[ZODB-Dev] Test time on 3.9 branch

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Mon Nov 2 06:44:58 EST 2009

Jim Fulton wrote:
>> Should I really expect the tests to take an hour to run on Windows?
> Yes.

Erk. Is there a subset I can look to run when looking to patch the 

>> However, there were
>> some error-ish messages interspersed in the test output. Is this to be
>> expected?
> You didn't show the extra output, so I can't say. I wouldn't be surprised.

Here's the full output...



Running .!no tests here! tests:
   Set up .!no tests here! in 0.016 seconds.
   Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.000 seconds.
Running .BlobAdaptedFileStorageBlobTests tests:
   Tear down .!no tests here! in 0.000 seconds.
   Set up .BlobAdaptedFileStorageBlobTests in 0.000 seconds.
   Ran 87 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 18.062 seconds.
Running .BlobAdaptedFileStorageTests tests:
   Tear down .BlobAdaptedFileStorageBlobTests in 0.000 seconds.
   Set up .BlobAdaptedFileStorageTests in 0.000 seconds.
error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel 
<__main__.ZEOTestServer localhost:21997 at 0x11205a8> (<type 'exception
s.WindowsError'>:[Error 32] The process cannot access the file because 
it is being used by another process: 'Data.fs' [C:\P
warning: unhandled close event
error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel 
<__main__.ZEOTestServer localhost:27769 at 0x11205a8> (<type 'exception
s.WindowsError'>:[Error 32] The process cannot access the file because 
it is being used by another process: 'Data.fs' [C:\P
warning: unhandled close event
   Ran 107 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 9 minutes 29.578 seconds.
Running .BlobFileStorageBlobTests tests:
   Tear down .BlobAdaptedFileStorageTests in 0.000 seconds.
   Set up .BlobFileStorageBlobTests in 0.000 seconds.
   Ran 87 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 16.563 seconds.
Running .BlobWritableCacheTests tests:
   Tear down .BlobFileStorageBlobTests in 0.000 seconds.
   Set up .BlobWritableCacheTests in 0.000 seconds.
error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel 
<__main__.ZEOTestServer localhost:23335 at 0x11225a8> (<type 'exception
s.WindowsError'>:[Error 32] The process cannot access the file because 
it is being used by another process: 'Data.fs' [C:\P
warning: unhandled close event
error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel 
<__main__.ZEOTestServer localhost:24274 at 0x11225a8> (<type 'exception
s.WindowsError'>:[Error 32] The process cannot access the file because 
it is being used by another process: 'Data.fs' [C:\P
warning: unhandled close event
   Ran 106 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 9 minutes 12.500 seconds.
Running .ClientStorageNonSharedBlobsBlobTests tests:
   Tear down .BlobWritableCacheTests in 0.015 seconds.
   Set up .ClientStorageNonSharedBlobsBlobTests in 0.016 seconds.
   Ran 73 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 1 minutes 20.750 seconds.
Running .ClientStorageSharedBlobsBlobTests tests:
   Tear down .ClientStorageNonSharedBlobsBlobTests in 0.031 seconds.
   Set up .ClientStorageSharedBlobsBlobTests in 0.000 seconds.
   Ran 73 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 1 minutes 23.734 seconds.
Running .DemoStorageTests tests:
   Tear down .ClientStorageSharedBlobsBlobTests in 0.015 seconds.
   Set up .DemoStorageTests in 0.000 seconds.
   Ran 50 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 4 minutes 16.000 seconds.
Running .FileStorageTests tests:
   Tear down .DemoStorageTests in 0.000 seconds.
   Set up .FileStorageTests in 0.000 seconds.
error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel 
<__main__.ZEOTestServer localhost:25849 at 0x110bc88> (<type 'exception
s.WindowsError'>:[Error 32] The process cannot access the file because 
it is being used by another process: 'Data.fs' [C:\P
warning: unhandled close event
error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel 
<__main__.ZEOTestServer localhost:22951 at 0x110bc88> (<type 'exception
s.WindowsError'>:[Error 32] The process cannot access the file because 
it is being used by another process: 'Data.fs' [C:\P
warning: unhandled close event
   Ran 102 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 8 minutes 54.312 seconds.
Running .MVCCMappingBlobTests tests:
   Tear down .FileStorageTests in 0.015 seconds.
   Set up .MVCCMappingBlobTests in 0.000 seconds.
   Ran 68 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 5.312 seconds.
Running .MappingStorageTests tests:
   Tear down .MVCCMappingBlobTests in 0.000 seconds.
   Set up .MappingStorageTests in 0.000 seconds.
   Ran 51 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 4 minutes 28.609 seconds.
Running .ZEO Connection Tests tests:
   Tear down .MappingStorageTests in 0.063 seconds.
   Set up .ZEO Connection Tests in 0.015 seconds.
   Ran 64 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 6 minutes 4.985 seconds.
Running .testZeo-misc tests:
   Tear down .ZEO Connection Tests in 0.000 seconds.
   Set up .testZeo-misc in 0.000 seconds.
error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel 
<__main__.ZEOTestServer localhost:22555 at 0x112bf30> (<type 'exception
s.WindowsError'>:[Error 32] The process cannot access the file because 
it is being used by another process: 'fs' [C:\Python
warning: unhandled close event
   Ran 36 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 4 minutes 31.906 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
   Tear down .testZeo-misc in 0.000 seconds.
   Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
C:\Python26\lib\unittest.py:336: UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal 
comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - int
erpreting them as being unequal
   callableObj(*args, **kwargs)
   Ran 2920 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 6 minutes 25.422 seconds.
Tearing down left over layers:
   Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 3825 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 56 minutes 49.469 seconds.--

Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing & Python Consulting
            - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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