[Zope-Coders] Checkin messages

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 11:09:12 EDT 2005

[Florent Guillaume]
> If someone does a checkin but is not subscribed with the correct mail
> to the zope-checkins list, the checkin doesn't appear there.
> This sucks.
> A number of checkins have gone under the radar in the last few months.
> Could the checkin lists be changed to allow non-member posts?
> Or, if that's too much filtering work because of spam, could the
> generated checkin message come from a fixed "checkins at zope.org" email
> that would be subscribed to the list (but receive no mail)?

The zodb-checkins list is set to hold postings (for moderator review)
from non-members.  I run that list, and approve/discard held postings
as appropriate.  A steady trickle of spam gets sent to that list, so I
wouldn't advise allowing non-member posting without moderator review. 
The policy on zodb-checkins works fine (no spam gets thru, no legit
checkin messages get lost).

In contrast, the zope-checkins list admin is still listed as Ken
Mannheimer, and I doubt he pays attention to that duty anymore. 
Someone else should volunteer to take it over.

Note that we did lose a few days' worth of checkin messages on _all_
zope.org checkin lists a few weeks ago, due to a mistake.  There's no
"good reason" I know of for losing any messages after that, though.

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