[Zope-Perl] Script (Perl) 1.0b6

Kevin Teague kevin@bud.ca
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 13:47:44 -0700

Hi all,

I have put up a version of PerlMethods (which has now been fully renamed 
to 'Script (Perl)') available here:


To install:

  * Have a working install of pyperl and zoperl

  * unzip in your Products directory. You will now have two directories 
/Products/PerlMethods and /Products/ScriptPerl. If you don't need to 
support older instances of Perl Methods you should be able to remove 
your /Products/PerlMethods directory.

  * Restart Zope.

  * Create instances of "Script (Perl)"

Changes from PerlMethods1.0b5 include:

  * Renamed all references to PerlMethods to Script (Perl)

  * Added a History tab

  * Edit and Add screens cleaned up. Uses newer Zope web interface calls 
(such as "manage_page_header")

  * Lots of changes to the code layout. Uses 
AccessControl.ClassSecurityInfo() to protect methods.

  * New icon: 'www/scriptperl.gif'

  * FTP interface now uses the '##' syntax for parameters (er, args) and 
other meta info, in the same manner as PythonScripts.

Things that are still incomplete:

  * Help screens need to be written

  * Not thoroughly tested. Give the code a whirl and send any bug 
reports to kevin@bud.ca

- Kevin