[Zope-dev] Re: [Zope-Coders] Collector Status Meanings

Lennart Regebro regebro at nuxeo.com
Fri Aug 6 06:31:25 EDT 2004

Chris McDonough wrote:
> These definitions are how I've understood them since the inception of
> the collector.
> What I think Chris wants to do is to have a state that means "pending
> rejection".  He has defined "deferred" to mean this.  I would prefer an
> explicit "pending rejection" state, FWIW.

I made a quick workflow diagram, and quickly realized that "deferred" 
actually ends up as a "need more information" state. It is not pending 
rejection, but pending decision in that case. Of course, that is what 
the pending state is for...

That in turn means that what is actually missing is a way to distinguish 
between something that has just been submitted, and something that 
somebody has noticed. So I suggest a "submitted" state, as default state 
for new issues, and that we change it to "pending" if we need more info, 
or accept/reject/wontfix. Deferred is then either removed or renamed 
"pending rejection" to notify the poster that when we ask for more info 
we mean it. ;)

My 0.02 EUR...

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