[Zope-Coders] How to get going :-)

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@zope.com
Thu, 27 Sep 2001 09:53:20 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "SA" == Steve Alexander <steve@cat-box.net> writes:

  SA> Jeremy Hylton wrote:
  >> There's a further step to testing, which is to require that
  >> before you check something in you should run the tests and make
  >> sure you haven't broken anything.

  SA> There's the "continuous improvement" aspect to testing.

  SA> If I want to check in a bugfix, that poses the question of why
  SA> there is a bug to be fixed. That suggests the bug was not
  SA> covered by a test, and therefore, we need a test that proves the
  SA> bug is fixed, that would have failed before the bugfix.

  SA> Any thoughts on this?

It's the approach we use with the Python test suite.

  SA> Can test suites get too bloaty?

In theory, yes.  If I had to choose between a spotty test suite that
covered little and a bloated test suite that had redundant coverage,
I'd choose the latter.  I think it would be easier to eliminate
redundant tests than it is to add new ones.
