[Zope-Coders] Zope HEAD doesn't compile on Windows

Chris Withers chrisw@nipltd.com
Tue, 26 Mar 2002 17:15:10 +0000

Hi Shane,

Shane Hathaway wrote:
> Uh, Chris, I think your test script is broke. :-)  It isn't compiling
> the extensions, that's why all the tests fail.

Uh, that's 'cos someone broke the Zope HEAD so it doesn't compile on Windows ;-)

> Since your test script does just about everything else ;-) you might add
> an attempt to "import ExtensionClass" before actually running the tests,
> that way it won't generate this messy email.

Nah, it doesn't try and do everything, just enough to make it generically useful for
building and testing things. Doing as you suggest would make it to specific :-(

The problem file is initgroups.c:

>         cl.exe /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /I "C:\Python21\include" /I "C:\Python21\
> PC" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /Fp"E:\ZopeTests\sandbox\Zope\lib\Compo
> nents\initgroups\Release\initgroups.pch" /YX /Fo"E:\ZopeTests\sandbox\Zope\lib\C
> omponents\initgroups\Release/" /c "initgroups.c"
> initgroups.c
> initgroups.c(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'grp.h': No such
>  file or directory
> NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl.exe' : return code '0x2'

...which uses grp.h, which doesn't appear to exist.

If whoever broke this could fix it, I'd be very grateful. Mr Behrens, I believe that's you

