[ZCM] [ZC] 1931/ 2 Comment "Windows test failures on Zope trunk"

Collector: Zope Bugs, Features, and Patches ... zope-coders-admin at zope.org
Fri Nov 11 11:23:30 EST 2005

Issue #1931 Update (Comment) "Windows test failures on Zope trunk"
 Status Pending, Zope/test medium
To followup, visit:

= Comment - Entry #2 by tim_one on Nov 11, 2005 11:23 am

zope.app.i18n.tests.testi18ndirectives.DirectivesTest no longer fails, but because test.py no longer runs it.

checkDuplicate is still failing in the same way.

Since this report was opened, another test fails:

Failure in test C:\Code\Zope\lib/python\Products\Five\site\tests\functional.txt
Failed doctest test for functional.txt
  File "C:\Code\Zope\lib/python\Products\Five\site\tests\functional.txt", line 0

File "C:\Code\Zope\lib/python\Products\Five\site\tests\functional.txt", line 77, in functional.txt
Failed example:
    print http(r'''
    GET /test_folder_1_/site/@@checkSiteManager.html HTTP/1.1
Differences (ndiff with -expected +actual):
      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    - ...
    + Content-Length: 184
    + Content-Type: text/plain
    - {'IFiveUtilityRegistry.providedBy(utility_service)': True,
    ?                                                      ^^^
    + {'IFiveUtilityRegistry.providedBy(utility_service)': False,
    ?                                                      ^^^^
    -  'isinstance(zapi.getSiteManager(), FiveSiteManager)': True,
    ?                                                        ^^^
    +  'isinstance(zapi.getSiteManager(), FiveSiteManager)': False,
    ?                                                        ^^^^
    -  'zapi.getSiteManager() is zapi.getGlobalSiteManager()': False}
    ?                                                          ^^^^
    +  'zapi.getSiteManager() is zapi.getGlobalSiteManager()': True}
    ?                                                          ^^^
File "C:\Code\Zope\lib/python\Products\Five\site\tests\functional.txt", line 105, in functional.txt
Failed example:
    print http(r'''
    GET /test_folder_1_/site/@@lookupUtilities.html HTTP/1.1
Differences (ndiff with -expected +actual):
    - HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    - ...
    - zapi.getUtility(IDummyUtility) == dummy: True
    + HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
    + Content-Length: 159
    + Content-Type: text/html
    + <html>
    +   <head><title>site</title></head>
    +   <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    +  (<InterfaceClass Products.Five.site.tests.dummy.IDummyUtility>, '')
    +   </body>
    + </html>

= Request - Entry #1 by tim_one on Oct 27, 2005 10:45 am

Two tests started failing on Windows recently,

testRegisterTranslations (zope.app.i18n.tests.testi18ndirectives.DirectivesTest)


checkDuplicate (zope.configuration.config.ConfigurationContext)

The look related, as if "something somewhere" got changed to use a hardcoded forward slash to combine path components instead of using the platform-native path separator.

More details here:

"New(ish) Windows test failures on Zope trunk"

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