[Zope2-migration] Twisted in Zope3?

Steve Alexander steve at cat-box.net
Wed Apr 16 22:15:30 EDT 2003

Joseph Grace wrote:
> Is it true that Twisted is part of Zope 3?


> "Other changes in Zope 3: it uses an XML file (.zcml) for configuration, 
> and it uses Twisted for its network layer, although it doesn't use 
> Twisted's HTTP server."  (from 
> http://www.linuxjournal.com//article.php?sid=6800 )

We would like to use Twisted in place of asyncore.
No-one has make a commitment to actually do the work involved, though.

> Could someone point me to an architecture document (or somesuch) which 
> confirms this, goes into more detail?


> If so, that sounds great.  This architectural feature would be well 
> worth advertising (IMO).  It's nice to see Zope adopt and dovetail with 
> another powerful framework.

Yes it would.

It would be great if someone who finds this personally or professionally 
important can commit resources to make it happen.

Steve Alexander

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