[Checkins] SVN: Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/ moved

Andreas Jung andreas at andreas-jung.com
Wed Mar 12 07:00:34 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 84604:

  A   Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/Products/SQLAlchemyDA/da.py
  A   Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/Products/SQLAlchemyDA/version.txt
  D   Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/da.py
  D   Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/version.txt

Copied: Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/Products/SQLAlchemyDA/da.py (from rev 84599, Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/da.py)
--- Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/Products/SQLAlchemyDA/da.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/Products/SQLAlchemyDA/da.py	2008-03-12 11:00:33 UTC (rev 84604)
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+# A DA-like integration of SQLAlchemy based on z3c.sqlalchemy
+# (C) Zope Corporation and Contributors
+# Written by Andreas Jung for Haufe Mediengruppe, Freiburg, Germany
+# and ZOPYX Ltd. & Co. KG, Tuebingen, Germany
+import os
+import logging
+import random
+import time
+from Globals import InitializeClass
+from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
+from AccessControl.Permissions import view, view_management_screens
+from OFS.SimpleItem import SimpleItem
+from OFS.PropertyManager import PropertyManager
+from Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplateFile import PageTemplateFile
+from z3c.sqlalchemy import getSAWrapper, createSAWrapper
+from z3c.sqlalchemy.interfaces import ISQLAlchemyWrapper
+LOG = logging.getLogger('SQLAlchemyDA')
+# maps Python DB-API types to Zope types
+types_mapping = {
+    'DATE' : 'd',
+    'IME' : 'd',
+    'DATETIME' : 'd',
+    'STRING' : 's',
+    'LONGINTEGER' : 'i',
+    'INTEGER' : 'i',
+    'NUMBER' : 'n',
+    'BOOLEAN' : 'n',
+    'ROWID' : 'i',
+    'BINARY' : None, #????
+class SAWrapper(SimpleItem, PropertyManager):
+    """ A shim around z3c.sqlalchemy implementing something DA-ish """
+    manage_options = ({'label' : 'Info', 'action' : 'manage_workspace'},) +\
+                     ({'label' : 'Test', 'action' : 'manage_test'},) + \
+                     PropertyManager.manage_options + \
+                     SimpleItem.manage_options
+    _properties = (
+        {'id' : 'dsn', 'type' : 'string', 'mode' : 'rw', },
+        {'id' : 'title', 'type' : 'string', 'mode' : 'rw'}, 
+        {'id' : 'transactional', 'type' : 'boolean', 'mode' : 'rw'}, 
+        {'id' : 'quoting_style', 'type' : 'selection', 'mode' : 'rw', 
+                 'select_variable' : 'allQuotingStyles'},
+    )
+    meta_type = 'SQLAlchemyDA '
+    dsn = ''
+    transactional = True
+    quoting_style = 'standard'
+    _isAnSQLConnection = True
+    security = ClassSecurityInfo()
+    def __init__(self, id, title=''):
+        self.id = id
+        self.title = title
+    def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container):
+        """ Ensure that a new utility id is assigned after creating
+            or copying an instance.
+        """
+        self._new_utilid()
+        return SimpleItem.manage_afterAdd(self, item, container)
+    def _new_utilid(self):
+        """ Assign a new unique utility ID """
+        self.util_id = '%s.%s' % (time.time(), random.random())
+    def allQuotingStyles(self):
+        return ('standard', 'no-quote')
+    @property
+    def _wrapper(self):
+        if self.dsn:
+            try:
+                return getSAWrapper(self.util_id)
+            except ValueError:               
+                return createSAWrapper(self.dsn, 
+                                       forZope=True, 
+                                       transactional=self.transactional,
+                                       name=self.util_id)
+        return None
+    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'getInfo')
+    def getInfo(self):
+        """ return a dict with additional information """
+        wrapper = self._wrapper
+        if wrapper is not None:
+            d = self._wrapper.__dict__.copy()
+            d['DSN'] = self._wrapper.dsn
+            for k in d.keys()[:]:
+                if k.startswith('_'):
+                    del d[k]
+            return d
+        else:
+            return {}
+    def _typesMap(self, proxy):
+        """ Obtain types map from the underlying DB-API. I hope
+            that is portable code.
+        """
+        if not hasattr(self, '_v_types_map'):
+            dbapi = proxy.dialect.dbapi
+            map = dict()
+            for name  in types_mapping.keys():
+                type_obj = getattr(dbapi, name, None)
+                if type_obj:
+                    if hasattr(type_obj, 'values'):
+                        for v in type_obj.values:
+                            map[v] = name
+                    else:
+                        try:
+                            for v in type_obj:
+                                map[v] = name
+                        except TypeError:
+                            # ATT: fix this :->
+                            pass
+            self._v_types_map = map  
+        return self._v_types_map
+    def query(self, query_string, max_rows=None, query_data=None):
+        """ *The* query() method as used by the internal ZSQL
+            machinery.
+        """
+        c = self._wrapper.connection
+        rows = []
+        desc = None
+        nselects = 0
+        ts_start = time.time()
+        for qs in [x for x in query_string.split('\0') if x]:
+            LOG.debug(qs)
+            if query_data:
+                proxy = c.execute(qs, query_data)
+            else:
+                proxy = c.execute(qs)
+            description = proxy.cursor.description
+            if description is not None:
+                nselects += 1
+                if nselects > 1:
+                    raise ValueError("Can't execute multiple SELECTs within a single query")
+                if max_rows:
+                    rows = proxy.fetchmany(max_rows)
+                else:
+                    rows = proxy.fetchall()
+                desc = description  
+                types_map = self._typesMap(proxy)
+        LOG.debug('Execution time: %3.3f seconds' % (time.time() - ts_start))
+        if desc is None:            
+            return [], None
+        items = []
+        for  name, type_code, width, internal_size, precision, scale, null_ok in desc:
+            items.append({'name' : name,
+                          'type' : types_mapping.get(types_map.get(type_code, None), 's'),
+                          'null' : null_ok,
+                          'width' : width,
+                         }) 
+        return items, rows
+    def __call__(self, *args, **kv):
+        return self    
+    def sql_quote__(self, s):
+        if self.quoting_style == 'standard':
+            if "\'" in s: 
+                s = "''".join(s.split("\'"))
+            return "'%s'" % s
+        else:
+            return s
+    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'connected')
+    def connected(self):
+        try:
+            return self._wrapper._engine.pool.checkedin() > 0
+        except:
+            return 'n/a'
+    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'getPoolSize')
+    def getPoolSize(self):
+        """ """
+        return self._wrapper._engine.pool.size() 
+    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'getCheckedin')
+    def getCheckedin(self):
+        """ """
+        try:
+            return self._wrapper._engine.pool.checkedin() 
+        except:
+            return 'n/a'
+    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'manage_start')
+    def manage_start(self, RESPONSE=None):
+        """ start engine """               
+        try:
+            self.query('COMMIT');
+            if RESPONSE:
+                msg = 'Database connection opened'
+                RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_workspace?manage_tabs_message=%s' % msg)
+        except Exception, e:
+            if RESPONSE:
+                msg = 'Database connection could not be opened (%s)' % e
+                RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_workspace?manage_tabs_message=%s' % msg)
+            else: 
+                raise
+    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'manage_stop')
+    def manage_stop(self, RESPONSE=None):
+        """ close engine """
+        self._wrapper._engine.pool.dispose()
+        if RESPONSE:
+            msg = 'Database connections closed'
+            RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_workspace?manage_tabs_message=%s' % msg)
+    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'manage_doQuery')
+    def manage_doQuery(self, query):
+        """ perform a query through the ZMI"""
+        return self.query(query)
+    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'getVersion')
+    def getVersion(self):
+        """ return version.txt """
+        return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'version.txt')).read()
+    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'manage_editProperties')
+    def manage_editProperties(self, REQUEST):
+        """ Intercept changed properties in order to perform 
+            further actions.
+        """
+        try:
+            # zope 2.10
+            from zope.component import unregisterUtility
+            unregisterUtility(name=self.util_id)
+            self._new_utilid()
+        except ImportError:
+            try:
+                # zope 2.8
+                from zope.component.servicenames import Utilities
+                from zope.app import zapi
+                s = zapi.getGlobalServices().getService(Utilities)
+                s.register((), ISQLAlchemyWrapper, self.util_id, None)
+                self._new_utilid()
+            except:
+                # Zope 2.9 ATT: fix this
+                self._new_utilid()
+        return super(SAWrapper, self).manage_editProperties(REQUEST)
+    manage_workspace = PageTemplateFile('pt/info', globals(), __name__='manage_workspace')
+    manage_test = PageTemplateFile('pt/query', globals(), __name__='manage_test')
+def manage_addSAWrapper(self, id, dsn, title, RESPONSE=None):
+    """ create a new SAWrapper instance """
+    wrapper = SAWrapper(id, title)
+    wrapper.dsn = dsn
+    self._setObject(id, wrapper.__of__(self))
+    if RESPONSE:
+        return RESPONSE.redirect(self._getOb(id).absolute_url() + '/manage_workspace')
+    else:
+        return wrapper 
+manage_addSAWrapperForm = PageTemplateFile('pt/addSAWrapperForm', 
+                                           globals(), 
+                                           __name__='addSAWrapperForm')

Copied: Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/Products/SQLAlchemyDA/version.txt (from rev 84599, Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/version.txt)
--- Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/Products/SQLAlchemyDA/version.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/Products/SQLAlchemyDA/version.txt	2008-03-12 11:00:33 UTC (rev 84604)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+0.4.0 (unreleased)

Deleted: Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/da.py
--- Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/da.py	2008-03-12 11:00:13 UTC (rev 84603)
+++ Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/da.py	2008-03-12 11:00:33 UTC (rev 84604)
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-# A DA-like integration of SQLAlchemy based on z3c.sqlalchemy
-# (C) Zope Corporation and Contributors
-# Written by Andreas Jung for Haufe Mediengruppe, Freiburg, Germany
-# and ZOPYX Ltd. & Co. KG, Tuebingen, Germany
-import os
-import logging
-import random
-import time
-from Globals import InitializeClass
-from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
-from AccessControl.Permissions import view, view_management_screens
-from OFS.SimpleItem import SimpleItem
-from OFS.PropertyManager import PropertyManager
-from Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplateFile import PageTemplateFile
-from z3c.sqlalchemy import getSAWrapper, createSAWrapper
-from z3c.sqlalchemy.interfaces import ISQLAlchemyWrapper
-LOG = logging.getLogger('SQLAlchemyDA')
-# maps Python DB-API types to Zope types
-types_mapping = {
-    'DATE' : 'd',
-    'IME' : 'd',
-    'DATETIME' : 'd',
-    'STRING' : 's',
-    'LONGINTEGER' : 'i',
-    'INTEGER' : 'i',
-    'NUMBER' : 'n',
-    'BOOLEAN' : 'n',
-    'ROWID' : 'i',
-    'BINARY' : None, #????
-class SAWrapper(SimpleItem, PropertyManager):
-    """ A shim around z3c.sqlalchemy implementing something DA-ish """
-    manage_options = ({'label' : 'Info', 'action' : 'manage_workspace'},) +\
-                     ({'label' : 'Test', 'action' : 'manage_test'},) + \
-                     PropertyManager.manage_options + \
-                     SimpleItem.manage_options
-    _properties = (
-        {'id' : 'dsn', 'type' : 'string', 'mode' : 'rw', },
-        {'id' : 'title', 'type' : 'string', 'mode' : 'rw'}, 
-        {'id' : 'transactional', 'type' : 'boolean', 'mode' : 'rw'}, 
-        {'id' : 'quoting_style', 'type' : 'selection', 'mode' : 'rw', 
-                 'select_variable' : 'allQuotingStyles'},
-    )
-    meta_type = 'SQLAlchemyDA '
-    dsn = ''
-    transactional = True
-    quoting_style = 'standard'
-    _isAnSQLConnection = True
-    security = ClassSecurityInfo()
-    def __init__(self, id, title=''):
-        self.id = id
-        self.title = title
-    def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container):
-        """ Ensure that a new utility id is assigned after creating
-            or copying an instance.
-        """
-        self._new_utilid()
-        return SimpleItem.manage_afterAdd(self, item, container)
-    def _new_utilid(self):
-        """ Assign a new unique utility ID """
-        self.util_id = '%s.%s' % (time.time(), random.random())
-    def allQuotingStyles(self):
-        return ('standard', 'no-quote')
-    @property
-    def _wrapper(self):
-        if self.dsn:
-            try:
-                return getSAWrapper(self.util_id)
-            except ValueError:               
-                return createSAWrapper(self.dsn, 
-                                       forZope=True, 
-                                       transactional=self.transactional,
-                                       name=self.util_id)
-        return None
-    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'getInfo')
-    def getInfo(self):
-        """ return a dict with additional information """
-        wrapper = self._wrapper
-        if wrapper is not None:
-            d = self._wrapper.__dict__.copy()
-            d['DSN'] = self._wrapper.dsn
-            for k in d.keys()[:]:
-                if k.startswith('_'):
-                    del d[k]
-            return d
-        else:
-            return {}
-    def _typesMap(self, proxy):
-        """ Obtain types map from the underlying DB-API. I hope
-            that is portable code.
-        """
-        if not hasattr(self, '_v_types_map'):
-            dbapi = proxy.dialect.dbapi
-            map = dict()
-            for name  in types_mapping.keys():
-                type_obj = getattr(dbapi, name, None)
-                if type_obj:
-                    if hasattr(type_obj, 'values'):
-                        for v in type_obj.values:
-                            map[v] = name
-                    else:
-                        try:
-                            for v in type_obj:
-                                map[v] = name
-                        except TypeError:
-                            # ATT: fix this :->
-                            pass
-            self._v_types_map = map  
-        return self._v_types_map
-    def query(self, query_string, max_rows=None, query_data=None):
-        """ *The* query() method as used by the internal ZSQL
-            machinery.
-        """
-        c = self._wrapper.connection
-        rows = []
-        desc = None
-        nselects = 0
-        ts_start = time.time()
-        for qs in [x for x in query_string.split('\0') if x]:
-            LOG.debug(qs)
-            if query_data:
-                proxy = c.execute(qs, query_data)
-            else:
-                proxy = c.execute(qs)
-            description = proxy.cursor.description
-            if description is not None:
-                nselects += 1
-                if nselects > 1:
-                    raise ValueError("Can't execute multiple SELECTs within a single query")
-                if max_rows:
-                    rows = proxy.fetchmany(max_rows)
-                else:
-                    rows = proxy.fetchall()
-                desc = description  
-                types_map = self._typesMap(proxy)
-        LOG.debug('Execution time: %3.3f seconds' % (time.time() - ts_start))
-        if desc is None:            
-            return [], None
-        items = []
-        for  name, type_code, width, internal_size, precision, scale, null_ok in desc:
-            items.append({'name' : name,
-                          'type' : types_mapping.get(types_map.get(type_code, None), 's'),
-                          'null' : null_ok,
-                          'width' : width,
-                         }) 
-        return items, rows
-    def __call__(self, *args, **kv):
-        return self    
-    def sql_quote__(self, s):
-        if self.quoting_style == 'standard':
-            if "\'" in s: 
-                s = "''".join(s.split("\'"))
-            return "'%s'" % s
-        else:
-            return s
-    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'connected')
-    def connected(self):
-        try:
-            return self._wrapper._engine.pool.checkedin() > 0
-        except:
-            return 'n/a'
-    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'getPoolSize')
-    def getPoolSize(self):
-        """ """
-        return self._wrapper._engine.pool.size() 
-    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'getCheckedin')
-    def getCheckedin(self):
-        """ """
-        try:
-            return self._wrapper._engine.pool.checkedin() 
-        except:
-            return 'n/a'
-    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'manage_start')
-    def manage_start(self, RESPONSE=None):
-        """ start engine """               
-        try:
-            self.query('COMMIT');
-            if RESPONSE:
-                msg = 'Database connection opened'
-                RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_workspace?manage_tabs_message=%s' % msg)
-        except Exception, e:
-            if RESPONSE:
-                msg = 'Database connection could not be opened (%s)' % e
-                RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_workspace?manage_tabs_message=%s' % msg)
-            else: 
-                raise
-    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'manage_stop')
-    def manage_stop(self, RESPONSE=None):
-        """ close engine """
-        self._wrapper._engine.pool.dispose()
-        if RESPONSE:
-            msg = 'Database connections closed'
-            RESPONSE.redirect(self.absolute_url() + '/manage_workspace?manage_tabs_message=%s' % msg)
-    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'manage_doQuery')
-    def manage_doQuery(self, query):
-        """ perform a query through the ZMI"""
-        return self.query(query)
-    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'getVersion')
-    def getVersion(self):
-        """ return version.txt """
-        return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'version.txt')).read()
-    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'manage_editProperties')
-    def manage_editProperties(self, REQUEST):
-        """ Intercept changed properties in order to perform 
-            further actions.
-        """
-        try:
-            # zope 2.10
-            from zope.component import unregisterUtility
-            unregisterUtility(name=self.util_id)
-            self._new_utilid()
-        except ImportError:
-            try:
-                # zope 2.8
-                from zope.component.servicenames import Utilities
-                from zope.app import zapi
-                s = zapi.getGlobalServices().getService(Utilities)
-                s.register((), ISQLAlchemyWrapper, self.util_id, None)
-                self._new_utilid()
-            except:
-                # Zope 2.9 ATT: fix this
-                self._new_utilid()
-        return super(SAWrapper, self).manage_editProperties(REQUEST)
-    manage_workspace = PageTemplateFile('pt/info', globals(), __name__='manage_workspace')
-    manage_test = PageTemplateFile('pt/query', globals(), __name__='manage_test')
-def manage_addSAWrapper(self, id, dsn, title, RESPONSE=None):
-    """ create a new SAWrapper instance """
-    wrapper = SAWrapper(id, title)
-    wrapper.dsn = dsn
-    self._setObject(id, wrapper.__of__(self))
-    if RESPONSE:
-        return RESPONSE.redirect(self._getOb(id).absolute_url() + '/manage_workspace')
-    else:
-        return wrapper 
-manage_addSAWrapperForm = PageTemplateFile('pt/addSAWrapperForm', 
-                                           globals(), 
-                                           __name__='addSAWrapperForm')

Deleted: Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/version.txt
--- Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/version.txt	2008-03-12 11:00:13 UTC (rev 84603)
+++ Products.SQLAlchemyDA/trunk/version.txt	2008-03-12 11:00:33 UTC (rev 84604)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-0.4.0 (unreleased)

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