[Zope-Coders] Zope tests: 5 OK, 1 Unknown

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 10:53:36 EST 2005

[Stefan H. Holek]
> 2.7 branch tests no longer work with Python-2.4.

Fudge.  Looks like a bad interaction between changes in 2.4's
asyncore.py and recent changes to fix thread+asyncore races in ZEO
startup.  I'll try to repair that ASAP.

> The symptom is that test.py never returns, so I have disabled them for now.

It's peculiar that test.py never returns. On my box, the failing tests
eventually die with "Connection refused", or with a timeout. 
Unfortunately, the seminal

    select.error: (9, 'Bad file descriptor')

errors in 2.4 occur in a (non-main) thread in these tests, and
unittest doesn't notice errors in threads, so it can get complicated.

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