[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope-Coders] Re: [Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope3/src/ZConfig/tests - test_schema.py:

Shane Hathaway shane@zope.com
Thu, 13 Feb 2003 12:18:50 -0500

Andreas Jung wrote:
> --On Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2003 11:49 -0500 Guido van Rossum 
> <guido@python.org> wrote:
>>> Should we consider alternatives to CVS?  Subversion, being free and the
>>> intended successor to CVS, is attractive, but Bitkeeper seems to solve
>>> *all* the troubles we're running into.  This chart is amazing:
>>> http://www.bitkeeper.com/Sales.BitKeeper.html
>> I'm for trying bitkeeper.  Linus Torvalds says it's the only revision
>> management tool he'd consider using.
> You can not use a commercial tool where open source developers must pay
> a license fee for accessing the project repository. CVS sucks in many
> ways but forcing Zope contributors to pay license fees is not the way to go
> (except ZC would take over the fees :-^ ). I am using subversion since some
> month and I am very happy with it. It does not solve all CVS problems but
> it makes live a bit easier.

This has all been discussed on the Linux Kernel Mailing List: Linux is 
now hosted on Bitkeeper and anyone can check it out and work on it for 
free.  The same would apply to Zope.

Guido's right, though: let's try alternatives to CVS on some small 
projects first.
