[Checkins] SVN: z3c.pt/trunk/src/z3c/pt/tests/test_edgecases.py This test has been moved to the Genshi translation test.

Malthe Borch mborch at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 06:50:12 EDT 2008

Log message for revision 90691:
  This test has been moved to the Genshi translation test.

  U   z3c.pt/trunk/src/z3c/pt/tests/test_edgecases.py

Modified: z3c.pt/trunk/src/z3c/pt/tests/test_edgecases.py
--- z3c.pt/trunk/src/z3c/pt/tests/test_edgecases.py	2008-09-02 10:49:32 UTC (rev 90690)
+++ z3c.pt/trunk/src/z3c/pt/tests/test_edgecases.py	2008-09-02 10:50:11 UTC (rev 90691)
@@ -196,41 +196,6 @@
         t = PageTemplate(body, doctype=doctypes.no_doctype)
         self.assertEqual(norm(t.render()), norm(expected))
-class TestBadAttributeInterpolationWithTAL(unittest.TestCase, PlacelessSetup):
-    def test_snippet(self):
-        body = u"""\
-        <div xmlns:tal="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal"
-             xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-        <span tal:repeat="ltr letters">
-	<a href="${ltr.href}" class="${ltr.iscurrent}">${ltr.letter}</a>
-        </span>
-        </div>
-        """
-        import z3c.pt
-        from zope.configuration import xmlconfig
-        xmlconfig.file('configure.zcml', z3c.pt)
-        from z3c.pt.pagetemplate import PageTemplate
-        letters = [
-            {'letter':'A', 'href':'?titlestartswith=A',
-             'iscurrent':'current'},
-            {'letter':'B', 'href':'?titlestartswith=B',
-             'iscurrent':'notcurrent'},
-            ]
-        t = PageTemplate(body)
-        expected = u"""\
-        <div>
-        <span>
-	<a href="?titlestartswith=A" class="current">A</a>
-        </span>
-        <span>
-	<a href="?titlestartswith=B" class="notcurrent">B</a>
-        </span>
-        </div>"""
-        output = t.render(letters=letters)
-        self.assertEqual(norm(output), norm(expected))        
 def norm(s):
     return s.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '')

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