[ZCM] [ZC] 2069/ 7 Comment "Zope 2.8 and SQLobject "reimport" error"

Collector: Zope Bugs, Features, and Patches ... zope-coders-admin at zope.org
Thu Apr 13 11:45:58 EDT 2006

Issue #2069 Update (Comment) "Zope 2.8 and SQLobject "reimport" error"
 Status Wontfix, Zope/bug low
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= Comment - Entry #7 by tseaver on Apr 13, 2006 11:45 am

Just for the original poster's information:

  $ find /path/to/instance/PRODUCTS -name "refresh.txt" \
    | xargs rm

should make the problem go away (anybody clever enough to be
using a different location for their products can do the fixups

I *still* can't believe people ship released products containing
= Wontfix - Entry #6 by efge on Apr 13, 2006 6:43 am

 Status: Pending => Wontfix

Besides, 'refresh' is a now unsupported debugging mechanism.

= Edit - Entry #5 by ajung on Apr 13, 2006 12:53 am

 Changes: edited transcript, importance (critical => low), new comment

This issue is neither critical nor a show-stopper.

You must come up with some evidence in terms of a repoducable testcase, a clear description of the problem etc. so that we can reproduce it on a bare Zope installation. And btw. the REFRESH functionality was always a fragile solution that usually works but that was never supposed to solve *all* problems especially not with 3rd-party code. 

= Comment - Entry #4 by philikon on Apr 12, 2006 5:14 pm

I'll also note that several people are happily running SQLObject with Zope 2. See for example http://codespeak.net/svn/z3/sqlos/trunk/Zope2/.
= Comment - Entry #3 by philikon on Apr 12, 2006 5:11 pm

Packages are only imported more than once ("refreshed" or "reloaded") if

a) debug mode is on
b) refresh is enabled for those packages (in the Control Panel)

It is a known fact that refresh doesn't work with all packages. This hardly classifies for a bug in Zope.

P.S.: Please don't reply to collector emails, they don't get saved away in the issue transcript. Please use the collector Followup forms.
= Comment - Entry #2 by ajung on Apr 12, 2006 4:57 pm

SQLObject? This is not a supported product.

= Request - Entry #1 by Anonymous User on Apr 12, 2006 4:34 pm

classes derived from sqlobject cannot be imported more than once.
zope 2.8's "refresh" method imports more than once.
zope 2.8's "product initialisation" imports more than once.

this is a complete show-stopper.

you MUST NOT import modules more than once.

modules have initialisation code that sets stuff up,
and, if nothing else, calling that initialisation code
more than once is terribly inefficient.


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