[Checkins] SVN: grok/branches/ulif-testsetup/src/grok/testing.py This parrot has gone to meet its maker.

Uli Fouquet uli at gnufix.de
Wed Feb 20 18:36:24 EST 2008

Log message for revision 84097:
  This parrot has gone to meet its maker.

  U   grok/branches/ulif-testsetup/src/grok/testing.py

Modified: grok/branches/ulif-testsetup/src/grok/testing.py
--- grok/branches/ulif-testsetup/src/grok/testing.py	2008-02-20 23:34:53 UTC (rev 84096)
+++ grok/branches/ulif-testsetup/src/grok/testing.py	2008-02-20 23:36:22 UTC (rev 84097)
@@ -46,200 +46,6 @@
 def register_all_tests(pkg, *args, **kw):
     return GrokTestCollector(pkg, *args, **kw)
-class BasicTestSetup(object):
-    """A basic test setup for a package.
-    A basic test setup is a aggregation of methods and attributes to
-    search for appropriate doctest files in a package. Its purpose is
-    to collect all basic functionality, that is needed by derived
-    classes, that do real test registration.
-    """
-    extensions = ['.rst', '.txt']
-    regexp_list = []
-    additional_options = {}
-    def __init__(self, package, filter_func=None, extensions=None, **kw):
-        self.package = package
-        self.filter_func = filter_func or self.isTestFile
-        self.extensions = extensions or self.extensions
-        self.additional_options = kw
-        return
-    def setUp(self, test):
-        pass
-    def tearDown(self, test):
-        pass
-    def fileContains(self, filename, regexp_list):
-        """Does a file contain lines matching every of the regular
-        expressions?
-        """
-        found_list = []
-        try:
-            for line in open(filename):
-                for regexp in regexp_list:
-                    if re.compile(regexp).match(line) and (
-                        regexp not in found_list):
-                        found_list.append(regexp)
-                if len(regexp_list) == len(found_list):
-                    break
-        except IOError:
-            # be gentle
-            pass
-        return len(regexp_list) == len(found_list)
-    def isTestFile(self, filepath):
-        """Return ``True`` if a file matches our expectations for a
-        doctest file.
-        """
-        if os.path.splitext(filepath)[1].lower() not in self.extensions:
-            return False
-        if not self.fileContains(filepath, self.regexp_list):
-            return False
-        return True
-    def isTestDirectory(self, dirpath):
-        """Check whether a given directory should be searched for tests.
-        """
-        if os.path.basename(dirpath).startswith('.'):
-            # We don't search hidden directories like '.svn'
-            return False
-        return True
-    def getDocTestFiles(self, dirpath=None, **kw):
-        """Find all doctest files filtered by filter_func.
-        """
-        if dirpath is None:
-            dirpath = os.path.dirname(self.package.__file__)
-        dirlist = []
-        for filename in listdir(dirpath):
-            abs_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
-            if not os.path.isdir(abs_path):
-                if self.filter_func(abs_path):
-                    dirlist.append(abs_path)
-                continue
-            # Search subdirectories...
-            if not self.isTestDirectory(abs_path):
-                continue
-            subdir_files = self.getDocTestFiles(dirpath=abs_path, **kw)
-            dirlist.extend(subdir_files)
-        return dirlist
-class UnitTestSetup(BasicTestSetup):
-    """A unit test setup for packages.
-    A collection of methods to search for appropriate doctest files in
-    a given package. ``UnitTestSetup`` is also able to 'register' the
-    tests found and to deliver them as a ready-to-use
-    ``unittest.TestSuite`` instance.
-    While the functionality to search for testfiles is mostly
-    inherited from the base class, the focus here is to setup the
-    tests correctly.
-    See file `unittestsetup.py` in the tests/testsetup directory to
-    learn more about ``UnitTestSetup``.
-    """
-    optionflags = (doctest.ELLIPSIS+
-                   doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE+
-                   doctest.REPORT_NDIFF)
-    regexp_list = [
-        '^\s*:(T|t)est-(L|l)ayer:\s*(unit)\s*',
-        ]
-    def tearDown(self, test):
-        cleanup.cleanUp()
-    def getTestSuite(self):
-        docfiles = self.getDocTestFiles(package=self.package)
-        suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-        for name in docfiles:
-            if os.path.isabs(name):
-                # We get absolute pathnames, but we need relative ones...
-                common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix([self.package.__file__,
-                                                      name])
-                name = name[len(common_prefix):]
-            suite.addTest(
-                doctest.DocFileSuite(
-                name,
-                package=self.package,
-                setUp=self.setUp,
-                tearDown=self.tearDown,
-                optionflags=self.optionflags,
-                **self.additional_options
-                ))
-        return suite
-class FunctionalTestSetup(BasicTestSetup):
-    """A functional test setup for packages.
-    A collection of methods to search for appropriate doctest files in
-    a given package. ``FunctionalTestSetup`` is also able to
-    'register' the tests found and to deliver them as a ready-to-use
-    ``unittest.TestSuite`` instance.
-    While the functionality to search for testfiles is mostly
-    inherited from the base class, the focus here is to setup the
-    tests correctly.
-    """
-    ftesting_zcml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
-                                 'ftesting.zcml')
-    layer = ZCMLLayer(ftesting_zcml, __name__,
-                      'FunctionalLayer')
-    globs=dict(http=HTTPCaller(),
-               getRootFolder=getRootFolder,
-               sync=sync
-               )
-    optionflags = (doctest.ELLIPSIS+
-                   doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE+
-                   doctest.REPORT_NDIFF)
-    regexp_list = [
-        '^\s*:(T|t)est-(L|l)ayer:\s*(functional)\s*',
-        ]
-    def setUp(self, test):
-        FunctionalTestSetup().setUp()
-    def tearDown(self, test):
-        FunctionalTestSetup().tearDown()
-    def suiteFromFile(self, name):
-        suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-        if os.path.isabs(name):
-            # We get absolute pathnames, but we need relative ones...
-            common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix([self.package.__file__, name])
-            name = name[len(common_prefix):]
-        test = FunctionalDocFileSuite(
-            name, package=self.package,
-            setUp=self.setUp, tearDown=self.tearDown,
-            globs=self.globs,
-            optionflags=self.optionflags,
-            **self.additional_options
-            )
-        test.layer = self.layer
-        suite.addTest(test)
-        return suite
-    def getTestSuite(self):
-        docfiles = self.getDocTestFiles(package=self.package)
-        suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-        for name in docfiles:
-            suite.addTest(self.suiteFromFile(name))
-        return suite
 def grok(module_name):
     config = ConfigurationMachine()
     zcml.do_grok('grok.meta', config)

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