[Zope-Coders] Re: Zope tests: 4 OK, 2 Failed

Stefan H. Holek stefan at epy.co.at
Wed Jan 19 07:10:42 EST 2005

On 18. Jän 2005, at 19:46, Tim Peters wrote:

> Good (I guess <wink>).  The next question is why 2 seconds isn't long
> enough to get the spawned processes running on this box.

The box is an ex desktop machine that got liberated to run *nix and act 
as my mail server. Not exactly screaming.

> is long enough for the test to pass reliably.  Maybe you have a cron
> job that sucks up a lot resources while your overnight tests are
> running?

Casual perusal of crontabs didn't point out anything. Bummer. 
Interestingly, the very same test on 2.7 branch appears to pass fine 
every night. I'll shift the jobs around a bit.


The time has come to start talking about whether the emperor is as well
dressed as we are supposed to think he is.               /Pete McBreen/

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