[Zope-Coders] Re: runzope - but no stopzope in Zope 2.7?

Tres Seaver tseaver at zope.com
Wed Nov 19 16:45:49 EST 2003

On Wed, 2003-11-19 at 16:00, Christian Heimes wrote:
> Andreas Jung wrote:
> > Just because several people noticed that there is no stop script. Maybe 
> > a flaw in the docs
> > (if there are some :-))
> killzope:
> ---------------------------------------
> #! /bin/sh
> INSTANCE_HOME="/var/lib/zope/plone"
> PID_FILE="${INSTANCE_HOME}/var/Z2.pid"
> kill `cat $PID_FILE`

Not recommended for Zope 2.7;  either use 'runzope' to run in the
foreground (in which case Ctrl-C is all you need), or use the controller
script, 'zopectl'.  E.g.::

  $ bin/runzope
  2003-11-19T16:39:29 INFO(0) Zope Ready to handle requests
  $ bin/zopectl start
  daemon process started, pid=4973
  $ bin/zopectl logtail
  2003-11-19T16:40:05 INFO(0) ZServer HTTP server started at Wed Nov 19
16:40:05 2003
          Hostname: localhost.localdomain
          Port: 8080
  2003-11-19T16:40:05 INFO(0) ZServer FTP server started at Wed Nov 19
16:40:05 2003
          Hostname: secretariat.zope.com
          Port: 8021
  2003-11-19T16:40:05 INFO(0) Zope Ready to handle requests
  $ bin/zopectl stop
  daemon process stopped

The 'zopectl' script is designed to be easily integrated into system
startup utilities (e.g., Redhat 9's init.d / chkconfig), where having a
single script with 'start', 'stop', 'restart', etc. is important.

For even more fun, try using zopectl in standalone mode::

  $ bin/zopectl
  program: /home/tseaver/projects/Zope-CVS/Zope-2.7-branch/bin/runzope
  daemon manager not running
  zopectl> help
  Documented commands (type help <topic>):
  EOF      fg          kill       quit     run    start   wait
  adduser  foreground  logreopen  reload   shell  status
  debug    help        logtail    restart  show   stop
  zopectl> help reload
  reload [options] -- Reload the configuration.
      Without options, this reparses the command line.
      With options, this substitutes 'options' for the
      command line, except that if no -C option is given,
      the last configuration file is used.
  zopectl> help debug
  debug -- run the Zope debugger to inspect your database
           manually using a Python interactive shell

Tres Seaver                                tseaver at zope.com
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com

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