[Zope-xml] Xslt conversion on ZOPE3 security error

Frederic Tedesco f.tedesco at easynet.be
Wed Jul 23 19:29:07 EDT 2003

Hello everybody,
When I try to use the  "FourSuiteTransformer()" module to process the 
conversion of a XML file using a XSLT file I have this kind of error.

<security proxied zopeproducts.xml.content.XMLText instance at 0x41186aac>

Here you will find the code that I use:

       xslt = """\

                <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"


                 <xsl:template match="/">

                    <html><body>Coucou Gamin</body></html>



        xml = "<doc/>"         

        xslfile = XMLDocument(xslt)

        xmlfile = XMLDocument(xml)

        transformer = FourSuiteTransformer()

        transformer = removeAllProxies(transformer)

        return transformer.transform(xslfile,xmlfile)

Thanks in advance for your help and have a nice day,


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