[ZCM] [ZC] 467/ 1 Request "ZLogger.syslog: Uncaught exception prevents Zope startup"

Collector: Zope Bugs, Features, and Patches ... zope-coders@zope.org
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 09:43:35 -0400

Issue #467 Update (Request) "ZLogger.syslog: Uncaught exception prevents Zope startup"
 Status Pending, Zope/bug critical
To followup, visit:

= Request - Entry #1 by Anonymous User on Jul 10, 2002 9:43 am

When setting zope to log to syslog by setting the appropriate enviroment variables (ZSYSLOG and ZSYSLOG_FACILITY) in a ZEO-fied zope then certain log messages can blow up the syslog logging module at the place where the log output is sent to the (most likely unix socket) defined by ZSYSLOG. here is a sample traceback::

2002-07-09T10:35:00 ERROR(200) zrpc:14003 No error message supplied
Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZServer.medusa.asyncore, line 94, in poll
  Module ZServer.medusa.asyncore, line 395, in handle_read_event
  Module ZEO.smac, line 121, in handle_read
  Module ZEO.zrpc.connection, line 151, in message_input
  Module ZEO.zrpc.connection, line 165, in handle_request
  Module ZEO.zrpc.log, line 25, in log
  Module zLOG, line 130, in LOG
  Module ZLogger.ZLogger, line 17, in log_write
  Module ZLogger.syslogLogger, line 59, in __call__
  Module ZLogger.syslog, line 173, in log
error: (90, 'Message too long')
2002-07-09T10:35:00 PROBLEM(100) ClientStorage 14003 Disconnected from storage

unfortunately these errors are not caught anywhere and will kill the ZEO client process.

