[Zope-it] errore zope

Mauro Colorio linuxbox@interfree.it
23 Jun 2003 18:48:31 +0200

> Error Type: IOError
> Error Value: [Errno 13] Permission denied:
> '/var/lib/zope/var/Data.fs.index.index_tmp'

dalla documentazione di installazione:

  You must also make sure the var directory is owned by root, and that
  it has the sticky bit set.  This is done by the command 'chmod o+t
  var' on most systems.  When the sticky bit is set on a directory,
  anyone can write files, but nobody can delete others' files in order
  to rewrite them.  This is necessary to keep others from overwriting
  the PID file, tricking root into killing processes when 'stop' is run.

cmq ti conviene usare un utente diverso da root a meno che tu non sia
costretta ad usarlo su porte < 1024..
