines (for values with embedded newlines) with
+     leading whitespace).
+   - Ensure that package initialization files are non-empty, to prevent
+       suspicion that they were corrupted in download (Tracker #426).
+   - Added external method update_catalogIndexes.py to run as part of a
+     upgrade to CMFs migrating to Zope2.4+ from from CMF sites which were built
+     using Zope2.3 catalog
+   - Use ID to label Favorite when target has an empty Title (Tracker #440).
+   - Allowed sub-folders to have different syndication properties 
+     than parents (Tracker #421).
+   - Added 'CMFDefault.Upgrade.upgrade_decor_skins' external method to
+     convert existing sites which had installed skin directories from the
+     now-deprecated 'CMFDecor' product (Tracker #434).  Added note
+     explaining the issue, and the workaround, to 'ISSUES.txt'.
+   - Ensure that Favorites display the correct, absolute URL to their
+     target, without needing to have <base> tag set (Tracker #419).
+   - Worked around Opera's strange insistence on selecting an option,
+     even for multi-select lists (Tracker #332).
+   - Hardened CMFCore to initialize correctly in the absence of
+     the PageTemplates product (Tracker #430).
+   - Restored slot in <head> of ZPT main template into which content
+     can insert the <base> tag (Tracker #418).
+   - Fixed 'CMFTopic.SimpleIntegerCriterion.edit' to require a pair
+     of values when 'direction' is 'min:max';  updated skins to use
+     new 'getValueString', which renders such values properly
+     (Tracker #439).
+   - Ensured that Documents created with initial STX get cooked
+     (Tracker #435).
+   - Made links emitted by 'topic_view' play nice with virtual hosting
+     (Tracker #433).
+   - Made 'CMFCore/interfaces/__init__.py' non-empty, to remove suspicion
+     that the file was corrupted in the download (Tracker #426).
+CMF 1.2 beta (2001/12/07)
+  New features
+    - Added docs from the crack ZC docs guys; these docs live in
+      the top-level 'docs' directory.
+    - Merged CMFDecor product's artifacts into CMFCore /
+      CMFDefault;  theses aretifacts allow use of filesystem-based
+      Zope Page Templates as skins.
+      Note that the CMFDecor skin is the one which will be
+      receiving all our development focus:  we will fix bugs in the
+      DTML skins, but are not likely to invest significant effort
+      in upgrading it.
+    - Hooked 'manage_addFolder' to allow creation of PortalFolders
+      from both WebDAV, FTP, and ZMI.
+    - Improved tracebacks from broken FSDTMLMethods, which no longer
+      indicate that every problem is in RestrictedDTML.
+    - Made it possible to add CookieCrumblers in nested folders.
+      You can just drop in a cookie crumbler anywhere to change the
+      login form for that area of the site.  In fact, now you don't
+      have to create a user folder just to change the login
+      process.
+    - Made Link objects editable via FTP / WebDAV.
+    - Merged Chris Withers' FSSQLMethod into CMFCore.
+    - Added documentation for installing from CVS.
+    - Moved permission checking inside personalize_form to make
+      sure Anonymous cannot access it without logging in (CMF Tracker
+      Issue 349, thanks go to Bill Anderson).
+    - Added initial CMF use cases as FSSTXMethods in CMFDefault/help.
+    - Made validation methods of 'portal_metadata' available to
+      scripts.
+    - Made skinned 'index_html' reflect generic view on folder
+      content, rather than simple title/description of the portal.
+    - Added "Change and View" submit button to content editing
+      forms;  added check for this button to POST handlers in CMFDefault,
+      and indirected redirect targets in those methods through
+      'getActionByID'.
+    - Added knob for skin cookie persistence to SkinsTool's
+      "properties" tab.  The default policy (unchanged) is that
+      skin cookies expire at the end of the browser session.  if
+      Skin Cookie Persistence is checked the cookie will last a
+      full yesr.
+    - Added an API to the 'portal_actions' interface for querying,
+      adding, and removing action providers.
+    - Added a "multi-review" form, enabling a reviewer to publish
+      or reject multiple items at once, using a common comment.
+    - Added ZMI tab to DirectoryView to allow re-basing the
+      filesystem path.
+    - Added "breadcrumbs" to CMFDecor skins.
+    - Added initial support for WebDAV locaking to PortalContent.
+    - Added SortCriterion to list of criterion types for Topics,
+      to permit sorting of results.
+    - Added "Local Roles" action to folders to ease collaboration.
+    - Add scarecrow assertions for the CMF-centric interfaces, and
+      made the actual interfaces compatible with the standard
+      Zope Interface package.
+    - Made FSSTXMethod display skinnable, and added ZPT version.
+    - Added 'visible' attribute to TypeInformation actions, to
+      permit indirection (via 'getActionById') without exposing the
+      action in the CMF UI.
+    - Extended MetadataTool to allow adding / removing element specs
+      (i.e., it can now manage policies for "custom" schemas, as
+      well as Dublin Core).
+  Bug fixes
+    - Refactored content and metadata editing methods of
+      DefaultDublinCoreImpl, Document, and NewsItem to disentangle
+      the excessive coupling.  Each "path" for editing now has a
+      "presentation"-level method, which directs traffic and
+      reindexes the object;  the underlying methods are much
+      simplified.
+    - Fixed inner / named links in Document / News Item (thanks to 
+      Kenichi Sato for the patch!)
+    - Ensured that editing methods handle WebDAV locks correctly,
+      using a new 'failIfLocked' assertion.
+    - Added cookString method to CMFCore.utils for taking a string
+      and making it id friendly, it also does a string.lower on the
+      resultant regex.  Changed TypesTool to utilize cookString to
+      ensure that action ids are properly formated if the name is
+      being used as the id.
+    - Added 'getReply' to CMFDefault.DiscussionItem.DiscussionItemContainer,
+      to permit access to an individual reply without needing to
+      do traversal.
+    - Corrected pass-through of 'file' and 'seatbelt' arguments in
+      new 'CMFDefault.Document.edit' method;  also sync'ed ZMI edit
+      method for documents with standard protocol (Tracker #417).
+    - Added cookString method to CMFCore.utils for taking a string and
+      making it id friendly, it also does a string.lower on the resultant
+      regex.
+    - Made examples in INSTALL.txt less terse, and added notes on
+      Windows-specific issues (thanks to Johan Mukhsein for the
+      suggestions).
+    - Made error message generated by FSPropertiesObject capture the
+      offending line and line #;  also, added logic to allow blank
+      lines and comment lines beginning with '#' (tracker #338).
+    - Added fixup to Link objects for user-entered URLs which don't
+      supply scheme:  for example, fix up 'www.zope.com' to
+      'http://www.zope.com'.  (tracker #361)
+    - Updated CMFCore.CatalogTool to allow new, optional 'idxs'
+      argument to 'catalog_object' (tracker #405).
+    - Added a workaround for the problem where the CookieCrumber
+      set cookies even though the user entered an incorrect password.
+      RESPONSE.unauthorized() now cancels the cookie response
+      header.  The new login_form and logged_in form both try to
+      invoke unauthorized(), so make sure you install the new
+      forms.
+    - Implement the notional 'search results item' interface for
+      SkinnedFolder.
+    - Corrected solecism in Topic (use of 'criteria' for singular);
+      removed the need to know about the funky generated IDs for
+      criterion objects.  Fixed derived bug in skins (tracker #408).
+    - Modified error-logging code to avoid potential leaks of
+      traceback frame.
+    - Made Document's 'manage_FTPget' use 'EditableBody', rather than
+      accessing 'text' attribute directly (improves reusability).
+      Likewise 'Document.SearchableText'.
+    - Merged Seb Bacon's refactoring of 'getDefaultView' into
+      'CMFCore.utils._getView'; clients can now specify a view by name,
+      as well.
+    - Made the default content type for Image 'image/png', instead
+      of the unintuitive 'text/html' inherited from DefaultDublinCoreImpl
+      (tracker #384).
+    - Corrected typo in ActionsTool which broke actions for the root
+      portal object (tracker #379).
+    - Updated the MemberDataTool to use an OOBTree, instead of the
+      old-style BTree, to store member data wrappers (CMF Tracker 375).
+    - Corrected 'personalize_form' to use 'getProperty' where feasible,
+      rather than relying on direct attribute access (tracker #372).
+    - Removed an incompatibility with LoginManager in
+      CMFCore.MembershipTool (tracker #365).
+    - Removed an infinite loop condition that arises when
+      MembershipTool.createMemberArea gets called inside wrapUser
+      (this could only happen if "Create Member Area" was checked
+      in the Membership tool.)
+    - Added new 'TitleOrId' skin method, and updated skins to
+      depend on it rather than SimpleItem.title_or_id.
+    - Made unit tests runnable without reliance on 'zctl test'.
+    - Corrected initial column set in catalog to include
+      "ModificationDate" instead of "ModifiedDate".
+    - Ensured that object is recatalogued (e.g., after setting
+      'portal_type';  thanks to Florent Guillaume).
+    - Removed silly dependency of 'CatalogTool.searchResults' on
+      REQUEST (catalog already does the Right Thing (tm) when no
+      REQUEST is available).  Note that this requires updates to
+      the 'search' skins, as they didn't pass it in.
+    - Changed redirect target after rejecting an item to the search
+      page for pending content items;  this resolves the problem
+      that the non-Manager reviewr who rejects an item no longer
+      has View permission on it, and therefore gets an Unauthorized
+      when redirecting to the object's view action.
+    - Moved generation of the "Add to Favorites" and "My Favorites"
+      links from the CMFCore/ActionsTool into the
+      CMFDefault/MembershipTool, which is a more logical location
+      for it because it relies on information from the membership tool.
+    - Made Topic directly publishable (like PortalContent), using its
+      'view' action (or the first action found, if view is not present).
+    - Set title for newly-created member folders;  fixes
+      breadcrumbs that expect a title on the object.
+    - Allow URLs with query strings in StructuredText links.
+    - Update 'news_box' to search based on 'Type', rather than
+      'meta_type'.
+    - Fix 'SkinnedFolder.Creator()' to call 'getOwner()' with
+      info argument.
+    - Made CookieCrumbler check for 'WEBDAV_SOURCE_PORT'
+      environment variable (supplied by Zope 2.4.1+), and bail on
+      intercepting authentication if found.
+    - Included 'Owner' in list of significant roles returned by
+      'MembershipTool.getPortalRoles' (e.g., so that the
+     "Local Roles" interface can allow assignment of it).
+    - Allow users with local role of "Reviewer" to see the "pending
+      review" action.
+    - Made TypesTool, rather than individual type objects,
+      responsible for generating "immediate view" URL;  type
+      objects now return the newly-created object, which makes
+      scripting them much simpler.
+    - Remove fossilized reference to 'getSecurityManager' from
+      'PortalContent._verifyActionPermissions'.
+    - Modified the redirect after "Add to Favorites" to us the
+      view action, rather than 'view'.
+    - Fixed 'Document.guessFormat()' to use
+      'utils.html_headcheck()' instead of 'bodyfinder' regex to
+      detect structured text versus html;  avoids recursion limit
+      for large HTML files.
+    - Removed spurious 'afterCreate' protocol for content objects.
+    - Added mapping of 'css' file extension to FSDTMLMethods.
+    - Modifed PortalFolder.listFolderContents to handle
+      permission-based filtering; duplicates what skip_unauthorized
+      is doing in DocumentTemplate/DT_IN.py (but works for ZPT as
+      well).
+    - Modified CMFDefault.RegistrationTool.addMember to avoid
+      flunking validation if properties are not passed (Tracker
+      #335).
+    - Applied patch from Chris Withers to 'register' skin method;
+      the patch which avoids quoting problems for the error message
+      if a problem occurs (Tracker #339).
+    - Added 'DiscussionItem.replyCount' (Tracker #328).
+      'DiscussionItem.hasReplies' now returns only a boolean value.
+      Standard skins don't call 'replyCount' due to performance
+      concerns.
+    - Factored content filtering logic into a Python Script.
+    - Improved handling of multiple rename targets (thanks to Chris
+      Withers for the patch.)
+    - Completed conversion of form targets from DTML Methods to
+      Python Scripts.
+    - Improved compatibility with Zope 2.4:
+      o support for new "restricted execution" mode;
+      o support for new catalog initialization API.
+      o updated 'test_all' unit test drivers to use standard
+        'unittest' module from Python 2.1 (it no longer has
+        'JUnitTestTextRunner' class).
+CMF 1.1 final (2001/06/20)
+  New features
+    - Landed "skinned folder" module, which permits creation of
+      "folderish" types with customized replacements for 'index_html'.
+    - Added 'run_all_tests' script, to simplify running all unit
+      tests for CMF-related products.
+    - Factored out index and column lists, to ease customization
+      (Tracker #289)
+    - Modified DefaultDublinCoreImpl#setContributors() to use new
+      tuplize functionality (the ability to pass in a different
+      splitter function).  If a string is passed in to
+      setContributors(), it gets split on semicolons.  This allows
+      setting of contributor strings to be like
+       "Doe, John E (john at doe.a.deer); The Mertz Family Foundation; PBS"
+      If one so deeply and dearly desired.  (The above would turn
+      into a three element tuple).
+    - Made it possible to map "normal" Zope objects as content
+      (Tracker #283):
+      o Skin and tool code which used to query the object
+        for its Type in order to then ask the types tool for a
+        TypeInfo object now just asks the types tool for type
+        TypeInfo object directly.
+      o Modified the TypesTool interface to signal that passing an
+        object to 'getTypeInfo' is acceptable, with the semantic
+        that the tool will attempt to find a TypeInfo object based
+        on the tool's type or metatype.
+    - Expanded signature of Document.CookedBody to change the
+      header levels Structured Text starts rendering at, and
+      whether to preserve those changes, following the following
+      logic:
+        If the format is html, and 'stx_level' is not passed in or
+        is the same as the object's current settings, return the
+        cached cooked text.  Otherwise, recook.  If we recook and
+        'setlevel' is true, then set the recooked text and
+        stx_level on the object.
+  Bug fixes
+   - Hardened DirectoryView against objects which raise exceptions
+     during initial reads (typically due to permission problems);
+     these objects now capture and log the exception, and create
+     a BadFile object which allows browsing the traceback via the
+     ZMI (Tracker #317).
+   - Stopped polluting the browser with persistent skin cookie;
+     clear it as well on logout (Tracker #304).
+   - Cleaned up folder content filtering (Tracker #298, thanks
+     to Chris Withers for the patch).
+   - Implement new "List folder contents" permission (Tracker
+     #320), to prevent non-privileged users from being able to
+     browse 'folder_contents' (permission is by default mapped
+     to 'Owner' and 'Manager').
+     Note that this is really only a UI change:
+     'PortalFolder.contentIds', 'PortalFolder.contentValues', and
+     'PortalFolder.contentItems' are still public, to allow for
+     reasonable "site map" views on folders.
+   - Use saner type ID listing in 'search_form' (Tracker #324).
+   - Rewired "POST target" skin methods, replacing filesystem-based
+     DTML Methods with filesystem-based Python Scripts (from
+     Tracker #301 -- thanks to Chris Withers).
+   - Implemented *LARGE* patch to CMFDefault.DiscussionItem and
+     CMFDefault.DiscussionTool, plus removal of
+     CMFDefault.Discussions:  changed threading strategy to remove
+     dependency on the path of the "host" content object.  Includes
+     an ExternalMethod, CMFDefault/Extensions/update_discussion.py,
+     which must be run to convert existing content which contains
+     discussion.
+   - Overrode DublinCore's isEffective in CMFCalendar.Event to
+     always return true;  this change prevents blocking view of
+     the event by standard_html_header.
+   - Updated INSTALL.txt to note that:
+      o Use with Zope 2.4.0a1 is *not* recommended.
+      o CMFDecor requires Zope Page Templates (Tracker #291).
+     and to describe upgrade process from CMF 1.0.
+   - Fixed typo in 'Unauthorized' exception raised by
+     'PortalContent._getDefaultView'.
+   - Made all content types findable by catalog (Tracker #286).
+   - Ensured that ContentTypeRegistry's "Test" tab doesn't puke if
+     no MIMEtype is entered, or if one is entered which doesn't
+     have a '/' in it (Tracker #292).
+   - Suppressed overwrite of Subject when no 'Subject' or
+     'Keywords' headers were present (Tracker #294).
+   - Ensured that 'Type' is indexed in newly-created
+     'portal_catalog'.
+   - Fixed acquisition stripping in PortalContent.objectItems().
+   - Modified CMFDefault.DublinCore.getMetadataHeaders() to join
+     Subject by commas, instead of spaces.  Since we parse/split
+     Subject on commas or semicolons now when a document is saved
+     by FTP or WebDAV, we need to feed it out in the same format.
+   - Fleshed out security declarations for 'portal_metadata' tool.
+   - Corrected pathname of 'MemberDataTool.memberdataContents' to
+     account for use of '_dtmldir' (thanks to Ricardo Newbery for
+     the patch!).
+   - Fixed buglet resulting from uninitialized local in
+     'PortalContent.objectItems' (thanks to Seb Bacon for the
+     patch).
+   - Modified stock 'search_form' to query 'Type' rather than
+     'meta_type'.
+   - Removed debugging / "paranoia" print statements (thanks to
+     Chris Withers for the patches).
+CMF 1.1 beta (2001/06/01)
+  New features
+    - Added CMFCore.utils.keywordsplitter to construct 'Subject'
+      dublin core header from both 'Keywords' and 'Subject' headers
+      passed in (meta tags/rfc822).
+    - CMF Document now uses StructuredTextNG for structured text
+      handling.  Nicely enough, it uses the "with images" features, and
+      also enables named and inner links.
+    - CMF Document exposes two new accessor methods for getting at the
+      "cooked" and editable body, 'CookedBody()', and 'EditableBody()'.
+      Using the 'cooked_text' and 'text' instance attributes should be
+      considered deprecated.
+    - Added new "exemplar" content product, CMFCalendar, which
+      (for now) adds a simple content object, Event.  This product
+      serves a similar didactic purpose as CMFTopic (which is now
+      "in the core"):  it shows how to build new content types as
+      filesystem products.
+    - Implemented improved "safety belt" for concurrent Document
+      editing.  See the dogbowl proposal,
+       http://cmf.zope.org/rqmts/proposals/ContentSafetyBelt
+    - Added new filesystem-based skin method type, FSSTXMethod, for
+      creating "methods" which render STX.
+    - Exposed "controlled vocabulary" for Subject in
+      'metadata_edit_form'.
+    - Gave 'portal_skins' tool its own PUT_factory (Tracker #238).
+      Allows site builder to create skin methods via WebDAV/FTP,
+      including ZPT, PythonScripts, etc.
+    - Implemented "outbound" segment of the "Syndication tool"
+      proposal, q.v.,
+       http://cmf.zope.org/CMF/Members/andrew/folderRSS
+    - Made 'PUT_factory' use new 'content_type_registry' tool.
+    - Made 'PUT_factory' use 'invokeFactory', so that objects
+      created via PUT have their 'portal_type' set properly.
+    - Added ContentTypeRegistry class and related predicates for
+      mapping PUT requests (name,content_type,body) to type object
+      names.
+    - Allowed Reviewers to "retract" published content owned by
+      others.
+    - Added "Overview" ZMI view to tools.
+    - Added "Dublin Core" ZMI view to PortalContent;  added an
+      editing view for Document and derivatives.
+    - Added "drop-in" workflow objects to the WorkflowTool,
+      including the ability to map workflows onto content types.
+    - Changed CMFDefault.Portal to install CMF Topic by default
+      when building a new CMF Site.
+    - Added a new criteria type, *FriendlyDateCriterion*, to
+      CMFTopic for building queries like 'When effective_date is
+      less than five days old'.
+    - Implemented 'portal_metadata' tool.  See the dogbowl
+      proposal,
+      http://cmf.zope.org/rqmts/proposals/completed/metadata_tool. 
+    - Extended DirectoryView objects to reload when the directory
+      they represent has changed, if Zope is running in debug mode.
+    - Added hooks to CookieCrumbler to permit site managers to
+      customize seting/expiring of the authentication cookie by
+      adding PythonScripts; two default filesystem implementations
+      are in CMFDefault's "control" skin.
+    - Extended TypesTool to deal appropriately with DTML factory
+      methods (e.g., for ZClasses).
+    - Made FSDTMLMethods searchable from the ZMI (Issue PTK(251)[]).
+  Bug Fixes
+    - Added 'manage_beforeDelete' to DiscussionItemContainer class,
+      and propagated to it from content deletion (Tracker #269).
+    - Only display the "join" action if the user has the "Add
+      portal member" permission.
+    - Check for appropriate REQUEST variables before invoking
+      CopySupport machinery, return a nice 'portal_status_message'
+      instead of allowing the traceback to kick in (Tracker #247).
+    - Initialize default DublinCore metadata for the site, so that
+      *some* value is available everywhere (Tracker #285).
+    - Add module-level globals aliases, to permit other products
+      to use elements of skins (Tracker #273).
+    - Replaced 'metadata_edit' DTMLMethod with PythonScript.
+    - Updated 'metadata_edit' to avoid clearing values not passed
+      in REQUEST (Tracker #268).
+    - Removed spurious whitespace being added to Subject.
+    - Fixed FSPythonScript to open file in text mode, so that
+      Windows verstions with CR don't cause the parser to choke
+      (Tracker #284).
+    - Simplified login-disabling logic in CookieCrumbler.
+    - Added '<base>' tag to headers of Document, NewsItem, and
+      DiscussionItem so that relative links work properly.
+    - Fixed the ActionsTool to suppress adding a trailing '/' to
+      "empty" action URL's.
+    - Fixed Document's content type sniffing to deal with odd case
+      in which "entire" HTML document was embedded as an STX
+      example.
+    - Replaced literal string permissins with "named permissions",
+      imported from modules in most places. (Please report any
+      which escaped!)
+    - Moved 'factory_type_information' registry entries back out
+      to the relevant modules (instead of lumping them in
+      CMFDefault.Portal).
+    - Simplified NewsItem to "Document with a twist" (NewsItems now
+      inherit lots of useful behavior from Document.
+    - Aliased DublinCore's Format() as 'content_type', so that
+      Zope's WebDAV support will do the Right Thing (TM) when
+      handling a PROPFIND.
+    - Suppressed "eager redirect" behavior in CookieCrumbler for
+      FTP or WebDAV (note that WebDAV fix only works for "extra"
+      HTTP methods; GET/PUT/POST still redirect).
+    - Made sure to update the catalog when a content object's
+      parent is deleted / moved (Tracker #261).
+    - Fixed lossage to File objects when no upload supplied
+      (Tracker #271).
+    - Fixed "Add to Favorites" when applied to Folders.
+    - Suppressed "Members" link in topbar (pointed to 'roster' method)
+      for users who would not be able to see it.
+    - Fixed irritating bugs in setting of skin-selection cookie.
+    - Removed ugly '_mimetype_registry' hack for 'PUT_factory'.
+    - Fixed a bug in CMFDefault.Document with PUT that only affected
+      FTP: when a StructuredText document that contained a full HTML
+      example (complete with <html>, <head>, and <body> tags) in its
+      body, it would pass the "does it smell like HTML" test and throw
+      everything away that wasn't inside the first matching pair of
+      <body> tags it found.  Funnily enough, this bug was exposed when
+      trying to save an article about how to use FTP with Zope and the
+      CMF that contained such an example.
+    - Fixed glitch caused by '<dtml-return>' in
+      CMFDefault/skins/control/reconfig.dtml.  Thanks to Hans de Wit
+      <hw at scp.nl> for reporting this!
+    - Allowed 'portal_type' to be a method, as well as an attribute
+      (eases ZClass-as-content).
+    - Fixed search form to pass 'created' instead of 'date' (probably
+      need 'modified', too);  also, added selection list for 'Subject',
+      and fixed the "Last Month" option value.
+    - Fixed non-import in CMFCore/WorkflowCore.py (Tracker #239,
+      thanks to 'snej' for the patch).
+    - Updated CatalogTool to handle searchable vs. displayable DublinCore
+      dates properly.
+    - Replaced usage of .id with .getId() all through the CMF, to
+      conform with the new SimpleItem API. Thanks to Jens Quade
+      <jq at jquade.de> for pointing this out. (Issue PTK(241)[]).
+    - Extended 'index_html' to render portal description using STX
+      (Tracker #246).
+    - Updated CMFDefault skins to use Contentish.getIcon, including
+      the portal catalog. This greatly simplifies using ZClasses as
+      content. In CMFDefault/scripts you will find
+      'convertCatalogGetIconColumn.pys), a Python Script that will
+      convert your existing Catalog to use 'getIcon' instead of
+      'icon' (Issue PTK(244)[]). Also, synched interface definition
+      to show the 'relative_to_portal' argument.
+    - Extended 'folder_factories' to filter type objects using
+      'isConstructionAllowed' in 'PortalFolder.allowedContentTypes'
+      (Tracker #249).
+    - Fixed display of replies on discussion items.
+    - Made appropriate use of 'portal_url', instead of BASEPATH
+      ad hockery, in skin methods (Tracker #259).
+    - Synched interface definition of 'Contentish.getIcon' with
+      reality (documented 'relative' parameter).
+    - Fixed "Ever" entry in 'search_form' to use a value safe in
+      timezones east of GMT (Tracker #236).
+    - Deprecated the CMFDefault.File.download method; it is still
+      available, but is no longer called by the current CMF skin,
+      nor is index_html aliased to it.
+      The method was necessary when the "View' method was the
+      default action when calling the URL of the File object, this
+      is no longer the case. The setting of the Content-Disposition
+      header is not needed when using the absolute URL of the
+      object, and causes certain browsers to misbehave.
+CMF 1.0 final (2001/03/29)
+  Bug Fixes
+    - Removed embedded spaces in 'portal_status_message' strings
+      (thanks to Dieter Maurer for pointing this out)
+    - Added 'index_html' (copy/paste from CMFCore.PortalContent?!?) so
+      that topics become directly publishable (thanks to Dieter
+      Maurer for pointing this out).
+    - Removed references to 'Images/' in skin DTML, adding an extra
+      item to the default skins' lookup path. In CMFDefault/scripts
+      you will find 'addImagesToSkinPaths.pys', a Python Script that
+      adds the extra name to all your skin paths. (Tracker issue
+      #205).
+    - Added FSPythonScripts, allowing filesystem-based skins to
+      expose customizable PythonScripts.
+    - Fixed CMF Tracker item (207), "HTML test when editing a Portal
+      Document is ambiguous".  Now, the same regular expression used
+      to scoop out the contents of the <body> tags, which is case
+      insensitive, is also used to detect whether the document may
+      be HTML.
+    - Converted physical path to string (Tracker #224).
+    - Fixed 'Creator' metadata for DiscussionItems (tracker issue
+      #206, thanks to Jeff Sasmor for the patch!).
+    - Added simple search field for 'Subject' (Tracker #213).
+    - Fixed CMF Tracker issue 211, "Topics have Folder icon" by
+      finally moving the Topic icon into the skins, and writing a
+      custom icon() method that uses getIcon (Subclassing from
+      PortalFolder made this behavior strange).
+    - Changed CMFDefault.Document__init__ to call self.edit at the
+      end, instead of self._parse, which means that HTML can finally
+      be passed into the constructor.  Unit tests verify that
+      initializing with just the 'id' gives the proper results.
+    - Added installation script (external method) for CMFTopic.
+    - Ensured that content metatypes show up in the types list of the
+      portal_catalog tool (Tracker issue #209, thanks to Jeff
+      Sasmor).
+    - Fixed unwanted multiple font reductions on 'recent_news'
+      (Tracker issue #215).
+    - Changed visited link color to enhance readability.
+    - Fixed PNG transparency of logo (for NS 4.7).
+    - Allowed Contributors to publish content directly (Tracker
+      issue #216).
+    - Gave more real estate to skin path fields (Tracker issue
+      #226).
+    - Added simple listing of subtopics to the default view (Tracker
+      issue #214).
+    - Regularized DiscussionItem.absolute_url (further work on
+      Tracker issues #203 & #206).
+    - Made 'addToFavorites' work as skinned method of target, and
+      work for DiscussionItems (Tracker issue #227).
+    - Moved actual mail sending into CMFDefault.RegistrationTool, to
+      avoid having to give proxy roles to the skin methods involved
+      (Tracker issue #160).
+    - Add member count to roster display.
+    - Made 'review_state' workflow info publically visible.
+    - Made DiscussionItem.getReplies() and
+      DiscussionItemContainter.getReplies() show only 'published'
+      replies (allows retraction, for now).
+    - Fixed WorkflowAction.__call__ to use the correct method name
+      for exception notification (Tracker issue #232).
+    - Ensure that reply's Creator propagates through preview (thanks
+      to Jeff Sasmor for reporting that our fix to Tracker issue
+      #206 missed the "Preview" case).
+    - Removed crufty calls to registerPortalContent.
+    - Trimmed over-long item IDs in actions box (Tracker issue #
+      234;  thanks to Jeff Sasmor and Steve Alexandar for the patch).
+CMF 1.0 beta (2001/03/05)
+  Changes
+   - Migrated from old PTK repository on cvs.zope.org.
+   - Changed package and module names:  'PTKBase' has become
+     (mostly) 'CMFCore';  'PTKDemo', 'CMFDefault'.
+   - Added package 'CMFTopic', which provides a new content type,
+     'Topic';  topics are "logical" folders, which aggregate
+     content based on catalog searches against metadata.
+   - Revised discussion mechanism to store discussion with its
+     underlying content (rather than in members' "Correspondence"
+     folders).
+   - Made the membership system agnostic to the kind of user
+     folder, including whether it is found in the portal or not.
+   - "Skinned" the portal UI and all the content objects,
+     enabling portal managers to replace it "piecemeal", safely.
+   - Implemented local type registration, allowing portal
+     managers to configure and extend the types addable in the
+     portal.
+   - Add 'PortalFolder.allowedContentTypes' and supporting machinery
+     in type info objects, to permit configuration of the content
+     types addable to a given folder type.
+CMF 0.10alpha (2001/02/02)
+  Changes
+    - Fixed breakage of "reply" feature introduced by new
+      constructor regime (PTK Tracker #159).
+    - Make creation of an 'acl_users' in the portal itself optional.
+    - Add mapping of external roles (i.e., belonging to a user
+      retrieved from an acquired user folder) onto "portal-specific"
+      roles.  For example, users from the root user folder may
+      have the "Employee" role;  the 'portal_membership' tool can
+      map this role onto the "Member" role needed by the portal.
+    - Corrected HTML quoting of Document text (PTK Tracker #154).
+    - If content_url is not None and the user has their own member
+      folder (as returned by 'portal_membership.getHomeUrl') then
+      two new actions will show up in the user-related action box:
+      o "Add to Favorites", adds an item to the user's "Favorites"
+        folder, which will get created underneath the user's home
+        folder if not present.
+      o "My Favorites", linked to the Favorites folder (if the
+        member has one).
+    - Add 'Favorites' content type (derived from 'Link', optimized
+      for objects within the same site).
+    - Add 'PTKBase.interfaces.Contentish', an interface describing
+      non-metadata methods for all content objects.
+    - Added cool new portal icon -- thanks to Michael Bernstein!
+    - Add 'simple_metadata' and 'metadata_help' methods, for easing
+      "constructorish" capture of metadata.  Also demos "skinning"
+      object-specific DTML.
+    - Rearranged base classes to deal with the fact that SimpleItem
+      now has a _setId() method.
+    - Added a "quick start" script for creating a new INSTANCE_HOME
+      sandbox (e.g., to allow easy experimentation with new-style
+      portal).
+    - Remove "metadata" editing from most "normal" edit forms.
+    - Tweak stylesheets to make Netscrape 4.x more happy (links on
+      secondary accent areas wouldn't show).
+    - Enforced standard construction interface (only 'id' is
+      required) on all "stock" content types.
+    - Added default factory registration in 'portal_types' for all
+      "stock" content types.
+    - Add 'portal_types' tool, allowing registry of type / constructor
+      information about portal content which may be created in a given
+      portal instance (replaces 'Wizards' folder as type registry).
+    - Added the description property to those attributes shown on the
+      "view" screen for a file object (PTK Tracker #153).
+    - Added credentialsChanged hook which can now work with
+      CookieCrumblers.
+    - Added Shane Hathaway's CookieCrumbler product, which spoofs
+      HTTP Basic Auth for "don't know from cookies" user folders.
+    - Add object for mapping property lists as filesystem object (to
+      support parameterized stylesheet).  These objects are
+      customized as normal Folders, which allows a great deal of
+      flexibility.
+    - Corrected 'PTKDemo.File.edit' to avoid replacing file contents
+      with empty string when no file is uploaded (PTK Tracker #152).
+    - Remove distribution-tab verisons of TTW products.
+    - Remove derived UML model files (UML-HTML).
+    - Added the PortalGenerator class, which is a subclassable portal
+      instance creator, and created a new addable meta type.
+    - Removed ZClass dependency from PropertiesTool.
+    - Corrected glitch that 'PTKDemo.PortalObject.manage_options'
+      was inherited from ObjectManager rather than PortalFolder.
+    - Add 'PUT_factory' to PTKBase.PortalFolder (make it replaceable,
+      too!)
+    - Register PTKDemo content class metatypes with PTKBase.PortalFolder's
+      MIME-type registry.
+    - Unscrew PTKDemo.Document's dependence on vanished
+      NullPortalResource.
+    - Clean up CSS in DemoPortal (PTK Tracker #124).
+    - Remove dependency on PythonMethod in DemoPortal (PTK Tracker #151).
+    - Integrated user preference for "skin" with 'portal_skins'
+      options.
+    - Added capability to filter * 'PortalFolder.content{Ids,ValuesItems}'
+      based on metadata queries.
+    - Migrated skins from 'DemoPortal/Interfaces' folders into
+      filesystem skins directories.
+    - Improved integration of FSDTMLMethod and FSImage with output from
+      the FSDump product.
+    - New tab for the member data tool: 'contents' displays the number
+      of members stored in the member data tool and also the number
+      of "orphaned" members, meaning those that do not appear in the
+      underlying acl_users anymore. a button is provided to "prune"
+      those orphaned members.
+    - Added methods to examine the contents of the meber data tool and to
+      prune all those members who have been deleted out of the underlying
+      'acl_users'.
+    - Fixed bug when adding the mailhost during Portal initialization.
+    - Added the portal_memberdata tool, which can wrap any user object with
+      member properties.  Yeehaw!  the portal no longer needs a special
+      user folder!
+    - Add 'portal_skins' tool, enabling safe TTW customization of the default
+      portal UI, which will be delivered as filesystem-based skin folders.
+      Huge kudos to Shane Hathaway, who figured out a sane way to do this!
+    - Extend fix for PTK Tracker #149 to 'generic' and 'sweng' interfaces.
+    - Append '/view' to search results in order to allow navigation
+      to objects which don't use standard header/footer in their
+      'index_html', e.g., Images.  (PTK Tracker Issue #149)
+    - Add meta_type to DiscussionItem (PTK Tracker Issue #150).
+    - Integrate Dan Pierson's patch to show discussion threads inline
+      (PTK Tracker issue #93).
+    - Fix PTK Tracker #145 (PTKDemo/Portal.py or MailHost broken):  the
+      2000/12/08 hotfix removed the "legacy" name, 'manage_addMailHost'.
+    - Fix PTK Tracker #148 ('Table rows need vertical align')
+    - Fix PTK Tracker #147 ("PTKDemo's Metadata HTML is ugly").
+    - Fix PTK Tracker issue #136 ('CSS selection broken').
+    - Fix Tracker issue #141 ('Wizard product has broken subobjects list').
+    - Remove redundant 'description' arg from constructors (PTK Tracker
+      issue #142;  thanks to jon at totient.demon.co.uk for reporting this).
+    - Enable FTP upload/creation of NewsItems
+    - Add the ability to query and set DublinCore metadata via FTP:
+      o Updated PTKDemo.DemoDublinCore.DemoDublinCore to add a
+        method, 'getMetadataHeaders()', which builds a list of
+        DublinCore headers, suitable for inclusion in <meta> tags
+        or in "Structured Text Headers".  
+      o Updated PTKDemo.Document.Document to export/import the
+        metadata when accessed via FTP.
+    - Fix PortalFolder.all_meta_types() to allow non-content.
+    - Fix PortalFolder.listActions() to return a tuple, not a list

Added: Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/INSTALL.txt
--- Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/INSTALL.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/INSTALL.txt	2007-09-24 22:59:50 UTC (rev 79952)
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+Installing CMF 2.1
+  Requirements
+    - Zope v. 2.10.4 or later
+  Assumptions
+    - New installation
+    - Zope configured using INSTANCE_HOME, /var/zope, and
+      SOFTWARE_HOME, /usr/local/zope/Zope-2.10.4
+  Procedure
+    1. Unpack the CMF-2.X.tar.gz tarball into a working
+       directory. For instance::
+        $ cd /usr/local/zope
+        $ tar xzf /tmp/CMF-2.X.tar.gz
+       Note for Windows users:  if you are using WinZip to unpack
+          the file, be *sure* to disable the "TAR file smart CR/LF
+          expansion" option (thanks to Frank McGeough for tracking
+          down this problem!)
+    2. Link (or copy/move) the CMF packages into
+       $INSTANCE_HOME/Products (or into $SOFTWARE_HOME/lib/python/Products).
+       For instance::
+        $ cd /var/zope/Products  # /var/zope is INSTANCE_HOME
+        $ ln -s /usr/local/zope/CMF-2.X/CMFCore .
+        $ ln -s /usr/local/zope/CMF-2.X/CMFDefault .
+        $ ln -s /usr/local/zope/CMF-2.X/CMFTopic .
+        $ ln -s /usr/local/zope/CMF-2.X/CMFActionIcons .
+        $ ln -s /usr/local/zope/CMF-2.X/CMFCalendar .
+        $ ln -s /usr/local/zope/CMF-2.X/CMFUid .
+        $ ln -s /usr/local/zope/CMF-2.X/DCWorkflow .
+        $ ln -s /usr/local/zope/CMF-2.X/GenericSetup .
+       or, as a shortcut::
+        $ ln -s /usr/local/zope/CMF-2.X/CMF* .
+        $ ln -s /usr/local/zope/CMF-2.X/DCWorkflow .
+        $ ln -s /usr/local/zope/CMF-2.X/GenericSetup .
+       Since linking doesn't apply on Windows, you will need
+       to cut or copy the files from the place where you unpacked
+       them to the 'Products' directory of your Zope.
+    3. Restart Zope; verify that the CMF products loaded
+       property, by examining them in Control_Panel/Product.
+    4. Create a CMF Site object. join, and begin adding content.
+       Enjoy!
+    5. If you want to use addon functionalities such as CMFCalendar, CMFTopic
+       or CMFUid choose the extension when you set up the CMF site object,
+       or apply the extension from the portal_setup tool at any time after 
+       site creation.
+Installing Translations for CMF
+  Assumptions
+    - CMF is installed as described above.
+  Procedure
+    1. Add a custom Zope product with the following subdirectories:
+       'locales/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/' for each locale you want to support.
+    2. Translate the .pot files shipped with CMF using a catalog editor like
+       poEdit or KBabel. Place the created .mo files in LC_MESSAGES.
+    3. Register your translations using the i18n:registerTranslations ZCML
+       directive.
+    4. Restart Zope.
+Upgrading from Earlier Versions
+  Install the New Software.
+    0. "Download":CMF-2.X.tar.gz the tarball.
+    1. Copy your "working" products off to one side (in case
+       you need / choose to revert).
+    2. Unpack the tarball into a separate location; copy or
+       link the subdirectories into the 'Products' directory of
+       your INSTANCE_HOME.
+    3. Restart Zope.
+  Follow additional version-specific information below.
+Upgrading from versions earlier than 2.1.0-beta
+  In order to make CMF instances created in CMF versions prior to CMF 2.1
+  work, you need to run a separate one-time upgrade script. After putting the
+  new code in place as instructed above, please change into your instance
+  home and execute the following as the user normally running this Zope
+  instance:
+    ./bin/zopectl run Products/CMFCore/Extensions/migrateToCMF21.py
+  The script will print some diagnostic information to the console and 
+  inform you about CMF sites it finds and upgrades. Once the script has
+  finished, you can start and use your Zope instance as before. This script
+  only needs to be run a single time when you start using a CMF version
+  2.1.0-beta or higher.
+Upgrading from versions earlier than CMF 1.3
+  Add New Metadata: "portal_type"
+      From the ZMI of your CMFSite, go to the 'portal_catalog' tool, and
+      select the "Metadata" tab. Add a Metadata for "portal_type".
+  Add New Indexes: "path", "portal_type"
+      In the Indexes tab of the 'portal_catalog' tool, add a "PathIndex"
+      using the Add list, and give it an Id of "path". Then add a
+      "FieldIndex" and give it an Id of "portal_type".
+  Reindex the New Indexes
+      In the Indexes tab of the 'portal_catalog' tool, select the two
+      new indexes ("path" and "portal_type") and click "Reindex".
+  Remove Unwanted Workflow Bindings
+      In the Workflows tabl of the 'portal_workflow' tool, clear the
+      "(Default)" value from the input fields for the "Folder" and
+      "Topic" types and click "Change".

Added: Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/INSTALL_SVN.txt
--- Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/INSTALL_SVN.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/INSTALL_SVN.txt	2007-09-24 22:59:50 UTC (rev 79952)
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ This document describes the process of getting the CMF from the Subversion 
+ repository, and installing it into your Zope.  It assumes the following:
+  * You want to install the "latest-and-greatest" version of the CMF from 
+    a Subversion checkout.
+    - See "Installing CMF":INSTALL.txt to install from a tarball.
+    - See the note below [1] if you want to export or check out
+      the sources for a specific version from Subversion.
+  * Please note that the trunk version of the CMF requires Zope 
+    2.10.4 or later.
+  * For help with Subversion in general, see "Version Control with 
+    Subversion" at http://svnbook.red-bean.com/
+  * For directions on using the Zope Subversion server, see "The Zope Public 
+    Subversion Repository", http://www.zope.org/DevHome/Subversion/FrontPage;
+    substitute 'CMF' for 'Zope'.
+  1. Fetch the CMF package from the Zope Subversion repository::
+     $ cd /tmp
+     $ svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/CMF/trunk CMF-head
+     This checkout creates a directory, 'CMF-head', which contain several 
+     subdirectories:
+      - CMFCore
+      - CMFDefault
+      - CMFTopic
+      - CMFCalendar
+      - DCWorkflow
+      - GenericSetup
+     ... and several others.
+  2. Copy or link each of these subdirectories into the 'Products' directory of
+     your Zope server (either SOFTWARE_HOME or INSTANCE_HOME) e.g.::
+      $ cd /var/zope/Products
+      $ ln -s /tmp/CMF-head/CMFCore .
+      $ ln -s /tmp/CMF-head/CMFDefault .
+      $ ln -s /tmp/CMF-head/CMFTopic .
+      $ ln -s /tmp/CMF-head/CMFActionIcons .
+      $ ln -s /tmp/CMF-head/CMFUID .
+      $ ln -s /tmp/CMF-head/DCWorkflow .
+      $ ln -s /tmp/CMF-head/GenericSetup .
+      ...
+  3. Verify filesystem products:
+     Start or restart your Zope server.  Check to see that the following 
+     products are present in the Control_Panel / Products list;  each should 
+     show a "normal" (non-broken) icon, and should have a version number 
+     matching the release version of the snapshot:
+      - CMFCore
+      - CMFDefault
+      - CMFTopic
+      - CMFActionIcons
+      - CMFUID
+      - DCWorkflow
+      - GenericSetup
+      ...
+  4. Create a CMF Site:
+     From the management interface, somewhere in the "main" section of your 
+     site (*not* the Control_Panel!), select "CMF Site" from the add list.  
+     Fill out the constructor form, and click the "Add" button.
+Refreshing your Checkout
+  To refresh an existing Subversion sandbox, you should use 'svn up'.
+Fetching a Previous Version
+.. [1]  A Subversion checkout as described above retrieves what is called 
+        the "head" (the latest revision for each file) from the "main 
+        trunk" (no unmerged branches).
+  Retrieving Sources for a specific release
+     Sources for prior releases are tagged, using the release version 
+     number. For instance, version 2.1.0 of the CMF was tagged as 
+     '2.1.0'.  To fetch such a release from Subversion::
+      $ svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/CMF/tags/2.1.0 CMF-2.1.0

Added: Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/LICENSE.txt
--- Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/LICENSE.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/LICENSE.txt	2007-09-24 22:59:50 UTC (rev 79952)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Zope Public License (ZPL) Version 2.1
+A copyright notice accompanies this license document that
+identifies the copyright holders.
+This license has been certified as open source. It has also
+been designated as GPL compatible by the Free Software
+Foundation (FSF).
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
+without modification, are permitted provided that the
+following conditions are met:
+1. Redistributions in source code must retain the
+   accompanying copyright notice, this list of conditions,
+   and the following disclaimer.
+2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the accompanying
+   copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the
+   following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
+   materials provided with the distribution.
+3. Names of the copyright holders must not be used to
+   endorse or promote products derived from this software
+   without prior written permission from the copyright
+   holders.
+4. The right to distribute this software or to use it for
+   any purpose does not give you the right to use
+   Servicemarks (sm) or Trademarks (tm) of the copyright
+   holders. Use of them is covered by separate agreement
+   with the copyright holders.
+5. If any files are modified, you must cause the modified
+   files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed
+   the files and the date of any change.

Added: Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/README.txt
--- Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/README.txt	2007-09-24 22:59:50 UTC (rev 79952)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Zope Content Management Framework (CMF) README
+  What is the CMF?
+    The Zope Content Management Framework provides a set of
+    services and content objects useful for building highly
+    dynamic, content-oriented portal sites.  As packaged, the
+    CMF generates a site much like the Zope.org site.  The CMF is
+    intended to be easily customizable, in terms of both the
+    types of content used and the policies and services it
+    provides.
+  Resources
+    General
+      * The mailing list, zope-cmf at zope.org.  List information and
+	online signup are available at:
+	http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-cmf.  Archives
+	of the list are at: http://lists.zope.org/pipermail/zope-cmf.
+      * The 'docs/' directory contains user-oriented documentation
+      * Information about future developments can be found on the
+        "Roadmap", http://www.zope.org/Products/CMF/docs/roadmap
+    Developer
+      * The CMFDefault package is an example application, built using
+	the API and services defined in CMFCore.  You will probably want to
+	alter it.  In the first instance, refer to the source of CMFDefault for
+	usage examples, standard idioms, etc.
+      * The API is documented in the 'interfaces/' directory of each
+	package.
+      * Refer to the unit tests in the 'tests/' directory of each package
+	for usage examples.
+  Known Issues
+    * Please search the "CMF Collector", http://collector.zope.org/CMF for
+      issues which are open against the CMF. You can also report issues there.
+      (please look for similar ones first!)
+  Installation
+    Please see "Installing CMF":INSTALL.txt

Added: Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/RELEASE.txt
--- Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/RELEASE.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/eggcmf/2.1.0/RELEASE.txt	2007-09-24 22:59:50 UTC (rev 79952)
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+RELEASE.txt - how to create a CMF release
+  Most of the work necessary to create a CMF release is done by the script
+  'slurp_release.py', which can always be found in the root of the CMF 
+  package on the Subversion trunk. The script will svn export the CMF 
+  package, build the tarballs, and upload them and the respective READMEs 
+  to the CMF area on www.zope.org.
+  Before running 'slurp_release.py' the respective branch needs to be cleaned
+  up and tagged properly. 
+  **Important note**: Always run all CMF unit tests before even thinking of
+  cutting a new release.
+  **Naming conventions**
+    In order to stay consistent the following naming conventions for CMF
+    versions and for Subversion tags used to tag releases should be used,
+    demonstrated with the help of a notional 1.8.4 release:
+      - CMF beta versions are '1.8.4-beta' and '1.8.4-beta2' for the second
+        beta. The same is true for alpha releases if one is desired.
+        '1.8.4-alpha2' follows '1.8.4-alpha'. Alpha releases should only
+        be necessary for the first release off a new release branch. The final
+        version would then be '1.8.4'
+      - Subversion tags are the same as the version number. So our CMF 1.8.4
+        release would be tagged as '1.8.4'. '1.8.4-beta2' would indicate the 
+        second beta release.
+      - Branch tags in Subversion look like '1.8' for the branch that
+        would yield e.g. version 1.8.4. In essence, the branch tag only
+        contains the major release number.
+  **Preparing the branch**
+    To release version '1.8.4-beta2' off the '1.8' branch the following
+    steps are needed. It is assumed the release manager is using the tip
+    of the '1.8' Subversion branch to make these changes:
+      - At the top of 'CHANGES.txt', enter the current date as YYYY/MM/DD
+        in parentheses next to the CMF version number.
+      - Find all 'version.txt' files throughout the CMF package and adjust 
+        the version number, in this case 'CMF-1.8.4-beta2'.
+      - Check all DEPENDENCIES.txt files and ensure the lowest common
+        denominator for packages not being shipped as part of the CMF tarball 
+        is correctly mentioned in INSTALL.txt
+      - Check these changes into the Subversion repository
+      - Create the Subversion tag by svn copying the head of the release
+        branch to the tag in the tags repository directory.
+      - Even though checking into a tag is an insidious thing to do, it is
+        OK for changing SVN Externals definitions. Specifically, a CMF
+        release tag should not contain SVN Externals pointing to branches.
+        If needed, a tag on the external package should be cut and then
+        the external definition adjusted to point to the tag.
+  **Creating and publishing the release**
+    Now that the Subversion repository is prepared the files need to be put onto
+    zope.org. First of all, the Software Release object needs to be created.
+    Go to http://www.zope.org/Products/CMF and create a Software Release 
+    from the Folder Contents view:
+      - Name CMF-1.8.4-beta2
+      - Version 1.8.4-beta2
+      - Maturity value depends on status: beta releases are 'development'
+      - License ZPL
+      - Info URL '/Products/CMF/CMF-1.8.4-beta2/README.txt'
+      - License URL '/Resources/License/ZPL-2.1'
+      - Changes URL '/Products/CMF/CMF-1.8.4-beta2/CHANGES.txt'
+      - Installation URL '/Products/CMF/CMF-1.8.4-beta2/INSTALL.txt'
+    Make sure to publish this Software Release. Due to a problem with the 
+    zope.org site at the time of this writing, you need to specify an
+    effective date on the publishing form if you want the item to show up on
+    the zope.org front page. Just choose the current data using the date
+    picker widget.
+    With Subversion and zope.org preparations done the 'slurp_release.py' 
+    script will do the remaining work. You run it with version ID 
+    (like '1.8.4-beta2') as parameter::
+      slurp_release.py [options] version_id
+    slurp_release can be run from anywhere, it does not depend on your 
+    Subversion sandbox because it will create its own. Without any options 
+    it will complete the whole procedure including upload to the zope.org site. 
+    Use 'slurp_release.py --help' to find out more.
+    Once 'slurp_release.py' has completed the upload step you need to visit
+    the uploaded files on zope.org and make sure they get published on the 
+    site. See the note about specifying an effective date above.
+  **Announcing the release**
+    An announcement email should go out to zope-announce at zope.org, 
+    zope-cmf at zope.org and zope at zope.org. Also, a NewsItem for the release
+    should be created on the zope.org site. The existing News Items inside
+    http://www.zope.org/Products/CMF can be used as models for your
+    announcement.

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