[Checkins] SVN: zopetoolkit/trunk/index.rst Update release information

Hanno Schlichting hannosch at hannosch.eu
Tue Sep 14 05:47:25 EDT 2010

Log message for revision 116350:
  Update release information

  U   zopetoolkit/trunk/index.rst

Modified: zopetoolkit/trunk/index.rst
--- zopetoolkit/trunk/index.rst	2010-09-14 09:42:30 UTC (rev 116349)
+++ zopetoolkit/trunk/index.rst	2010-09-14 09:47:25 UTC (rev 116350)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-The Zope Toolkit 1.0 release is the first release of the Zope
+The Zope Toolkit 1.1 release is the second feature release of the Zope
 Toolkit. The Zope Toolkit really is just a collection of libraries
 managed together by the Zope developers. We typically treat each
 library independently, so you would like to look at the CHANGES.txt in
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@
 libraries. Examples of such projects are BlueBream, Grok and Zope 2.
 If you want to use the Zope Toolkit KGS, you can use the buildout
-extends mechanism (replace 1.0a2 by the desired version)::
+extends mechanism (replace 1.1a1 by the desired version)::
-  extends = http://download.zope.org/zopetoolkit/index/1.0a2/ztk-versions.cfg
+  extends = http://download.zope.org/zopetoolkit/index/1.1a1/ztk-versions.cfg
 You can also copy the file locally or additionally extend the
 zopeapp-versions.cfg file from the same location.
@@ -36,285 +36,10 @@
-The 1.0 release of the Zope Toolkit contains a number of
-refactorings that are aimed to clean up dependencies between pieces of
-code. Many packages in ``zope.app`` have had their code moved to
-existing or newly created packages in the ``zope`` namespace. These
-new packages do generally not contain user interface code (typically
-what's in ``.browser``), and have much clearer dependency
-relationships as a result.
-Backwards compatibility imports have been left in place so that your
-existing code should still work. In some cases you will have to
-explicitly add dependencies to a ``zope.app.`` to your code, as due to
-the cleanup they might not come in automatically anymore due to
-indirect dependencies; if you see an import error this is probably the
-We recommend you update your existing code to import from the new packages if
-possible. The transition support and ``zope.app.*`` support is limited: the
-legacy support will be officially retired from the ZTK after January 1,
 Migration issues
-zope.app.keyreference -> zope.keyreference
-This package was renamed to ``zope.keyreference`` and all its
-functionality was moved to the new one. The new package contains a
-little workaround for making old persistent keyreferences loadable
-without ``zope.app.keyreference`` installed, so the latter one is not
-needed at all anymore. Still review your code for any imports coming
-from ``zope.app.keyreference`` and modify it to use
-``zope.keyreference`` instead.
-zope.app.intid -> zope.intid
-The non-UI functionality of these packages was moved to ``zope.intid``
-with backwards compatibility imports left in place. Review your
-imports from ``zope.app.intid`` to see whether they cannot come
-directly from ``zope.intid`` instead.
-zope.app.catalog -> zope.catalog
-The non-UI functionality of these packages was moved to
-``zope.catalog``. Review your imports from ``zope.app.catalog`` to see
-whether they cannot come directly from ``zope.catalog`` instead.
-zope.app.container -> zope.container
-The non-UI functionality of these packages was moved to
-``zope.container``. Review your imports from ``zope.app.container`` to
-see whether they cannot come directly from ``zope.container`` instead.
-In addition, the exceptions used by ``zope.container`` were changed,
-so if your code catches them, you need to review it:
-* The ``DuplicationError`` in ``setitem`` was changed to ``KeyError``.
-* The ``UserError`` in ``NameChooser`` was changed to ``ValueError``.
-zope.app.component -> zope.security, zope.site
-The implementation of the ``<class>`` ZCML directive moved from this
-package to ``zope.security``. Packages that relied on
-``zope.app.component`` to obtain this directive should declare a
-direct dependency on ``zope.security``, and it may be possible to lose
-the dependency on ``zope.app.component`` altogether.
-Non-UI site related functionality has been moved to the ``zope.site``
-package. with backwards compatibility imports left in place. Review
-your imports from ``zope.app.component`` to see whether they cannot
-come directly from ``zope.site`` instead.
-zope.app.folder -> zope.site, zope.container
-The implementation of the ``zope.app.folder.Folder`` class has moved
-to ``zope.site.folder`` instead, with backwards compatibility imports
-left in place. Review your imports from ``zope.app.folder`` to see
-whether they cannot come directly from ``zope.site`` instead. In
-addition, ``Folder`` is an ``IContainer`` implementation that also
-mixes in site management functionality. If such site management
-support is not necessary, in some cases your code does not need
-``Folder`` but may be able to rely on a ``Container`` implementation
-from ``zope.container`` instead.
-A base class with the implementation of the container-like behavior of
-``Folder`` has moved to ``zope.container`` (and ``zope.site`` uses
-this for its implementation of ``Folder``). This is not normally
-something you should need to retain backwards compatibility.
-zc.copy -> zope.copy, zope.copypastemove, zope.location
-The pluggable object copying mechanism once developed in the ``zc.copy``
-package was merged back into ``zope.location``, ``zope.copypastemove``
-and the new ``zope.copy`` package. The ``zope.copy`` package now provides
-a pluggable mechanism for copying objects from ``zc.copy`` and doesn't
-depend on anything but ``zope.interface``. The ``zope.copypastemove``
-uses the ``copy`` function from ``zope.copy`` in its ``ObjectCopier``.
-The ``zope.location`` now provides an ``ICopyHook`` adapter that implements
-conditional copy functionality based on object locations, that old
-``zope.location.pickling.CopyPersistent`` used to provide. Note, that if
-you don't use ZCML configuration of ``zope.location``, you may need to
-register ``zope.location.pickling.LocationCopyHook`` yourself.
-The ``zope.location.pickling.locationCopy`` and
-``zope.location.pickling.CopyPersistent`` are now deprecated in favor
-of ``zope.copy`` and were replaced by backward-compatibility imports. See
-``zope.copy`` package documentation for information on how to use the
-new mechanism.
-The new version of the ``zc.copy`` package now only contains
-backward-compatibility imports and is deprecated. ``zope.copy`` should
-be preferred for new developments.
-zope.app.security refactoring
-The ``zope.app.security`` package was finally refactored into a few small parts
-with less dependencies and more clear purpose.
-The implementation of the ``<module>`` ZCML directive moved from this
-package to ``zope.security``. Packages that relied on
-``zope.app.security`` to obtain this directive should declare a direct
-dependency on ``zope.security``, and it may be possible to lose the
-dependency on ``zope.app.security`` altogether.
-The ``protectclass`` module in this package has moved to
-``zope.security``, with backwards compatibility imports left in
-place. Review your imports from ``zope.app.security`` to see whether
-they cannot come directly from ``zope.security`` instead.
-All interfaces (`IAuthentication`, `IUnauthenticatedPrincipal`, `ILoginPassword`
-and so on.) were moved into a new ``zope.authentication`` package, as well as
-several utility things, like `PrincipalSource` and `checkPrincipal` function.
-The new package has much less dependencies and defines an abstract contract for
-implementing authentication policies. While backward compatibility imports are
-left in place, it's strongly recommended to update your imports to the
-The `global principal registry` and its ZCML directives are moved into a new
-``zope.principalregistry`` package with backward-compatibility imports left in
-place. If your application uses global principals, review your code and ZCML
-configuration to update it to the new place.
-The `local permission` functionality was moved into a new ``zope.app.localpermission``
-package. This functionality is a part of Through-The-Web development pattern that
-seems not to be used and supported much by Zope Toolkit and Application anymore,
-so it can be considered deprecated. However, it can serve as a great example of
-TTW-related component.
-The `Permission vocabularies` and standard protections for Message objects and
-`__name__`, `__parent__` attributes as well as some common permissions, like `zope.View`
-and `zope.ManageContent` were merged into `zope.security`.
-The adapters from ``zope.publisher``'s `IHTTPCredentials` and `IFTPCredentials`
-to the `ILoginPassword` were moved into ``zope.publisher``, thus making
-``zope.authentication`` a dependency for ``zope.publisher``.
-The original ``zope.app.security`` package now only contains several deprecated
-or application-specific permission definitions, python module protections, that
-are only likely to be needed with deprecated Through-The-Web development pattern,
-and ZMI-related browser views (login.html, zope.app.form view for PrincipalSource
-and so on), as well as backward-compatibility imports. So, if you're not using
-TTW and/or standard ZMI browser views, you probably should review update your
-imports to a new places and drop dependency on ``zope.app.security`` to reduce
-package dependencies count.
-Other packages, that used ``zope.app.security``, like ``zope.securitypolicy`` are
-either already adapted to the changes or will be adapted soon.
-zope.app.publisher refactoring
-The ``zope.app.publisher`` package was also refactored into smaller parts
-with less dependencies and clearer purpose.
-The browser resources mechanism (mostly used for serving static files and
-directories) was factored out to the new ``zope.browserresource`` package.
-It was also made more pluggable, so you can register specific resource classes
-for some file extensions, if you need special processing. One of the example
-is the new ``zope.ptresource`` package, where the PageTemplateResource was
-moved, another example is ``z3c.zrtresource`` package that was adapted to
-automatically use ZRT resource class for files with ``.zrt`` extensions.
-Browser menu mechanism was moved into a new ``zope.browsermenu`` package with
-no further changes.
-ZCML directives for easy creation of browser views (the ``browser:page``
-directive and friends) was moved into a new small package, ``zope.browserpage``.
-Also, the directives don't depend the menu mechanism now and will simply ignore
-"menu" and "title" arguments if ``zope.browsermenu`` package is not installed.
-The ``IModifiableBrowserLanguages`` adapter was moved into ``zope.publisher``
-along with several ZCML security declarations for ``zope.publisher`` classes
-that used to be in ``zope.app.publisher``.
-ZCML registrations for ``IXMLRPCPublisher`` adapter for containers was moved
-into the ``zope.container``, because the actual adapters code were already in
-``zope.container`` and registered there as ``IBrowserPublisher`` adapters.
-However, both adapters and their ZCML registrations will probably move elsewhere
-when we'll be refactoring ``zope.container``.
-Several parts are left in ``zope.app.publisher`` untouched:
- * ``Browser Skins`` vocabulary.
- * ``date`` field converter for ``zope.publisher``'s form values conversion
-   mechanism.
- * ``ManagementViewSelector`` browser view (ZMI-related part).
- * ``xmlrpc:view`` directive for publishing XML-RPC methods.
-The latter, ``xmlrpc:view`` directive is generally useful, so it may be moved
-into a separate package in future, however there are no clear decision about
-how to move XML-RPC and FTP-related things currently.
-Password managers extracted from zope.app.authentication
-The `IPasswordManager` interface and its implementations were extracted from
-``zope.app.authentication`` into a new ``zope.password`` package to make them
-usable with other authentication systems, like ``z3c.authenticator`` or
-``zope.principalregistry`` or any custom one.
-It basically depends only on ``zope.interface``, so it can be really useful even
-in non-Zope environments, like ``Pylons``, for example.
-The `Password Manager Names` vocabulary is also moved into ``zope.password``,
-however, it's only useful with ``zope.schema`` and ``zope.component``, so you
-need them installed to work with them. They're listed in the "vocabulary" extra
-requirement specification.
-ZODB 3.9 FileStorage native blob support
-The FileStorage component of ZODB 3.9 used in Zope Toolkit 1.0 now
-supports blobs natively, so you don't need to use BlobStorage proxy
-for it anymore.
-Thus, you can specify blob directory directly to FileStorage. If you
-use ZConfig, that means something like this::
-  <filestorage>
-    path var/Data.fs
-    blob-dir var/blobs
-  </filestorage>
-instead of::
-  <blobstorage>
-    blob-dir var/blobs
-    <filestorage>
-      path var/Data.fs
-    </filestorage>
-  </blobstorage>
-If you creating a storage from python, that means something like this:
-.. code-block:: python
-  storage = FileStorage('var/Data.fs', blob_dir='var/blobs')
-instead of:
-.. code-block:: python
-  storage = BlobStorage('var/blobs', FileStorage('var/Data.fs'))
-zope.dublincore permission renaming
-The ``zope.app.dublincore.*`` permissions have been renamed to
-``zope.dublincore.*``. Applications using these permissions have to fix up
-grants based on the old permissions.

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