[ZCM] [ZC] 886/ 2 Comment "Import of Products.PythonScripts.standard broken in Zope 2.6"

Collector: Zope Bugs, Features, and Patches ... zope-coders-admin@zope.org
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 12:05:18 -0400

Issue #886 Update (Comment) "Import of Products.PythonScripts.standard broken in Zope 2.6"
 Status Pending, Zope/bug critical
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= Comment - Entry #2 by evan on Apr 25, 2003 12:05 pm

Works for me.
= Request - Entry #1 by ajung on Apr 17, 2003 11:15 am

from Products.PythonScripts.standard import structured_text

fails with an Unauthorized exception.

Strange enough that this works in 2.7.
Since this is a very important functionality for PythonScripts and ZPT, I set the importance to 
critical. I tried to track this down but I could not
find the problem. 