[Zope-Coders] Unittests for 2.7 failing in a unpredictable way

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Tue Sep 7 00:03:21 EDT 2004

[Andreas Jung, on sporadic failures in 2.7 ZEO and ZODB thread tests]
> So your message is that we don't have to worry much about the failures?
> I just need to know if this is something that could be ignored or not.

It's part of my job to worry about them, but you're welcome to worry
about them too (although I advise against that <wink>).  If one of
these tests fails in isolation on an otherwise-quiet machine, then
it's something I'll worry a lot more about, because that could well be
indicative of a real bug.  As is, I've spent literally months of my
life making these tests more reliable, and almost all of that turned
out to be plugging timing holes in the tests themselves.  Such efforts
pay, but we don't have enough ZODB manpower in-house anymore to afford
to do that in addition to higher-priority ZODB tasks.

So if you see a repeatable failure on an otherwise-quiet box, I'm all
ears.  Else feel free to report it anyway, and I'll it add to my file
(there is one!) of "mysterious, sporadic ZEO test failures".  That's
pretty much a write-only file, though.

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