Thanks,<br>Here is what I'm trying to do:<br>Let's say:<br>contents of myscript():<br>mydict = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}<br>mydict2 = {'key1': 'value3', 'key2': 'value4'}<br>finalList = [mydict, mydict2]<br>return finalList<br><br>When I do this in a dtml-method:<br><dtml-in "myscript()"><br> <dtml-var key1> <br/><br></dtml-in><br>This will not return me this:<br>value1<br>value2<br>It gives me a key error.<br>However if I loop through a recordset, it produces proper output.<br>I'd like to merge a record object and a dictionary object so I can access them like I showed you here with dtml-in - so I can loop over both of them.<br><br>Is there a way?<br><br>Thanks in advance guys!<br><br><b><i>Andreas Jung <></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> <br><br>--On 19. Juni 2006 09:16:23 -0700 Alric Aneron
<> <br>wrote:<br><br>> Hello,<br>> I have a dictionary object and a result set object (that was returned<br>> from a ZSQL method). Is there any way I can merge them into one variable<br>> and use them in a dtml-in statement?<br>><br><br>result sets have a dictionaries() method and dict have an update() <br>method..everything else is one-liner-Python magic and depends on your <br>usecase.<br><br>-aj<br><br><br>-- <br>ZOPYX Ltd. & Co. KG - Charlottenstr. 37/1 - 72070 T�bingen - Germany<br>Web: - Email: - Phone +49 - 7071 - 793376<br>E-Publishing, Python, Zope & Plone development, Consulting<br></></blockquote><br><p>
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