[Checkins] SVN: Sandbox/ulif/ZConfigParser/ZConfigParser/convert.py Turn loose function collection into class.

Uli Fouquet uli at gnufix.de
Tue Apr 7 06:19:58 EDT 2009

Log message for revision 98972:
  Turn loose function collection into class.

  U   Sandbox/ulif/ZConfigParser/ZConfigParser/convert.py

Modified: Sandbox/ulif/ZConfigParser/ZConfigParser/convert.py
--- Sandbox/ulif/ZConfigParser/ZConfigParser/convert.py	2009-04-07 09:45:28 UTC (rev 98971)
+++ Sandbox/ulif/ZConfigParser/ZConfigParser/convert.py	2009-04-07 10:19:58 UTC (rev 98972)
@@ -6,90 +6,101 @@
 from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
 def convertFile(filepath):
-    content = preprocess(open(filepath, 'rb').read())
-    tree = parseString(content)
-    defines, text = convertNode(tree.childNodes[0])
-    return postprocess(defines, text)
+    converter = ZConfConverter()
+    return converter.convertFile(filepath)
-def preprocess(content):
-    # We need some encapsulating tag to get a complete tree.
-    content = '<zope>%s</zope>' % content
+class ZConfConverter(object):
+    """Converter that turns ZConfig files into ZConfigParser configs.
+    """
+    defines = ''
+    def convertFile(self, filepath):
+        content = self.preprocess(open(filepath, 'rb').read())
+        tree = parseString(content)
+        defines, text = self.convertNode(tree.childNodes[0])
+        return self.postprocess(defines, text)
-    # Replace 'invalid' tags like <server HTTP0> by valid tags, <server
-    # name='HTTP0'>. Otherwise the minidom parser will refuse our
-    # config.
-    content = re.sub('<([^ >]+) ([^>]+)>', '<\\1 name="\\2">', content)
-    return content
+    def preprocess(self, content):
+        # We need some encapsulating tag to get a complete tree.
+        content = '<zope>%s</zope>' % content
+        # Replace 'invalid' tags like <server HTTP0> by valid tags,
+        # <server name='HTTP0'>. Otherwise the minidom parser will
+        # refuse our config.
+        content = re.sub('<([^ >]+) ([^>]+)>', '<\\1 name="\\2">', content)
+        return content
-def postprocess(defines, text):
-    if len(defines):
-        return '[DEFAULT]\n%s\n[zope]\n%s' % (defines, text)
-    return '[zope]\n%s' % (text)
+    def postprocess(self, defines, text):
+        if len(defines):
+            return '[DEFAULT]\n%s\n[zope]\n%s' % (defines, text)
+        return '[zope]\n%s' % (text)
-def convertNode(node, prefix='zope'):
-    body = ""
-    subsections = ""
-    defines = ""
-    references = []
-    for child in node.childNodes:
-        if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE:
-            new_defines, text = handleTextNode(child)
-            body += text
-            defines += new_defines
-            continue
+    def convertNode(self, node, prefix='zope'):
+        body = ""
+        subsections = ""
+        defines = ""
+        references = []
+        for child in node.childNodes:
+            if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE:
+                new_defines, text = self.handleTextNode(child)
+                body += text
+                defines += new_defines
+                continue
-        # Get a unique subsection name if several with the same name
-        # occur in the same section.
-        num = 0
-        child_name = child.nodeName
-        while child_name in references:
-            num += 1
-            child_name = '%s.%s' % (child.nodeName, num)
-        references.append(child_name)
+            # Get a unique subsection name if several with the same name
+            # occur in the same section.
+            num = 0
+            child_name = child.nodeName
+            while child_name in references:
+                num += 1
+                child_name = '%s.%s' % (child.nodeName, num)
+            references.append(child_name)
-        child_prefix = '%s:%s' % (prefix, child_name)
-        body += '%s = %s\n' % (child_name, child_prefix)
-        subsections += "\n[%s]\n" % child_prefix
-        if child.hasAttributes() and 'name' in child.attributes.keys():
-            label = child.getAttribute('name').lower()
-            subsections += "config-section-label = %s\n" % label
-        new_defines, text = convertNode(child, prefix=child_prefix)
-        subsections +=  text
-        defines += new_defines
-    return defines, body + subsections
+            child_prefix = '%s/%s' % (prefix, child_name)
+            body += '%s = %s\n' % (child_name, child_prefix)
+            subsections += "\n[%s]\n" % child_prefix
+            if child.hasAttributes() and 'name' in child.attributes.keys():
+                label = child.getAttribute('name').lower()
+                subsections += "config-section-label = %s\n" % label
+            new_defines, text = self.convertNode(child, prefix=child_prefix)
+            subsections +=  text
+            defines += new_defines
+        return defines, body + subsections
-def handleTextNode(node):
-    """Handle a text node.
+    def handleTextNode(self, node):
+        """Handle a text node.
+        Text nodes may consist of several lines. Handle each separately.
+        """
+        text = node.data.strip()
+        result = ""
+        defines = ""
+        if text == u'':
+            return '', ''
+        for line in text.split('\n'):
+            new_defines, text = self.handleTextLine(line)
+            defines += new_defines
+            result += text
+        return defines, result
-    Text nodes may consist of several lines. Handle each separately.
-    """
-    text = node.data.strip()
-    result = ""
-    defines = ""
-    if text == u'':
-        return '', ''
-    for line in text.split('\n'):
-        new_defines, text = handleTextLine(line)
-        defines += new_defines
-        result += text
-    return defines, result
+    def handleTextLine(self, line):
+        """Handle a text line.
-def handleTextLine(line):
-    """Handle a text line.
-    Replace defines, 
-    """
-    is_define = False
-    line = line.strip()
-    if line.startswith('%define'):
-        line = re.sub('%define\s+([^\s+].+)', '\\1', line)
-        is_define = True
-    if line.startswith('#'):
-        pass
-    elif ' ' in line:
-        line = re.sub('([^\s]+)\s+(.+)', '\\1 = \\2', line)
-    line = re.sub('\$([A-Za-z0-9_]+)', '%(\\1)s', line)
-    line += '\n'
-    if is_define:
-        return line, ''
-    return '', line
+        Replace defines, 
+        """
+        is_define = False
+        line = line.strip()
+        if line.startswith('%define'):
+            line = re.sub('%define\s+([^\s+].+)', '\\1', line)
+            is_define = True
+        if line.startswith('#'):
+            pass
+        elif ' ' in line:
+            line = re.sub('([^\s]+)\s+(.+)', '\\1 = \\2', line)
+        line = re.sub('\$([A-Za-z0-9_]+)', '%(\\1)s', line)
+        line += '\n'
+        if is_define:
+            return line, ''
+        return '', line

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