[ZODB-Dev] Support for graceful ZODB Class renaming

Shane Hathaway shane@zope.com
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 15:56:37 -0500

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Jim Fulton wrote:
>   2. Another approach would be to write a data conversion utility for the
>      database. This would require a conversion file much like the alias 
> file
>      described above.
>      You might have to shut down the database while you do the
>      conversion, resulting in down time, however, if you combined the
>      aliasing approach with conversion, you could avoid the down time.
>      Suppose, for example, that you had an alias table mapping old to
>      new dotted object names.  We can use the database without
>      modifications if we provide a "global" loader that uses this alias
>      file (or if we have a utility that manipulates sys.modules on
>      start up).
>      We can write a utility for file storage, similar to a
>      pack, that makes a live copy of the storage file, containing
>      converted records and that switches to the new file when the
>      conversion is complete.  For many other storages, we could perform
>      the fix ups in-place, which is even more attractive.

A while back I wrote a utility that did something a lot like this.  It's 
a Zope external method that accepts three arguments: an old 
package/module name, a new package/module name, and a root object.  It 
traverses all objects reachable from the root object, loading objects of 
old classes using new classes, and storing objects that need to be 
changed.  It works with any storage and any ZODB objects and does not 
require any database shutdown.

It monkey-patches ZODB to do it, though. :-|

It's on SourceForge, but SourceForge's ViewCVS seems to be dead at the 
moment, so I attached my code.  It doesn't have enough comments, but the 
neat part is the class translation function.  It accepts a class module 
and name and returns a class module and name.  The ZODB traverser calls 
this function for every class it finds.  If the translation function 
returns something other than what it was given, the ZODB traverser knows 
it needs to change the relevant pickle.  It separates concerns.


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def changeClassModules(self, old_package_name, new_package_name,
    get_transaction().commit(1)  # Make sure the current state is stored
    jar = self._p_jar
    if root_object is None:
        root_object = jar.root()
    root_oid = root_object._p_oid
    stats = [-1, -1]

    def translation_func(class_spec,
                         # Bound to the function:
                         opd=old_package_name + '.',
                         opdlen=len(old_package_name) + 1,
        """Translates a class specifications.

        If the class_spec takes the form (module, name) and the
        module starts with the specified old package name, the spec
        is turned into a reference to the new package name.

        Returns either the original spec or the translated spec.

        if isinstance(class_spec, TupleType) and len(class_spec) == 2:
            # class is specified as module, name
            module, name = class_spec
            if module == old_package_name:
                module = new_package_name
                class_spec = (module, name)
            elif module[:opdlen] == opd:
                module = '%s.%s' % (new_package_name, module[opdlen:])
                class_spec = (module, name)
        return class_spec

                       translation_func, root_oid, stats)
    return ('Done. Visited %d objects and changed %d. '
            'See the event log for more details.' % tuple(stats))

if 1:
    from cStringIO import StringIO
    from cPickle import Pickler, Unpickler
    from ZODB.ExportImport import Ghost, persistent_id
    from zLOG import LOG, INFO, WARNING

    def _changeClassDuringCommit(self, transaction, translation_func,
                                 root_oid, stats=None):
        '''Recursively changes the class of persistent objects.

        Invoked as a method of Connection by the transaction manager
        mid subtransaction commit.
        to_visit = [root_oid]
        seen = {root_oid:1}
        storage = self._storage

        trigger = [0]
        change_count = 0

        def persistent_load(oid,
                            # Bound to the function:
                            to_visit=to_visit, seen=seen, Ghost=Ghost,
            "Adds to the list of oids to visit."
            if isinstance(oid, TupleType):
                simple_oid, class_spec = oid
                new_class_spec = translation_func(class_spec)
                if new_class_spec != class_spec:
                    # Change this reference.
                    trigger[0] = 1
                    oid = (simple_oid, new_class_spec)
                simple_oid = oid
            if not seen.has_key(simple_oid):
                seen[simple_oid] = 1
            g = Ghost()
            g.oid = oid
            return g

        def find_global(module, name,
                        # Bound to the function:
                        translation_func=translation_func, trigger=trigger,
                        _silly=('__doc__',), _globals={}):
            class_spec = (module, name)
            new_class_spec = translation_func(class_spec)
            if new_class_spec != class_spec:
                # Change this reference.
                trigger[0] = 1
            module, name = new_class_spec
            m = __import__(module, _globals, _globals, _silly)
            return getattr(m, name)

        version = self._version

        while to_visit:
            oid = to_visit.pop()
            p, serial = storage.load(oid, version)

            convert_ok = 1
            trigger[0] = 0
            pfile = StringIO(p)
            unpickler = Unpickler(pfile)
            unpickler.persistent_load = persistent_load
            unpickler.find_global = find_global
            class_spec, args = unpickler.load()
                # Get persistent_load() and find_global() called.
                state = unpickler.load()
            except (ImportError, AttributeError):
                # There are problems with this object.
                LOG('changeClasses', WARNING, 'Could not load state for OID '
                    '%s, class %s' % (repr(oid), repr(class_spec)))
                convert_ok = 0

            if convert_ok:
                # Figure out the new class.
                new_class_spec = translation_func(class_spec)
                if new_class_spec != class_spec:
                    # Change this reference.
                    trigger[0] = 1

                if trigger[0]:
                    # Store the object with changes to classes.
                    newp = StringIO()
                    pickler = Pickler(newp, 1)
                    pickler.persistent_id = persistent_id
                    pickler.dump((new_class_spec, args))
                    data = newp.getvalue()
                    if self._cache.has_key(oid):
                        # Ghostify.
                        ob = self._cache[oid]
                        if not ob._p_changed:
                            ob._p_changed = None
                            del self._cache[oid]
                    storage.store(oid, serial, data, version, transaction)
                    change_count = change_count + 1
                    if class_spec != new_class_spec:
                        LOG('changeClass', INFO,
                            'Changed OID %s from class %s to class %s' % (
                            repr(oid), repr(class_spec), repr(new_class_spec)))
                        LOG('changeClass', INFO,
                            'Rewrote OID %s with new references' % repr(oid))

        if stats is not None:
            stats[:] = [len(seen), change_count]

    from ZODB.Connection import Connection
    Connection._changeClassDuringCommit = _changeClassDuringCommit
