[Zope-Coders] Upcoming releases

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Mon Sep 27 18:47:33 EDT 2004

[Tim Peters]
> I'm back from vacation, and think I'm nearing the end of this part.
> If final tests pass, I'll check it in, probably within an hour.  "It"
> means stitching a current version of ZODB 3.3 into Zope trunk, plus
> enough other changes so that the Zope tests all pass again.


Heh.  I did check it in, but Zope-Checkins decided I wasn't allowed to
post to that list so apparently swallowed the checkin comments and
diffs.  That's pretty bizarre, since *I* didn't mail anything to
Zope-Checkins; I'm not sure "who" it thinks sends the atuo-generated
checkin email.

Whatever, ZODB 3.3 is stitched into Zope trunk now, and all the tests pass.

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