[Zope2-migration] Re: Zope3 name

R. David Murray rdmurray+dated+1045581103.9384e4 at bitdance.com
Thu Feb 13 10:11:41 EST 2003

seb bacon <seb at jamkit.com> wrote:
>This list is to discuss the non-technical aspects of the migration, including
>community PR, documentation, etc.  Naming is a small but relevant part of the
>bigger picture.  Have you noticed that a lot of the Zope public is getting
>Little things like names matter.  That's why companies spend millions on
>rebranding themselves.  It's not because they are dupes.  It is because, done
>properly, it can add real value.

I just want to point out that we zope3 developers spend a *lot* of
time talking about names, and trying to choose the "best" names
for things.  Sometimes we talk ourselves back around to whatever
name we started with, but the discussions are almost always worthwhile,
as they clarify just what the thing is and what it is for and,
indeed, how the systems that surround it are architected.

This should apply to the name of the whole shebang as much as it does
to its internal parts.  Which is why Jim is so adamant about the
Zope 3 name for the product that will provide the migration path
from Zope 2.

In that context I'd also like to say that as a developer I'd love to
have a release chain of Zope <whatever> that does *not* include
backward compatability hacks.  As a site maintainer, I am *very*
interested in Zope 3, the release chain that *does* provide those
hacks.  I'm willing to give up on the former if necessary, but not
on the latter.


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