[ZCM] [ZC] 201/ 1 Request "PTK documentation is lying all over the place"

Collector: Zope Bugs and Patches ... zope-coders@zope.org
Thu, 07 Feb 2002 11:01:24 -0500

Issue #201 Update (Request) "PTK documentation is lying all over the place"
 Status Pending, Zope/bug medium
To followup, visit:

= Request - Entry #1 by Anonymous User on Feb 7, 2002 11:01 am

This is about the zope.org website. There's still a
/lot/ of documentation lying around about PTK; a /LOT/. 
As a newish CMF user, it's very confusing to see the PTK
stuff lying around, with only thin pointers to the CMF site. I'd *really* like to see all the PTK documentation moved over to the CMF site as "legacy documentation" or something. 

In particular, I'm referring to http://zope.org/Products/PTK , which points people to the CMF site but also has a lot of (probably aged) documentation about PTK lying about.
