[PythonLabs] Re: [Zope-Coders] Signal handling

Tim Peters tim@zope.com
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 00:10:11 -0400

[Jens Vagelpohl]
> yes there is::
> [statler:~] jens% locate malloc.h
> /usr/include/objc/malloc.h
> /usr/include/sys/malloc.h

1. Are either of those on the standard include path for your compiler?
   Since it can't find it, I bet not <wink>.

2. Can you try again after simply deleting the

#include <malloc.h>

   line in lib/python/BTrees/sorters.c?  A std-conforming C compiler
   should supply the needed prototypes via the earlier #include of
   stdlib.h.  Including malloc.h is a possibly <wink> bad habit I've
   had since K&R C days.

sorters.c is relatively new code, which is why this never popped up before.