[ZCM] [ZC] 1507/19 Comment "Zope 2.8: not picked up when no ip-address specified."

Collector: Zope Bugs, Features, and Patches ... zope-coders-admin at zope.org
Mon May 9 14:17:48 EDT 2005

Issue #1507 Update (Comment) "Zope 2.8: not picked up when no ip-address specified."
 Status Resolved, Zope/bug medium
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= Comment - Entry #19 by yuppie on May 9, 2005 2:17 pm

@ tim_one: thanks, that makes sense

I checked in a fix for the first problem in my list, so we are down to one open issue:

the ip-address setting is ignored, localhost is used instead (Zope 2.8, see Entry #11)

I checked in a test for this and I believe it is a ZConfig issue and should be resolved there. See this thread:
= Comment - Entry #18 by tim_one on May 9, 2005 12:58 pm

> AFAICS, 3 different problems reported
> here are still unresolved on Windows: 

I'd make that 2.  The third:

> 3.) ZConfig.ConfigurationError (Zope
> 2.7, see Entry #11)

doesn't look like a bug to me.  I was showing what happened there if I specified an IP address ( I couldn't possibly use.  That's a user config error, as far as I'm concerned.  Zope 2.7 called it one too, but Zope 2.8 just seemed to ignore it.

= Comment - Entry #17 by yuppie on May 8, 2005 5:06 am

AFAICS, 3 different problems reported here are still unresolved on Windows:

1.) failing tests (Zope 2.8, see Entry #8)

2.) the ip-address setting is ignored, localhost is used instead (Zope 2.8, see Entry #11)

3.) ZConfig.ConfigurationError (Zope 2.7, see Entry #11)

Maybe this issue should be reopend and issue #1728 closed instead? All the relevant discussion is here.

Anyway, I'll have a closer look at 1.) and 2.) today.
= Comment - Entry #16 by tim_one on Mar 13, 2005 11:57 am

Just noting that the same two tests still fail on Windows today as was reported in comment #8.
= Resolve - Entry #15 by ajung on Mar 13, 2005 5:40 am

 Status: Accepted => Resolved

Fixed in the CVS
= Comment - Entry #14 by aho on Nov 24, 2004 2:54 pm

On Linux and ip-address unset, works but not other ip address. 

When ip-address is set, then the set ip-address works and no longer works.
= Comment - Entry #13 by ajung on Oct 15, 2004 12:10 pm

Defering the final solution for after Zope 2.8a1.

= Edit - Entry #12 by ajung on Oct 15, 2004 11:27 am

 Changes: submitter email, edited transcript, revised title
= Comment - Entry #11 by tim_one on Oct 15, 2004 9:51 am

FYI, on WinXP, Zope 2.8 appears to use localhost no matter what ip-address is set to in zope.conf.  For example, after setting the nonsensical


then starting Zope still displays

2004-10-15 10:18:44 INFO ZServer HTTP server started at Fri Oct 15 10:18:44 2004
        Hostname: localhost
        Port: 8080
2004-10-15 10:18:44 INFO ZServer FTP server started at Fri Oct 15 10:18:44 2004
        Hostname: localhost
        Port: 8021
2004-10-15 10:18:46 INFO Zope Ready to handle requests

In current 2.7 branch, the default looks very different:

2004-10-15T10:27:19 INFO(0) ZServer HTTP server started at Fri Oct 15 10:27:19 2004
        Hostname: FATLAP.reston01.va.comcast.net
        Port: 8080
2004-10-15T10:27:19 INFO(0) ZServer FTP server started at Fri Oct 15 10:27:19 2004
        Hostname: FATLAP
        Port: 8021

and setting


in 2.7 branch yields an error:

ZConfig.ConfigurationError: There was a problem starting a server of type "HTTPServer". This may mean that your
user does not have permission to bind to the port which the server is trying to use or the port may already be
in use by another application. (Can't assign requested address)
= Comment - Entry #10 by tim_one on Oct 15, 2004 9:23 am

Alas, the same two tests still fail on WinXP, in the same way, after your changes (at revision 28199).

Sorry, I'm not a network guy, and am not even sure what "Does Zope 2.8 use all IP addresses by default on Windows?" means.  I just dropped in here to report that some tests broke <wink>.
= Comment - Entry #9 by ajung on Oct 15, 2004 12:38 am

Don't know about Windows :-)
I added a check for sys.platform != 'win32'. Does Zope 2.8
use all IP addresses by default on Windows?

= Assign - Entry #8 by tim_one on Oct 14, 2004 4:05 pm

 Supporters added: ajung

Don't know about Linux, but two tests fail on WinXP now:

FAIL: test_http_factory (ZServer.tests.test_config.ZServerConfigurationTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Code\Zope\lib\python\ZServer\tests\test_config.py", line 110, in test_http_factory
    self.assertEqual(server.ip, '')
  File "C:\Python23\lib\unittest.py", line 302, in failUnlessEqual
    raise self.failureException, \
AssertionError: 'localhost' != ''

FAIL: test_webdav_source_factory (ZServer.tests.test_config.ZServerConfigurationTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Code\Zope\lib\python\ZServer\tests\test_config.py", line 128, in test_webdav_source_factory
    self.assertEqual(server.ip, '')
  File "C:\Python23\lib\unittest.py", line 302, in failUnlessEqual
    raise self.failureException, \
AssertionError: 'localhost' != ''
= Comment - Entry #7 by ajung on Oct 14, 2004 2:43 pm

I commited a workaround for the problem. Not a total clean
solution...at least no longer a stopper for the Zope 2.8 release.
= Comment - Entry #6 by ajung on Oct 14, 2004 2:14 pm

I tracked this down to the bind() call in medusa.
bind(('localhost', 8080)) binds only to
If you pass '' as hostname then it binds to all interfaces.
I assume we must change the default hostname from
'localhost' to '' somewhere (I assume in lib/python/ZServer/datatypes.py)
= Comment - Entry #5 by ajung on Oct 13, 2004 12:16 pm

Fred. Could you please look at that issue. This is the last
remaining showstopper for 2.8a1.
I did my own investigations but got stuck at some point.
= Assign - Entry #4 by tseaver on Sep 29, 2004 10:05 am

 Status: Pending => Accepted

 Supporters added: fdrake

Uploaded:  "z27_z28_zconfig.patch"
 - http://www.zope.org/Collectors/Zope/1507/z27_z28_zconfig.patch/view
Attaching a diff of the Zope.Startup.handlers and ZServer.datatypes code between the 2.7 branch and the HEAD.

I *think* that the change to 'preparep to use the new
'get_default_host_info' function is the culprit here.

Fred's checkin message for the transaction which added that change says:

 r24547 | fdrake | 2004-04-26 15:44:45 -0400 (Mon, 26 Apr 2004) | 4 lines

 Medusa wants the IP number, not the actual hostname, so give it that
 way.  We do more work up front, but this makes the pieces go together
 more cleanly in the end since expectations aren't fudged.

Fred, can you figure out why we don't bind to all interfaces anymore?
= Comment - Entry #3 by regebro on Sep 29, 2004 9:04 am

It seems like you have the same problem, but it just decides to connect only to, while in my case it decides to connect to another address. 

Just tested 2.7.3b1 and that works, so it's only only on the trunk.
= Comment - Entry #2 by ajung on Sep 29, 2004 12:49 am

Where there some changes lately on the SVN trunk?
The current checkout only binds to but not to all
other IP addresses.
= Request - Entry #1 by regebro on Sep 24, 2004 10:35 am

When no ip-address is specified in zope.conf, seems not to be picked up. I can access Zope through the other IP-adress but not or localhost. This worked with Zope 2.7.2.

If I set up an ip-address in zope.conf:
then works, but of course not the other one.


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