[Zope3-dev] Re: Selecting a code name

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Sat Feb 11 23:48:55 EST 2006

Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Just to drop a note that I think a discussion about a potential brand
> name for Zope 3 is far less important than actually fixing our website
> and presenting Zope 3 (and Zope 2 for that matter) in a better way.
> Perhaps we can better redirect our energies to that than to have long
> (but easy, as everybody can say something without having to do anything)
> discussions about something that in the end isn't going to matter that
> much.

Yes, thank you :). Now I don't have to catch up with this insanely long

> Zope 3 already has a recognized brand as a rewrite of Zope 2 in the
> community - let's go with that.

Indeed. Plus, I strongly feel that pushing Zope 3 more than Zope 2 or
viceversa isn't helping. We need to push Zope-the-technology and
Zope-the-community. Branding Zope 3 and making it look like something
separate now when Zope 2 is actually moving towards Zope 3 feels like a
step back.

Let's promote Zope.


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