[Zope-Coders] Zope test results

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@zope.com
Tue, 19 Feb 2002 13:00:50 -0500

>>>>> "SH" == Shane Hathaway <shane@zope.com> writes:

  SH> background@shane.zope.com wrote:
  >> ERROR: testMergeInsertsFromEmpty (testConflict.TestIIBTrees)
  >> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  >> Traceback (most recent call last): File "testConflict.py", line
  >> 165, in testMergeInsertsFromEmpty File "testConflict.py", line
  >> 323, in test_merge BTreesConflictError: BTrees conflict error
  >> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  >> Ran 1663 tests in 292.793s
  >> FAILED (errors=1)

  SH> Does anyone know what happened here?  I hope this isn't an
  SH> intermittent failure.

The BTrees tests are prone to many intermittent failures.  They also
leak memory if you run them in a loop.

The most frequent error I see is in ConflictResolution.  I long ago
gave up trying to get someone to fix these errors.  I hope that one
day I'll be able to understand the code and then fix them myself.
Since no one seemed interested in the failures, I assumed no one else
would be willing to fix them.
