[ZCM] [ZC] 1709/ 1 Request "DCOracle2 executemany() exception"

Collector: Zope Bugs, Features, and Patches ... zope-coders-admin at zope.org
Wed Feb 23 11:13:33 EST 2005

Issue #1709 Update (Request) "DCOracle2 executemany() exception"
 Status Pending, Database/bug medium
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= Request - Entry #1 by bryson_lee on Feb 23, 2005 11:13 am

With the following Python / DCOracle2 combination:

Python sys.version =
2.3.3 (#1, Apr  7 2004, 09:31:28)
[GCC 2.95.3 20010315 (release)]

DCOracle2.version =
1.3 beta -- DCOracle2 1.99 (dco2: 1.129 -DORACLE8i -DUSEOBJECT -Dlinux -DNATIVENUMERIC=1 -D_REENTRANT )

I get an exception if I call the executemany() method on a cursor if the input record list has more than 12 items:

dco2.DatabaseError: (1400, 'ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("GLAST_ISOC"."V2HKVALCHFIELDS"."SOURCE")')

If the list has 12 or fewer items, the call works perfectly well.

Using the same code to process the same data-set under Python 2.2.2 and DCOracle2 1.2 / 1.95 / dco2 1.120, the executemany() call works correctly regardless of the length of the input record list.

The problem seems to be assocated with a one-line change in the
executemany() method in DCOracle2.py...

Around line 1130, there is a call to the setStatic() method of a
BindingArray object.  In the 1.95 version of DCOracle2, this line is
uncommented, which seems to imply that the parameter binding is static
for that version.

In the 1.99 and 1.103 (latest CVS) versions of DCOracle1.py, this line
is commented out, indicating that a non-static binding is being used.
If I uncomment this line in the 1.103 version and re-run my insert task,
I no longer get the exception, and thus executemany() appears to work OK
for arbitrary-length lists.

It appears that this line was first commented out in 1.96.  The commit
log message for 1.96 makes no reference to this change, only to some
changes in code for handling DATE types.  Makes me wonder if this was a
debug or platform-specific thing that inadvertently got committed to the


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