[Checkins] SVN: zope2book/trunk/ Remove the custom zope objects chapter. It doesn't contain any applicable information anymore

Hanno Schlichting plone at hannosch.info
Mon Feb 16 18:09:49 EST 2009

Log message for revision 96613:
  Remove the custom zope objects chapter. It doesn't contain any applicable information anymore

  D   zope2book/trunk/CustomZopeObjects.stx
  U   zope2book/trunk/TODO.txt
  U   zope2book/trunk/source/Preface.rst
  U   zope2book/trunk/source/SearchingZCatalog.rst
  U   zope2book/trunk/source/SimpleExamples.rst

Deleted: zope2book/trunk/CustomZopeObjects.stx
--- zope2book/trunk/CustomZopeObjects.stx	2009-02-16 22:57:53 UTC (rev 96612)
+++ zope2book/trunk/CustomZopeObjects.stx	2009-02-16 23:09:49 UTC (rev 96613)
@@ -1,1269 +0,0 @@
-Extending Zope
-  You can extend Zope by creating your own types of objects that are
-  customized to your applications needs.  New kinds of objects are
-  installed in Zope by *Products*.  Products are extensions to Zope that
-  Zope Corporation and many other third party developers create.  There
-  are hundreds of different Products and many serve very specific
-  purposes.  A complete library of Products is at the "Download
-  Section":http://www.zope.org/Products/. of Zope.org.
-    % Anonymous User - Sep. 28, 2002 3:54 pm:
-     /complete library/ well, whats the def of *complete* ?
-     CookieCrumbler 0.3  http://www.zope.org/Members/hathawsh/CookieCrumbler
-     CookieCrumbler 0.5  http://hathaway.freezope.org/Software/CookieCrumbler
-     OrderedFolder 0.4.0 http://www.zope.org/Members/srichter/Products/OrderedFolder
-     OrderedFolder 0.5.1
-     and there are other products not even hosted at zope.org. blf
-    % Anonymous User - Sep. 30, 2002 7:17 pm:
-     http://sourceforge.net/projects/lleu
-    % Anonymous User - Oct. 2, 2002 3:00 pm:
-     http://sourceforge.net/projects/localfs/
-  Products can be developed two ways, *through the web* using
-  ZClasses, and in the Python programming language. Products can even
-  be a hybrid of both through the web products and Python code.  This
-  chapter discusses building new products through the web, a topic
-  which you've already have some brief exposure to in Chapter 11,
-  "Searching and Categorizing Content".  Developing a Product entirely
-  in Python product programming is the beyond its scope and you should
-  visit Zope.org for specific Product developer documentation.
-    % Anonymous User - Sep. 28, 2002 4:23 pm:
-     /is the beyond its scope/is beyond this chapters scope/# far pinter "chapter"
-     oh, what a pity. i have written python products, but was yet too dumb for ZClasses.
-     As for Product developer docs: there is much stuff, most of it dated. You'll end up looking at the source of
-     other products. thanx to python in most cases thats easy+fun. blf
-  This chapter shows 
-  you how to:
-    o Create new Products in Zope
-    o Define ZClasses in Products
-    o Integrating Python with ZClasses
-    o Distribute Products to other Zope users
-  The first step in customizing Zope starts in the next section, where
-  you learn how to create new Zope Products.
-  Creating Zope Products
-    Through the web Products are stored in the *Product Management*
-    folder in the Control Panel.  Click on the *Control_Panel* in the
-    root folder and then click *Products*.  You are now in the screen
-    shown in [12-1].
-    "Installed Products":img:12-1:Figures/12-1.png
-    Each blue box represents an installed Product. From this screen,
-    you can manage these Products.  Some Products are built into Zope
-    by default or have been installed by you or your administrator.
-    These products have a *closed* box icon, as shown in [12-1].
-    Closed-box products cannot be managed through the web. You can get
-    information about these products by clicking on them, but you
-    cannot change them.
-    You can also create your own Products that you *can* manage
-    through the web. Your products let you create new kinds of objects
-    in Zope.  These through the web managable product have open-box
-    icons.  If you followed the examples in Chapter 11, "Searching and
-    Categorizing Content", then you have a *News* open-box product.
-    Why do you want to create products?  For example, all of the
-    various caretakers in the Zoo want an easy way to build simple
-    on-line exhibits about the Zoo.  The exhibits must all be in the
-    same format and contain similar information structure, and each
-    will be specific to a certain animal in the Zoo.
-    To accomplish this, you could build an exhibit for one animal, and
-    then copy and paste it for each exhibit, but this would be a
-    difficult and manual process.  All of the information and
-    properties would have to be changed for each new exhibit.
-    Further, there may be thousands of exhibits. 
-    To add to this problem, let's say you now want to have information
-    on each exhibit that tells whether the animal is endangered or
-    not.  You would have to change each exhibit, one by one, to do
-    this by using copy and paste.  Clearly, copying and pasting does
-    not scale up to a very large zoo, and could be very expensive.
-    You also need to ensure each exhibit is easy to manage.  The
-    caretakers of the individual exhibits should be the ones providing
-    information, but none of the Zoo caretakers know much about Zope
-    or how to create websites and you certainly don't want to waste
-    their time making them learn.  You just want them to type some
-    simple information into a form about their topic of interest,
-    click submit, and walk away.
-    By creating a Zope product, you can acomplish these goals quickly
-    and easily.  You can create easy to manage objects that your
-    caretakers can use.  You can define exhibit templates that you can
-    change once and effect all of the exhibits.  You can do these
-    things by creating Zope Products.
-  Creating A Simple Product
-    Using Products you can solve the exhibit creation and management
-    problems. Let's begin with an example of how to create a simple
-    product that will allow you to collect information about
-    exhibits and create a customized exhibit. Later in the chapter
-    you see more complex and powerful ways to use products.
-    The chief value of a Zope product is that it allows you to
-    create objects in a central location and it gives you access to
-    your objects through the product add list. This gives you the
-    ability to build global services and make them available via a
-    standard part of the Zope management interface. In other words a
-    Product allows you to customize Zope.
-      % Anonymous User - Sep. 28, 2002 5:35 pm:
-       /you to create objects in a central location/ 
-       Categorial confusion? The product (=class) is in 1 location, 
-       but instantiated objects thereof may be located everywhere (thru the [ADD] list)
-       Dont confuse the cake with the cake tin. blf
-    Begin by going to the *Products* folder in the *Control Panel*.
-    To create a new Product, click the *Add Product* button on the *Product
-    Management* folder.  This will take you to the Product add form.
-    Enter the id "ZooExhibit" and click *Generate*.  You will now
-    see your new Product in the *Product Management* folder.  It
-    should be a blue box with an open lid.  The open lid means you
-    can click on the Product and manage it through the web.
-    Select the *ZooExhibit* Product.  This will take you to the Product
-    management screen.
-    The management screen for a Product looks and acts just like a Folder
-    except for a few differences:
-      1. There is a new view, called *Distribution*, all the way to the
-         right.  This gives you the ability to package and distribute your
-         Product.  This is discussed later.
-      2. If you select the add list, you will see some new types of objects
-         you can add including *ZClass*, *Factory*, and *Permission*.
-      3. The folder with a question mark on it is the *ZooExhibit*
-         Product's *Help Folder*.  This folder can contain *Help
-         Topics* that tell people how to use your Product.
-      4. There is also a new view *Define Permissions* that define
-         the permissions associated with this Product.  This is
-         advanced and is not necessary for this example.
-    In the *Contents* View create a DTML Method named *hello* with
-    these contents::
-      <dtml-var standard_html_header>
-      <h2>Hello from the Zoo Exhibit Product</h2>
-      <dtml-var standard_html_footer> 
-      % Anonymous User - Nov. 20, 2002 9:55 am:
-       2. If you select the add list, you will see some new types of objects you can add including ZClass, <i>Zope
-       Factory</i>, and <i>Zope Permission</i>.
-    This method will allow you to test your product. Next create a
-    Factory. Select *Zope Factory* from the product add list. You
-    will be taken to a Factory add form as shown in [12-2].
-    "Adding A Factory":img:12-2:Figures/12-2.png
-    Factories create a bridge from the product add list to your
-    Product. Give your Factory an id of *myFactory*. In the *Add
-    list name* field enter *Hello* and in the *Method* selection,
-    choose *hello*. Now click *Generate*. Now click on the new
-    Factory and change the *Permission* to *Add Document, Images,
-    and Files* and click on *Save Changes*. This tells Zope that you
-    must have the *Add Documents, Images, and Files* permission to
-    use the Factory.  Congratulations, you've just customized the
-    Zope management interface. Go to the root folder and click the
-    product add list. Notice that it now includes an entry named
-    *Hello*. Choose *Hello* from the product add list. It calls your
-    *hello* method.
-    One of the most common things to do with methods that you link
-    to with Factories is to copy objects into the current Folder. In
-    other words your methods can get access to the location from
-    which they were called and can then perform operations on that
-    Folder including copy objects into it. Just because you can do
-    all kinds of crazy things with Factories and Products doesn't
-    mean that you should. In general people expect that when they
-    select something from the product add list that they will be
-    taken to an add form where they specify the id of a new
-    object. Then they expect that when they click *Add* that a new
-    object with the id they specified will be created in their
-    folder. Let's see how to fulfill these expectations.
-    First create a new Folder named *exhibitTemplate* in your
-    Product. This will serve as a template for exhibits. Also in the
-    Product folder create a DTML Method named *addForm*, and Python
-    Script named *add*. These objects will create new exhibit instances.
-    Now go back to your Factory and change it so that the *Add list name*
-    is *Zoo Exhibit* and the method is *addForm*.
-    So what's going to happen is that when someone chooses *Zoo Exhibit*
-    from the product add list, the *addForm* method will run. This method
-    should collect information about the id and title of the
-    exhibit. When the user clicks *Add* it should call the *add* script
-    that will copy the *exhibitTemplate* folder into the calling folder
-    and will rename it to have the specified id.  The next step is to
-    edit the *addForm* method to have these contents::
-      <dtml-var manage_page_header>
-        <h2>Add a Zoo Exhibit</h2>
-        <form action="add" method="post">
-        id <input type="text" name="id"><br>
-        title <input type="text" name="title"><br>
-        <input type="submit" value=" Add ">
-        </form>
-      <dtml-var manage_page_footer>
-    Admittedly this is a rather bleak add form. It doesn't collect
-    much data and it doesn't tell the user what a Zoo Exhibit is and
-    why they'd want to add one. When you create your own web
-    applications you'll want to do better than this example.
-    Notice that this method doesn't include the standard HTML headers
-    and footers. By convention Zope management screens don't use the
-    same headers and footers that your site uses. Instead management
-    screens use 'manage_page_header' and 'manage_page_footer'. The
-    management view header and footer ensure that management views
-    have a common look and feel.
-    Also notice that the action of the form is the *add* script.  Now
-    paste the following body into the *add* script::
-      ## Script (Python) "add"
-      ##parameters=id ,title, REQUEST=None
-      ##
-      """
-      Copy the exhibit template to the calling folder
-      """
-      # Clone the template, giving it the new ID. This will be placed
-      # in the current context (the place the factory was called from).
-      exhibit=context.manage_clone(container.exhibitTemplate,id)
-      # Change the clone's title
-      exhibit.manage_changeProperties(title=title)
-      # If we were called through the web, redirect back to the context
-      if REQUEST is not None:
-          try: u=context.DestinationURL()
-          except: u=REQUEST['URL1']
-          REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(u+'/manage_main?update_menu=1')
-    This script clones the *exhibitTemplate* and copies it to the
-    current folder with the specified id. Then it changes the
-    *title* property of the new exhibit. Finally it returns the
-    current folder's main management screen by calling
-    *manage_main*.
-    Congratulations, you've now extended Zope by creating a new
-    product. You've created a way to copy objects into Zope via the
-    product add list. However, this solution still suffers from some
-    of the problems we discussed earlier in the chapter. Even though
-    you can edit the exhibit template in a centralized place, it's
-    still only a template. So if you add a new property to the
-    template, it won't affect any of the existing exhibits. To
-    change existing exhibits you'll have to modify each one
-    manually. 
-    ZClasses take you one step farther by allowing you to have one
-    central template that defines a new type of object, and when you
-    change that template, all of the objects of that type change
-    along with it.  This central template is called a ZClass.  In
-    the next section, we'll show you how to create ZClasses that
-    define a new *Exhibit* ZClass.
-  Creating ZClasses
-    ZClasses are tools that help you build new types of objects in
-    Zope by defining a *class*.  A class is like a blueprint for
-    objects.  When defining a class, you are defining what an object
-    will be like when it is created.  A class can define methods,
-    properties, and other attributes.
-      % Anonymous User - Nov. 17, 2002 5:15 am:
-       The following question springs to mind at this point: How does one decide (particularly the newbie) whether
-       to use a Zope ('internal') Product, a python-based ('external') Product or ZClasses for e.g. a new
-       project/application?
-       Each *must* have its relative merits, but which, where?
-    Objects that you create from a certain class are called *instances*
-    of that class.  For example, there is only one *Folder* class, but
-    you many have many Folder instances in your application.
-      % Anonymous User - June 8, 2002 3:12 pm:
-       typo
-       s/but you many have many/but you may have many/
-    Instances have the same methods and properties as their class.  If
-    you change the class, then all of the instances reflect that
-    change.  Unlike the templates that you created in the last
-    section, classes continue to exert control over instances.  Keep
-    in mind this only works one way, if you change an instance, no
-    changes are made to the class or any other instances.
-    A good real world analogy to ZClasses are word processor templates.
-    Most word processors come with a set of predefined templates that you
-    can use to create a certain kind of document, like a resume.  There may
-    be hundreds of thousands of resumes in the world based on the Microsoft
-    Word Resume template, but there is only one template.  Like the Resume
-    template is to all those resumes, a ZClass is a template for any number
-    of similar Zope objects.
-      % cwitty - May 25, 2002 5:30 am:
-       In the previous paragraph, you were emphasizing that the important thing about classes is that if you change
-       a class, instances reflect the change. That makes word processor templates a poor analogy; if the template
-       changes, documents based on the template don't change.
-      % mcdonc - May 27, 2002 6:07 pm:
-       This is true for ZClasses and it should be mentioned somewhere... but it's not true for Python disk-based
-       classes.
-    ZClasses are classes that you can build through the web using Zope's
-    management interface.  Classes can also be written in Python, but
-    this is not covered in this book.
-    ZClasses can inherit attributes from other classes.  Inheritance allows
-    you to define a new class that is based on another class.  For example,
-    say you wanted to create a new kind of document object that had special
-    properties you were interested in.  Instead of building all of the
-    functionality of a document from scratch, you can just *inherit* all of
-    that functionality from the *DTML Document* class and add only the new
-    information you are interested in.
-    Inheritance also lets you build generalization relationships
-    between classes.  For example, you could create a class called
-    'Animal' that contains information that all animals have in
-    general.  Then, you could create *Reptile* and *Mammal* classes
-    that both inherit from *Animal*.  Taking it even further, you
-    could create two additional classes *Lizard* and *Snake* that both
-    inherit from *Reptile*, as shown in [12-3].
-      % Anonymous User - Aug. 20, 2002 1:35 pm:
-       ...two additional classes Lizard and Snake that both inherit from Reptile, as shown in Figure 12-3. There are
-       classes *Frog* and Snake inheriting from Reptile in fig 12-3.
-      % Anonymous User - Sep. 5, 2002 1:37 pm:
-       Uh ... frogs are amphibians, not reptiles.
-      % Anonymous User - Sep. 27, 2002 2:02 pm:
-       Any tricky problem on multiple inheritance ? method name resolution ? (when multiple implmentations)... I
-       have big problems while inheriting from both a folder and a zobject
-    "Example Class Inheritance":img:12-3:Figures/12-3.png
-      % Anonymous User - Sep. 18, 2002 11:33 am:
-       Technically a Frog is-a amphibian rather than a reptile.
-    ZClasses can inherit from most of the objects you've used in this
-    book.  In addition, ZClasses can inherit from other ZClasses defined
-    in the same Product.  We will use this technique and others in this
-    chapter.
-    Before going on with the next example, you should rename the
-    existing *ZooExhibit* Product in your Zope Products folder to
-    something else, like *ZooTemplate* so that it does not conflict
-    with this example. Now, create a new Product in the Product folder
-    called *ZooExhibit*.
-      % Anonymous User - Sep. 19, 2002 11:05 am:
-       I belive you omitted: "Go into the ZooExhibit Product you just created..." Otherwise, the Add ZClass
-       selection in the next step does not appear.
-      % Anonymous User - Sep. 19, 2002 11:08 am:
-       Please explain why a containing Product is necessary to create a ZClass.
-      % Anonymous User - Nov. 12, 2002 11:21 am:
-       I think ZClasses are tools for Products. In fact before they say that ZClass, Zope Factory and another class
-       appear in the selection box only when you are adding objects in the product creation
-    Select *ZClass* from the add list of the *ZooExhibit* Contents
-    view and go to the ZClass add form.  This form is complex, and has
-    lots of elements.  We'll go through them one by one:
-      Id -- This is the name of the class to create.  For this
-      example, choose the name *ZooExhibit*.
-      Meta Type -- The Meta Type of an object is a name for the type of
-      this object.  This should be something short but descriptive about
-      what the object does.  For this example, choose the meta type "Zoo
-      Exhibit".
-      Base Classes -- Base classes define a sequence of classes that you
-      want your class to inherit attributes from.  Your new class can be
-      thought of as *extending* or being *derived from* the functionality
-      of your base classes.  You can choose one or more classes from the
-      list on the left, and click the '->' button to put them in your base
-      class list.  The '<-' button removes any base classes you select on
-      the right.  For this example, don't select any base classes.  Later
-      in this chapter, we'll explain some of the more interesting base
-      classes, like *ObjectManager*.
-      Create constructor objects? -- You usually want to leave this
-      option checked unless you want to take care of creating
-      form/action constructor pairs and a Factory object yourself.  If
-      you want Zope to do this task for you, leave this checked.
-      Checking this box means that this add form will create five
-      objects, a Class, a Constructor Form, a Constructor Action, a
-      Permission, and a Factory.  For this example, leave this box
-      checked.
-      Include standard Zope persistent object base classes? -- This
-      option should be checked unless you don't want your object to be
-      saved in the database.  This is an advanced option and should
-      only be used for Pluggable Brains.  For this example, leave this
-      box checked.
-    Now click *Add*.  This will take you back to the *ZooExhibit* Product
-    and you will see five new objects, as shown in [12-4].
-      % Anonymous User - Aug. 21, 2002 9:09 am:
-       I would like to build a ZClass that inherits from class SessionDataManager of the Session product, but no
-       such class shows in the base classes list. Are there any techniques to make it became a base class extensible
-       by ZClasses?
-       The strange thing is that further on an __init__.py example shows how to register a class so to make it
-       available to ZClasses for inheriting, and the __init__.py file of the Session product follows such
-       registration directives!
-       To be honest, it calls context.registerClass(), not context.registerBaseClass().
-       Maybe that's the point? Can I overcome this editing __init__.py and changing
-       context.registerClass() to context.registerBaseClass()?
-    "Product with a ZClass":img:12-4:Figures/12-4.png
-      % Anonymous User - Aug. 22, 2002 10:43 am:
-       The screen-shot is misleading. Before you asked the reader to rename the ZooExhibit folder to ZooTemplate in
-       order to work with a new / empty ZooExhibit folder. But this screen shows a mixture of the old and new
-       "project". You should take a different screen-shot.
-       -Mac-
-    The five objects Zope created are all automatically configured to work
-    properly, you do not need to change them for now.  Here is a brief
-    description of each object that was created:
-      *ZooExhibit* -- This is the ZClass itself.  It's icon is a white box
-      with two horizontal lines in it.  This is the traditional symbol for
-      a *class*.
-      *ZooExhibit_addForm* -- This DTML Method is the constructor form for
-      the ZClass.  It is a simple form that accepts an id and title.  You
-      can customize this form to accept any kind of input your new object
-      requires.  The is very similar to the add form we created in the
-      first example.
-      *ZooExhibit_add* -- This DTML Method gets called by the
-      constructor form, *ZooExhibit_addForm*.  This method actually
-      creates your new object and sets its *id* and *title*.  You can
-      customize this form to do more advanced changes to your object
-      based on input parameters from the *ZooExhibit_addForm*.  This
-      has the same functionality as the Python script we created in
-      the previous example.
-      *ZooExhibit_add_permission* -- The curious looking stick-person
-      carrying the blue box is a *Permission*.  This defines a
-      permission that you can associate with adding new *ZooExhibit*
-      objects.  This lets you protect the ability to add new Zoo
-      exhibits.  If you click on this Permission, you can see the name
-      of this new permission is "Add ZooExhibits".
-      *ZooExhibit_factory* -- The little factory with a smokestack
-      icon is a *Factory* object.  If you click on this object, you
-      can change the text that shows up in the add list for this
-      object in the *Add list name* box.  The *Method* is the method
-      that gets called when a user selects the *Add list name* from
-      the add list.  This is usually the constructor form for your
-      object, in this case, *ZooExhibit_addForm*.  You can associate
-      the Permission the user must have to add this object, in this
-      case, *ZooExhibit_add_permission*.  You can also specify a
-      regular Zope permission instead.
-      % Anonymous User - Sep. 18, 2002 11:44 am:
-       in ZooExibit_addForm explination, it should be "This is very similair to ...", rather than "The is ..."
-    That's it, you've created your first ZClass.  Click on the new ZClass
-    and click on its *Basic* tab.  The *Basic* view on your ZClass lets
-    you change some of the information you specified on the ZClass add
-    form.  You cannot change the base classes of a ZClass. As you learned
-    earlier in the chapter, these settings include:
-      meta-type -- The name of your ZClass as it appears in the
-      product add list.
-      class id -- A unique identifier for your class. You should
-      only change this if you want to use your class definition for
-      existing instances of another ZClass. In this case you should
-      copy the class id of the old class into your new class.
-      icon -- The path to your class's icon image. There is little
-      reason to change this. If you want to change your class's
-      icon, upload a new file with the *Browse* button.
-      % Anonymous User - June 26, 2002 1:59 pm:
-       I miss a form to delete a zclass based document via HTML. There should be an explanation.
-    At this point, you can start creating new instances of the *ZooExhibit*
-    ZClass.  First though, you probably want a common place where all
-    exhibits are defined, so go to your root folder and select *Folder*
-    from the add list and create a new folder with the id "Exhibits".  Now,
-    click on the *Exhibits* folder you just created and pull down the Add
-    list.  As you can see, *ZooExhibit* is now in the add list.
-    Go ahead and select *ZooExhibit* from the add list and create a
-    new Exhibit with the id "FangedRabbits".  After creating the new
-    exhibit, select it by clicking on it.
-    As you can see your object already has three views, *Undo*,
-    *Ownership*, and *Security*.  You don't have to define these parts of
-    your object, Zope does that for you.  In the next section, we'll add
-    some more views for you to edit your object.
-      % Anonymous User - Sep. 19, 2002 11:23 am:
-       I have seven view tabs: Contents, View, Properties, Security, Undo, Ownership, Find. Is this proper? The text
-       infers that I should only have three views.
-      % Anonymous User - Sep. 19, 2002 11:27 am:
-       Ah, I forgot to click on FangedRabbits. That's where you get only three views. Since everything in Zope is an
-       object (e.g. both FangedRabbits and its containing folder), it would be great if the text was more specific.
-    Creating Views of Your ZClass
-      All Zope objects are divided into logical screens called *Views*.
-      Views are used commonly when you work with Zope objects in the
-      management interface, the tabbed screens on all Zope objects are
-      views.  Some views like *Undo*, are standard and come with Zope.
-      Views are defined on the *Views* view of a ZClass.  Go to your
-      *ZooExhibit* ZClass and click on the *Views* tab.  The *Views* view
-      looks like [12-5].
-      "The Views view.":img:12-5:Figures/12-5.png
-      On this view you can see the three views that come automatically with
-      your new object, *Undo*, *Ownership*, and *Security*.  They are
-      automatically configured for you as a convenience, since almost all
-      objects have these interfaces, but you can change them or remove them
-      from here if you really want to (you generally won't).
-      The table of views is broken into three columns, *Name*, *Method*,
-      and *Help Topic*.  The *Name* is the name of the view and is the
-      label that gets drawn on the view's tab in the management interface.
-      The *Method* is the method of the class or property sheet that gets
-      called to render the view.  The *Help Topic* is where you associate a
-      *Help Topic* object with this view.  Help Topics are explained more
-      later.
-      Views also work with the security system to make sure users only see
-      views on an object that they have permission to see.  Security will
-      be explained in detail a little further on, but it is good to know at
-      this point that views now only divide an object management interfaces
-      into logical chunks, but they also control who can see which view.
-        % Anonymous User - Dec. 20, 2003 5:03 pm:
-         s/now only divide/not only divide/
-      The *Method* column on the Methods view has select boxes that let you
-      choose which method generates which view.  The method associated with
-      a view can be either an object in the *Methods* view, or a Property
-      Sheet in the *Property Sheets* view.
-    Creating Properties on Your ZClass 
-      Properties are collections of variables that your object uses to
-      store information.  A Zoo Exhibit object, for example, would need
-      properties to contain information about the exhibit, like what animal
-      is in the exhibit, a description, and who the caretakers are.
-      Properties for ZClasses work a little differently than properties on
-      Zope objects.  In ZClasses, Properties come in named groups called
-      *Property Sheets*.  A Property Sheet is a way of organizing a related
-      set of properties together.  Go to your *ZooExhibit* ZClass and click
-      on the *Property Sheets* tab.  To create a new sheet, click *Add
-      Common Instance Property Sheet*.  This will take you to the Property
-      Sheet add form.  Call your new Property Sheet "ExhibitProperties" and
-      click *Add*.
-      Now you can see that your new sheet, *ExhibitProperties*, has  been
-      created in the *Property Sheets* view of your ZClass.  Click on the
-      new sheet to manage it, as shown in [12-6].
-      "A Property Sheet":img:12-6:Figures/12-6.png
-      As you can see, this sheet looks very much like the *Properties* view
-      on Zope objects.  Here, you can create new properties on this sheet.
-      Properties on Property Sheets are exactly like Properties on Zope
-      objects, they have a name, a type, and a value.  
-        % Anonymous User - Aug. 31, 2002 2:44 am:
-         If I create a "selection" property, then what is the context in which it searches for the method? Is the
-         context any different between the master class and the instances? Should it be?
-         An example of my problem follows. Create a new ZClass object called "Parrot" in a convenient product folder.
-         Create a method on "Parrot" called "status_list". I suggest a simple Python script will do, such as one that
-         immediately returns a list of strings (like return ["passed on", "ceased to be", ...] etc). Now create a new
-         common instance property sheet for the class, called "properties". In this property sheet, add a property
-         named "status" with a type of "selection" and a value of "status_list". Note that the value appears as "no
-         value for status_list" when added. Now create an instance of "Parrot" somewhere and inspect its properties.
-         Note that the select list is populated with the list of strings returned by the "status_list" method.
-         It seems reasonable to me that you'd want these two cases to behave identically, not differently. In what
-         part of the product folder should such a method/script be placed such that it is equally accessible to the
-         class property sheets and the instance property sheets?
-      Create three new properties 
-      on this sheet:
-        *animal* -- This property should be of type *string*.  It will hold
-        the name of the animal this exhibit features.
-        *description* -- This property should be of type *text*.  It will
-        hold the description of the exhibit.
-        *caretakers* -- This property should be of type *lines*.  It will
-        hold a list of names for the exhibit caretakers.
-      Property Sheets have two uses.  As you've seen with this example,
-      they are a tool for organizing related sets of properties about your
-      objects, second to that, they are used to generate HTML forms and
-      actions to edit those set of properties.  The HTML edit forms are
-      generated automatically for you, you only need to associate a view
-      with a Property Sheet to see the sheet's edit form.  For example,
-      return to the ZooExhibit ZClass and click on the *Views* tab and
-      create a new view with the name *Edit* and associate it with the
-      method *propertysheets/ExhibitProperties/manage_edit*.
-        % Anonymous User - May 22, 2002 6:58 am:
-         Using Zope 2.5.1, I seem to only have "propertysheets/ExhibitProperties/manage" (which seems to do the same
-         as "manage_edit")
-        % Anonymous User - Sep. 19, 2002 11:46 am:
-         Before returning to the ZooExhibit ZClass (last sentence), I assume you should "Save changes". WARNING: Your
-         browser may have cached the ZClass Views page, and "propertysheets/ExhibitProperties/manage" will not appear
-         in the Methods list.
-      Since you can use Property Sheets to create editing screens you
-      might want to create more than one Property Sheet for your
-      class. By using more than one sheet you can control which
-      properties are displayed together for editing purposes. You can
-      also separate private from public properties on different sheets
-      by associating them with different permissions.
-      Now, go back to your *Exhibits* folder and either look at an existing
-      *ZooExhibit* instance or create a new one.  As you can see, a new
-      view called *Edit* has been added to your object, as shown in Figure
-      [12-7].
-      "A ZooExhibit Edit view":img:12-7:Figures/12-7.png
-      This edit form has been generated for you automatically.  You only
-      needed to create the Property Sheet, and then associate that sheet
-      with a View.  If you add another property to the *ExhibitProperties*
-      Property Sheet, all of your instances will automatically get a new
-      updated edit form, because when you change a ZClass, all of the
-      instances of that class inherit the change.
-      It is important to understand that changes made to the class are
-      reflected by all of the instances, but changes to an instance are
-      *not* reflected in the class or in any other instance.  For example,
-      on the *Edit* view for your *ZooExhibit* instance (*not* the class),
-      enter "Fanged Rabbit" for the *animal* property, the description
-      "Fanged, carnivorous rabbits plagued early medieval knights.  They
-      are known for their sharp, pointy teeth." and two caretakers,
-      "Tim" and "Somebody Else".  Now click *Save Changes*.
-      As you can see, your changes have obviously effected this instance,
-      but what happened to the class?  Go back to the *ZooExhibit* ZClass
-      and look at the *ExhibitProperties* Property Sheet.  Nothing has
-      changed!  Changes to instances have no effect on the class.
-      You can also provide default values for properties on a Property
-      Sheet.  You could, for example, enter the text "Describe your exhibit
-      in this box" in the *description* property of the *ZooExhibit*
-      ZClass.  Now, go back to your *Exhibits* folder and create a *new*
-,      *ZooExhibit* object and click on its *Edit* view.  Here, you see that
-      the value provided in the Property Sheet is the default value for the
-      instance.  Remember, if you change this instance, the default value
-      of the property in the Property Sheet is *not* changed.  Default
-      values let you set up useful information in the ZClass for properties
-      that can later be changed on an instance-by-instance basis.
-      You may want to go back to your ZClass and click on the *Views*
-      tab and change the "Edit" view to be the first view by clicking
-      the *First* button.  Now, when you click on your instances, they
-      will show the Edit view  first.
-    Creating Methods on your ZClass
-      The *Methods* View of your ZClass lets you define the methods for the
-      instances of your ZClass.  Go to your *ZooExhibit* ZClass and click
-      on the *Methods* tab.  The *Methods* view looks like [12-8].
-      "The Methods View":img:12-8:Figures/12-8.png
-      You can create any kind of Zope object on the *Methods* view,
-      but generally only callable objects (DTML Methods and Scripts,
-      for example) are added.
-      Methods are used 
-      for several purposes:
-        Presentation  -- When you associate a view with a method, the
-        method is called when a user selects that view on an instance.  For
-        example, if you had a DTML Method called *showAnimalImages*, and a
-        view called *Images*, you could associate the *showAnimalImages*
-        method with the *Images* view.  Whenever anyone clicked on the
-        *Images* view on an instance of your ZClass, the *showAnimalImages*
-        method would get called.
-        Logic -- Methods are not necessarily associated with
-        views.  Methods are often created that define how you can work with
-        your object.  
-          For example, consider the *isHungry* method of the
-          *ZooExhibit* ZClass defined later in this section. It does
-          not define a view for a *ZooExhibit*, it just provide very
-          specific information about the *ZooExhibit*.  Methods in a
-          ZClass can call each other just like any other Zope methods,
-          so logic methods could be *used* from a presentation method,
-          even though they don't *define* a view.
-            % Anonymous User - Dec. 20, 2003 5:29 pm:
-             s/it just provide/it just provides/
-        Shared Objects -- As was pointed out earlier, you can create
-        any kind of object on the *Methods* view of a ZClass.  All
-        instances of your ZClass will *share* the objects on the
-        Methods view.  For example, if you create a *Z Gadfly
-        Connection* in the Methods view of your ZClass, then all
-        instances of that class will share the same Gadfly connection.
-        Shared objects can be useful to your class's logic or
-        presentation methods.
-      A good example of a presentation method is a DTML Method that
-      displays a Zoo Exhibit to your website viewers.  This is often
-      called the *public interface* to an object and is usually
-      associated with the *View* view found on most Zope objects.
-      Create a new DTML Method on the *Methods* tab of your *ZooExhibit*
-      ZClass called *index_html*.  Like all objects named *index_html*,
-      this will be the default representation for the object it is defined
-      in, namely, instances of your ZClass.  Put the following DTML in the
-      *index_html* Method you just created::
-        <dtml-var standard_html_header>
-          <h1><dtml-var animal></h1>
-          <p><dtml-var description></p>
-          <p>The <dtml-var animal> caretakers are:<br>
-            <dtml-in caretakers>
-              <dtml-var sequence-item><br>
-            </dtml-in>
-          </p>
-        <dtml-var standard_html_footer>
-      Now, you can visit one of your *ZooExhibit* instances directly
-      through the web, for example,
-      *http://www.zopezoo.org/Exhibits/FangedRabbits/* will show you the
-      public interface for the Fanged Rabbit exhibit.
-      You can use Python-based or Perl-based Scripts, and even Z SQL
-      Methods to implement logic. Your logic objects can call each other,
-      and can be called from your presentation methods. To create the
-      *isHungry* method, first create two new properties in the
-      *ExhibitProperties* property sheet named "last_meal_time" that is of
-      the type *date* and "isDangerous" that is of the type *boolean*.
-      This adds two new fields to your Edit view where you can enter the
-      last time the animal was fed and select whether or not the animal is
-      dangerous.
-        % Anonymous User - May 30, 2002 12:06 pm:
-         You need to enter a date on the last_meal_time property.
-         Zope 2.5.1 will not let you enter a null value in there.
-        % Anonymous User - Aug. 20, 2002 4:54 am:
-         for example, date should be like bellow:
-         2002/08/20 13:00:00 GMT+9
-      Here is an example of an implementation of the *isHungry* method in
-      Python::
-        ## Script (Python) "isHungry"
-        ##
-        """
-        Returns true if the animal hasn't eaten in over 8 hours
-        """
-        from DateTime import DateTime
-        if (DateTime().timeTime() 
-            - container.last_meal_time.timeTime() >  60 * 60 * 8):
-            return 1
-        else:
-            return 0
-        % hpaluch - Jan. 27, 2004 2:51 am:
-         It is obvious how to read ZClasses property - using container.last_meal_time.
-         But attempt to assign new value to property, i.e. container.last_meal_time = my_new_time
-         will result in an error: attribute-less object (assign or del)
-         It should be clarified. Now it seems that the only solution is to use manage_changeProperties(...) method.
-      The 'container' of this method refers to the ZClass instance. So
-      you can use the 'container' in a ZClass instance in the same way
-      as you use 'self' in normal Python methods.
-      You could call this method from your *index_html* display
-      method using this snippet of DTML::
-        <dtml-if isHungry>
-          <p><dtml-var animal> is hungry</p>
-        </dtml-if>
-      You can even call a number of logic methods from your display
-      methods. For example, you could improve the hunger display like so::
-        <dtml-if isHungry>
-          <p><dtml-var animal> is hungry.
-          <dtml-if isDangerous>
-            <a href="notify_hunger">Tell</a> an authorized
-            caretaker.
-          <dtml-else>
-            <a href="feed">Feed</a> the <dtml-var animal>.
-          </dtml-if>
-          </p>
-        </dtml-if>
-      Your display method now calls logic methods to decide what
-      actions are appropriate and creates links to those actions.  For
-      more information on Properties, see Chapter 3, "Using Basic Zope
-      Objects".
-    *ObjectManager* ZClasses
-      If you choose *ZClasses:ObjectManager* as a base class for your
-      ZClass then instances of your class will be able to contain
-      other Zope objects, just like Folders. Container classes are
-      identical to other ZClasses with the exception that they have an
-      addition view *Subobjects*.
-      From this view you can control what kinds of objects your
-      instances can contain. For example if you created a FAQ
-      container class, you might restrict it to holding Question and
-      Answer objects. Select one or more meta-types from the select
-      list and click the *Change* button. The *Objects should appear
-      in folder lists* check box control whether or not instances of
-      your container class are shown in the Navigator pane as
-      expandable objects.
-        % Anonymous User - Dec. 31, 2003 9:59 am:
-         Last sentence is quite confusing...
-      Container ZClasses can be very powerful. A very common pattern
-      for web applications is to have two classes that work
-      together. One class implements the basic behavior and hold
-      data. The other class contains instances of the basic class and
-      provides methods to organize and list the contained
-      instances. You can model many problems this way, for example a
-      ticket manager can contain problem tickets, or a document
-      repository can contain documents, or an object router can contain
-      routing rules, and so on. Typically the container class will
-      provide methods to add, delete, and query or locate contained
-      objects.
-    ZClass Security Controls
-      When building new types of objects, security can play an important
-      role.  For example, the following three Roles are needed in your Zoo:
-        *Manager* -- This role exists by default in Zope.  This is you, and
-        anyone else who you want to be able to completely manage your Zope
-        system.
-        *Caretaker* -- After you create a *ZooExhibit* instance, you
-        want users with the *Caretaker* role to be able to edit
-        exhibits.  Only users with this role should be able to see the
-        *Edit* view of a *ZooExhibit* instance.
-        *Anonymous* -- This role exists by default in Zope.  People with
-        the *Anonymous* role should be able to view the exhibit, but not
-        manage it or change it in any way.
-      As you learned in Chapter 7, "Users and Security", creating new
-      roles is easy, but how can you control who can create and edit
-      new *ZooExhibit* instances?  To do this, you must define some
-      security policies on the *ZooExhibit* ZClass that control access
-      to the ZClass and its methods and property sheets.
-    Controlling access to Methods and Property Sheets
-      By default, Zope tries to be sensible about ZClasses and security.
-      You may, however, want to control access to instances of your ZClass
-      in special ways.
-      For example, Zoo Caretakers are really only interested in seeing the
-      *Edit* view (and perhaps the *Undo* view, which we'll show later),
-      but definitely not the *Security* or *Ownership* views.  You don't
-      want Zoo caretakers changing the security settings on your Exhibits;
-      you don't even want them to *see* those aspects of an Exhibit, you
-      just want to give them the ability to edit an exhibit and nothing
-      else.
-      To do this, you need to create a new *Zope Permission* object in the
-      *ZooExhibit* Product (*not* the ZClass, permissions are defined in
-      Products only).  To do this, go to the *ZooExhibit* Product and
-      select *Zope Permission* from the add list.  Give the new permission
-      the *Id* "edit_exhibit_permission" and the *Name* "Edit Zoo Exhibits"
-      and click *Generate*.
-        % cropr - Dec. 29, 2003 4:22 am:
-         If permissions can only be defined in Products, then why is there a "define permissions" tab if one slects
-         the Zclass?
-      Now, select your *ZooExhibit* ZClass, and click on the *Permissions*
-      tab.  This will take you to the *Permissions* view as shown in Figure
-      [12-9].
-      "The Permissions view":img:12-9:Figures/12-9.png
-      This view shows you what permissions your ZClass uses and lets you
-      choose additional permissions to use.  On the right is a list of all
-      of the default Zope permissions your ZClass inherits automatically.
-      On the left is a multiple select box where you can add new
-      permissions to your class.  Select the *Edit Zoo Exhibits* permission
-      in this box and click *Save Changes*.  This tells your ZClass that it is
-      interested in this permission as well as the permissions on the right.
-        % Anonymous User - May 8, 2002 1:55 pm:
-         I cant seem to find the "Edit Zoo Exhibits" permission?? Am I crazy? dTb
-        % Anonymous User - Aug. 26, 2002 8:00 pm:
-         You could go crazy trying to find it. You must name the Permission you create in the previous step. It
-         appears the Name field on the Permission object is used in this select list. Title is not used. If you do not
-         enter a Name, the new permission appears as a blank line at the top of the select list. -ASD
-      Now, click on the *Property Sheets* tab and select the
-      *ExhibitProperties* Property Sheet.  Click on the *Define
-      Permissions* tab.
-      You want to tell this Property Sheet that only users who have the
-      *Edit Zoo Exhibits* permission you just created can manage the
-      properties on the *ExhibitProperties* sheet.  On this view, pull down
-      the select box and choose *Edit Zoo Exhibits*.  This will map the
-      *Edit Zoo Exhibits* to the *Manage Properties* permission on the
-      sheet.  This list of permissions you can select from comes from the
-      ZClass *Permissions* view you were just on, and because you selected
-      the *Edit Zoo Exhibits* permission on that screen, it shows up on
-      this list for you to select.  Notice that all options default to
-      *disabled* which means that the property sheet cannot be edited by
-      anyone.
-      Now, you can go back to your *Exhibits* folder and select the
-      *Security* view.  Here, you can see your new Permission is on the
-      left in the list of available permission.  What you want to do now is
-      create a new Role called *Caretaker* and map that new Role to the
-      *Edit Zoo Exhibits* permission.
-      Now, users must have the *Caretaker* role in order to see or use the
-      *Edit* view on any of your *ZooExhibit* instances.
-      Access to objects on your ZClass's *Methods* view are controlled in
-      the same way.
-    Controlling Access to instances of Your ZClass
-      The previous section explained how you can control access to
-      instances of your ZClass's Methods and Properties.  Access control is
-      controlling who can create new instances of your ZClass. As you saw
-      earlier in the chapter, instances are created by Factories. Factories
-      are associated with permissions. In the case of the Zoo Exhibit, the
-      *Add Zoo Exhibits* permission controls the ability to create Zoo
-      Exhibit instances.
-      Normally only Managers will have the *Add Zoo Exhibits* permission,
-      so only Managers will be able to create new Zoo Exhibits. However,
-      like all Zope permissions, you can change which roles have this
-      permissions in different locations of your site. It's important to
-      realize that this permission is controlled separately from the *Edit
-      Zoo Exhibits* permission. This makes it possible to allow some people
-      such as Caretakers to change, but not create Zoo Exhibits.
-    Providing Context-Sensitive Help for your ZClass
-      On the *View* screen of your ZClass, you can see that each view
-      can be associated with a *Help Topic*.  This allows you to
-      provide a link to a different help topics depending on which
-      view the user is looking at.  For example, let's create a Help
-      Topic for the *Edit* view of the *ZooExhibit* ZClass.
-      First, you need to create an actual help topic object.  This is
-      done by going to the *ZooExhibit* Product which contains the
-      *ZooExhibit* ZClass, and clicking on the *Help* folder.  The
-      icon should look like a folder with a blue question mark on it.
-      Inside this special folder, pull down the add list and select
-      *Help Topic*.  Give this topic the id "ExhibitEditHelp" and the
-      title "Help for Editing Exhibits" and click *Add*.
-      Now you will see the *Help* folder contains a new help topic
-      object called *ExhibitEditHelp*.  You can click on this object
-      and edit it, it works just like a DTML Document.  In this
-      document, you should place the help information you want to show
-      to your users::
-        <dtml-var standard_html_header>
-          <h1>Help!</h1>
-          <p>To edit an exhibit, click on either the <b>animal</b>,
-          <b>description</b>, or <b>caretakers</b> boxes to edit
-          them.</p>
-        <dtml-var standard_html_footer>
-      Now that you have created the help topic, you need to associate
-      with the *Edit* view of your ZClass.  To do this, select the
-      *ZooExhibit* ZClass and click on the *Views* tab.  At the right,
-      in the same row as the *Edit* view is defined, pull down the
-      help select box and select *ExhibitEditHelp* and click *Change*.
-      Now go to one of your ZooExhibit instances, the *Edit* view now
-      has a *Help!* link that you can click to look at your Help
-      Topic for this view.
-    In the next section, you'll see how ZClasses can be cobined with
-    standard Python classes to extend their functionality into raw Python.
-      % Anonymous User - Aug. 23, 2002 8:56 am:
-       /cobined/combined/
-       -Mac-
-  Using Python Base Classes
-    ZClasses give you a web managable interface to design new kinds of
-    objects in Zope.  In the beginning of this chapter, we showed you how
-    you can select from a list of *base classes* to subclass your ZClass
-    from.  Most of these base classes are actually written in Python, and
-    in this section you'll see how you can take your own Python classes and
-    include them in that list so that your ZClasses can extend their
-    methods.
-    Writing Python base classes is easy, but it involves a few installation
-    details. To create a Python base class you need access to the
-    filesystem. Create a directory inside your *lib/python/Products*
-    directory named *AnimalBase*. In this directory create a file named
-    *Animal.py* with these contents::
-      class Animal: 
-          """
-          A base class for Animals
-          """ 
-          _hungry=0
-          def eat(self, food, servings=1):
-              """
-              Eat food
-              """
-              self._hungry=0
-          def sleep(self):
-              """
-              Sleep
-              """
-              self._hungry=1
-          def hungry(self):
-              """
-              Is the Animal hungry?
-              """
-              return self._hungry
-      % Anonymous User - Sep. 2, 2002 10:34 am:
-       Let's suppose I need an __init__ method for class Animal: I found that this __init__ method, if present, is
-       automatically called when I create an instance of
-       the ZClass that "wraps" (inherits from) Annimal. But what if __init__ has parameters? Where can I pass these
-       parameters from? I guess the right place is from the Animal_add dtml method that acts as a constructor, but
-       what's the dtml for doing so? Please help!
-    This class defines a couple related methods and one default
-    attribute. Notice that like External Methods, the methods of this
-    class can access private attributes.
-    Next you need to register your base class with Zope. Create an
-    *__init__.py* file in the *AnimalBase* directory with these
-    contents::
-      from Animal import Animal
-      def initialize(context):
-          """
-          Register base class
-          """
-          context.registerBaseClass(Animal)  
-    Now you need to restart Zope in order for it find out about your
-    base class. After Zope restarts you can verify that your base
-    class has been registered in a couple different ways. First go to
-    the Products Folder in the Control Panel and look for an
-    *AnimalBase* package. You should see a closed box product. If you
-    see broken box, it means that there is something wrong with your
-    *AnimalBase* product.
-    Click on the *Traceback* view to see a Python traceback showing
-    you what problem Zope ran into trying to register your base class.
-    Once you resolve any problems that your base class might have
-    you'll need to restart Zope again. Continue this process until
-    Zope successfully loads your product. Now you can create a new
-    ZClass and you should see *AnimalBase:Animal* as a choice in the
-    base classes selection field.
-    To test your new base class create a ZClass that inherits from
-    *AnimalBase:Animal*. Embellish you animal however you wish. Create
-    a DTML Method named *care* with these contents::
-      <dtml-var standard_html_header>
-      <dtml-if give_food>
-        <dtml-call expr="eat('cookie')">
-      </dtml-if>
-      <dtml-if give_sleep>
-        <dtml-call sleep>
-      </dtml-if>
-      <dtml-if hungry>
-        <p>I am hungry</p>
-      <dtml-else>
-        <p>I am not hungry</p>
-      </dtml-if>
-      <form>
-      <input type="submit" value="Feed" name="give_food">
-      <input type="submit" value="Sleep" name="give_sleep">
-      </form>
-      <dtml-var standard_html_footer>
-    Now create an instance of your animal class and test out its
-    *care* method. The care method lets you feed your animal and give
-    it sleep by calling methods defined in its Python base class. Also
-    notice how after feeding your animal is not hungry, but if you
-    give it a nap it wakes up hungry.
-    As you can see, creating your own Products and ZClasses is an
-    involved process, but simple to understand once you grasp the
-    basics.  With ZClasses alone, you can create some pretty complex
-    web applications right in your web browser.
-      % Anonymous User - Aug. 27, 2002 12:40 pm:
-       What happens if I create a ZClass that inherits from a persistent base class and I live the 'Include standard
-       Zope persistent object base classes?' box checked in the 'Add ZClass' management view? There's the risk to
-       create buggy objects?
-       BTW, what are the standard Zope persistent object base classes?
-       And what happens if a ZClass inherits, say, from class A and B but B inherits from A as well? Is it safe to
-       make such ZClasses?
-    In the next section, you'll see how to create a *distribution* of
-    your Product, so that you can share it with others or deliver it
-    to a customer.
-      % Anonymous User - Oct. 13, 2002 10:16 am:
-       I realize that documentation usually lags behind a product, especially when the product is changing. However,
-       I think a lot of the Zope documentation would benefit from consistently showing examples on how to do things
-       in more ways then just the manage screens or dtml methods.
-       For example. After reading this I now feel comfortable creating new ZClasses and adding properties and
-       methods, views etc... But, It is not all together clear to me as a Zope newbie on how to programatically add
-       instances of the class thorugh something other than the management screen.
-       If you were to adopt a standard for examples that consistently included how to access the functionality,
-       (management screens, dtml-methods, zope page templates, and python scripts) I think it would get the message
-       across on how you can work with the zope object framework.
-       I hope this is taken as a suggestion and not a complaint, because I think Zope is a great product and I look
-       forward to working with future versions.
-  Distributing Products
-    Now you have created your own Product that lets you create any number
-    of exhibits in Zope.  Suppose you have a buddy at another Zoo who is
-    impressed by your new online exhibit system, and wants to get a similar
-    system for his Zoo.  
-    Perhaps you even belong to the Zoo keeper's Association of America and
-    you want to be able to give your product to anyone interested in an
-    exhibit system similar to yours.  Zope lets you distribute your
-    Products as one, easy to transport package that other users can
-    download from you and install in their Zope system.
-    To distribute your Product, click on the *ZooExhibit* Product and
-    select the *Distribution* tab.  This will take you to the
-    *Distribution* view.
-    The form on this view lets you control the distribution you want to
-    create.  The *Version* box lets you specify the version for your
-    Product distribution.  For every distribution you make, Zope will
-    increment this number for you, but you may want to specify it
-    yourself.  Just leave it at the default of "1.0" unless you want to
-    change it.
-    The next two radio buttons let you select whether or not you want
-    others to be able to customize or redistribute your Product.  If you
-    want them to be able to customize or redistribute your Product with no
-    restrictions, select the *Allow Redistribution* button.  If you want to
-    disallow their ability to redistribute your Product, select the
-    *Disallow redistribution and allow the user to configure only the
-    selected objects:* button.  If you disallow redistribution, you can
-    choose on an object by object basis what your users can customize in
-    your Product.  If you don't want them to be able to change anything,
-    then don't select any of the items in this list.  If you want them to
-    be able to change the *ZooExhibit* ZClass, then select only that
-    ZClass.  If you want them to be able to change everything (but still
-    not be able to redistribute your Product) then select all the objects
-    in this list.
-      % Anonymous User - June 26, 2002 1:55 pm:
-       The redistribution of a Product does not work allways. I can only distribute some of my Products from the
-       machine where they was written.
-       On a other machine (same Zope/Python version) I can't change and re-redistribute the Product again.
-      % Anonymous User - July 17, 2002 3:37 pm:
-       I lost my disc - when I tried to import my own product it came as a closed box. I was able modify all the
-       product, but I could not redistribute. So, I´ve made all the product again.
-       I tried again to distribute and install the product (doublechecking at allowing redistribution), it always
-       comes as a closed box - and I can´t redistribute.
-       (Zope 2.5.1 (binary release, python 2.1, linux2-x86), python 2.1.3, linux2).
-    Now, you can create a distribution of your Product by clicking *Create
-    a distribution archive*.  Zope will now automatically generate a file
-    called *ZooExhibit-1.0.tar.gz*.  This Product can be installed in any
-    Zope just like any other Product, by unpacking it into the root
-    directory of your Zope installation.
-    Don't forget that when you distribute your Product you'll also
-    need to include any files such as External Method files and Python
-    base classes that your class relies on. This requirement makes
-    distribution more difficult and for this reason folks sometimes
-    try to avoid relying on Python files when creating through the web
-    Products for distribution.
-      % Anonymous User - July 22, 2002 7:56 pm:
-       Also, when you distribute your product, maybe you could include some instructions on how to import / install
-       it!
-      % Anonymous User - Oct. 15, 2002 5:41 pm:
-       How can I insert an instance of my Zclass from a python script?
-       if it where a DTML Method I would use _addDTMLMethod(id,title)

Modified: zope2book/trunk/TODO.txt
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+++ zope2book/trunk/TODO.txt	2009-02-16 23:09:49 UTC (rev 96613)
@@ -23,12 +23,6 @@
   source on Windows. Make sure we get binary eggs of all dependencies and
   ourselves for normal installations.
-- This uses ../Figures/zopearchitecture.gif which still includes ZClasses and
-  should replace the `Products` naming with a more general packages.

Modified: zope2book/trunk/source/Preface.rst
--- zope2book/trunk/source/Preface.rst	2009-02-16 22:57:53 UTC (rev 96612)
+++ zope2book/trunk/source/Preface.rst	2009-02-16 23:09:49 UTC (rev 96613)
@@ -186,12 +186,6 @@
     This chapter explains how to use tools outside of your web browser to
     manipulate Zope objects.
-- Extending Zope
-    This chapter covers extending Zope by creating your own classes of objects.
-    You'll learn how to create Python base classes and about the base classes
-    that ship with Zope.
 - Maintaining Zope
     This chapter covers Zope maintenance and administration tasks, such as

Modified: zope2book/trunk/source/SearchingZCatalog.rst
--- zope2book/trunk/source/SearchingZCatalog.rst	2009-02-16 22:57:53 UTC (rev 96612)
+++ zope2book/trunk/source/SearchingZCatalog.rst	2009-02-16 23:09:49 UTC (rev 96613)
@@ -1334,356 +1334,8 @@
 to the standard CMF catalog, 'portal_catalog'.  The CMF
 and especially Plone offer many advantages; if you're interested
 in building a content-oriented site, you should consider
-these technologies.  However, to help you understand the
-process of creating a simple, non-CMF, non-Zope object,
-we'll demonstrate another technique below.
+these technologies.
-In this section, we'll show you an example that creates "news"
-items that people can add to your site.  These items will get
-automatically cataloged.  This example consists of two steps:
-- Creating a new type of object to catalog.
-- Creating a ZCatalog to catalog the newly created objects.
-As mentioned, none of the "out-of-the-box" non-CMF Zope objects 
-support automatic cataloging.  This is for backwards compatibility
-reasons.  For now, you have to define your own kind of objects 
-(or use CMF or Plone and one of the contentish types in these
-systems that automatically catalog themselves.)
-One of the ways you can create your own objects that catalog
-themselves is by defining a *ZClass*.
-A ZClass is a Zope object that defines new types of Zope objects.
-In a way, a ZClass is like a blueprint that describes how new Zope
-objects are built.  Consider a news item as discussed in examples
-earlier in the chapter.  News items not only have content, but
-they also have specific properties that make them news items.
-Often these Items come in collections that have their own
-properties.  You want to build a News site that collects News
-Items, reviews them, and posts them online to a website where
-readers can read them.
-In this kind of system, you may want to create a new type of
-object called a *NewsItem*.  This way, when you want to add a new
-*NewsItem* to your site, you just select it from the product add
-list.  If you design this object to be automatically cataloged,
-then you can search your news content very powerfully.  In this
-example, you will just skim a little over ZClasses, which are
-described in much more detail in Chapter 22, "Extending Zope."
-New types of objects are defined in the *Products* section of the
-Control Panel.  This is reached by clicking on the Control Panel and
-then clicking on *Product Management*.  Products contain new kinds of
-ZClasses.  On this screen, click "Add" to add a New product.  You will
-be taken to the Add form for new Products.
-Name the new Product *NewsItem* and click "Generate".  This will take you
-back to the Products Management view and you will see your new Product.
-Select the *NewsItem* Product by clicking on it.  This new Product looks a lot
-like a Folder.  It contains one object called *Help* and has an Add
-menu, as well as the usual Folder "tabs" across the top.  To add a new
-ZClass, pull down the Add menu and select *ZClass*.  This will take you
-to the ZClass add form, as shown in the figure below.
-.. figure:: ../Figures/creatingzclass.png
-   ZClass add form
-This is a complicated form which will be explained in much more
-detail in Chapter 14, "Extending Zope".  For now, you only need to
-do three things to create your ZClass:
-- Specify the Id "NewsItem"  This is the name of the new ZClass.
-- Specify the meta_type "News Item".  This will be used to create the
-  Add menu entry for your new type of object.
-- Select 'ZCatalog:CatalogPathAware' from the left hand *Base Classes*
-  box, and click the button with the arrow pointing to the right hand
-  *Base Classes* box.  This should cause 'ZCatalog:CatalogPathAware' to
-  show up in the right hand window.  Note that if you are inheriting from
-  more than one base class, 'CatalogPathAware' should be the first
-  (specifically, it should come before 'ObjectManager'). 
-When you're done, don't change any of the other settings in the Form.
-To create your new ZClass, click *Add*.  This will take you back to
-your *NewsItem* Product.  Notice that there is now a new object called
-*NewsItem* as well as several other objects.  The *NewsItem* object is
-your new ZClass.  The other objects are "helpers" that you will examine
-more in Chapter 14, "Extending Zope".
-Select the *NewsItem* ZClass object.  Your view should now look like
-the figure below.
-.. figure:: ../Figures/zclassmethods.png
-   A ZClass Methods View
-This is the *Methods* View of a ZClass.  Here, you can add Zope objects
-that will act as *methods on your new type of object*.  Here, for
-example, you can create Page Templates or Scripts and these
-objects will become methods on any new *News Items* that are created.
-Before creating any methods however, let's review the needs of this new
-"News Item" object:
-News Content
-  The news Item contains news content, this is its
-  primary purpose.  This content should be any kind of plain text or
-  marked up content like HTML or XML.
-Author Credit
-  The News Item should provide some kind of credit to
-  the author or organization that created it.
-  News Items are timely, so the date that the item was created
-  is important.
-You may want your new News Item object to have other properties, these
-are just suggestions.  To add new properties to your News Item click on
-the *Property Sheets* tab.  This takes you to the *Property Sheets*
-Properties are added to new types of objects in groups called *Property
-Sheets*.  Since your object has no property sheets defined, this view
-is empty.  To add a New Property Sheet, click *Add Common Instance
-Property Sheet*, and give the sheet the name "News".  Now click *Add*.
-This will add a new Property Sheet called *News* to your object.
-Clicking on the new Property Sheet will take you to the *Properties*
-view of the *News* Property Sheet, as shown in the figure below.
-.. figure:: ../Figures/propertysheet.png
-   The properties screen for a Property Sheet
-This view is almost identical to the *Properties* view found on Folders
-and other objects.  Here, you can create the properties of your News
-Item object.  Create three new properties in this form:
-  This property's type should be *text*.  Each newly
-  created News Item will contain its own unique content property.
-  This property's type should be *string*.  This will
-  contain the name of the news author.
-  This property's type should be *date*.  This will contain
-  the time and date the news item was last updated.  A *date* property
-  requires a value, so for now you can enter the string "01/01/2000".
-That's it!  Now you have created a Property Sheet that describes your
-News Items and what kind of information they contain.  Properties can
-be thought of as the *data* that an object contains.  Now that we have
-the data all set, you need to create an *interface* to your new kind of
-objects.  This is done by creating a new Form/Action pair to
-change the data and assigning it to a new *View* for your object.
-The Form/Action pair will give you the ability to edit the data
-defined in the propertysheet, while the View binds the form to a
-tab of the Zope Management Interface.
-Propertysheets come with built-in forms for editing their data;
-however we need to build our own so we can signal changes to the
-First we are going to create a form to display and edit
-properties.  Click on the *Methods* tab.  Select "Page Template"
-from the add drop-down menu, name it 'editPropertiesForm' and fill
-it with::
-  <html><head>
-  <title tal:content="context/title_or_id">title</title>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/manage_page_style.css">
-  </head>
-  <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#000099" vlink="#555555">
-  <span 
-    tal:define="manage_tabs_message options/manage_tabs_message | nothing"
-    tal:replace="structure context/manage_tabs"> 
-    prefab management tabs 
-  </span>
-  <form action="manage_editNewsProps" method="get">
-  <table>
-  <tr>
-    <th valign="top">Content</th>
-    <td>
-      <textarea 
-        name="content:text" rows="6" cols="35"
-        tal:content="context/content">content text</textarea>
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <th>Author</th>
-    <td>
-      <input name="author:string" 
-             value="author string"
-             tal:attributes="value context/author">
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <th>Date</th>
-    <td>
-      <input name="date:date"
-             value="the date"
-             tal:attributes="value context/date">
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr><td></td><td>
-  <input type="submit">
-  </td></tr>
-  </form>
-  </body>
-  </html>
-This is the Form part of the Form/Action pair.  Note the call of
-'manage_tabs' at the top of the form - this will give your form
-the standard ZMI tabs.
-We will add the Action part now.  Add a 'Script (Python)' object
-and fill in the id 'manage_editNewsProps' and the following code::
-  # first get the request
-  req = context.REQUEST
-  # change the properties in the zclass' propertysheet
-  context.propertysheets.News.manage_editProperties(req)
-  # signal the change to the zcatalog 
-  context.reindex_object()
-  # now return a message
-  form = context.editPropertiesForm
-  return form(REQUEST=req, 
-              manage_tabs_message="Saved changes.",
-              )
-Done.  The next step will be to define the View.  Click on the
-*Views* tab.  This will take you to the *Views* view.
-Here, you can see that Zope has created three default Views for
-you.  These views will be described in much more detail in Chapter
-14, "Extending Zope", but for now, it suffices to say that these
-views define the tabs that your objects will eventually have.
-To create a new view, use the form at the bottom of the Views
-view.  Create a new View with the name "News" and select
-"editPropertiesForm" from the select box and click *Add*.  This
-will create a new View on this screen under the original three
-Views, as shown in the figure below.
-.. figure:: ../Figures/zclassviews.png
-   The Views view
-We want to make our View the first view that you see when you
-select a News Item object.  To change the order of the views,
-select the newly created *News* view and click the *First* button.
-This should move the new view from the bottom to the top of the
-The final step in creating a ZClass is defining a method for
-displaying the class.  Click on the *Methods* tab, select 'Page
-Template' from the add list and add a new Page Template with the
-id "index_html".  This will be the default view of your news item.
-Add the following to the new template::
-  <html><head>
-  <title tal:content="template/title">The title</title>
-  </head><body>
-  <h1>News Flash</h1>
-  <p tal:content="context/date">
-    date goes here
-  </p>
-  <p tal:content="context/author">
-    author goes here
-  </p>
-  <p tal:content="context/content">
-    content goes here
-  </p>
-  </body></html>
-Finally, we will add a new management tab for the display method.
-Once again, click on the *Views* tab, and create a *View* named
-"View", and assign the 'index_html' to it.  Reorder the views so
-that the 'News' view comes first, followed by the 'View' method.  
-That's it!  You've created your own kind of object called a *News
-Item*.  When you go to the root folder, you will now see a new entry in
-your add list.
-But don't add any new News Items yet, because the second step in
-this exercise is to create a ZCatalog that will catalog your new
-News Items.  Go to the root folder and create a new ZCatalog with
-the id 'Catalog'.  The ZClass finds the ZCatalog by looking for a
-catalog named 'Catalog' through acquisition, so this ZCatalog
-should be where it can be acquired by all NewsItems you plan to
-Like the previous two examples of using a ZCatalog, you need to
-create Indexes and a Metadata Table that make sense for your
-objects.  Create the following indexes:
-  This should be a ZCTextIndex.  This will index the content
-  of your News Items.
-  This should be a FieldIndex.  This will index the author of
-  the News Item.
-  This should be a DateIndex.  This will index the date of the
-  News Item.
-After creating these Indexes, add these Metadata
-- author 
-- date
-- absolute_url
-After creating the Indexes and Metadata Table columns, the
-automatic cataloguing is basically working.  The last step is
-creating a search interface for the ZCatalog using the Z Search
-Interface tool described previously in this chapter:
-Now you are ready to go. Start by adding some new News Items to your
-Zope.  Go anywhere in Zope and select *News Item* from the add list.
-This will take you to the add Form for News items.
-Give your new News Item the id "KoalaGivesBirth" and click *Add*.
-This will create a new News Item.  Select the new News Item.
-Notice how it has four tabs that match the five Views that were in the
-ZClass.  The first View is *News*, this view corresponds to the *News*
-Property Sheet you created in the News Item ZClass.
-Enter your news in the *contents* box::
-  Today, Bob the Koala bear gave birth to little baby Jimbo.
-Enter your name in the *Author* box, and today's date in the *Date*
-Click *Change* and your News Item should now contain some news.
-Because the News Item object is *CatalogPathAware*, it is automatically
-cataloged when it is changed or added.  Verify this by looking at the
-*Cataloged Objects* tab of the ZCatalog you created for this example.
-The News Item you added is the only object that is cataloged.  As you
-add more News Items to your site, they will automatically get cataloged
-here.  Add a few more items, and then experiment with searching the
-ZCatalog.  For example, if you search for "Koala" you should get back
-the *KoalaGivesBirth* News Item.
-At this point you may want to use some of the more advanced search
-forms that you created earlier in the chapter. You can see for
-example that as you add new News Items with new authors, the
-authors select list on the search form changes to include the new
 Advanced Catalog Topics
@@ -1979,10 +1631,9 @@
 having to know to search for that in the 'environment' field
 of a search form.
-If you create custom types, either using ZClasses, as shown
-above, or by using more advanced techniques described
-elsewhere, you should create a PrincipiaSearchSource method
-that returns appropriate object-wide text searching capabilities.
+If you create custom types by using more advanced techniques described
+elsewhere, you should create a PrincipiaSearchSource method that returns
+appropriate object-wide text searching capabilities.
 ZCatalogs and CMF/Plone

Modified: zope2book/trunk/source/SimpleExamples.rst
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@@ -729,8 +729,7 @@
 Building a package also typically allows you to more easily distribute an
 application to other people, and allows you to build objects that may more
-closely resemble your "problem space".  We explore one way to create
-packages in the chapter entitled <Extending Zope <CustomZopeObjects.html>`_.
+closely resemble your "problem space".
 Building a package is typically more complicated than building an
 "instance-space" application, so we get started here by describing how to

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