[Tracker-dev] ZC Opening up CVS for more community dev and the Tracker's future .

Simon Coles simon@nipltd.com
Wed, 25 Jul 2001 07:45:40 +0100

--On Tuesday, July 24, 2001 4:26 pm -0400 Ken Manheimer <klm@digicool.com> 

>  - How would those of you interested in contributing efforts to develop
>    a tracker feel about directing your efforts to the CMF based one?

We'd put some time into it.

>  - How about those of you already using or otherwise invested in the non-
>    CMF tracker - would switching over to a more powerful but differently
>    situated (ie, running on top of the CMF, recent zope, etc) tracker be
>    a no-go for you?

The existing Tracker is useful, but we would very much welcome a move onto 
a CMF-based Tracker which would presumably be:
  - easier to understand, customise and maintain
  - more popular, hence get more community interest
  - more powerful
  - integrate better with other parts of a web site
  - email in....?

>  - Are there people out there using the tracker?  Can you say how?
>    I'm mostly just curious on this last item.

All our customer support is done through Tracker instances. Without 
counting, I suspect we run 6 of them. Overall, we're very pleased with it, 
but although we did get into it in detail a while back, its not something 
we've customised much - just used out of the box.

Our commercial customers are also very impressed indeed with it. I think 
its a "Killer App" for Zope within IT departments and IT consultancies - 
kind of like how Squishdot (and soon Swishdot :-) is for people who want to 
create Slashdot-like sites on the Internet.


--------- My opinions are my own, NIP's opinions are theirs ----------
Simon J. Coles                                 Email: simon@nipltd.com
New Information Paradigms                  Work Phone: +44 1344 753703
http://www.nipltd.com/                     Work Fax:   +44 1344 753742
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