[Checkins] SVN: zope.app.component/trunk/ Extract lots of code into zope.site to help clean up dependencies.

Martijn Faassen faassen at infrae.com
Tue Jan 27 12:23:34 EST 2009

Log message for revision 95230:
  Extract lots of code into zope.site to help clean up dependencies. 
  (with Brandon Rhodes)

  _U  zope.app.component/trunk/
  U   zope.app.component/trunk/CHANGES.txt
  U   zope.app.component/trunk/README.txt
  U   zope.app.component/trunk/buildout.cfg
  U   zope.app.component/trunk/setup.py
  D   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/README.txt
  U   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/__init__.py
  U   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/configure.zcml
  U   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/hooks.py
  U   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/interfaces/__init__.py
  U   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/site.py
  D   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/site.txt
  D   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_api.py
  D   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_localsitemanager.py
  D   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_registration.py
  D   zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_site.py


Property changes on: zope.app.component/trunk
Added: svn:externals
   + zope.site svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/zope.site/trunk 

Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/CHANGES.txt
--- zope.app.component/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2009-01-27 17:18:30 UTC (rev 95229)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2009-01-27 17:23:33 UTC (rev 95230)
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
 3.5.1 (Unreleased)
+- Extracted `zope.site` from zope.app.component with backwards
+  compatibility imports in place. Local site related functionality
+  is now in `zope.site` and packages should import from there.
 - Remove more deprecated on 3.5 code:
   * zope.app.component.fields module that was pointing to the

Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/README.txt
--- zope.app.component/trunk/README.txt	2009-01-27 17:18:30 UTC (rev 95229)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/README.txt	2009-01-27 17:23:33 UTC (rev 95230)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-This package allows for local component registries and local component
+This package provides various ZCML directives (view, resource) and a
+user interface related to local component management.

Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/buildout.cfg
--- zope.app.component/trunk/buildout.cfg	2009-01-27 17:18:30 UTC (rev 95229)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/buildout.cfg	2009-01-27 17:23:33 UTC (rev 95230)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-develop = .
+develop = . zope.site
 parts = test coverage-test coverage-report

Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/setup.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/setup.py	2009-01-27 17:18:30 UTC (rev 95229)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/setup.py	2009-01-27 17:23:33 UTC (rev 95230)
@@ -32,10 +32,6 @@
           'Detailed Documentation\n'
           + '\n\n' +
-          read('src', 'zope', 'app', 'component', 'README.txt')
-          + '\n\n' +
-          read('src', 'zope', 'app', 'component', 'site.txt')
-          + '\n\n' +
       keywords = "zope component architecture local",
@@ -63,6 +59,7 @@
+          'zope.site',

Deleted: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/README.txt
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/README.txt	2009-01-27 17:18:30 UTC (rev 95229)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/README.txt	2009-01-27 17:23:33 UTC (rev 95230)
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-Zope 3's Local Component Architecture
-The local component architecture provides several packages that can be used
-independent of the entire component architecture framework. Thus, I decided to
-document these frameworks in different files.
-  o Registration Framework (`registration.txt`)
-    Provides an API for creating custom registries. The entries of the
-    registries are managed via registration components. A specific
-    implementation for component-based registrations is also
-    provided. Finally, there are some generic container classes that allow the
-    developer to manage the components and their registrations.
-  o Local Adapter Registry (`adapterregistry.txt`)
-    Provides a persistent adapter registry that uses the registration
-    framework. Local registries can be assembled to a registry tree where
-    nodes further down in the tree overrride registrations of higher-up nodes.
-  o Sites and Local Site Managers (`site.txt`)
-    Provides a local and persistent site manager implementation, so that one
-    can register local utilities and adapters. It uses local adapter
-    registries for its adapter and utility registry. The module also provides
-    some facilities to organize the local software and ensures the correct
-    behavior inside the ZODB.
-Local Component Architecture API
-While the component architecture API provided by ``zope.component`` is
-sufficient most of the time, there are a couple of functions that are useful
-in the context of multiple sites and base component registries.
---- BBB: Deprecated on 9/26/2006 --
-  >>> import zope.deprecation
-  >>> zope.deprecation.__show__.off()
-A very common use case is to get the nearest site manager in a given
-context. Sometimes, however, one wants the next higher-up site manager. First,
-let's create a folder tree and create some sites from it:
-  >>> from zope.app.testing import setup
-  >>> root = setup.buildSampleFolderTree()
-  >>> root_sm = setup.createSiteManager(root)
-  >>> folder1_sm = setup.createSiteManager(root['folder1'])
-If we ask `folder1` for its nearest site manager, we get
-  >>> from zope.component import getSiteManager
-  >>> getSiteManager(root['folder1']) is folder1_sm
-  True
-but its next site manager is
-  >>> from zope.app import component
-  >>> component.getNextSiteManager(root['folder1']) is root_sm
-  True
-The next site manager of the local root is the global site manager:
-  >>> from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
-  >>> gsm = getGlobalSiteManager()
-  >>> component.getNextSiteManager(root) is gsm
-  True
-If a non-location is passed into the function, a component lookup error is
-raised, since there is no site manager beyond the global site manager:
-  >>> component.getNextSiteManager(object())
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-  ...
-  ComponentLookupError: No more site managers have been found.
-If you use the `queryNextSiteManager()` function, you can specify a `default`
-return value:
-  >>> component.queryNextSiteManager(object(), 'default')
-  'default'
-  >>> zope.deprecation.__show__.on()
---- BBB: End of block --
-It is common for a utility to delegate its answer to a utility providing the
-same interface in one of the component registry's bases. Let's start by
-creating a utility and inserting it in our folder hiearchy:
-  >>> import zope.interface
-  >>> class IMyUtility(zope.interface.Interface):
-  ...     pass
-  >>> class MyUtility(object):
-  ...     zope.interface.implements(IMyUtility)
-  ...     def __init__(self, id):
-  ...         self.id = id
-  ...     def __repr__(self):
-  ...         return "%s('%s')" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.id)
-  >>> gutil = MyUtility('global')
-  >>> gsm.registerUtility(gutil, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
-  >>> util1 = setup.addUtility(folder1_sm, 'myutil', IMyUtility,
-  ...                          MyUtility('one'))
-  >>> folder1_1_sm = setup.createSiteManager(root['folder1']['folder1_1'])
-  >>> util1_1 = setup.addUtility(folder1_1_sm, 'myutil', IMyUtility,
-  ...                            MyUtility('one-one'))
-Now, if we ask `util1_1` for its next available utility and we get
-  >>> component.getNextUtility(util1_1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
-  MyUtility('one')
-Next we ask `util1` for its next utility and we should get the global version:
-  >>> component.getNextUtility(util1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
-  MyUtility('global')
-However, if we ask the global utility for the next one, an error is raised
-  >>> component.getNextUtility(gutil, IMyUtility,
-  ...                          'myutil') #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-  ...
-  ComponentLookupError:
-  No more utilities for <InterfaceClass __builtin__.IMyUtility>,
-  'myutil' have been found.
-or you can simply use the `queryNextUtility` and specify a default:
-  >>> component.queryNextUtility(gutil, IMyUtility, 'myutil', 'default')
-  'default'
-Let's now ensure that the function also works with multiple registries. First
-we create another base registry:
-  >>> from zope.component import registry
-  >>> myregistry = registry.Components()
-  >>> custom_util = MyUtility('my_custom_util')
-  >>> myregistry.registerUtility(custom_util, IMyUtility, 'my_custom_util')
-Now we add it as a base to the local site manager:
-  >>> folder1_sm.__bases__ = (myregistry,) + folder1_sm.__bases__
-Both, the ``myregistry`` and global utilities should be available:
-  >>> component.queryNextUtility(folder1_sm, IMyUtility, 'my_custom_util')
-  MyUtility('my_custom_util')
-  >>> component.queryNextUtility(folder1_sm, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
-  MyUtility('global')

Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/__init__.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/__init__.py	2009-01-27 17:18:30 UTC (rev 95229)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/__init__.py	2009-01-27 17:23:33 UTC (rev 95230)
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 import zope.component
 import zope.deprecation
+from zope.site import getNextUtility, queryNextUtility # BBB
 _marker = object()
 # BBB: Deprecated on 9/26/2006
@@ -57,31 +59,3 @@
     if not bases:
         return zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager()
     return bases[0]
-def getNextUtility(context, interface, name=''):
-    """Get the next available utility.
-    If no utility was found, a `ComponentLookupError` is raised.
-    """
-    util = queryNextUtility(context, interface, name, _marker)
-    if util is _marker:
-        raise zope.component.interfaces.ComponentLookupError(
-              "No more utilities for %s, '%s' have been found." % (
-                  interface, name))
-    return util
-def queryNextUtility(context, interface, name='', default=None):
-    """Query for the next available utility.
-    Find the next available utility providing `interface` and having the
-    specified name. If no utility was found, return the specified `default`
-    value."""
-    sm = zope.component.getSiteManager(context)
-    bases = sm.__bases__
-    for base in bases:
-        util = base.queryUtility(interface, name, _marker)
-        if util is not _marker:
-            return util
-    return default

Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/configure.zcml
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/configure.zcml	2009-01-27 17:18:30 UTC (rev 95229)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/configure.zcml	2009-01-27 17:23:33 UTC (rev 95230)
@@ -1,89 +1,3 @@
 <configure xmlns="http://namespaces.zope.org/zope">
-  <interface interface="zope.interface.Interface" />
-  <!-- Site and Site Manager Framework -->
-  <module module=".interfaces">
-    <allow attributes="ISite" />
-  </module>
-  <class class=".site.LocalSiteManager">
-    <implements
-        interface="zope.annotation.interfaces.IAttributeAnnotatable" />
-    <require
-        permission="zope.ManageSite"
-        interface="zope.app.container.interfaces.IReadContainer" />
-    <require
-        permission="zope.ManageSite"
-        interface="zope.component.interfaces.IComponentLookup
-                   zope.app.container.interfaces.IWriteContainer" />
-  </class>
-  <class class="zope.component.registry.UtilityRegistration">    
-    <require
-        permission="zope.ManageSite"
-        interface="zope.component.interfaces.IUtilityRegistration"
-        />
-  </class>
-  <class class=".site.SiteManagementFolder">
-    <factory />
-    <implements
-        interface="zope.annotation.interfaces.IAttributeAnnotatable"
-        />
-    <require
-        permission="zope.ManageSite"
-        interface="zope.app.container.interfaces.IReadContainer" />
-    <require
-        permission="zope.ManageSite"
-        interface="zope.app.container.interfaces.IWriteContainer"
-        />
-  </class>
-  <adapter 
-      for="zope.component.interfaces.IComponentLookup"
-      provides="zope.filerepresentation.interfaces.IDirectoryFactory"
-      factory=".site.SMFolderFactory"
-      permission="zope.ManageContent"
-      />
-  <adapter factory=".site.SiteManagerAdapter" />
-  <subscriber
-      for="zope.location.interfaces.ISite
-           zope.app.publication.interfaces.IBeforeTraverseEvent"
-      handler=".site.threadSiteSubscriber"
-      />
-  <subscriber
-      for="zope.app.publication.interfaces.IEndRequestEvent"
-      handler=".site.clearThreadSiteSubscriber"
-      />
-  <subscriber
-      for="zope.location.interfaces.ISite
-           zope.app.container.interfaces.IObjectMovedEvent"
-      handler=".site.changeSiteConfigurationAfterMove"
-      />
-  <!-- the 'Interfaces' vocabulary below requires a registred IInterface -->
-  <interface
-      interface="zope.interface.interfaces.IInterface"
-      />
-  <!-- Vocabularies -->
-  <utility
-      component=".vocabulary.InterfacesVocabulary"
-      name="Interfaces"
-      />
-  <utility
-      component=".vocabulary.UtilityComponentInterfacesVocabulary"
-      provides="zope.schema.interfaces.IVocabularyFactory"
-      name="Utility Component Interfaces"
-      />
+  <include package="zope.site" />

Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/hooks.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/hooks.py	2009-01-27 17:18:30 UTC (rev 95229)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/hooks.py	2009-01-27 17:23:33 UTC (rev 95230)
@@ -11,106 +11,23 @@
-"""Hooks for getting and setting a site in the thread global namespace.
+"""This module here is for backwards compatibility.
+The real public API is now zope.site.hooks
 __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
-import threading
-import zope.component
-import zope.security
-class read_property(object):
-    def __init__(self, func):
-        self.func = func
-    def __get__(self, inst, cls):
-        if inst is None:
-            return self
-        return self.func(inst)
-class SiteInfo(threading.local):
-    site = None
-    sm = zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager()
-    def adapter_hook(self):
-        adapter_hook = self.sm.adapters.adapter_hook
-        self.adapter_hook = adapter_hook
-        return adapter_hook
-    adapter_hook = read_property(adapter_hook)
-siteinfo = SiteInfo()
-def setSite(site=None):
-    if site is None:
-        sm = zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager()
-    else:
-        # We remove the security proxy because there's no way for
-        # untrusted code to get at it without it being proxied again.
-        # We should really look look at this again though, especially
-        # once site managers do less.  There's probably no good reason why
-        # they can't be proxied.  Well, except maybe for performance.
-        site = zope.security.proxy.removeSecurityProxy(site)
-        sm = site.getSiteManager()
-    siteinfo.site = site
-    siteinfo.sm = sm
-    try:
-        del siteinfo.adapter_hook
-    except AttributeError:
-        pass
-def getSite():
-    return siteinfo.site
-def getSiteManager(context=None):
-    """A special hook for getting the site manager.
-    Here we take the currently set site into account to find the appropriate
-    site manager.
-    """
-    if context is None:
-        return siteinfo.sm
-    # We remove the security proxy because there's no way for
-    # untrusted code to get at it without it being proxied again.
-    # We should really look look at this again though, especially
-    # once site managers do less.  There's probably no good reason why
-    # they can't be proxied.  Well, except maybe for performance.
-    sm = zope.component.interfaces.IComponentLookup(
-        context, zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager())
-    return zope.security.proxy.removeSecurityProxy(sm)
-def adapter_hook(interface, object, name='', default=None):
-    try:
-        return siteinfo.adapter_hook(interface, object, name, default)
-    except zope.component.interfaces.ComponentLookupError:
-        return default
-def setHooks():
-    zope.component.adapter_hook.sethook(adapter_hook)
-    zope.component.getSiteManager.sethook(getSiteManager)
-def resetHooks():
-    # Reset hookable functions to original implementation.
-    zope.component.adapter_hook.reset()
-    zope.component.getSiteManager.reset()
-# Clear the site thread global
-clearSite = setSite
-    from zope.testing.cleanup import addCleanUp
-except ImportError:
-    pass
-    addCleanUp(resetHooks)
+from zope.site.hooks import (read_property,
+                             SiteInfo,
+                             siteinfo,
+                             setSite,
+                             getSite,
+                             getSiteManager,
+                             adapter_hook,
+                             setHooks,
+                             resetHooks,
+                             setSite,
+                             clearSite) # BBB

Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/interfaces/__init__.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/interfaces/__init__.py	2009-01-27 17:18:30 UTC (rev 95229)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/interfaces/__init__.py	2009-01-27 17:23:33 UTC (rev 95230)
@@ -11,73 +11,21 @@
-"""Interfaces for the Local Component Architecture
+"""Backwards compatibility module.
+The real interfaces are defined in zope.site.interfaces.
 import zope.deferredimport
-import zope.interface
-import zope.component.interfaces
-import zope.app.container.interfaces
+from zope.site.interfaces import (INewLocalSite,
+                                  NewLocalSite,
+                                  ILocalSiteManager,
+                                  ISiteManagementFolder)
     "Moved to zope.location.interfaces. Importing from here will stop working in Zope 3.6",
     "ISite", "IPossibleSite")
-class INewLocalSite(zope.interface.Interface):
-    """Event: a local site was created
-    """
-    manager = zope.interface.Attribute("The new site manager")
-class NewLocalSite:
-    """Event: a local site was created
-    """
-    zope.interface.implements(INewLocalSite)
-    def __init__(self, manager):
-        self.manager = manager
-class ILocalSiteManager(zope.component.interfaces.IComponents):
-    """Site Managers act as containers for registerable components.
-    If a Site Manager is asked for an adapter or utility, it checks for those
-    it contains before using a context-based lookup to find another site
-    manager to delegate to.  If no other site manager is found they defer to
-    the global site manager which contains file based utilities and adapters.
-    """
-    subs = zope.interface.Attribute(
-        "A collection of registries that describe the next level "
-        "of the registry tree. They are the children of this "
-        "registry node. This attribute should never be "
-        "manipulated manually. Use `addSub()` and `removeSub()` "
-        "instead.")
-    def addSub(sub):
-        """Add a new sub-registry to the node.
-        Important: This method should *not* be used manually. It is
-        automatically called by `setNext()`. To add a new registry to the
-        tree, use `sub.setNext(self, self.base)` instead!
-        """
-    def removeSub(sub):
-        """Remove a sub-registry to the node.
-        Important: This method should *not* be used manually. It is
-        automatically called by `setNext()`. To remove a registry from the
-        tree, use `sub.setNext(None)` instead!
-        """
-class ISiteManagementFolder(zope.app.container.interfaces.IContainer):
-    """Component and component registration containers."""
-    # XXX we need to figure out how to constrain this or, alternatively,
-    # just use regular folders, which is probably the beter choice.
-    # zope.app.container.constraints.containers(ILocalSiteManager)

Modified: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/site.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/site.py	2009-01-27 17:18:30 UTC (rev 95229)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/site.py	2009-01-27 17:23:33 UTC (rev 95230)
@@ -11,247 +11,23 @@
-"""Site and Local Site Manager implementation
+"""This module here is for backwards compatibility.
-A local site manager has a number of roles:
+The real public API is now zope.site
-  - A local site manager, that provides a local adapter and utility registry.
-  - A place to do TTW development and/or to manage database-based code.
-  - A registry for persistent modules.  The Zope 3 import hook uses the
-    SiteManager to search for modules.
-import zope.event
-import zope.interface
-import zope.component
-import zope.component.persistentregistry
-import zope.component.interfaces
-import zope.traversing.api
-import zope.deferredimport
-import zope.location
-from zope.component.interfaces import ComponentLookupError
-from zope.traversing.interfaces import IContainmentRoot
-from zope.lifecycleevent import ObjectCreatedEvent
-from zope.filerepresentation.interfaces import IDirectoryFactory
-from zope.app.component import interfaces
-from zope.app.component.hooks import setSite
-from zope.app.container.btree import BTreeContainer
-from zope.app.container.contained import Contained
-# from zope.app.module import resolve
-# Break the dependency on zope.app.module.  In the long run,
-# we need to handle this better.  Perhaps througha utility.
-## def findModule(name, context=None):
-##     """Find the module matching the provided name."""
-##     module = ZopeModuleRegistry.findModule(name)
-##     return module or sys.modules.get(name)
-import sys
-def resolve(name, context=None):
-    """Resolve a dotted name to a Python object."""
-    pos = name.rfind('.')
-    mod = sys.modules.get(name[:pos])
-##    mod = findModule(name[:pos], context)
-    return getattr(mod, name[pos+1:], None)
-# from zope.app.module import resolve
-class SiteManagementFolder(BTreeContainer):
-    zope.interface.implements(interfaces.ISiteManagementFolder)
-class SMFolderFactory(object):
-    zope.interface.implements(IDirectoryFactory)
-    def __init__(self, context):
-        self.context = context
-    def __call__(self, name):
-        return SiteManagementFolder()
-class SiteManagerContainer(Contained):
-    """Implement access to the site manager (++etc++site).
-    This is a mix-in that implements the IPossibleSite
-    interface; for example, it is used by the Folder implementation.
-    """
-    zope.interface.implements(zope.location.interfaces.IPossibleSite)
-    _sm = None
-    def getSiteManager(self):
-        if self._sm is not None:
-            return self._sm
-        else:
-            raise ComponentLookupError('no site manager defined')
-    def setSiteManager(self, sm):
-        if zope.location.interfaces.ISite.providedBy(self):
-            raise TypeError("Already a site")
-        if zope.component.interfaces.IComponentLookup.providedBy(sm):
-            self._sm = sm
-            sm.__name__ = '++etc++site'
-            sm.__parent__ = self
-        else:
-            raise ValueError('setSiteManager requires an IComponentLookup')
-        zope.interface.directlyProvides(
-            self, zope.location.interfaces.ISite,
-            zope.interface.directlyProvidedBy(self))
-        zope.event.notify(interfaces.NewLocalSite(sm))
-def _findNextSiteManager(site):
-    while True:
-        if IContainmentRoot.providedBy(site):
-            # we're the root site, return None
-            return None
-        try:
-            site = zope.traversing.api.getParent(site)
-        except TypeError:
-            # there was not enough context; probably run from a test
-            return None
-        if zope.location.interfaces.ISite.providedBy(site):
-            return site.getSiteManager()
-class _LocalAdapterRegistry(
-    zope.component.persistentregistry.PersistentAdapterRegistry,
-    zope.location.Location,
-    ):
-    pass
-class LocalSiteManager(
-    BTreeContainer,
-    zope.component.persistentregistry.PersistentComponents,
-    ):
-    """Local Site Manager implementation"""
-    zope.interface.implements(interfaces.ILocalSiteManager)
-    subs = ()
-    def _setBases(self, bases):
-        # Update base subs
-        for base in self.__bases__:
-            if ((base not in bases)
-                and interfaces.ILocalSiteManager.providedBy(base)
-                ):
-                base.removeSub(self)
-        for base in bases:
-            if ((base not in self.__bases__)
-                and interfaces.ILocalSiteManager.providedBy(base)
-                ):
-                base.addSub(self)
-        super(LocalSiteManager, self)._setBases(bases)
-    def __init__(self, site):
-        # Locate the site manager
-        self.__parent__ = site
-        self.__name__ = '++etc++site'
-        BTreeContainer.__init__(self)
-        zope.component.persistentregistry.PersistentComponents.__init__(self)
-        next = _findNextSiteManager(site)
-        if next is None:
-            next = zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager()
-        self.__bases__ = (next, )
-        # Setup default site management folder
-        folder = SiteManagementFolder()
-        zope.event.notify(ObjectCreatedEvent(folder))
-        self['default'] = folder
-    def _init_registries(self):
-        self.adapters = _LocalAdapterRegistry()
-        self.utilities = _LocalAdapterRegistry()
-        self.adapters.__parent__ = self.utilities.__parent__ = self
-        self.adapters.__name__ = u'adapters'
-        self.utilities.__name__ = u'utilities'
-    def addSub(self, sub):
-        """See interfaces.registration.ILocatedRegistry"""
-        self.subs += (sub, )
-    def removeSub(self, sub):
-        """See interfaces.registration.ILocatedRegistry"""
-        self.subs = tuple(
-            [s for s in self.subs if s is not sub] )
-    def __getRegistry(self, registration):
-        """Determine the correct registry for the registration."""
-        if interfaces.IUtilityRegistration.providedBy(registration):
-            return self.utilities
-        elif interfaces.IAdapterRegistration.providedBy(registration):
-            return self.adapters
-        raise ValueError("Unable to detect registration type or registration "
-                         "type is not supported. The registration object must "
-                         "provide `IAdapterRegistration` or "
-                         "`IUtilityRegistration`.")
-def threadSiteSubscriber(ob, event):
-    """A subscriber to BeforeTraverseEvent
-    Sets the 'site' thread global if the object traversed is a site.
-    """
-    setSite(ob)
-def clearThreadSiteSubscriber(event):
-    """A subscriber to EndRequestEvent
-    Cleans up the site thread global after the request is processed.
-    """
-    clearSite()
-# Clear the site thread global
-clearSite = setSite
-    from zope.testing.cleanup import addCleanUp
-except ImportError:
-    pass
-    addCleanUp(clearSite)
- at zope.component.adapter(zope.interface.Interface)
- at zope.interface.implementer(zope.component.interfaces.IComponentLookup)
-def SiteManagerAdapter(ob):
-    """An adapter from ILocation to IComponentLookup.
-    The ILocation is interpreted flexibly, we just check for
-    ``__parent__``.
-    """
-    current = ob
-    while True:
-        if zope.location.interfaces.ISite.providedBy(current):
-            return current.getSiteManager()
-        current = getattr(current, '__parent__', None)
-        if current is None:
-            # It is not a location or has no parent, so we return the global
-            # site manager
-            return zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager()
-def changeSiteConfigurationAfterMove(site, event):
-    """After a site is moved, its site manager links have to be updated."""
-    if event.newParent is not None:
-        next = _findNextSiteManager(site)
-        site.getSiteManager().__bases__ = (next, )
+# on the side of caution for backwards compatibility we
+# import everything defined
+from zope.site.site import (SiteManagementFolder,
+                            SMFolderFactory,
+                            SiteManagerContainer,
+                            _findNextSiteManager,
+                            _LocalAdapterRegistry,
+                            LocalSiteManager,
+                            threadSiteSubscriber,
+                            clearThreadSiteSubscriber,
+                            setSite,
+                            clearSite,
+                            SiteManagerAdapter,
+                            changeSiteConfigurationAfterMove) # BBB

Deleted: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/site.txt
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/site.txt	2009-01-27 17:18:30 UTC (rev 95229)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/site.txt	2009-01-27 17:23:33 UTC (rev 95230)
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-Sites and Local Site Managers
-This chapter is an introduction of the location-based component
-architecture. This code uses the registration framework introduced in
-`registration.txt` and local adapter registries described in
-Creating and Accessing Sites
-*Sites* are used to provide custom component setups for parts of your
-application or Web site. Every folder,
-  >>> from zope.app.folder import folder
-  >>> myfolder = folder.rootFolder()
-has the potential to become a site
-  >>> from zope.location.interfaces import ISite, IPossibleSite
-  >>> IPossibleSite.providedBy(myfolder)
-  True
-but is not yet one:
-  >>> ISite.providedBy(myfolder)
-  False
-If you would like your custom content component to be able to become a site,
-you can use the `SiteManagerContainer` mix-in class:
-  >>> from zope.app.component import site
-  >>> class MyContentComponent(site.SiteManagerContainer):
-  ...     pass
-  >>> myContent = MyContentComponent()
-  >>> IPossibleSite.providedBy(myContent)
-  True
-  >>> ISite.providedBy(myContent)
-  False
-To convert a possible site to a real site, we have to provide a site manager:
-  >>> sm = site.LocalSiteManager(myfolder)
-  >>> myfolder.setSiteManager(sm)
-  >>> ISite.providedBy(myfolder)
-  True
-  >>> myfolder.getSiteManager() is sm
-  True
-Note that an event is generated when a local site manager is created:
-  >>> from zope.component.eventtesting import getEvents
-  >>> from zope.app.component.interfaces import INewLocalSite
-  >>> [event] = getEvents(INewLocalSite)
-  >>> event.manager is sm
-  True
-If one tries to set a bogus site manager, a `ValueError` will be raised:
-   >>> myfolder2 = folder.Folder()
-   >>> myfolder2.setSiteManager(object)
-   Traceback (most recent call last):
-   ...
-   ValueError: setSiteManager requires an IComponentLookup
-Also, if the possible site has been changed to a site already, a `TypeError`
-is raised, when one attempts to add a new site manager:
-  >>> myfolder.setSiteManager(site.LocalSiteManager(myfolder))
-  Traceback (most recent call last):
-  ...
-  TypeError: Already a site
-There is also an adapter you can use to get the next site manager from any
-  >>> myfolder['mysubfolder'] = folder.Folder()
-  >>> import zope.component
-  >>> zope.component.interfaces.IComponentLookup(myfolder['mysubfolder']) is sm
-  True
-If the location passed is a site, the site manager of that site is returned:
-  >>> zope.component.interfaces.IComponentLookup(myfolder) is sm
-  True
-During traversal,
-  >>> from zope.app import publication
-  >>> request = object()
-  >>> ev = publication.interfaces.BeforeTraverseEvent(myfolder, request)
-  >>> site.threadSiteSubscriber(myfolder, ev)
-the nearest site is also recorded in a thread-global variable:
-  >>> from zope.app.component import hooks
-  >>> hooks.getSite() is myfolder
-  True
-After a request is completed, the site setting is cleared again:
-  >>> ev = publication.interfaces.EndRequestEvent(myfolder, request)
-  >>> site.clearThreadSiteSubscriber(ev)
-  >>> hooks.getSite() is None
-  True
-Using the Site Manager
-A site manager contains several *site management folders*, which are used to
-logically organize the software. When a site manager is initialized, a default
-site management folder is created:
-  >>> sm = myfolder.getSiteManager()
-  >>> default = sm['default']
-  >>> default.__class__
-  <class 'zope.app.component.site.SiteManagementFolder'>
-You can easily create a new site management folder:
-  >>> sm['mySMF'] = site.SiteManagementFolder()
-  >>> sm['mySMF'].__class__
-  <class 'zope.app.component.site.SiteManagementFolder'>
-Once you have your site management folder -- let's use the default one -- we
-can register some components. Let's start with a utility
-  >>> import zope.interface
-  >>> class IMyUtility(zope.interface.Interface):
-  ...     pass
-  >>> import persistent
-  >>> from zope.app.container.contained import Contained
-  >>> class MyUtility(persistent.Persistent, Contained):
-  ...     zope.interface.implements(IMyUtility)
-  ...     def __init__(self, title):
-  ...         self.title = title
-  ...     def __repr__(self):
-  ...         return "%s('%s')" %(self.__class__.__name__, self.title)
-Now we can create an instance of our utility and put it in the site
-management folder and register it:
-  >>> myutil = MyUtility('My custom utility')
-  >>> default['myutil'] = myutil
-  >>> sm.registerUtility(myutil, IMyUtility, 'u1')
-Now we can ask the site manager for the utility:
-  >>> sm.queryUtility(IMyUtility, 'u1')
-  MyUtility('My custom utility')
-Of course, the local site manager has also access to the global component
-  >>> gutil = MyUtility('Global Utility')
-  >>> from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
-  >>> gsm = getGlobalSiteManager()
-  >>> gsm.registerUtility(gutil, IMyUtility, 'gutil')
-  >>> sm.queryUtility(IMyUtility, 'gutil')
-  MyUtility('Global Utility')
-Next let's see whether we can also successfully register an adapter as
-well. Here the adapter will provide the size of a file:
-  >>> class IFile(zope.interface.Interface):
-  ...     pass
-  >>> class ISized(zope.interface.Interface):
-  ...     pass
-  >>> class File(object):
-  ...     zope.interface.implements(IFile)
-  >>> class FileSize(object):
-  ...     zope.interface.implements(ISized)
-  ...     def __init__(self, context):
-  ...         self.context = context
-Now that we have the adapter we need to register it:
-  >>> sm.registerAdapter(FileSize, [IFile])
-Finally, we can get the adapter for a file:
-  >>> file = File()
-  >>> size = sm.queryAdapter(file, ISized, name='')
-  >>> size.__class__
-  <class 'FileSize'>
-  >>> size.context is file
-  True
-By the way, once you set a site
-  >>> hooks.setSite(myfolder)
-you can simply use the zope.component's `getSiteManager()` method to get
-the nearest site manager:
-  >>> from zope.component import getSiteManager
-  >>> getSiteManager() is sm
-  True
-This also means that you can simply use zope.component to look up your utility
-  >>> from zope.component import getUtility
-  >>> getUtility(IMyUtility, 'gutil')
-  MyUtility('Global Utility')
-or the adapter via the interface's `__call__` method:
-  >>> size = ISized(file)
-  >>> size.__class__
-  <class 'FileSize'>
-  >>> size.context is file
-  True
-Multiple Sites
-Until now we have only dealt with one local and the global site. But things
-really become interesting, once we have multiple sites. We can override other
-local configuration.
-Let's now create a new folder called `folder11`, add it to `myfolder` and make
-it a site:
-  >>> myfolder11 = folder.Folder()
-  >>> myfolder['myfolder11'] = myfolder11
-  >>> myfolder11.setSiteManager(site.LocalSiteManager(myfolder11))
-  >>> sm11 = myfolder11.getSiteManager()
-If we ask the second site manager for its next, we get
-  >>> sm11.__bases__ == (sm, )
-  True
-and the first site manager should have the folling sub manager:
-  >>> sm.subs == (sm11,)
-  True
-If we now register a second utility with the same name and interface with the
-new site manager folder,
-  >>> default11 = sm11['default']
-  >>> myutil11 = MyUtility('Utility, uno & uno')
-  >>> default11['myutil'] = myutil11
-  >>> sm11.registerUtility(myutil11, IMyUtility, 'u1')
-then it will will be available in the second site manager
-  >>> sm11.queryUtility(IMyUtility, 'u1')
-  MyUtility('Utility, uno & uno')
-but not in the first one:
-  >>> sm.queryUtility(IMyUtility, 'u1')
-  MyUtility('My custom utility')
-It is also interesting to look at the use cases of moving and copying a
-site. To do that we create a second root folder and make it a site, so that
-site hierarchy is as follows:
-           _____ global site _____
-          /                       \
-      myfolder1                myfolder2
-          |
-      myfolder11
-  >>> myfolder2 = folder.rootFolder()
-  >>> myfolder2.setSiteManager(site.LocalSiteManager(myfolder2))
-Before we can move or copy sites, we need to register two event subscribers
-that manage the wiring of site managers after moving or copying:
-  >>> from zope.app import container
-  >>> gsm.registerHandler(
-  ...    site.changeSiteConfigurationAfterMove,
-  ...    (ISite, container.interfaces.IObjectMovedEvent),
-  ...    )
-We only have to register one event listener, since the copy action causes an
-`IObjectAddedEvent` to be created, which is just a special type of
-First, make sure that everything is setup correctly in the first place:
-  >>> myfolder11.getSiteManager().__bases__ == (myfolder.getSiteManager(), )
-  True
-  >>> myfolder.getSiteManager().subs[0] is myfolder11.getSiteManager()
-  True
-  >>> myfolder2.getSiteManager().subs
-  ()
-Let's now move `myfolder11` from `myfolder` to `myfolder2`:
-  >>> myfolder2['myfolder21'] = myfolder11
-  >>> del myfolder['myfolder11']
-Now the next site manager for `myfolder11`'s site manager should have changed:
-  >>> myfolder21 = myfolder11
-  >>> myfolder21.getSiteManager().__bases__ == (myfolder2.getSiteManager(), )
-  True
-  >>> myfolder2.getSiteManager().subs[0] is myfolder21.getSiteManager()
-  True
-  >>> myfolder.getSiteManager().subs
-  ()
-Finally, we make a copy of `myfolder21` and add it as `myfolder11` to
-  # Make sure that our interfaces and classes are picklable.
-  >>> import sys
-  >>> sys.modules['zope.app.component.tests'].IMyUtility = IMyUtility
-  >>> IMyUtility.__module__ = 'zope.app.component.tests'
-  >>> sys.modules['zope.app.component.tests'].MyUtility = MyUtility
-  >>> MyUtility.__module__ = 'zope.app.component.tests'
-  >>> from zope.location.pickling import locationCopy
-  >>> myfolder['myfolder11'] = locationCopy(myfolder2['myfolder21'])
-  >>> myfolder11 = myfolder['myfolder11']
-  >>> myfolder11.getSiteManager().__bases__ == (myfolder.getSiteManager(), )
-  True
-  >>> myfolder.getSiteManager().subs[0] is myfolder11.getSiteManager()
-  True
-  >>> myfolder2.getSiteManager().subs[0] is myfolder21.getSiteManager()
-  True

Deleted: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_api.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_api.py	2009-01-27 17:18:30 UTC (rev 95229)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_api.py	2009-01-27 17:23:33 UTC (rev 95230)
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Registration Tests
-__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"
-import unittest
-from zope.testing import doctest
-from zope.app.testing import setup
-def setUp(test):
-    setup.placefulSetUp()
-def tearDown(test):
-    setup.placefulTearDown()
-def test_suite():
-    return unittest.TestSuite((
-        doctest.DocFileSuite('../README.txt',
-                             setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown),
-        ))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')

Deleted: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_localsitemanager.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_localsitemanager.py	2009-01-27 17:18:30 UTC (rev 95229)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_localsitemanager.py	2009-01-27 17:23:33 UTC (rev 95230)
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Local sitemanager tests.
-import unittest
-from zope.interface import Interface
-from zope.copypastemove import ObjectCopier
-from zope.app.component import site
-from zope.app.folder import Folder
-from zope.app.testing.placelesssetup import PlacelessSetup
-class I1(Interface):pass
-class TestLocalSiteManager(PlacelessSetup, unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(TestLocalSiteManager, self).setUp()
-        self.util = object()
-        self.root = Folder()
-        self.root['site'] = Folder()
-        subfolder  = self.root['site']
-        subfolder.setSiteManager(site.LocalSiteManager(subfolder))
-        subfolder.getSiteManager().registerUtility(self.util, I1)
-    def testCopy(self):
-        self.assert_(self.root['site'].getSiteManager().getUtility(I1) is self.util)
-        copier = ObjectCopier(self.root['site'])
-        copier.copyTo(self.root, 'copied_site')
-        self.assert_(self.root['copied_site'].getSiteManager().getUtility(I1) is not self.util)
-def test_suite():
-    return unittest.TestSuite((
-        unittest.makeSuite(TestLocalSiteManager),
-        ))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()

Deleted: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_registration.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_registration.py	2009-01-27 17:18:30 UTC (rev 95229)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_registration.py	2009-01-27 17:23:33 UTC (rev 95230)
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Registration Tests
-__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"
-import os
-import unittest
-import warnings
-from ZODB.DB import DB
-import ZODB.FileStorage
-from ZODB.DemoStorage import DemoStorage
-import transaction
-import persistent
-import zope.component.globalregistry
-import zope.component.testing as placelesssetup
-from zope.testing import doctest
-from zope.app.testing import setup
-import zope.app.container.contained
-from zope import interface
-import zope.app.component.site
-# test class for testing data conversion
-class IFoo(interface.Interface):
-    pass
-class Foo(persistent.Persistent, zope.app.container.contained.Contained):
-    interface.implements(IFoo)
-    name = ''
-    def __init__(self, name=''):
-        self.name = name
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return 'Foo(%r)' % self.name
-def setUpOld(test):
-    placelesssetup.setUp(test)
-    setup.setUpAnnotations()
-    setup.setUpDependable()
-    setup.setUpTraversal()
-    test.globs['showwarning'] = warnings.showwarning
-    warnings.showwarning = lambda *a, **k: None
-def tearDown(test):
-    warnings.showwarning = test.globs['showwarning']
-    placelesssetup.tearDown(test)
-def setUp(test):
-    placelesssetup.setUp(test)
-    test.globs['showwarning'] = warnings.showwarning
-    warnings.showwarning = lambda *a, **k: None
-def oldfs():
-    return FileStorage(
-        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'gen3.fs'),
-        read_only=True,
-        )
-# Work around a bug in ZODB
-# XXX fix ZODB
-class FileStorage(ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage):
-    def new_oid(self):
-        self._lock_acquire()
-        try:
-            last = self._oid
-            d = ord(last[-1])
-            if d < 255:  # fast path for the usual case
-                last = last[:-1] + chr(d+1)
-            else:        # there's a carry out of the last byte
-                last_as_long, = _structunpack(">Q", last)
-                last = _structpack(">Q", last_as_long + 1)
-            self._oid = last
-            return last
-        finally:
-             self._lock_release()
-class GlobalRegistry:
-    pass
-base = zope.component.globalregistry.GlobalAdapterRegistry(
-    GlobalRegistry, 'adapters')
-GlobalRegistry.adapters = base
-def clear_base():
-    base.__init__(GlobalRegistry, 'adapters')
-def test_deghostification_of_persistent_adapter_registries():
-    """
-Note that this test duplicates one from zope.component.tests.
-We should be able to get rid of this one when we get rid of
-__setstate__ implementation we have in back35.
-We want to make sure that we see updates corrextly.
-    >>> import ZODB.tests.util
-    >>> db = ZODB.tests.util.DB()
-    >>> tm1 = transaction.TransactionManager()
-    >>> c1 = db.open(transaction_manager=tm1)
-    >>> r1 = zope.app.component.site._LocalAdapterRegistry((base,))
-    >>> r2 = zope.app.component.site._LocalAdapterRegistry((r1,))
-    >>> c1.root()[1] = r1
-    >>> c1.root()[2] = r2
-    >>> tm1.commit()
-    >>> r1._p_deactivate()
-    >>> r2._p_deactivate()
-    >>> tm2 = transaction.TransactionManager()
-    >>> c2 = db.open(transaction_manager=tm2)
-    >>> r1 = c2.root()[1]
-    >>> r2 = c2.root()[2]
-    >>> r1.lookup((), IFoo, '')
-    >>> base.register((), IFoo, '', Foo(''))
-    >>> r1.lookup((), IFoo, '')
-    Foo('')
-    >>> r2.lookup((), IFoo, '1')
-    >>> r1.register((), IFoo, '1', Foo('1'))
-    >>> r2.lookup((), IFoo, '1')
-    Foo('1')
-    >>> r1.lookup((), IFoo, '2')
-    >>> r2.lookup((), IFoo, '2')
-    >>> base.register((), IFoo, '2', Foo('2'))
-    >>> r1.lookup((), IFoo, '2')
-    Foo('2')
-    >>> r2.lookup((), IFoo, '2')
-    Foo('2')
-    >>> db.close()
-    >>> clear_base()
-    """
-barcode = """
-from zope.interface import Interface
-class IBar(Interface): pass
-class IBaz(Interface): pass
-class Bar(persistent.Persistent): pass
-class Baz(persistent.Persistent): pass
-def test_persistent_interfaces():
-    """
-Registrations for persistent interfaces are accessible from separate
-Setup the DB and our first connection::
-    >>> import ZODB.tests.util
-    >>> db = ZODB.tests.util.DB()
-    >>> conn1 = db.open()
-    >>> root1 = conn1.root()
-Setup the persistent module registry and the local component
-    >>> from zodbcode.module import ManagedRegistry
-    >>> registry = root1['registry'] = ManagedRegistry()
-    >>> from zope.component.persistentregistry import PersistentComponents
-    >>> manager = root1['manager'] = PersistentComponents()
-Create a persistent module::
-    >>> registry.newModule('barmodule', barcode)
-    >>> barmodule = registry.findModule('barmodule')
-Create a persistent instance::
-    >>> bar = root1['bar'] = Bar()
-    >>> from zope.interface import directlyProvides
-    >>> directlyProvides(bar, barmodule.IBar)
-    >>> from transaction import commit
-    >>> commit()
-Register an adapter::
-    >>> manager.queryAdapter(bar, barmodule.IBaz)
-    >>> manager.registerAdapter(Baz, [barmodule.IBar], barmodule.IBaz)
-    >>> manager.getAdapter(bar, barmodule.IBaz) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-    <zope.app.component.tests.test_registration.Baz object at ...>
-Before commit, the adapter is not available from another connection::
-    >>> conn2 = db.open()
-    >>> root2 = conn2.root()
-    >>> registry2 = root2['registry']
-    >>> barmodule2 = registry2.findModule('barmodule')
-    >>> bar2 = root2['bar']
-    >>> manager2 = root2['manager']
-    >>> manager2.queryAdapter(bar2, barmodule2.IBaz)
-After commit, it is::
-    >>> commit()
-    >>> conn2.sync()
-    >>> manager2.getAdapter(bar2, barmodule2.IBaz)
-    ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-    <zope.app.component.tests.test_registration.Baz object at ...>
-    >>> conn1.close()
-    >>> conn2.close()
-    >>> db.close()
-def test_suite():
-    suite = unittest.TestSuite((
-        doctest.DocTestSuite(setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown)
-        ))
-    return suite
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')

Deleted: zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_site.py
--- zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_site.py	2009-01-27 17:18:30 UTC (rev 95229)
+++ zope.app.component/trunk/src/zope/app/component/tests/test_site.py	2009-01-27 17:23:33 UTC (rev 95230)
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Registration Tests
-__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"
-import unittest
-import zope.interface
-import zope.interface.verify
-from zope.testing import doctest
-from zope.location.interfaces import ISite, IPossibleSite
-from zope.app.testing import setup
-from zope.app.component import interfaces, site
-from zope.app.folder import folder
-import zope.app.publication.interfaces
-class SiteManagerStub(object):
-    zope.interface.implements(interfaces.ILocalSiteManager)
-class CustomFolder(folder.Folder):
-    def __init__(self, name):
-        self.__name__ = name
-        super(CustomFolder, self).__init__()
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<%s %s>' %(self.__class__.__name__, self.__name__)
-def test_SiteManagerAdapter():
-    """
-    The site manager adapter is used to find the nearest site for any given
-    location. If the provided context is a site,
-      >>> site = folder.Folder()
-      >>> sm = SiteManagerStub()
-      >>> site.setSiteManager(sm)
-    then the adapter simply return's the site's site manager:
-      >>> from zope.app.component.site import SiteManagerAdapter
-      >>> SiteManagerAdapter(site) is sm
-      True
-    If the context is a location (i.e. has a `__parent__` attribute),
-      >>> ob = folder.Folder()
-      >>> ob.__parent__ = site
-      >>> ob2 = folder.Folder()
-      >>> ob2.__parent__ = ob
-    we 'acquire' the closest site and return its site manager: 
-      >>> SiteManagerAdapter(ob) is sm
-      True
-      >>> SiteManagerAdapter(ob2) is sm
-      True
-    If we are unable to find a local site manager, then the global site
-    manager is returned.
-      >>> import zope.component
-      >>> orphan = CustomFolder('orphan')
-      >>> SiteManagerAdapter(orphan) is zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager()
-      True
-    """
-def test_setThreadSite_clearThreadSite():
-    """
-    This test ensures that the site is corectly set and cleared in a thread
-    during traversal using event subscribers. Before we start, no site is set:
-      >>> from zope.app.component import hooks
-      >>> hooks.getSite() is None
-      True
-      >>> request = object()
-      >>> from zope.app import publication
-      >>> from zope.app.component import site
-    On the other hand, if a site is traversed, 
-      >>> sm = SiteManagerStub()
-      >>> mysite = CustomFolder('mysite')
-      >>> mysite.setSiteManager(sm)
-      >>> ev = publication.interfaces.BeforeTraverseEvent(mysite, request)
-      >>> site.threadSiteSubscriber(mysite, ev)
-      >>> hooks.getSite()
-      <CustomFolder mysite>
-    Once the request is completed,
-      >>> ev = publication.interfaces.EndRequestEvent(mysite, request)
-      >>> site.clearThreadSiteSubscriber(ev)
-    the site assignment is cleared again:
-      >>> hooks.getSite() is None
-      True
-    """
-class BaseTestSiteManagerContainer(unittest.TestCase):
-    """This test is for objects that don't have site managers by
-    default and that always give back the site manager they were
-    given.
-    Subclasses need to define a method, 'makeTestObject', that takes no
-    arguments and that returns a new site manager
-    container that has no site manager."""
-    def test_IPossibleSite_verify(self):
-        zope.interface.verify.verifyObject(IPossibleSite,
-                                           self.makeTestObject())
-    def test_get_and_set(self):
-        smc = self.makeTestObject()
-        self.failIf(ISite.providedBy(smc))
-        sm = site.LocalSiteManager(smc)
-        smc.setSiteManager(sm)
-        self.failUnless(ISite.providedBy(smc))
-        self.failUnless(smc.getSiteManager() is sm)
-        zope.interface.verify.verifyObject(ISite, smc)
-    def test_set_w_bogus_value(self):
-        smc=self.makeTestObject()
-        self.assertRaises(Exception, smc.setSiteManager, self)
-class SiteManagerContainerTest(BaseTestSiteManagerContainer):
-    def makeTestObject(self):
-        from zope.app.component.site import SiteManagerContainer
-        return SiteManagerContainer()
-def setUp(test):
-    setup.placefulSetUp()
-def tearDown(test):
-    setup.placefulTearDown()
-def test_suite():
-    return unittest.TestSuite((
-        doctest.DocTestSuite(),
-        unittest.makeSuite(SiteManagerContainerTest),
-        doctest.DocFileSuite('../site.txt',
-                             setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown),
-        ))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')

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