[Zope-Coders] Windows Nightly Test Runner

Toby Dickenson tdickenson@geminidataloggers.com
Thu, 13 Jun 2002 20:22:17 +0100

On Thursday 13 Jun 2002 6:27 pm, Chris Withers wrote:

> Some of you may have noticed there haev been no nightly test runner ema=
> for a while. This is 'cos the Zope 2 HEAD + CMF HEAD tesst keep hanging=
> my machine. Not realyl sure what to do.

Another candidate for suspicion might be the bsddbStorage tests. Are you=20
running those? A while back I made a change to bsdbStorage that deadlocke=
the test running on everyone's machine but mine; I suspect there is still=
locking bug in there somewhere.

Do you have a debugger handy? You could try attaching the debugger to the=
python process, and meditating on the call stacks. =20