[Zope-Coders] Linux Tests Hanging, ZEO?

Tim Peters tim@zope.com
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 15:14:11 -0500

[Chris McDonough]
> Wow, it actually works!  All this time, I thought it was a joke. ;-)
> This must be how Tim is so productive.

My first industry job was working on Cray Research's Fortran compiler, a
monster written in assembly language for a quirky floating-point vector
machine.  Dick Nelson originally wrote key pieces of it by poking octal
machine codes into a breadboard prototype of the hardware, and for those
pieces of the compiler "the source code" we had was a disassembly of the raw
octal machine code.  Subroutine names were four letters, and the code was
scrupulously maintained in alphabetical order of meaningless subroutine

While tracking down my first bug in the endless desert of disassembled
gibberish, one comment stood out like an oasis, on a Boolean "and"
instruction with a literal argument.  The comment was "because 15 didn't
work".  Searching the compiler source for "15" also turned up other places
where 15 didn't work either, and my legend was born <wink>.

no-need-to-learn-new-tricks-when-you've-got-the-best-old-trick-ly y'rs  -