[Checkins] SVN: Sandbox/ulif/megrok.login/src/megrok/login/tests/custompausetup.py Add tests for setup directive.

Uli Fouquet uli at gnufix.de
Tue Dec 9 05:51:18 EST 2008

Log message for revision 93806:
  Add tests for setup directive.

  A   Sandbox/ulif/megrok.login/src/megrok/login/tests/custompausetup.py

Added: Sandbox/ulif/megrok.login/src/megrok/login/tests/custompausetup.py
--- Sandbox/ulif/megrok.login/src/megrok/login/tests/custompausetup.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/ulif/megrok.login/src/megrok/login/tests/custompausetup.py	2008-12-09 10:51:18 UTC (rev 93806)
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+How to setup a cutomized PAU with ``megrok.login``
+:Test-Layer: functional
+You can setup the Pluggable Authentication Utility (PAU) completely
+yourself. We defined a function `customPAUSetup` below, which performs
+exactly that task.
+We use::
+  megrok.login.setup(<callable>)
+to setup the PAU using this function.
+As with all other directives of ``megrok.login``, we also have to set::
+  megrok.login.enable()
+to generally enable the ``megrok.login`` machinery explicitly.
+We will see how this works in action and start by creating an
+application instance::
+  >>> from megrok.login.tests.custompausetup import CustomSetupApp
+  >>> app = CustomSetupApp()
+To setup the PAU, the app must become a site (it reacts on
+IObjectAdded events). This is performed for instance by adding it to
+the ZODB root folder::
+  >>> root = getRootFolder()
+  >>> root['app'] = app
+  Custom PAU setup performed for <...CustomSetupApp object at 0x...>
+The installed PAU is indeed the one, we configured below::
+  >>> sm = app.getSiteManager()
+  >>> sorted(list(sm['megrok_login_pau']))
+  [u'custom_session', u'customprincipals', u'my_readonly_principals']
+The installed setup is active. We can login via a login screen::
+  >>> from zope.testbrowser.testing import Browser
+  >>> browser = Browser()
+  >>> browser.open('http://localhost/app')
+  >>> print browser.contents
+  <!DOCTYPE html ...
+  Please provide Login Information...
+  <input type="text" name="login" id="login" />
+  ...
+We enter the credentials::
+  >>> browser.getControl('User Name').value = 'mgr'
+  >>> browser.getControl('Password').value = 'mgrpw'
+  >>> browser.getControl('Log in').click()
+We are redirected to the page we wanted to access in the beginning::
+  >>> print browser.contents
+  Hi from custom setup app!
+Note, that the installed PAU (as any other PAU installed by
+``megrok.login``) does only handle access to `app` or objects 'below'
+`app`. It is a *local* utility. We are not authenticated for the root
+folder, for example, which is handled by a different PAU::
+  >>> browser.open('http://localhost')
+  >>> print browser.contents
+  <!DOCTYPE html...
+  User:...
+  Unauthenticated User...
+  </html>
+import grok
+import megrok.login
+from zope.app.authentication import PluggableAuthentication
+from zope.app.authentication.principalfolder import PrincipalFolder
+from zope.app.authentication.session import SessionCredentialsPlugin
+from zope.app.security.interfaces import IAuthentication
+from megrok.login.authplugins import (PrincipalRegistryAuthenticator,
+                                      AutoRegisteringPrincipalFolder)
+def customPAUSetup(site, pau, viewname=None, strict=None, autoregister=None):
+    """Setup our own PAU.
+    This setup performs more or less the same steps as a default
+    setup. You are free to change it as you like and build completely
+    different setups.
+    """
+    print "Custom PAU setup performed for %s" % site
+    if len(autoregister) > 0 :
+        pau['customprincipals'] = AutoRegisteringPrincipalFolder(
+            autopermissions = autoregister)
+    else:
+        pau['customprincipals'] = PrincipalFolder()
+    pau.authenticatorPlugins = ('customprincipals', )
+    if strict is False:
+        pau['my_readonly_principals'] = PrincipalRegistryAuthenticator()
+        pau.authenticatorPlugins = ('cutomprincipals', 'my_readonly_principals')
+    pau['custom_session'] = session = SessionCredentialsPlugin()
+    pau.credentialsPlugins = ('No Challenge if Authenticated',
+                              'custom_session',)
+    session.loginpagename = viewname
+    return
+class ManageCustomSetupApp(grok.Permission):
+    grok.name('app.manageCustomSetupApp')
+class CustomSetupApp(grok.Application, grok.Container):
+    megrok.login.enable()
+    megrok.login.setup(customPAUSetup)
+class Index(grok.View):
+    grok.require('app.manageCustomSetupApp')
+    def render(self):
+        return "Hi from custom setup app!"

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