[ZCM] [ZC] 202/ 8 Resolve "sequence.sort in ZPT causes Zope to restart"

Collector: Zope Bugs, Features, and Patches ... zope-coders@zope.org
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 10:42:45 -0500

Issue #202 Update (Resolve) "sequence.sort in ZPT causes Zope to restart"
 Status Resolved, Zope/bug critical
To followup, visit:

= Resolve - Entry #8 by mcdonc on Dec 16, 2002 10:42 am

 Status: Pending => Resolved

I am resolving this issue as the originator has not responded.  It is also likely that this was a symptom of with the "trashcan size" bug in Python 2.1.2 and lower and/or a stack size problem with Python on FreeBSD.
= Comment - Entry #7 by mcdonc on Aug 20, 2002 5:09 pm

Is this behavior still evident under Zope 2.5.1/Python 2.1.3?
= Comment - Entry #6 by hg_zen on Feb 12, 2002 7:05 pm

Move the either block into a Python Script, and call the script from ZPT.

items=LazyFilter(sequence.sort(sequence, sortkeys),skip='')

for item in items:
  """ output html here """

return printed
= Comment - Entry #5 by hg_zen on Feb 12, 2002 9:54 am

Is it normal to have refcounts this high when I'm the only one using the site?
Products.PageTemplates.Expressions.SubPathExpr: 1831
Products.PageTemplates.Expressions.PathExpr: 855

= Comment - Entry #4 by hg_zen on Feb 12, 2002 8:06 am

The cAccessControl.c fix didn't work.  Also, I'm getting various messages that look like this in dmesg:

pid 38177 (python), uid 1005: exited on signal 11
pid 38581 (python), uid 1005: exited on signal 11
pid 38641 (python), uid 1005: exited on signal 11
pid 38770 (python), uid 1005: exited on signal 10
pid 64705 (python), uid 1005: exited on signal 10
pid 65015 (python), uid 1005: exited on signal 11
pid 65098 (python), uid 1005: exited on signal 6
pid 65637 (python), uid 1005: exited on signal 11
pid 65895 (python), uid 1005: exited on signal 11
pid 65939 (python), uid 1005: exited on signal 11
pid 65957 (python), uid 1005: exited on signal 11
pid 68933 (python), uid 1005: exited on signal 11
pid 69228 (python), uid 1005: exited on signal 10
pid 70336 (python), uid 1005: exited on signal 11
= Comment - Entry #3 by matt on Feb 12, 2002 7:23 am

There is a patch to cAccessControl.c in CVS; try checking out the latest version of lib/python/AccessControl/cAccessControl.c from cvs.zope.org and rebuilding Zope.  This patch will be included in Zope 2.5.1 beta 1, which will be released this Friday, February 15.
= Comment - Entry #2 by hg_zen on Feb 12, 2002 4:56 am

running Zope with only one thread helps, but still restarts after a few refreshes.  If contentValues contains Folders and/or Files, Zope restarts.
= Request - Entry #1 by hg_zen on Feb 7, 2002 5:15 pm

The following code in local_html on a CMF site causes Zope to restart when viewed via index_html:

<span tal:define="raw_items python: sequence.sort(here.contentValues(filter={'Type':( 'File' , 'Link') } ),(( 'Title', 'nocase', ), ), );
items python: auth_filter( raw_items, skip='' );">

It works fine if I directly view local_html.