[ZCM] [ZC] 695/ 2 Comment "object id limitations are inconsistent at best"

Collector: Zope Bugs, Features, and Patches ... zope-coders@zope.org
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 12:32:09 -0500

Issue #695 Update (Comment) "object id limitations are inconsistent at best"
 Status Pending, Zope/bug low
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= Comment - Entry #2 by ajung on Nov 23, 2002 12:32 pm

+ and % are forbidden because they might be used in URLs
for a replacement notation and are reserved for this case
to avoid clashes. An id '.' or '..' does not make sense but
you can not check for every single forbidden id...I assume
you can construct much more valid Zope IDs that make less

= Request - Entry #1 by leper on Nov 23, 2002 12:19 pm

Creating an object with an id of . or .. is allowed while
creating objects with ids containing + or % is not.  Something
somewhere isn't quite right.  I'll probably open this up for
discussion on the zope-dev list shortly.
