[Zip] Zope 3 ids, names, and unicode

Jim Fulton jim@zope.com
Sat, 18 May 2002 13:25:04 -0400

I'm gonna do something unusual and move a dicussion from a Wiki to 
a mailing list, because I suspect people will have a lot to say about 
this topic.  In:


Chris Withers asks:

>  1. How come content names can't be unicode? That might be limiting for a
>    lot of users...

Perhaps this gets back to the debate wrt names and ids.  In Zope 2,
ids are used as URL path segments and we've resisted allowing non-URL
characters in ids.  We've bent the rules for certain characters
commonly used in Windows file names.

The URI standard only allows a subset of ascii and allows octets to be
escaped, so you could probably support Latin-1 characters in URIs
assuming you were willing to live with the necessary escaping.  I
suppose you could even decide that you were willing to encode unicode
characters into URI segments through a unicode -> utf-8 ->
escaped-octets. We would need to to a reverse conversion as text is
read in. Note that this would disable use of escaped latin-1 octets in

I think it is important to retain the relationship between ids in Zope
containers and URI path segments. IOW in a URI, a subpath::


should always look up an object in a container based on the id.

I'd prefer that such URIs not look like random bytes. :)

I grabbed 6 arbitrary russion characters (unfortunately, I don't 
speak russion :) off of a UTF-8 test page, and URL quoted them. 
This is what I got:


Uh, will Russion speakers find such a URL useful? Will anyone else?

Do people *really* want URLs with segments like the one above?

I can understanmd why people expect names to be "text". Do people have
the same expectations of ids? Does this inform our debate with regard
to "name" versus "id"? :)

Perhaps we should stick to the term "id" for unique identifiers in
containers. Note that content will also have titles and titles will be
text, and, thus, unicode.



Jim Fulton           mailto:jim@zope.com       Python Powered!        
CTO                  (888) 344-4332            http://www.python.org  
Zope Corporation     http://www.zope.com       http://www.zope.org