[Checkins] SVN: zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/ Move getNextUtilty / queryNextUtility API doctests to Sphinx / unittests.

Tres Seaver cvs-admin at zope.org
Sun Jun 17 21:37:00 UTC 2012

Log message for revision 126904:
  Move getNextUtilty / queryNextUtility API doctests to Sphinx / unittests.

  _U  zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/
  U   zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/api.rst
  U   zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/component/tests/test___init__.py
  U   zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/component/tests/test_doctests.py

Modified: zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/api.rst
--- zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/api.rst	2012-06-17 21:36:53 UTC (rev 126903)
+++ zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/docs/api.rst	2012-06-17 21:36:57 UTC (rev 126904)
@@ -143,6 +143,9 @@
    >>> queryUtility(I1) is ob
+Named Utilities
 Registering a utility without a name does not mean that it is available
 when looking for the utility with a name:
@@ -167,7 +170,128 @@
    >>> queryUtility(I1, 'foo') is ob
+Delegated Utility Lookup
+It is common for a utility to delegate its answer to a utility
+providing the same interface in one of the component registry's
+bases. Let's first create a global utility:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> from zope.interface import Interface
+   >>> from zope.interface import implementer
+   >>> class IMyUtility(Interface):
+   ...     pass
+   >>> from zope.component.tests.test_doctests \
+   ...    import ConformsToIComponentLookup
+   >>> @implementer(IMyUtility)
+   ... class MyUtility(ConformsToIComponentLookup):
+   ...     def __init__(self, id, sm):
+   ...         self.id = id
+   ...         self.sitemanager = sm
+   ...     def __repr__(self):
+   ...         return "%s('%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id)
+   >>> gutil = MyUtility('global', gsm)
+   >>> gsm.registerUtility(gutil, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
+Now, let's create two registries and set up the bases hierarchy:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> from zope.interface.registry import Components
+   >>> sm1 = Components('sm1', bases=(gsm, ))
+   >>> sm1_1 = Components('sm1_1', bases=(sm1, ))
+Now we create two utilities and insert them in our folder hierarchy:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> util1 = MyUtility('one', sm1)
+   >>> sm1.registerUtility(util1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
+   >>> IComponentLookup(util1) is sm1
+   True
+   >>> util1_1 = MyUtility('one-one', sm1_1)
+   >>> sm1_1.registerUtility(util1_1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
+   >>> IComponentLookup(util1_1) is sm1_1
+   True
+Now, if we ask `util1_1` for its next available utility we get the
+``one`` utility:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> from zope.component import getNextUtility
+   >>> getNextUtility(util1_1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
+   MyUtility('one')
+Next we ask `util1` for its next utility and we should get the global version:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> getNextUtility(util1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
+   MyUtility('global')
+However, if we ask the global utility for the next one, an error is raised
+.. doctest::
+   >>> getNextUtility(gutil, IMyUtility,
+   ...                     'myutil') #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+   Traceback (most recent call last):
+   ...
+   ComponentLookupError:
+   No more utilities for <InterfaceClass zope.component.tests.test_doctests.IMyUtility>,
+   'myutil' have been found.
+You can also use `queryNextUtility` and specify a default:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> from zope.component import queryNextUtility
+   >>> queryNextUtility(gutil, IMyUtility, 'myutil', 'default')
+   'default'
+Let's now ensure that the function also works with multiple registries. First
+we create another base registry:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> myregistry = Components()
+We now set up another utility into that registry:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> custom_util = MyUtility('my_custom_util', myregistry)
+   >>> myregistry.registerUtility(custom_util, IMyUtility, 'my_custom_util')
+We add it as a base to the local site manager:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> sm1.__bases__ = (myregistry,) + sm1.__bases__
+Both the ``myregistry`` and global utilities should be available:
+.. doctest::
+   >>> queryNextUtility(sm1, IMyUtility, 'my_custom_util')
+   MyUtility('my_custom_util')
+   >>> queryNextUtility(sm1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
+   MyUtility('global')
+Note, if the context cannot be converted to a site manager, the default is
+.. doctest::
+   >>> queryNextUtility(object(), IMyUtility, 'myutil', 'default')
+   'default'
 .. testcleanup::
    from zope.component.testing import tearDown

Modified: zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/component/tests/test___init__.py
--- zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/component/tests/test___init__.py	2012-06-17 21:36:53 UTC (rev 126903)
+++ zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/component/tests/test___init__.py	2012-06-17 21:36:57 UTC (rev 126904)
@@ -191,7 +191,87 @@
         getGlobalSiteManager().registerUtility(obj1, IFoo)
         self.assertTrue(queryUtility(IFoo, context=context) is obj2)
+    def test_getNextUtility_global(self):
+        from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
+        from zope.component import getNextUtility
+        from zope.component.interface import ComponentLookupError
+        gsm = getGlobalSiteManager()
+        gutil = _makeMyUtility('global', gsm)
+        gsm.registerUtility(gutil, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
+        self.assertRaises(ComponentLookupError,
+                          getNextUtility, gutil, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
+    def test_queryNextUtility_global(self):
+        from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
+        from zope.component import queryNextUtility
+        gsm = getGlobalSiteManager()
+        gutil = _makeMyUtility('global', gsm)
+        gsm.registerUtility(gutil, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
+        self.assertEqual(queryNextUtility(gutil, IMyUtility, 'myutil'), None)
+    def test_getNextUtility_nested(self):
+        from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
+        from zope.component import getNextUtility
+        from zope.component.interfaces import IComponentLookup
+        from zope.interface.registry import Components
+        gsm = getGlobalSiteManager()
+        gutil = _makeMyUtility('global', gsm)
+        gsm.registerUtility(gutil, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
+        sm1 = Components('sm1', bases=(gsm, ))
+        sm1_1 = Components('sm1_1', bases=(sm1, ))
+        util1 = _makeMyUtility('one', sm1)
+        sm1.registerUtility(util1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
+        self.assertTrue(IComponentLookup(util1) is sm1)
+        self.assertTrue(getNextUtility(util1, IMyUtility, 'myutil') is gutil)
+        util1_1 = _makeMyUtility('one-one', sm1_1)
+        sm1_1.registerUtility(util1_1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
+        self.assertTrue(IComponentLookup(util1_1) is sm1_1)
+        self.assertTrue(getNextUtility(util1_1, IMyUtility, 'myutil') is util1)
+    def test_queryNextUtility_nested(self):
+        from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
+        from zope.component import queryNextUtility
+        from zope.interface.registry import Components
+        gsm = getGlobalSiteManager()
+        gutil = _makeMyUtility('global', gsm)
+        gsm.registerUtility(gutil, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
+        sm1 = Components('sm1', bases=(gsm, ))
+        sm1_1 = Components('sm1_1', bases=(sm1, ))
+        util1 = _makeMyUtility('one', sm1)
+        sm1.registerUtility(util1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
+        util1_1 = _makeMyUtility('one-one', sm1_1)
+        sm1_1.registerUtility(util1_1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
+        myregistry = Components()
+        custom_util = _makeMyUtility('my_custom_util', myregistry)
+        myregistry.registerUtility(custom_util, IMyUtility, 'my_custom_util')
+        sm1.__bases__ = (myregistry,) + sm1.__bases__
+        # Both the ``myregistry`` and global utilities should be available:
+        self.assertTrue(queryNextUtility(sm1, IMyUtility, 'my_custom_util')
+                                            is custom_util)
+        self.assertTrue(queryNextUtility(sm1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
+                                            is gutil)
+IMyUtility = None
+def _makeMyUtility(name, sm):
+    global IMyUtility
+    from zope.interface import Interface
+    from zope.interface import implementer
+    from zope.component.tests.test_doctests import ConformsToIComponentLookup
+    if IMyUtility is None:
+        class IMyUtility(Interface):
+            pass
+    @implementer(IMyUtility)
+    class MyUtility(ConformsToIComponentLookup):
+        def __init__(self, id, sm):
+            self.id = id
+            self.sitemanager = sm
+    return MyUtility(name, sm)
 def test_suite():
     return unittest.TestSuite((

Modified: zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/component/tests/test_doctests.py
--- zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/component/tests/test_doctests.py	2012-06-17 21:36:53 UTC (rev 126903)
+++ zope.component/tseaver-test_cleanup/src/zope/component/tests/test_doctests.py	2012-06-17 21:36:57 UTC (rev 126904)
@@ -852,107 +852,6 @@
     >>> tearDown()
-def test_next_utilities():
-    """
-    It is common for a utility to delegate its answer to a utility
-    providing the same interface in one of the component registry's
-    bases. Let's first create a global utility::
-      >>> from zope.component.testing import setUp, tearDown
-      >>> setUp()
-      >>> import zope.interface
-      >>> class IMyUtility(zope.interface.Interface):
-      ...     pass
-      >>> class MyUtility(ConformsToIComponentLookup):
-      ...     zope.interface.implements(IMyUtility)
-      ...     def __init__(self, id, sm):
-      ...         self.id = id
-      ...         self.sitemanager = sm
-      ...     def __repr__(self):
-      ...         return "%s('%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id)
-      >>> from zope.component import getGlobalSiteManager
-      >>> gsm = getGlobalSiteManager()
-      >>> gutil = MyUtility('global', gsm)
-      >>> gsm.registerUtility(gutil, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
-    Now, let's create two registries and set up the bases hierarchy::
-      >>> from zope.interface.registry import Components
-      >>> sm1 = Components('sm1', bases=(gsm, ))
-      >>> sm1_1 = Components('sm1_1', bases=(sm1, ))
-    Now we create two utilities and insert them in our folder hierarchy:
-      >>> util1 = MyUtility('one', sm1)
-      >>> sm1.registerUtility(util1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
-      >>> IComponentLookup(util1) is sm1
-      True
-      >>> util1_1 = MyUtility('one-one', sm1_1)
-      >>> sm1_1.registerUtility(util1_1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
-      >>> IComponentLookup(util1_1) is sm1_1
-      True
-    Now, if we ask `util1_1` for its next available utility we get the
-    ``one`` utility::
-      >>> from zope.component import getNextUtility
-      >>> getNextUtility(util1_1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
-      MyUtility('one')
-    Next we ask `util1` for its next utility and we should get the global version:
-      >>> getNextUtility(util1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
-      MyUtility('global')
-    However, if we ask the global utility for the next one, an error is raised
-      >>> getNextUtility(gutil, IMyUtility,
-      ...                     'myutil') #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
-      Traceback (most recent call last):
-      ...
-      ComponentLookupError:
-      No more utilities for <InterfaceClass zope.component.tests.test_doctests.IMyUtility>,
-      'myutil' have been found.
-    You can also use `queryNextUtility` and specify a default:
-      >>> from zope.component import queryNextUtility
-      >>> queryNextUtility(gutil, IMyUtility, 'myutil', 'default')
-      'default'
-    Let's now ensure that the function also works with multiple registries. First
-    we create another base registry:
-      >>> myregistry = Components()
-    We now set up another utility into that registry:
-      >>> custom_util = MyUtility('my_custom_util', myregistry)
-      >>> myregistry.registerUtility(custom_util, IMyUtility, 'my_custom_util')
-    We add it as a base to the local site manager:
-      >>> sm1.__bases__ = (myregistry,) + sm1.__bases__
-    Both the ``myregistry`` and global utilities should be available:
-      >>> queryNextUtility(sm1, IMyUtility, 'my_custom_util')
-      MyUtility('my_custom_util')
-      >>> queryNextUtility(sm1, IMyUtility, 'myutil')
-      MyUtility('global')
-    Note, if the context cannot be converted to a site manager, the default is
-    retruned:
-      >>> queryNextUtility(object(), IMyUtility, 'myutil', 'default')
-      'default'
-      >>> tearDown()
-    """
 def dont_leak_utility_registrations_in__subscribers():

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