[Checkins] SVN: Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/ Create zope.registry package for perusal.

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Wed Nov 25 16:56:33 EST 2009

Log message for revision 106017:
  Create zope.registry package for perusal.

  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/.installed.cfg
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/CHANGES.txt
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/README.txt
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/bootstrap.py
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/buildout.cfg
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/setup.py
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/__init__.py
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/__init__.py
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/interfaces.py
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/registry.txt
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/__init__.py
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/adapter.py
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/components.py
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/views.py
  A   Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/tests.py

Added: Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/.installed.cfg
--- Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/.installed.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/.installed.cfg	2009-11-25 21:56:33 UTC (rev 106017)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+installed_develop_eggs = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/develop-eggs/zope.registry.egg-link
+parts = test python
+__buildout_installed__ = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/parts/test
+	/Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/bin/test
+__buildout_signature__ = zc.recipe.testrunner-1.2.0-py2.4.egg zc.recipe.egg-1.2.2-py2.4.egg setuptools-0.6c11-py2.4.egg zope.testing-3.8.3-py2.4.egg zc.buildout-1.4.2-py2.4.egg zope.interface-3.5.2-py2.4-macosx-10.6-i386.egg zope.exceptions-3.5.2-py2.4.egg
+_b = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/bin
+_d = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/develop-eggs
+_e = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/eggs
+bin-directory = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/bin
+develop-eggs-directory = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/develop-eggs
+eggs = zope.registry
+eggs-directory = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/eggs
+executable = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/bin/python
+location = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/parts/test
+recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
+script = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/bin/test
+__buildout_installed__ = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/bin/py
+__buildout_signature__ = zc.recipe.egg-1.2.2-py2.4.egg setuptools-0.6c11-py2.4.egg zc.buildout-1.4.2-py2.4.egg
+_b = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/bin
+_d = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/develop-eggs
+_e = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/eggs
+bin-directory = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/bin
+develop-eggs-directory = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/develop-eggs
+eggs = zope.registry
+eggs-directory = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/eggs
+executable = /Users/chrism/projects/zope.registry/bin/python
+interpreter = py
+recipe = zc.recipe.egg

Added: Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/CHANGES.txt
--- Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/CHANGES.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/CHANGES.txt	2009-11-25 21:56:33 UTC (rev 106017)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Next release
+- ...

Added: Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/README.txt
--- Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/README.txt	2009-11-25 21:56:33 UTC (rev 106017)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+zope.registry Package Readme
+*This package is intended to be independently reusable in any Python
+project. It is maintained by the* `Zope Toolkit project <http://docs.zope.org/zopetoolkit/>`_.
+This package represents the core registry of the Zope Component
+Architecture.  Together with the 'zope.interface' package, it provides
+facilities for defining, registering and looking up components.
+.. contents::

Added: Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/bootstrap.py
--- Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/bootstrap.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/bootstrap.py	2009-11-25 21:56:33 UTC (rev 106017)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Bootstrap a buildout-based project
+Simply run this script in a directory containing a buildout.cfg.
+The script accepts buildout command-line options, so you can
+use the -c option to specify an alternate configuration file.
+$Id: bootstrap.py 72703 2007-02-20 11:49:26Z jim $
+import os, shutil, sys, tempfile, urllib2
+tmpeggs = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ez = {}
+exec urllib2.urlopen('http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py'
+                     ).read() in ez
+ez['use_setuptools'](to_dir=tmpeggs, download_delay=0)
+import pkg_resources
+cmd = 'from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()'
+if sys.platform == 'win32':
+    cmd = '"%s"' % cmd # work around spawn lamosity on windows
+ws = pkg_resources.working_set
+assert os.spawnle(
+    os.P_WAIT, sys.executable, sys.executable,
+    '-c', cmd, '-mqNxd', tmpeggs, 'zc.buildout',
+    dict(os.environ,
+         PYTHONPATH=
+         ws.find(pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('setuptools')).location
+         ),
+    ) == 0
+import zc.buildout.buildout
+zc.buildout.buildout.main(sys.argv[1:] + ['bootstrap'])

Added: Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/buildout.cfg
--- Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/buildout.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/buildout.cfg	2009-11-25 21:56:33 UTC (rev 106017)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+develop = .
+parts = test python
+unzip = true
+recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
+eggs = zope.registry
+recipe = zc.recipe.egg
+interpreter = py
+eggs = ${test:eggs}

Added: Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/setup.py
--- Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/setup.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/setup.py	2009-11-25 21:56:33 UTC (rev 106017)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+# This package is developed by the Zope Toolkit project, documented here:
+# http://docs.zope.org/zopetoolkit
+# When developing and releasing this package, please follow the documented
+# Zope Toolkit policies as described by this documentation.
+"""Setup for zope.registry package
+$Id: setup.py 105736 2009-11-16 22:34:23Z kobold $
+import os
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages
+def read(*rnames):
+    return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), *rnames)).read()
+    name='zope.registry',
+    version = '0.0',
+    url='http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zope.registry',
+    license='ZPL 2.1',
+    description='Zope Component Architecture',
+    author='Zope Corporation and Contributors',
+    author_email='zope-dev at zope.org',
+    long_description='long description',
+    packages = find_packages('src'),
+    package_dir = {'': 'src'},
+    namespace_packages=['zope',],
+    tests_require = [
+        'zope.testing'
+        ],
+    install_requires=['setuptools',
+                      'zope.interface',
+                      'zope.event',
+                      ],
+    include_package_data = True,
+    zip_safe = False,
+    )

Added: Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/__init__.py
--- Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/__init__.py	2009-11-25 21:56:33 UTC (rev 106017)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/__init__.py
--- Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/__init__.py	2009-11-25 21:56:33 UTC (rev 106017)
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Basic components support
+$Id: registry.py 100603 2009-06-02 19:44:19Z jim $
+import sys
+import types
+from zope.interface import Interface
+from zope.interface import implementedBy
+from zope.interface import implements
+from zope.interface import implementsOnly
+from zope.interface import providedBy
+from zope.interface.adapter import AdapterRegistry
+from zope.interface.interfaces import ISpecification
+from zope.registry.interfaces import ComponentLookupError
+from zope.registry.interfaces import IAdapterRegistration
+from zope.registry.interfaces import IComponents
+from zope.registry.interfaces import IHandlerRegistration
+from zope.registry.interfaces import ISubscriptionAdapterRegistration
+from zope.registry.interfaces import IUtilityRegistration
+from zope.registry.interfaces import Registered
+from zope.registry.interfaces import Unregistered
+from zope.event import notify
+class Components(object):
+    implements(IComponents)
+    def __init__(self, name='', bases=()):
+        assert isinstance(name, basestring)
+        self.__name__ = name
+        self._init_registries()
+        self._init_registrations()
+        self.__bases__ = tuple(bases)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__name__)
+    def _init_registries(self):
+        self.adapters = AdapterRegistry()
+        self.utilities = AdapterRegistry()
+    def _init_registrations(self):
+        self._utility_registrations = {}
+        self._adapter_registrations = {}
+        self._subscription_registrations = []
+        self._handler_registrations = []
+    def _getBases(self):
+        # Subclasses might override
+        return self.__dict__.get('__bases__', ())
+    def _setBases(self, bases):
+        # Subclasses might override
+        self.adapters.__bases__ = tuple([
+            base.adapters for base in bases])
+        self.utilities.__bases__ = tuple([
+            base.utilities for base in bases])
+        self.__dict__['__bases__'] = tuple(bases)
+    __bases__ = property(
+        lambda self: self._getBases(),
+        lambda self, bases: self._setBases(bases),
+        )
+    def registerUtility(self, component=None, provided=None, name=u'', info=u'',
+                        event=True, factory=None):
+        if factory:
+            if component:
+                raise TypeError("Can't specify factory and component.")
+            component = factory()
+        if provided is None:
+            provided = _getUtilityProvided(component)
+        reg = self._utility_registrations.get((provided, name))
+        if reg is not None:
+            if reg[:2] == (component, info):
+                # already registered
+                return
+            self.unregisterUtility(reg[0], provided, name)
+        subscribed = False
+        for ((p, _), data) in self._utility_registrations.iteritems():
+            if p == provided and data[0] == component:
+                subscribed = True
+                break
+        self._utility_registrations[(provided, name)] = component, info, factory
+        self.utilities.register((), provided, name, component)
+        if not subscribed:
+            self.utilities.subscribe((), provided, component)
+        if event:
+            notify(Registered(
+                UtilityRegistration(self, provided, name, component, info,
+                                    factory)
+                ))
+    def unregisterUtility(self, component=None, provided=None, name=u'',
+                          factory=None):
+        if factory:
+            if component:
+                raise TypeError("Can't specify factory and component.")
+            component = factory()
+        if provided is None:
+            if component is None:
+                raise TypeError("Must specify one of component, factory and "
+                                "provided")
+            provided = _getUtilityProvided(component)
+        old = self._utility_registrations.get((provided, name))
+        if (old is None) or ((component is not None) and
+                             (component != old[0])):
+            return False
+        if component is None:
+            component = old[0]
+        # Note that component is now the old thing registered
+        del self._utility_registrations[(provided, name)]
+        self.utilities.unregister((), provided, name)
+        subscribed = False
+        for ((p, _), data) in self._utility_registrations.iteritems():
+            if p == provided and data[0] == component:
+                subscribed = True
+                break
+        if not subscribed:
+            self.utilities.unsubscribe((), provided, component)
+        notify(Unregistered(
+            UtilityRegistration(self, provided, name, component, *old[1:])
+            ))
+        return True
+    def registeredUtilities(self):
+        for ((provided, name), data
+             ) in self._utility_registrations.iteritems():
+            yield UtilityRegistration(self, provided, name, *data)
+    def queryUtility(self, provided, name=u'', default=None):
+        return self.utilities.lookup((), provided, name, default)
+    def getUtility(self, provided, name=u''):
+        utility = self.utilities.lookup((), provided, name)
+        if utility is None:
+            raise ComponentLookupError(provided, name)
+        return utility
+    def getUtilitiesFor(self, interface):
+        for name, utility in self.utilities.lookupAll((), interface):
+            yield name, utility
+    def getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(self, interface):
+        return self.utilities.subscriptions((), interface)
+    def registerAdapter(self, factory, required=None, provided=None, name=u'',
+                        info=u'', event=True):
+        if provided is None:
+            provided = _getAdapterProvided(factory)
+        required = _getAdapterRequired(factory, required)
+        self._adapter_registrations[(required, provided, name)
+                                    ] = factory, info
+        self.adapters.register(required, provided, name, factory)
+        if event:
+            notify(Registered(
+                AdapterRegistration(self, required, provided, name,
+                                    factory, info)
+                ))
+    def unregisterAdapter(self, factory=None,
+                          required=None, provided=None, name=u'',
+                          ):
+        if provided is None:
+            if factory is None:
+                raise TypeError("Must specify one of factory and provided")
+            provided = _getAdapterProvided(factory)
+        if (required is None) and (factory is None):
+            raise TypeError("Must specify one of factory and required")
+        required = _getAdapterRequired(factory, required)
+        old = self._adapter_registrations.get((required, provided, name))
+        if (old is None) or ((factory is not None) and
+                             (factory != old[0])):
+            return False
+        del self._adapter_registrations[(required, provided, name)]
+        self.adapters.unregister(required, provided, name)
+        notify(Unregistered(
+            AdapterRegistration(self, required, provided, name,
+                                *old)
+            ))
+        return True
+    def registeredAdapters(self):
+        for ((required, provided, name), (component, info)
+             ) in self._adapter_registrations.iteritems():
+            yield AdapterRegistration(self, required, provided, name,
+                                      component, info)
+    def queryAdapter(self, object, interface, name=u'', default=None):
+        return self.adapters.queryAdapter(object, interface, name, default)
+    def getAdapter(self, object, interface, name=u''):
+        adapter = self.adapters.queryAdapter(object, interface, name)
+        if adapter is None:
+            raise ComponentLookupError(object, interface, name)
+        return adapter
+    def queryMultiAdapter(self, objects, interface, name=u'', default=None):
+        return self.adapters.queryMultiAdapter(
+            objects, interface, name, default)
+    def getMultiAdapter(self, objects, interface, name=u''):
+        adapter = self.adapters.queryMultiAdapter(objects, interface, name)
+        if adapter is None:
+            raise ComponentLookupError(objects, interface, name)
+        return adapter
+    def getAdapters(self, objects, provided):
+        for name, factory in self.adapters.lookupAll(
+            map(providedBy, objects),
+            provided):
+            adapter = factory(*objects)
+            if adapter is not None:
+                yield name, adapter
+    def registerSubscriptionAdapter(self,
+                                    factory, required=None, provided=None,
+                                    name=u'', info=u'',
+                                    event=True):
+        if name:
+            raise TypeError("Named subscribers are not yet supported")
+        if provided is None:
+            provided = _getAdapterProvided(factory)
+        required = _getAdapterRequired(factory, required)
+        self._subscription_registrations.append(
+            (required, provided, name, factory, info)
+            )
+        self.adapters.subscribe(required, provided, factory)
+        if event:
+            notify(Registered(
+                SubscriptionRegistration(self, required, provided, name,
+                                         factory, info)
+                ))
+    def registeredSubscriptionAdapters(self):
+        for data in self._subscription_registrations:
+            yield SubscriptionRegistration(self, *data)
+    def unregisterSubscriptionAdapter(self, factory=None,
+                          required=None, provided=None, name=u'',
+                          ):
+        if name:
+            raise TypeError("Named subscribers are not yet supported")
+        if provided is None:
+            if factory is None:
+                raise TypeError("Must specify one of factory and provided")
+            provided = _getAdapterProvided(factory)
+        if (required is None) and (factory is None):
+            raise TypeError("Must specify one of factory and required")
+        required = _getAdapterRequired(factory, required)
+        if factory is None:
+            new = [(r, p, n, f, i)
+                   for (r, p, n, f, i)
+                   in self._subscription_registrations
+                   if not (r == required and p == provided)
+                   ]
+        else:
+            new = [(r, p, n, f, i)
+                   for (r, p, n, f, i)
+                   in self._subscription_registrations
+                   if not (r == required and p == provided and f == factory)
+                   ]
+        if len(new) == len(self._subscription_registrations):
+            return False
+        self._subscription_registrations[:] = new
+        self.adapters.unsubscribe(required, provided, factory)
+        notify(Unregistered(
+            SubscriptionRegistration(self, required, provided, name,
+                                     factory, '')
+            ))
+        return True
+    def subscribers(self, objects, provided):
+        return self.adapters.subscribers(objects, provided)
+    def registerHandler(self,
+                        factory, required=None,
+                        name=u'', info=u'',
+                        event=True):
+        if name:
+            raise TypeError("Named handlers are not yet supported")
+        required = _getAdapterRequired(factory, required)
+        self._handler_registrations.append(
+            (required, name, factory, info)
+            )
+        self.adapters.subscribe(required, None, factory)
+        if event:
+            notify(Registered(
+                HandlerRegistration(self, required, name, factory, info)
+                ))
+    def registeredHandlers(self):
+        for data in self._handler_registrations:
+            yield HandlerRegistration(self, *data)
+    def unregisterHandler(self, factory=None, required=None, name=u''):
+        if name:
+            raise TypeError("Named subscribers are not yet supported")
+        if (required is None) and (factory is None):
+            raise TypeError("Must specify one of factory and required")
+        required = _getAdapterRequired(factory, required)
+        if factory is None:
+            new = [(r, n, f, i)
+                   for (r, n, f, i)
+                   in self._handler_registrations
+                   if r != required
+                   ]
+        else:
+            new = [(r, n, f, i)
+                   for (r, n, f, i)
+                   in self._handler_registrations
+                   if not (r == required and f == factory)
+                   ]
+        if len(new) == len(self._handler_registrations):
+            return False
+        self._handler_registrations[:] = new
+        self.adapters.unsubscribe(required, None, factory)
+        notify(Unregistered(
+            HandlerRegistration(self, required, name, factory, '')
+            ))
+        return True
+    def handle(self, *objects):
+        self.adapters.subscribers(objects, None)
+def _getUtilityProvided(component):
+    provided = list(providedBy(component))
+    if len(provided) == 1:
+        return provided[0]
+    raise TypeError(
+        "The utility doesn't provide a single interface "
+        "and no provided interface was specified.")
+def _getAdapterProvided(factory):
+    provided = list(implementedBy(factory))
+    if len(provided) == 1:
+        return provided[0]
+    raise TypeError(
+        "The adapter factory doesn't implement a single interface "
+        "and no provided interface was specified.")
+classTypes = type, types.ClassType
+def _getAdapterRequired(factory, required):
+    if required is None:
+        try:
+            required = factory.__component_adapts__
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise TypeError(
+                "The adapter factory doesn't have a __component_adapts__ "
+                "attribute and no required specifications were specified"
+                )
+    elif ISpecification.providedBy(required):
+        raise TypeError("the required argument should be a list of "
+                        "interfaces, not a single interface")
+    result = []
+    for r in required:
+        if r is None:
+            r = Interface
+        elif not ISpecification.providedBy(r):
+            if isinstance(r, classTypes):
+                r = implementedBy(r)
+            else:
+                raise TypeError("Required specification must be a "
+                                "specification or class."
+                                )
+        result.append(r)
+    return tuple(result)
+class UtilityRegistration(object):
+    implements(IUtilityRegistration)
+    def __init__(self, registry, provided, name, component, doc, factory=None):
+        (self.registry, self.provided, self.name, self.component, self.info,
+         self.factory
+         ) = registry, provided, name, component, doc, factory
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '%s(%r, %s, %r, %s, %r, %r)' % (
+                self.__class__.__name__,
+                self.registry,
+                getattr(self.provided, '__name__', None), self.name,
+                getattr(self.component, '__name__', `self.component`),
+                self.factory, self.info,
+                )
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        return cmp(self.__repr__(), other.__repr__())
+class AdapterRegistration(object):
+    implements(IAdapterRegistration)
+    def __init__(self, registry, required, provided, name, component, doc):
+        (self.registry, self.required, self.provided, self.name,
+         self.factory, self.info
+         ) = registry, required, provided, name, component, doc
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '%s(%r, %s, %s, %r, %s, %r)' % (
+            self.__class__.__name__,
+            self.registry,
+            '[' + ", ".join([r.__name__ for r in self.required]) + ']',
+            getattr(self.provided, '__name__', None), self.name,
+            getattr(self.factory, '__name__', `self.factory`), self.info,
+            )
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        return cmp(self.__repr__(), other.__repr__())
+class SubscriptionRegistration(AdapterRegistration):
+    implementsOnly(ISubscriptionAdapterRegistration)
+class HandlerRegistration(AdapterRegistration):
+    implementsOnly(IHandlerRegistration)
+    def __init__(self, registry, required, name, handler, doc):
+        (self.registry, self.required, self.name, self.handler, self.info
+         ) = registry, required, name, handler, doc
+    @property
+    def factory(self):
+        return self.handler
+    provided = None
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '%s(%r, %s, %r, %s, %r)' % (
+            self.__class__.__name__,
+            self.registry,
+            '[' + ", ".join([r.__name__ for r in self.required]) + ']',
+            self.name,
+            getattr(self.factory, '__name__', `self.factory`), self.info,
+            )
+class adapter:
+    def __init__(self, *interfaces):
+        self.interfaces = interfaces
+    def __call__(self, ob):
+        if isinstance(ob, _class_types):
+            ob.__component_adapts__ = _adapts_descr(self.interfaces)
+        else:
+            ob.__component_adapts__ = self.interfaces
+        return ob
+def adapts(*interfaces):
+    frame = sys._getframe(1)
+    locals = frame.f_locals
+    # Try to make sure we were called from a class def. In 2.2.0 we can't
+    # check for __module__ since it doesn't seem to be added to the locals
+    # until later on.
+    if (locals is frame.f_globals) or (
+        ('__module__' not in locals) and sys.version_info[:3] > (2, 2, 0)):
+        raise TypeError("adapts can be used only from a class definition.")
+    if '__component_adapts__' in locals:
+        raise TypeError("adapts can be used only once in a class definition.")
+    locals['__component_adapts__'] = _adapts_descr(interfaces)
+def adaptedBy(ob):
+    return getattr(ob, '__component_adapts__', None)
+_class_types = type, types.ClassType
+class _adapts_descr(object):
+    def __init__(self, interfaces):
+        self.interfaces = interfaces
+    def __get__(self, inst, cls):
+        if inst is None:
+            return self.interfaces
+        raise AttributeError('__component_adapts__')

Added: Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/interfaces.py
--- Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/interfaces.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/interfaces.py	2009-11-25 21:56:33 UTC (rev 106017)
@@ -0,0 +1,944 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Component and Component Architecture Interfaces
+$Id: interfaces.py 105528 2009-11-08 11:05:28Z kobold $
+__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"
+from zope.interface import Attribute
+from zope.interface import Interface
+from zope.interface import implements
+class ComponentLookupError(LookupError):
+    """A component could not be found."""
+class Invalid(Exception):
+    """A component doesn't satisfy a promise."""
+class Misused(Exception):
+    """A component is being used (registered) for the wrong interface."""
+class IObjectEvent(Interface):
+    """An event related to an object.
+    The object that generated this event is not necessarily the object
+    refered to by location.
+    """
+    object = Attribute("The subject of the event.")
+class ObjectEvent(object):
+    implements(IObjectEvent)
+    def __init__(self, object):
+        self.object = object
+class IComponentArchitecture(Interface):
+    """The Component Architecture is defined by two key components: Adapters
+    and Utiltities. Both are managed by site managers. All other components
+    build on top of them.
+    """
+    # Site Manager API
+    def getGlobalSiteManager():
+        """Return the global site manager.
+        This function should never fail and always return an object that
+        provides `IGlobalSiteManager`.
+        """
+    def getSiteManager(context=None):
+        """Get the nearest site manager in the given context.
+        If `context` is `None`, return the global site manager.
+        If the `context` is not `None`, it is expected that an adapter
+        from the `context` to `IComponentLookup` can be found. If no
+        adapter is found, a `ComponentLookupError` is raised.
+        """
+    # Utility API
+    def getUtility(interface, name='', context=None):
+        """Get the utility that provides interface
+        Returns the nearest utility to the context that implements the
+        specified interface.  If one is not found, raises
+        ComponentLookupError.
+        """
+    def queryUtility(interface, name='', default=None, context=None):
+        """Look for the utility that provides interface
+        Returns the nearest utility to the context that implements
+        the specified interface.  If one is not found, returns default.
+        """
+    def queryNextUtility(context, interface, name='', default=None):
+        """Query for the next available utility.
+        Find the next available utility providing `interface` and having the
+        specified name. If no utility was found, return the specified `default`
+        value.
+        """
+    def getNextUtility(context, interface, name=''):
+        """Get the next available utility.
+        If no utility was found, a `ComponentLookupError` is raised.
+        """
+    def getUtilitiesFor(interface, context=None):
+        """Return the utilities that provide an interface
+        An iterable of utility name-value pairs is returned.
+        """
+    def getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(interface, context=None):
+        """Return all registered utilities for an interface
+        This includes overridden utilities.
+        An iterable of utility instances is returned.  No names are
+        returned.
+        """
+    # Adapter API
+    def getAdapter(object,
+                   interface=Interface, name=u'',
+                   context=None):
+        """Get a named adapter to an interface for an object
+        Returns an adapter that can adapt object to interface.  If a matching
+        adapter cannot be found, raises ComponentLookupError.
+        If context is None, an application-defined policy is used to choose
+        an appropriate service manager from which to get an 'Adapters' service.
+        If 'context' is not None, context is adapted to IServiceService,
+        and this adapter's 'Adapters' service is used.
+        """
+    def getAdapterInContext(object, interface, context):
+        """Get a special adapter to an interface for an object
+        NOTE: This method should only be used if a custom context
+        needs to be provided to provide custom component
+        lookup. Otherwise, call the interface, as in::
+           interface(object)
+        Returns an adapter that can adapt object to interface.  If a matching
+        adapter cannot be found, raises ComponentLookupError.
+        Context is adapted to IServiceService, and this adapter's
+        'Adapters' service is used.
+        If the object has a __conform__ method, this method will be
+        called with the requested interface.  If the method returns a
+        non-None value, that value will be returned. Otherwise, if the
+        object already implements the interface, the object will be
+        returned.
+        """
+    def getMultiAdapter(objects,
+                        interface=Interface, name='',
+                        context=None):
+        """Look for a multi-adapter to an interface for an objects
+        Returns a multi-adapter that can adapt objects to interface.  If a
+        matching adapter cannot be found, raises ComponentLookupError.
+        If context is None, an application-defined policy is used to choose
+        an appropriate service manager from which to get an 'Adapters' service.
+        If 'context' is not None, context is adapted to IServiceService,
+        and this adapter's 'Adapters' service is used.
+        The name consisting of an empty string is reserved for unnamed
+        adapters. The unnamed adapter methods will often call the
+        named adapter methods with an empty string for a name.
+        """
+    def queryAdapter(object, interface=Interface, name=u'',
+                     default=None, context=None):
+        """Look for a named adapter to an interface for an object
+        Returns an adapter that can adapt object to interface.  If a matching
+        adapter cannot be found, returns the default.
+        If context is None, an application-defined policy is used to choose
+        an appropriate service manager from which to get an 'Adapters' service.
+        If 'context' is not None, context is adapted to IServiceService,
+        and this adapter's 'Adapters' service is used.
+        """
+    def queryAdapterInContext(object, interface, context, default=None):
+        """Look for a special adapter to an interface for an object
+        NOTE: This method should only be used if a custom context
+        needs to be provided to provide custom component
+        lookup. Otherwise, call the interface, as in::
+           interface(object, default)
+        Returns an adapter that can adapt object to interface.  If a matching
+        adapter cannot be found, returns the default.
+        Context is adapted to IServiceService, and this adapter's
+        'Adapters' service is used.
+        If the object has a __conform__ method, this method will be
+        called with the requested interface.  If the method returns a
+        non-None value, that value will be returned. Otherwise, if the
+        object already implements the interface, the object will be
+        returned.
+        """
+    def queryMultiAdapter(objects,
+                          interface=Interface, name=u'',
+                          default=None,
+                          context=None):
+        """Look for a multi-adapter to an interface for objects
+        Returns a multi-adapter that can adapt objects to interface.  If a
+        matching adapter cannot be found, returns the default.
+        If context is None, an application-defined policy is used to choose
+        an appropriate service manager from which to get an 'Adapters' service.
+        If 'context' is not None, context is adapted to IServiceService,
+        and this adapter's 'Adapters' service is used.
+        The name consisting of an empty string is reserved for unnamed
+        adapters. The unnamed adapter methods will often call the
+        named adapter methods with an empty string for a name.
+        """
+    def getAdapters(objects, provided, context=None):
+        """Look for all matching adapters to a provided interface for objects
+        Return a list of adapters that match. If an adapter is named, only the
+        most specific adapter of a given name is returned.
+        If context is None, an application-defined policy is used to choose
+        an appropriate service manager from which to get an 'Adapters'
+        service.
+        If 'context' is not None, context is adapted to IServiceService,
+        and this adapter's 'Adapters' service is used.
+        """
+    def subscribers(required, provided, context=None):
+        """Get subscribers
+        Subscribers are returned that provide the provided interface
+        and that depend on and are computed from the sequence of
+        required objects.
+        If context is None, an application-defined policy is used to choose
+        an appropriate service manager from which to get an 'Adapters'
+        service.
+        If 'context' is not None, context is adapted to IServiceService,
+        and this adapter's 'Adapters' service is used.
+        """
+    def handle(*objects):
+        """Call all of the handlers for the given objects
+        Handlers are subscription adapter factories that don't produce
+        anything.  They do all of their work when called.  Handlers
+        are typically used to handle events.
+        """
+    def adapts(*interfaces):
+        """Declare that a class adapts the given interfaces.
+        This function can only be used in a class definition.
+        (TODO, allow classes to be passed as well as interfaces.)
+        """
+    # Factory service
+    def createObject(factory_name, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Create an object using a factory
+        Finds the named factory in the current site and calls it with
+        the given arguments.  If a matching factory cannot be found
+        raises ComponentLookupError.  Returns the created object.
+        A context keyword argument can be provided to cause the
+        factory to be looked up in a location other than the current
+        site.  (Of course, this means that it is impossible to pass a
+        keyword argument named "context" to the factory.
+        """
+    def getFactoryInterfaces(name, context=None):
+        """Get interfaces implemented by a factory
+        Finds the factory of the given name that is nearest to the
+        context, and returns the interface or interface tuple that
+        object instances created by the named factory will implement.
+        """
+    def getFactoriesFor(interface, context=None):
+        """Return a tuple (name, factory) of registered factories that
+        create objects which implement the given interface.
+        """
+class IComponentLookup(Interface):
+    """Component Manager for a Site
+    This object manages the components registered at a particular site. The
+    definition of a site is intentionally vague.
+    """
+    adapters = Attribute(
+        "Adapter Registry to manage all registered adapters.")
+    utilities = Attribute(
+        "Adapter Registry to manage all registered utilities.")
+    def queryAdapter(object, interface, name=u'', default=None):
+        """Look for a named adapter to an interface for an object
+        If a matching adapter cannot be found, returns the default.
+        """
+    def getAdapter(object, interface, name=u''):
+        """Look for a named adapter to an interface for an object
+        If a matching adapter cannot be found, a ComponentLookupError
+        is raised.
+        """
+    def queryMultiAdapter(objects, interface, name=u'', default=None):
+        """Look for a multi-adapter to an interface for multiple objects
+        If a matching adapter cannot be found, returns the default.
+        """
+    def getMultiAdapter(objects, interface, name=u''):
+        """Look for a multi-adapter to an interface for multiple objects
+        If a matching adapter cannot be found, a ComponentLookupError
+        is raised.
+        """
+    def getAdapters(objects, provided):
+        """Look for all matching adapters to a provided interface for objects
+        Return an iterable of name-adapter pairs for adapters that
+        provide the given interface.
+        """
+    def subscribers(objects, provided):
+        """Get subscribers
+        Subscribers are returned that provide the provided interface
+        and that depend on and are comuted from the sequence of
+        required objects.
+        """
+    def handle(*objects):
+        """Call handlers for the given objects
+        Handlers registered for the given objects are called.
+        """
+    def queryUtility(interface, name='', default=None):
+        """Look up a utility that provides an interface.
+        If one is not found, returns default.
+        """
+    def getUtilitiesFor(interface):
+        """Look up the registered utilities that provide an interface.
+        Returns an iterable of name-utility pairs.
+        """
+    def getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(interface):
+        """Return all registered utilities for an interface
+        This includes overridden utilities.
+        An iterable of utility instances is returned.  No names are
+        returned.
+        """
+class IComponentRegistrationConvenience(Interface):
+    """API for registering components.
+    CAUTION: This API should only be used from test or
+    application-setup code. This api shouldn't be used by regular
+    library modules, as component registration is a configuration
+    activity.
+    """
+    def provideUtility(component, provides=None, name=u''):
+        """Register a utility globally
+        A utility is registered to provide an interface with a
+        name. If a component provides only one interface, then the
+        provides argument can be omitted and the provided interface
+        will be used. (In this case, provides argument can still be
+        provided to provide a less specific interface.)
+        CAUTION: This API should only be used from test or
+        application-setup code. This API shouldn't be used by regular
+        library modules, as component registration is a configuration
+        activity.
+        """
+    def provideAdapter(factory, adapts=None, provides=None, name=u''):
+        """Register an adapter globally
+        An adapter is registered to provide an interface with a name
+        for some number of object types. If a factory implements only
+        one interface, then the provides argument can be omitted and
+        the provided interface will be used. (In this case, a provides
+        argument can still be provided to provide a less specific
+        interface.)
+        If the factory has an adapts declaration, then the adapts
+        argument can be omitted and the declaration will be used.  (An
+        adapts argument can be provided to override the declaration.)
+        CAUTION: This API should only be used from test or
+        application-setup code. This API shouldn't be used by regular
+        library modules, as component registration is a configuration
+        activity.
+        """
+    def provideSubscriptionAdapter(factory, adapts=None, provides=None):
+        """Register a subscription adapter
+        A subscription adapter is registered to provide an interface
+        for some number of object types. If a factory implements only
+        one interface, then the provides argument can be omitted and
+        the provided interface will be used. (In this case, a provides
+        argument can still be provided to provide a less specific
+        interface.)
+        If the factory has an adapts declaration, then the adapts
+        argument can be omitted and the declaration will be used.  (An
+        adapts argument can be provided to override the declaration.)
+        CAUTION: This API should only be used from test or
+        application-setup code. This API shouldn't be used by regular
+        library modules, as component registration is a configuration
+        activity.
+        """
+    def provideHandler(handler, adapts=None):
+        """Register a handler
+        Handlers are subscription adapter factories that don't produce
+        anything.  They do all of their work when called.  Handlers
+        are typically used to handle events.
+        If the handler has an adapts declaration, then the adapts
+        argument can be omitted and the declaration will be used.  (An
+        adapts argument can be provided to override the declaration.)
+        CAUTION: This API should only be used from test or
+        application-setup code. This API shouldn't be used by regular
+        library modules, as component registration is a configuration
+        activity.
+        """
+class IRegistry(Interface):
+    """Object that supports component registry
+    """
+    def registrations():
+        """Return an iterable of component registrations
+        """
+class IFactory(Interface):
+    """A factory is responsible for creating other components."""
+    title = Attribute("The factory title.")
+    description = Attribute("A brief description of the factory.")
+    def __call__(*args, **kw):
+        """Return an instance of the objects we're a factory for."""
+    def getInterfaces():
+        """Get the interfaces implemented by the factory
+        Return the interface(s), as an instance of Implements, that objects
+        created by this factory will implement. If the callable's Implements
+        instance cannot be created, an empty Implements instance is returned.
+        """
+class IRegistration(Interface):
+    """A registration-information object
+    """
+    registry = Attribute("The registry having the registration")
+    name = Attribute("The registration name")
+    info = Attribute("""Information about the registration
+    This is information deemed useful to people browsing the
+    configuration of a system. It could, for example, include
+    commentary or information about the source of the configuration.
+    """)
+class IUtilityRegistration(IRegistration):
+    """Information about the registration of a utility
+    """
+    factory = Attribute("The factory used to create the utility. Optional.")
+    component = Attribute("The object registered")
+    provided = Attribute("The interface provided by the component")
+class _IBaseAdapterRegistration(IRegistration):
+    """Information about the registration of an adapter
+    """
+    factory = Attribute("The factory used to create adapters")
+    required = Attribute("""The adapted interfaces
+    This is a sequence of interfaces adapters by the registered
+    factory.  The factory will be caled with a sequence of objects, as
+    positional arguments, that provide these interfaces.
+    """)
+    provided = Attribute("""The interface provided by the adapters.
+    This interface is implemented by the factory
+    """)
+class IAdapterRegistration(_IBaseAdapterRegistration):
+    """Information about the registration of an adapter
+    """
+class ISubscriptionAdapterRegistration(_IBaseAdapterRegistration):
+    """Information about the registration of a subscription adapter
+    """
+class IHandlerRegistration(IRegistration):
+    handler = Attribute("An object called used to handle an event")
+    required = Attribute("""The handled interfaces
+    This is a sequence of interfaces handled by the registered
+    handler.  The handler will be caled with a sequence of objects, as
+    positional arguments, that provide these interfaces.
+    """)
+class IRegistrationEvent(IObjectEvent):
+    """An event that involves a registration"""
+class RegistrationEvent(ObjectEvent):
+    """There has been a change in a registration
+    """
+    implements(IRegistrationEvent)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "%s event:\n%r" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.object)
+class IRegistered(IRegistrationEvent):
+    """A component or factory was registered
+    """
+class Registered(RegistrationEvent):
+    implements(IRegistered)
+class IUnregistered(IRegistrationEvent):
+    """A component or factory was unregistered
+    """
+class Unregistered(RegistrationEvent):
+    """A component or factory was unregistered
+    """
+    implements(IUnregistered)
+class IComponentRegistry(Interface):
+    """Register components
+    """
+    def registerUtility(component=None, provided=None, name=u'', info=u'', factory=None):
+        """Register a utility
+        factory
+           Factory for the component to be registerd.
+        component
+           The registered component
+        provided
+           This is the interface provided by the utility.  If the
+           component provides a single interface, then this
+           argument is optional and the component-implemented
+           interface will be used.
+        name
+           The utility name.
+        info
+           An object that can be converted to a string to provide
+           information about the registration.
+        Only one of component and factory can be used.
+        A Registered event is generated with an IUtilityRegistration.
+        """
+    def unregisterUtility(component=None, provided=None, name=u'', factory=None):
+        """Unregister a utility
+        A boolean is returned indicating whether the registry was
+        changed.  If the given component is None and there is no
+        component registered, or if the given component is not
+        None and is not registered, then the function returns
+        False, otherwise it returns True.
+        factory
+           Factory for the component to be unregisterd.
+        component
+           The registered component The given component can be
+           None, in which case any component registered to provide
+           the given provided interface with the given name is
+           unregistered.
+        provided
+           This is the interface provided by the utility.  If the
+           component is not None and provides a single interface,
+           then this argument is optional and the
+           component-implemented interface will be used.
+        name
+           The utility name.
+        Only one of component and factory can be used.
+        An UnRegistered event is generated with an IUtilityRegistration.
+        """
+    def registeredUtilities():
+        """Return an iterable of IUtilityRegistration instances.
+        These registrations describe the current utility registrations
+        in the object.
+        """
+    def registerAdapter(factory, required=None, provided=None, name=u'',
+                       info=u''):
+        """Register an adapter factory
+        Parameters:
+        factory
+            The object used to compute the adapter
+        required
+            This is a sequence of specifications for objects to be
+            adapted.  If omitted, then the value of the factory's
+            __component_adapts__ attribute will be used.  The
+            __component_adapts__ attribute is usually attribute is
+            normally set in class definitions using adapts
+            function, or for callables using the adapter
+            decorator.  If the factory doesn't have a
+            __component_adapts__ adapts attribute, then this
+            argument is required.
+        provided
+            This is the interface provided by the adapter and
+            implemented by the factory.  If the factory
+            implements a single interface, then this argument is
+            optional and the factory-implemented interface will be
+            used.
+        name
+            The adapter name.
+        info
+           An object that can be converted to a string to provide
+           information about the registration.
+        A Registered event is generated with an IAdapterRegistration.
+        """
+    def unregisterAdapter(factory=None, required=None,
+                          provided=None, name=u''):
+        """Register an adapter factory
+        A boolean is returned indicating whether the registry was
+        changed.  If the given component is None and there is no
+        component registered, or if the given component is not
+        None and is not registered, then the function returns
+        False, otherwise it returns True.
+        Parameters:
+        factory
+            This is the object used to compute the adapter. The
+            factory can be None, in which case any factory
+            registered to implement the given provided interface
+            for the given required specifications with the given
+            name is unregistered.
+        required
+            This is a sequence of specifications for objects to be
+            adapted.  If the factory is not None and the required
+            arguments is omitted, then the value of the factory's
+            __component_adapts__ attribute will be used.  The
+            __component_adapts__ attribute attribute is normally
+            set in class definitions using adapts function, or for
+            callables using the adapter decorator.  If the factory
+            is None or doesn't have a __component_adapts__ adapts
+            attribute, then this argument is required.
+        provided
+            This is the interface provided by the adapter and
+            implemented by the factory.  If the factory is not
+            None and implements a single interface, then this
+            argument is optional and the factory-implemented
+            interface will be used.
+        name
+            The adapter name.
+        An Unregistered event is generated with an IAdapterRegistration.
+        """
+    def registeredAdapters():
+        """Return an iterable of IAdapterRegistration instances.
+        These registrations describe the current adapter registrations
+        in the object.
+        """
+    def registerSubscriptionAdapter(factory, required=None, provides=None,
+                                    name=u'', info=''):
+        """Register a subscriber factory
+        Parameters:
+        factory
+            The object used to compute the adapter
+        required
+            This is a sequence of specifications for objects to be
+            adapted.  If omitted, then the value of the factory's
+            __component_adapts__ attribute will be used.  The
+            __component_adapts__ attribute is usually attribute is
+            normally set in class definitions using adapts
+            function, or for callables using the adapter
+            decorator.  If the factory doesn't have a
+            __component_adapts__ adapts attribute, then this
+            argument is required.
+        provided
+            This is the interface provided by the adapter and
+            implemented by the factory.  If the factory implements
+            a single interface, then this argument is optional and
+            the factory-implemented interface will be used.
+        name
+            The adapter name.
+            Currently, only the empty string is accepted.  Other
+            strings will be accepted in the future when support for
+            named subscribers is added.
+        info
+           An object that can be converted to a string to provide
+           information about the registration.
+        A Registered event is generated with an
+        ISubscriptionAdapterRegistration.
+        """
+    def unregisterSubscriptionAdapter(factory=None, required=None,
+                                      provides=None, name=u''):
+        """Unregister a subscriber factory.
+        A boolean is returned indicating whether the registry was
+        changed.  If the given component is None and there is no
+        component registered, or if the given component is not
+        None and is not registered, then the function returns
+        False, otherwise it returns True.
+        Parameters:
+        factory
+            This is the object used to compute the adapter. The
+            factory can be None, in which case any factories
+            registered to implement the given provided interface
+            for the given required specifications with the given
+            name are unregistered.
+        required
+            This is a sequence of specifications for objects to be
+            adapted.  If the factory is not None and the required
+            arguments is omitted, then the value of the factory's
+            __component_adapts__ attribute will be used.  The
+            __component_adapts__ attribute attribute is normally
+            set in class definitions using adapts function, or for
+            callables using the adapter decorator.  If the factory
+            is None or doesn't have a __component_adapts__ adapts
+            attribute, then this argument is required.
+        provided
+            This is the interface provided by the adapter and
+            implemented by the factory.  If the factory is not
+            None implements a single interface, then this argument
+            is optional and the factory-implemented interface will
+            be used.
+        name
+            The adapter name.
+            Currently, only the empty string is accepted.  Other
+            strings will be accepted in the future when support for
+            named subscribers is added.
+        An Unregistered event is generated with an
+        ISubscriptionAdapterRegistration.
+        """
+    def registeredSubscriptionAdapters():
+        """Return an iterable of ISubscriptionAdapterRegistration instances.
+        These registrations describe the current subscription adapter
+        registrations in the object.
+        """
+    def registerHandler(handler, required=None, name=u'', info=''):
+        """Register a handler.
+        A handler is a subscriber that doesn't compute an adapter
+        but performs some function when called.
+        Parameters:
+        handler
+            The object used to handle some event represented by
+            the objects passed to it.
+        required
+            This is a sequence of specifications for objects to be
+            adapted.  If omitted, then the value of the factory's
+            __component_adapts__ attribute will be used.  The
+            __component_adapts__ attribute is usually attribute is
+            normally set in class definitions using adapts
+            function, or for callables using the adapter
+            decorator.  If the factory doesn't have a
+            __component_adapts__ adapts attribute, then this
+            argument is required.
+        name
+            The handler name.
+            Currently, only the empty string is accepted.  Other
+            strings will be accepted in the future when support for
+            named handlers is added.
+        info
+           An object that can be converted to a string to provide
+           information about the registration.
+        A Registered event is generated with an IHandlerRegistration.
+        """
+    def unregisterHandler(handler=None, required=None, name=u''):
+        """Unregister a handler.
+        A handler is a subscriber that doesn't compute an adapter
+        but performs some function when called.
+        A boolean is returned indicating whether the registry was
+        changed.
+        Parameters:
+        handler
+            This is the object used to handle some event
+            represented by the objects passed to it. The handler
+            can be None, in which case any handlers registered for
+            the given required specifications with the given are
+            unregistered.
+        required
+            This is a sequence of specifications for objects to be
+            adapted.  If omitted, then the value of the factory's
+            __component_adapts__ attribute will be used.  The
+            __component_adapts__ attribute is usually attribute is
+            normally set in class definitions using adapts
+            function, or for callables using the adapter
+            decorator.  If the factory doesn't have a
+            __component_adapts__ adapts attribute, then this
+            argument is required.
+        name
+            The handler name.
+            Currently, only the empty string is accepted.  Other
+            strings will be accepted in the future when support for
+            named handlers is added.
+        An Unregistered event is generated with an IHandlerRegistration.
+        """
+    def registeredHandlers():
+        """Return an iterable of IHandlerRegistration instances.
+        These registrations describe the current handler registrations
+        in the object.
+        """
+class IComponents(IComponentLookup, IComponentRegistry):
+    """Component registration and access
+    """
+class IPossibleSite(Interface):
+    """An object that could be a site.
+    """
+    def setSiteManager(sitemanager):
+        """Sets the site manager for this object.
+        """
+    def getSiteManager():
+        """Returns the site manager contained in this object.
+        If there isn't a site manager, raise a component lookup.
+        """
+class ISite(IPossibleSite):
+    """Marker interface to indicate that we have a site"""

Added: Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/registry.txt
--- Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/registry.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/registry.txt	2009-11-25 21:56:33 UTC (rev 106017)
@@ -0,0 +1,990 @@
+Component-Management objects
+Component-management objects provide a higher-level
+component-management API over the basic adapter-registration API
+provided by the zope.interface package.  In particular, it provides:
+- utilities
+- support for computing adapters, rather than just looking up adapter
+  factories.
+- management of registration comments
+The zope.registry.Components class provides an
+implementation of zope.registry.interfaces.IComponents that provides
+these features.
+    >>> from zope import registry
+    >>> from zope.registry import tests
+    >>> components = registry.Components('comps')
+As components are registered, events are generated.  Let's register
+an event subscriber, so we can see the events generated:
+    >>> import zope.event
+    >>> def logevent(event):
+    ...     print event
+    >>> zope.event.subscribers.append(logevent)
+You can register Utilities using registerUtility:
+    >>> components.registerUtility(tests.U1(1))
+    Registered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components comps>, I1, u'', 1, None, u'')
+Here we didn't specify an interface or name.  An unnamed utility was
+registered for interface I1, since that is only interface implemented
+by the U1 class:
+    >>> components.getUtility(tests.I1)
+    U1(1)
+You can also register a utility using a factory instead of a utility instance:
+    >>> def factory():
+    ...    return tests.U1(1)
+    >>> components.registerUtility(factory=factory)
+    Unregistered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components comps>, I1, u'', 1, None, u'')
+    Registered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components comps>, I1, u'', 1, <function factory at <SOME ADDRESS>>, u'')
+If a component implements other than one interface or no interface,
+then an error will be raised:
+    >>> components.registerUtility(tests.U12(2))
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: The utility doesn't provide a single interface and
+    no provided interface was specified.
+    >>> components.registerUtility(tests.A)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: The utility doesn't provide a single interface and
+    no provided interface was specified.
+We can provide an interface if desired:
+    >>> components.registerUtility(tests.U12(2), tests.I2)
+    Registered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components comps>, I2, u'', 2, None, u'')
+and we can specify a name:
+    >>> components.registerUtility(tests.U12(3), tests.I2, u'three')
+    Registered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components comps>, I2, u'three', 3, None, u'')
+    >>> components.getUtility(tests.I2)
+    U12(2)
+    >>> components.getUtility(tests.I2, 'three')
+    U12(3)
+If you try to get a utility that doesn't exist, you'll get a component
+lookup error:
+    >>> components.getUtility(tests.I3)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    ComponentLookupError: 
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I3>, u'')
+Unless you use queryUtility:
+    >>> components.queryUtility(tests.I3)
+    >>> components.queryUtility(tests.I3, default=42)
+    42
+You can get information about registered utilities with the
+registeredUtilities method:
+    >>> for registration in sorted(components.registeredUtilities()):
+    ...     print registration.provided, registration.name
+    ...     print registration.component, registration.info
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1> 
+    U1(1) 
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I2> 
+    U12(2) 
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I2> three
+    U12(3) 
+Duplicate registrations replace existing ones:
+    >>> components.registerUtility(tests.U1(4), info=u'use 4 now')
+    Unregistered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components comps>, I1, u'', 1, <function factory at <SOME ADDRESS>>, u'')
+    Registered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components comps>, I1, u'', 4, None, u'use 4 now')
+    >>> components.getUtility(tests.I1)
+    U1(4)
+    >>> for registration in sorted(components.registeredUtilities()):
+    ...     print registration.provided, registration.name
+    ...     print registration.component, registration.info
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1> 
+    U1(4) use 4 now
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I2> 
+    U12(2) 
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I2> three
+    U12(3) 
+As shown in the this example, you can provide an "info" argumemnt when
+registering utilities.  This provides extra documentation about the
+registration itself that is shown when listing registrations.
+You can also unregister utilities:
+    >>> components.unregisterUtility(provided=tests.I1)
+    Unregistered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components comps>, I1, u'', 4, None, u'use 4 now')
+    True
+A boolean is returned indicating whether anything changed:
+    >>> components.queryUtility(tests.I1)
+    >>> for registration in sorted(components.registeredUtilities()):
+    ...     print registration.provided, registration.name
+    ...     print registration.component, registration.info
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I2> 
+    U12(2) 
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I2> three
+    U12(3) 
+When you unregister, you can specify a component.  If the component
+doesn't match the one registered, then nothing happens:
+    >>> u5 = tests.U1(5)
+    >>> components.registerUtility(u5)
+    Registered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components comps>, I1, u'', 5, None, u'')
+    >>> components.unregisterUtility(tests.U1(6))
+    False
+    >>> components.queryUtility(tests.I1)
+    U1(5)
+    >>> components.unregisterUtility(u5)
+    Unregistered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components comps>, I1, u'', 5, None, u'')
+    True
+    >>> components.queryUtility(tests.I1)
+You can get the name and utility for all of the utilities that provide
+an interface using getUtilitiesFor:
+    >>> sorted(components.getUtilitiesFor(tests.I2))
+    [(u'', U12(2)), (u'three', U12(3))]
+getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor is similar to getUtilitiesFor except that
+it includes utilities that are overridden.  For example, we'll
+register a utility that for an extending interface of I2:
+    >>> util = tests.U('ext')
+    >>> components.registerUtility(util, tests.I2e)
+    Registered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components comps>, I2e, u'', ext, None, u'')
+We don't get the new utility for getUtilitiesFor:
+    >>> sorted(components.getUtilitiesFor(tests.I2))
+    [(u'', U12(2)), (u'three', U12(3))]
+but we do get it from getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor:
+    >>> sorted(map(str, components.getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(tests.I2)))
+    ['U(ext)', 'U12(2)', 'U12(3)']
+Removing a utility also makes it disappear from getUtilitiesFor:
+    >>> components.unregisterUtility(util, tests.I2e)
+    Unregistered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components comps>, I2e, u'', ext, None, u'')
+    True
+    >>> list(components.getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(tests.I2e))
+    []
+You can register adapters with registerAdapter:
+    >>> components.registerAdapter(tests.A12_1)
+    Registered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1, I2], IA1, u'', A12_1, u'')
+Here, we didn't specify required interfaces, a provided interface, or
+a name.  The required interfaces were determined from the factory
+s __component_adapts__ attribute and the provided interface was
+determined by introspecting what the factory implements.
+    >>> components.getMultiAdapter((tests.U1(6), tests.U12(7)), tests.IA1)
+    A12_1(U1(6), U12(7))
+If a factory implements more than one interface, an exception will be
+    >>> components.registerAdapter(tests.A1_12)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: The adapter factory doesn't implement a single
+    interface and no provided interface was specified.
+Unless the provided interface is specified:
+    >>> components.registerAdapter(tests.A1_12, provided=tests.IA2)
+    Registered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], IA2, u'', A1_12, u'')
+If a factory doesn't declare an implemented interface, an exception will be
+    >>> components.registerAdapter(tests.A12_)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: The adapter factory doesn't implement a single
+    interface and no provided interface was specified. 
+Unless the provided interface is specified:
+    >>> components.registerAdapter(tests.A12_, provided=tests.IA2)
+    Registered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1, I2], IA2, u'', A12_, u'')
+The required interface needs to be specified in the registration if
+the factory doesn't have a __component_adapts__ attribute: 
+    >>> components.registerAdapter(tests.A_2)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: The adapter factory doesn't have a __component_adapts__
+    attribute and no required specifications were specified 
+Unless the required specifications specified:
+    >>> components.registerAdapter(tests.A_2, required=[tests.I3])
+    Registered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [I3], IA2, u'', A_2, u'')
+Classes can be specified in place of specifications, in which case the
+implementedBy specification for the class is used:
+    >>> components.registerAdapter(tests.A_3, required=[tests.U],
+    ...                            info="Really class specific")
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Registered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [zope.registry.tests.U], IA3, u'',
+                        A_3, 'Really class specific')
+We can see the adapters that have been registered using the
+registeredAdapters method:
+    >>> for registration in sorted(components.registeredAdapters()):
+    ...     print registration.required
+    ...     print registration.provided, registration.name
+    ...     print registration.factory, registration.info
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>, 
+     <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I2>)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA1> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A12_1 
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>, 
+     <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I2>)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A12_ 
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A1_12 
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I3>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A_2 
+    (<implementedBy zope.registry.tests.U>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA3> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A_3 Really class specific
+As with utilities, we can provide registration information when
+registering adapters.
+If you try to fetch an adapter that isn't registered, you'll get a
+component-lookup error:
+    >>> components.getMultiAdapter((tests.U(8), ), tests.IA1)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    ComponentLookupError: ((U(8),), 
+                          <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA1>, u'')
+unless you use queryAdapter:
+    >>> components.queryMultiAdapter((tests.U(8), ), tests.IA1)
+    >>> components.queryMultiAdapter((tests.U(8), ), tests.IA1, default=42)
+    42
+When looking up an adapter for a single object, you can use the
+slightly simpler getAdapter and queryAdapter calls:
+    >>> components.getAdapter(tests.U1(9), tests.IA2)
+    A1_12(U1(9))
+    >>> components.queryAdapter(tests.U1(9), tests.IA2)
+    A1_12(U1(9))
+    >>> components.getAdapter(tests.U(8), tests.IA1)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    ComponentLookupError: (U(8), 
+                           <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA1>, u'')
+    >>> components.queryAdapter(tests.U(8), tests.IA2)
+    >>> components.queryAdapter(tests.U(8), tests.IA2, default=42)
+    42
+You can unregister an adapter.  If a factory is provided and if the
+rewuired and provided interfaces, can be infered, then they need not
+be provided:
+    >>> components.unregisterAdapter(tests.A12_1)
+    Unregistered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1, I2], IA1, u'', A12_1, u'')
+    True
+    >>> for registration in sorted(components.registeredAdapters()):
+    ...     print registration.required
+    ...     print registration.provided, registration.name
+    ...     print registration.factory, registration.info
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>, 
+     <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I2>)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A12_ 
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A1_12 
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I3>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A_2 
+    (<implementedBy zope.registry.tests.U>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA3> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A_3 Really class specific
+A boolean is returned indicating whether a change was made.
+If a factory implements more than one interface, an exception will be
+    >>> components.unregisterAdapter(tests.A1_12)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: The adapter factory doesn't implement a single
+    interface and no provided interface was specified.
+Unless the provided interface is specified:
+    >>> components.unregisterAdapter(tests.A1_12, provided=tests.IA2)
+    Unregistered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], IA2, u'', A1_12, u'')
+    True
+If a factory doesn't declare an implemented interface, an exception will be
+    >>> components.unregisterAdapter(tests.A12_)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: The adapter factory doesn't implement a single
+    interface and no provided interface was specified. 
+Unless the provided interface is specified:
+    >>> components.unregisterAdapter(tests.A12_, provided=tests.IA2)
+    Unregistered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1, I2], IA2, u'', A12_, u'')
+    True
+The required interface needs to be specified if the factory doesn't
+have a __component_adapts__ attribute:
+    >>> components.unregisterAdapter(tests.A_2)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: The adapter factory doesn't have a __component_adapts__
+    attribute and no required specifications were specified 
+    >>> components.unregisterAdapter(tests.A_2, required=[tests.I3])
+    Unregistered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [I3], IA2, u'', A_2, u'')
+    True
+    >>> for registration in sorted(components.registeredAdapters()):
+    ...     print registration.required
+    ...     print registration.provided, registration.name
+    ...     print registration.factory, registration.info
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    (<implementedBy zope.registry.tests.U>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA3> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A_3 Really class specific
+If a factory is unregistered that is not registered, False is
+    >>> components.unregisterAdapter(tests.A_2, required=[tests.I3])
+    False
+    >>> components.unregisterAdapter(tests.A12_1, required=[tests.U])
+    False
+The factory can be omitted, to unregister *any* factory that matches
+specified required and provided interfaces:
+    >>> components.unregisterAdapter(required=[tests.U], provided=tests.IA3)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Unregistered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [zope.registry.tests.U], 
+                        IA3, u'', A_3, 'Really class specific')
+    True
+    >>> for registration in sorted(components.registeredAdapters()):
+    ...     print registration
+Adapters can be named:
+    >>> components.registerAdapter(tests.A1_12, provided=tests.IA2, 
+    ...                            name=u'test')
+    Registered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], IA2, u'test', A1_12, u'')
+    >>> components.queryMultiAdapter((tests.U1(9), ), tests.IA2)
+    >>> components.queryMultiAdapter((tests.U1(9), ), tests.IA2, name=u'test')
+    A1_12(U1(9))
+    >>> components.queryAdapter(tests.U1(9), tests.IA2)
+    >>> components.queryAdapter(tests.U1(9), tests.IA2, name=u'test')
+    A1_12(U1(9))
+    >>> components.getAdapter(tests.U1(9), tests.IA2, name=u'test')
+    A1_12(U1(9))
+It is possible to look up all of the adapters that provide an
+    >>> components.registerAdapter(tests.A1_23, provided=tests.IA2, 
+    ...                            name=u'test 2')
+    Registered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], IA2, u'test 2', A1_23, u'')
+    >>> components.registerAdapter(tests.A1_12, provided=tests.IA2)
+    Registered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], IA2, u'', A1_12, u'')
+    >>> for name, adapter in sorted(components.getAdapters((tests.U1(9), ), 
+    ...                                                    tests.IA2)):
+    ...     print name, adapter
+     A1_12(U1(9))
+    test A1_12(U1(9))
+    test 2 A1_23(U1(9))
+getAdapters is most commonly used as the basis of menu systems.
+If an adapter factory returns None, it is equivalent to there being no
+    >>> components.registerAdapter(tests.noop, 
+    ...                            required=[tests.IA1], provided=tests.IA2, 
+    ...                            name=u'test noop')
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Registered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [IA1], IA2, u'test noop', 
+                        noop, u'')
+    >>> components.queryAdapter(tests.U1(9), tests.IA2, name=u'test noop')
+    >>> components.registerAdapter(tests.A1_12, provided=tests.IA2)
+    Registered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], IA2, u'', A1_12, u'')
+    >>> for name, adapter in sorted(components.getAdapters((tests.U1(9), ), 
+    ...                                                    tests.IA2)):
+    ...     print name, adapter
+     A1_12(U1(9))
+    test A1_12(U1(9))
+    test 2 A1_23(U1(9))
+    >>> components.unregisterAdapter(tests.A1_12, provided=tests.IA2, 
+    ...                              name=u'test')
+    Unregistered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], IA2, u'test', A1_12, u'')
+    True
+    >>> components.unregisterAdapter(tests.A1_12, provided=tests.IA2)
+    Unregistered event:
+    AdapterRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], IA2, u'', A1_12, u'')
+    True
+    >>> for registration in sorted(components.registeredAdapters()):
+    ...     print registration.required
+    ...     print registration.provided, registration.name
+    ...     print registration.factory, registration.info
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> test 2
+    zope.registry.tests.A1_23 
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA1>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> test noop
+    <function noop at 0xb79a1064> 
+Subscribers provide a way to get multiple adapters of a given type.
+In this regard, subscribers are like named adapters, except that there
+isn't any concept of the most specific adapter for a given name.
+Subscribers are registered by calling registerSubscriptionAdapter:
+    >>> components.registerSubscriptionAdapter(tests.A1_2)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Registered event:
+    SubscriptionRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], IA2, u'', A1_2, u'')
+    >>> components.registerSubscriptionAdapter(
+    ...     tests.A1_12, provided=tests.IA2)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Registered event:
+    SubscriptionRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], IA2, u'', A1_12, u'')
+    >>> components.registerSubscriptionAdapter(
+    ...     tests.A, [tests.I1], tests.IA2,
+    ...     info='a sample comment')
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Registered event:
+    SubscriptionRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], IA2, u'', 
+                             A, 'a sample comment')
+The same rules, with regard to when required and provided interfaces
+have to be specified apply as with adapters:
+    >>> components.registerSubscriptionAdapter(tests.A1_12)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: The adapter factory doesn't implement a single 
+    interface and no provided interface was specified.
+    >>> components.registerSubscriptionAdapter(tests.A)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: The adapter factory doesn't implement a single interface and
+     no provided interface was specified.
+    >>> components.registerSubscriptionAdapter(tests.A, required=[tests.IA1])
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: The adapter factory doesn't implement a single interface
+    and no provided interface was specified.
+Note that we provided the info argument as a keyword argument above.
+That's because there is a name argument that's reserved for future
+use. We can give a name, as long as it is an empty string:
+    >>> components.registerSubscriptionAdapter(
+    ...     tests.A, [tests.I1], tests.IA2, u'', 'a sample comment')
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Registered event:
+    SubscriptionRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], IA2, u'', 
+                             A, 'a sample comment')
+    >>> components.registerSubscriptionAdapter(
+    ...     tests.A, [tests.I1], tests.IA2, u'oops', 'a sample comment')
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: Named subscribers are not yet supported
+Subscribers are looked up using the subscribers method:
+    >>> for s in components.subscribers((tests.U1(1), ), tests.IA2):
+    ...    print s
+    A1_2(U1(1))
+    A1_12(U1(1))
+    A(U1(1),)
+    A(U1(1),)
+Note that, because we created multiple subscriptions for A, we got multiple
+subscriber instances.
+As with normal adapters, if a factory returns None, the result is skipped:
+    >>> components.registerSubscriptionAdapter(
+    ...     tests.noop, [tests.I1], tests.IA2)
+    Registered event:
+    SubscriptionRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], IA2, u'', noop, u'')
+    >>> for s in components.subscribers((tests.U1(1), ), tests.IA2):
+    ...    print s
+    A1_2(U1(1))
+    A1_12(U1(1))
+    A(U1(1),)
+    A(U1(1),)
+We can get registration information for subscriptions:
+    >>> for registration in sorted(
+    ...     components.registeredSubscriptionAdapters()):
+    ...     print registration.required
+    ...     print registration.provided, registration.name
+    ...     print registration.factory, registration.info
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A a sample comment
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A a sample comment
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A1_12 
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A1_2 
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    <function noop at 0xb796ff7c> 
+We can also unregister subscriptions in much the same way we can for adapters:
+    >>> components.unregisterSubscriptionAdapter(tests.A1_2)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Unregistered event:
+    SubscriptionRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], IA2, u'', A1_2, '')
+    True
+    >>> for s in components.subscribers((tests.U1(1), ), tests.IA2):
+    ...    print s
+    A1_12(U1(1))
+    A(U1(1),)
+    A(U1(1),)
+    >>> for registration in sorted(
+    ...     components.registeredSubscriptionAdapters()):
+    ...     print registration.required
+    ...     print registration.provided, registration.name
+    ...     print registration.factory, registration.info
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A a sample comment
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A a sample comment
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A1_12 
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    <function noop at 0xb796ff7c> 
+    >>> components.unregisterSubscriptionAdapter(
+    ...     tests.A, [tests.I1], tests.IA2)
+    Unregistered event:
+    SubscriptionRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], IA2, u'', A, '')
+    True
+    >>> for s in components.subscribers((tests.U1(1), ), tests.IA2):
+    ...    print s
+    A1_12(U1(1))
+    >>> for registration in sorted(
+    ...     components.registeredSubscriptionAdapters()):
+    ...     print registration.required
+    ...     print registration.provided, registration.name
+    ...     print registration.factory, registration.info
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    zope.registry.tests.A1_12 
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.IA2> 
+    <function noop at 0xb796ff7c> 
+Note here that both registrations for A were removed.
+If we omit the factory, we must specify the required and provided interfaces:
+    >>> components.unregisterSubscriptionAdapter(required=[tests.I1])
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: Must specify one of factory and provided
+    >>> components.unregisterSubscriptionAdapter(provided=tests.IA2)
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: Must specify one of factory and required
+    >>> components.unregisterSubscriptionAdapter(
+    ...     required=[tests.I1], provided=tests.IA2)
+    Unregistered event:
+    SubscriptionRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], IA2, u'', None, '')
+    True
+    >>> for s in components.subscribers((tests.U1(1), ), tests.IA2):
+    ...    print s
+    >>> for registration in sorted(
+    ...     components.registeredSubscriptionAdapters()):
+    ...     print registration.factory
+As when registering, an error is raised if the registration
+information can't be determined from the factory and isn't specified:
+    >>> components.unregisterSubscriptionAdapter(tests.A1_12)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: The adapter factory doesn't implement a single 
+    interface and no provided interface was specified.
+    >>> components.unregisterSubscriptionAdapter(tests.A)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: The adapter factory doesn't implement a single interface and
+     no provided interface was specified.
+    >>> components.unregisterSubscriptionAdapter(tests.A, required=[tests.IA1])
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: The adapter factory doesn't implement a single interface
+    and no provided interface was specified.
+If you unregister something that's not registered, nothing will be
+changed and False will be returned:
+    >>> components.unregisterSubscriptionAdapter(
+    ...     required=[tests.I1], provided=tests.IA2)
+    False
+Handlers are used when you want to perform some function in response
+to an event.  Handlers aren't expected to return anything when called
+and are not registered to provide any interface.
+    >>> from zope import registry
+    >>> @registry.adapter(tests.I1)
+    ... def handle1(x):
+    ...     print 'handle1', x
+    >>> components.registerHandler(handle1, info="First handler")
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Registered event:
+    HandlerRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], u'', 
+                        handle1, 'First handler')
+    >>> components.handle(tests.U1(1))
+    handle1 U1(1)
+    >>> @registry.adapter(tests.I1, tests.I2)
+    ... def handle12(x, y):
+    ...     print 'handle12', x, y
+    >>> components.registerHandler(handle12)
+    Registered event:
+    HandlerRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1, I2], u'', handle12, u'')
+    >>> components.handle(tests.U1(1), tests.U12(2))
+    handle12 U1(1) U12(2)
+If a handler doesn't document interfaces it handles, then 
+the required interfaces must be specified:
+    >>> def handle(*objects):
+    ...     print 'handle', objects
+    >>> components.registerHandler(handle)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: The adapter factory doesn't have a __component_adapts__ 
+    attribute and no required specifications were specified
+    >>> components.registerHandler(handle, required=[tests.I1], 
+    ...                            info="a comment")
+    Registered event:
+    HandlerRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1], u'', handle, 'a comment')
+Handlers can also be registered for classes:
+    >>> components.registerHandler(handle, required=[tests.U], 
+    ...                            info="handle a class")
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Registered event:
+    HandlerRegistration(<Components comps>, [zope.registry.tests.U], u'', 
+                        handle, 'handle a class')
+    >>> components.handle(tests.U1(1))
+    handle (U1(1),)
+    handle1 U1(1)
+    handle (U1(1),)
+We can list the handler registrations:
+    >>> for registration in components.registeredHandlers():
+    ...     print registration.required
+    ...     print registration.handler, registration.info
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <function handle1 at 0xb78f5bfc> First handler
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,
+     <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I2>)
+    <function handle12 at 0xb78f5c34> 
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <function handle at 0xb78f5ca4> a comment
+    (<implementedBy zope.registry.tests.U>,)
+    <function handle at 0xb78f5ca4> handle a class
+and we can unregister handlers:
+    >>> components.unregisterHandler(required=[tests.U])
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Unregistered event:
+    HandlerRegistration(<Components comps>, [zope.registry.tests.U], u'', 
+                        None, '')
+    True
+    >>> for registration in components.registeredHandlers():
+    ...     print registration.required
+    ...     print registration.handler, registration.info
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <function handle1 at 0xb78f5bfc> First handler
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,
+     <InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I2>)
+    <function handle12 at 0xb78f5c34> 
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <function handle at 0xb78f5ca4> a comment
+    >>> components.unregisterHandler(handle12)
+    Unregistered event:
+    HandlerRegistration(<Components comps>, [I1, I2], u'', handle12, '')
+    True
+    >>> for registration in components.registeredHandlers():
+    ...     print registration.required
+    ...     print registration.handler, registration.info
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <function handle1 at 0xb78f5bfc> First handler
+    (<InterfaceClass zope.registry.tests.I1>,)
+    <function handle at 0xb78f5ca4> a comment
+    >>> components.unregisterHandler(handle12)
+    False
+    >>> components.unregisterHandler()
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: Must specify one of factory and required
+    >>> components.registerHandler(handle)
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Traceback (most recent call last):
+    ...
+    TypeError: The adapter factory doesn't have a __component_adapts__ 
+    attribute and no required specifications were specified
+Component-management objects can extend other component-management
+    >>> c1 = registry.Components('1')
+    >>> c1.__bases__
+    ()
+    >>> c2 = registry.Components('2', (c1, ))
+    >>> c2.__bases__ == (c1, )
+    True
+    >>> c1.registerUtility(tests.U1(1))
+    Registered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components 1>, I1, u'', 1, None, u'')
+    >>> c1.queryUtility(tests.I1)
+    U1(1)
+    >>> c2.queryUtility(tests.I1)
+    U1(1)
+    >>> c1.registerUtility(tests.U1(2))
+    Unregistered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components 1>, I1, u'', 1, None, u'')
+    Registered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components 1>, I1, u'', 2, None, u'')
+    >>> c2.queryUtility(tests.I1)
+    U1(2)
+We can use multiple inheritence:
+    >>> c3 = registry.Components('3', (c1, ))
+    >>> c4 = registry.Components('4', (c2, c3))
+    >>> c4.queryUtility(tests.I1)
+    U1(2)
+    >>> c1.registerUtility(tests.U12(1), tests.I2)
+    Registered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components 1>, I2, u'', 1, None, u'')
+    >>> c4.queryUtility(tests.I2)
+    U12(1)
+    >>> c3.registerUtility(tests.U12(3), tests.I2)
+    Registered event:
+    UtilityRegistration(<Components 3>, I2, u'', 3, None, u'')
+    >>> c4.queryUtility(tests.I2)
+    U12(3)
+    >>> c1.registerHandler(handle1, info="First handler")
+    Registered event:
+    HandlerRegistration(<Components 1>, [I1], u'', handle1, 'First handler')
+    >>> c2.registerHandler(handle, required=[tests.U])
+    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+    Registered event:
+    HandlerRegistration(<Components 2>, [zope.registry.tests.U], u'', 
+                        handle, u'')
+    >>> @registry.adapter(tests.I1)
+    ... def handle3(x):
+    ...     print 'handle3', x
+    >>> c3.registerHandler(handle3)
+    Registered event:
+    HandlerRegistration(<Components 3>, [I1], u'', handle3, u'')
+    >>> @registry.adapter(tests.I1)
+    ... def handle4(x):
+    ...     print 'handle4', x
+    >>> c4.registerHandler(handle4)
+    Registered event:
+    HandlerRegistration(<Components 4>, [I1], u'', handle4, u'')
+    >>> c4.handle(tests.U1(1))
+    handle1 U1(1)
+    handle3 U1(1)
+    handle (U1(1),)
+    handle4 U1(1)

Added: Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/__init__.py
--- Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/__init__.py	2009-11-25 21:56:33 UTC (rev 106017)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#Python package

Added: Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/adapter.py
--- Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/adapter.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/adapter.py	2009-11-25 21:56:33 UTC (rev 106017)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Sample adapter class for testing
+$Id: adapter.py 70573 2006-10-08 12:34:17Z baijum $
+import zope.interface
+import zope.registry
+import components
+class I1(zope.interface.Interface):
+    pass
+class I2(zope.interface.Interface):
+    pass
+class I3(zope.interface.Interface):
+    def f1(): pass
+    def f2(): pass
+    def f3(): pass
+class IS(zope.interface.Interface):
+    pass
+class Adapter(object):
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        self.context = args
+class A1(Adapter):
+    zope.interface.implements(I1)
+class A2(Adapter):
+    zope.interface.implements(I2)
+class A3(Adapter):
+    zope.registry.adapts(components.IContent, I1, I2)
+    zope.interface.implements(I3)
+class A4:
+    pass
+a4 = A4()
+class A5:
+    zope.interface.implements(I1, I2)
+a5 = A5()
+def Handler(content, *args):
+    # uninteresting handler
+    content.args = getattr(content, 'args', ()) + (args, )

Added: Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/components.py
--- Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/components.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/components.py	2009-11-25 21:56:33 UTC (rev 106017)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Components for testing
+$Id: components.py 70573 2006-10-08 12:34:17Z baijum $
+from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute, implements
+from zope.registry import adapts
+class IAppb(Interface):
+    a = Attribute('test attribute')
+    def f(): "test func"
+class IApp(IAppb):
+    pass
+class IContent(Interface): pass
+class Content(object):
+    implements(IContent)
+class Comp(object):
+    adapts(IContent)
+    implements(IApp)
+    def __init__(self, *args):
+        # Ignore arguments passed to constructor
+        pass
+    a = 1
+    def f(): pass
+comp = Comp()

Added: Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/views.py
--- Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/views.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/testfiles/views.py	2009-11-25 21:56:33 UTC (rev 106017)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Views test.
+$Id: views.py 100192 2009-05-21 13:22:14Z faassen $
+from zope.interface import Interface, implements, directlyProvides
+class Request(object):
+    def __init__(self, type):
+        directlyProvides(self, type)
+class IR(Interface):
+    pass
+class IV(Interface):
+    def index():
+        pass
+class IC(Interface): pass
+class V1(object):
+    implements(IV)
+    def __init__(self, context, request):
+        self.context = context
+        self.request = request
+    def index(self):
+        return 'V1 here'
+    def action(self):
+        return 'done'
+class VZMI(V1):
+    def index(self):
+        return 'ZMI here'
+class R1(object):
+    def index(self):
+        return 'R1 here'
+    def action(self):
+        return 'R done'
+    def __init__(self, request):
+        pass
+    implements(IV)
+class RZMI(R1):
+    pass

Added: Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/tests.py
--- Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/tests.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ Sandbox/chrism/zope.registry/src/zope/registry/tests.py	2009-11-25 21:56:33 UTC (rev 106017)
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2009 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Component Architecture Tests
+$Id: tests.py 105528 2009-11-08 11:05:28Z kobold $
+import re
+import unittest
+from zope.testing.cleanup import cleanUp
+from zope import interface
+import zope.interface
+from zope.registry import adapts
+from zope.registry import adapter
+from zope.interface.interfaces import IInterface
+from zope.testing import doctest, renormalizing
+from zope.registry.interfaces import IComponentLookup
+from zope.registry.testfiles.adapter import A1, A2, A3
+from zope.registry.testfiles.components import IContent, Content
+from zope.registry.testfiles.components import IApp
+from zope.registry.testfiles.views import Request, IC, IV, V1, R1, IR
+# side effect gets component-based event dispatcher installed.
+# we should obviously make this more explicit
+# import zope.component.event
+class I1(interface.Interface):
+    pass
+class I2(interface.Interface):
+    pass
+class I2e(I2):
+    pass
+class I3(interface.Interface):
+    pass
+class ITestType(IInterface):
+    pass
+class U:
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self.__name__ = name
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__name__)
+class U1(U):
+    interface.implements(I1)
+class U12(U):
+    interface.implements(I1, I2)
+class IA1(interface.Interface):
+    pass
+class IA2(interface.Interface):
+    pass
+class IA3(interface.Interface):
+    pass
+class A:
+    def __init__(self, *context):
+        self.context = context
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "%s%r" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.context)
+class A12_1(A):
+    adapts(I1, I2)
+    interface.implements(IA1)
+class A12_(A):
+    adapts(I1, I2)
+class A_2(A):
+    interface.implements(IA2)
+class A_3(A):
+    interface.implements(IA3)
+class A1_12(U):
+    adapts(I1)
+    interface.implements(IA1, IA2)
+class A1_2(U):
+    adapts(I1)
+    interface.implements(IA2)
+class A1_23(U):
+    adapts(I1)
+    interface.implements(IA1, IA3)
+def noop(*args):
+    pass
+ at adapter(I1)
+def handle1(x):
+    print 'handle1', x
+def handle(*objects):
+    print 'handle', objects
+ at adapter(I1)
+def handle3(x):
+    print 'handle3', x
+ at adapter(I1)
+def handle4(x):
+    print 'handle4', x
+class Ob(object):
+    interface.implements(I1)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<instance Ob>'
+ob = Ob()
+class Ob2(object):
+    interface.implements(I2)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<instance Ob2>'
+class Comp(object):
+    interface.implements(I2)
+    def __init__(self, context):
+        self.context = context
+comp = Comp(1)
+class Comp2(object):
+    interface.implements(I3)
+    def __init__(self, context):
+        self.context = context
+class ConformsToIComponentLookup(object):
+    """This object allows the sitemanager to conform/adapt to
+    `IComponentLookup` and thus to itself."""
+    def __init__(self, sitemanager):
+        self.sitemanager = sitemanager
+    def __conform__(self, interface):
+        """This method is specified by the adapter PEP to do the adaptation."""
+        if interface is IComponentLookup:
+            return self.sitemanager
+def testNo__component_adapts__leakage():
+    """
+    We want to make sure that an `adapts()` call in a class definition
+    doesn't affect instances.
+      >>> class C:
+      ...     adapts()
+      >>> C.__component_adapts__
+      ()
+      >>> C().__component_adapts__
+      Traceback (most recent call last):
+      ...
+      AttributeError: __component_adapts__
+    """
+def test_multi_handler_unregistration():
+    """
+    There was a bug where multiple handlers for the same required
+    specification would all be removed when one of them was
+    unregistered:
+    >>> class I(zope.interface.Interface):
+    ...     pass
+    >>> def factory1(event):
+    ...     print "| Factory 1 is here"
+    >>> def factory2(event):
+    ...     print "| Factory 2 is here"
+    >>> class Event(object):
+    ...     zope.interface.implements(I)
+    >>> from zope.registry import Components
+    >>> registry = Components()
+    >>> registry.registerHandler(factory1, [I,])
+    >>> registry.registerHandler(factory2, [I,])
+    >>> registry.handle(Event())
+    | Factory 1 is here
+    | Factory 2 is here
+    >>> registry.unregisterHandler(factory1, [I,])
+    True
+    >>> registry.handle(Event())
+    | Factory 2 is here
+    """
+def dont_leak_utility_registrations_in__subscribers():
+    """
+    We've observed utilities getting left in _subscribers when they
+    get unregistered.
+    >>> import zope.registry
+    >>> reg = zope.registry.Components()
+    >>> class C:
+    ...     def __init__(self, name):
+    ...         self.name = name
+    ...     def __repr__(self):
+    ...         return "C(%s)" % self.name
+    >>> c1 = C(1)
+    >>> reg.registerUtility(c1, I1)
+    >>> reg.registerUtility(c1, I1)
+    >>> list(reg.getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(I1))
+    [C(1)]
+    >>> reg.unregisterUtility(provided=I1)
+    True
+    >>> list(reg.getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(I1))
+    []
+    >>> reg.registerUtility(c1, I1)
+    >>> reg.registerUtility(C(2), I1)
+    >>> list(reg.getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(I1))
+    [C(2)]
+    """
+class Ob3(object):
+    interface.implements(IC)
+template = """<configure
+   xmlns='http://namespaces.zope.org/zope'
+   i18n_domain='zope'>
+   %s
+   </configure>"""
+def setUpRegistryTests(tests):
+    cleanUp()
+def tearDownRegistryTests(tests):
+    cleanUp()
+    import zope.event
+    zope.event.subscribers.pop()
+def setUp(test=None):
+    cleanUp()
+def tearDown(test=None):
+    cleanUp()
+def test_suite():
+    checker = renormalizing.RENormalizing([
+        (re.compile('at 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+'), 'at <SOME ADDRESS>'),
+        (re.compile(r"<type 'exceptions.(\w+)Error'>:"),
+                    r'exceptions.\1Error:'),
+        ])
+    return unittest.TestSuite((
+        doctest.DocTestSuite(setUp=setUp, tearDown=tearDown),
+        doctest.DocFileSuite('registry.txt', checker=checker,
+                             setUp=setUpRegistryTests,
+                             tearDown=tearDownRegistryTests),
+        ))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')

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