[ZCM] [ZC] 863/ 1 Request "WebDAV (PROPFIND) request body parsing broken"

Collector: Zope Bugs, Features, and Patches ... zope-coders-admin@zope.org
Fri, 21 Mar 2003 09:51:56 -0500

Issue #863 Update (Request) "WebDAV (PROPFIND) request body parsing broken"
 Status Pending, Zope/bug medium
To followup, visit:

= Request - Entry #1 by Anonymous User on Mar 21, 2003 9:51 am

PROPFIND requests with request body are only accepted
if the body starts with an XML declaration. However,
the XML declaration is optional in XML, and in it's
absence the parser should default to

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

This bug breaks compatibility with the SAP Enterprise
Portal WebDAV repository manager.
