[Ape] .svn files causing problems

Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
Tue Oct 26 11:29:19 EDT 2004


You may be interested in this:


It's not fully functional yet, as I ran into a major road blocks, but if
it's important enough, maybe you cold help improve it.

The main problem was the use of temporary files for copy/rename, which
doesn't work right now.

If I wanted to push this more ahead, I'd probably have to no longer use the
FS functionality and instead write a core SVN driver a the SQL/FS level.

Unfortunately, haven't had time to look into that :(


-----Original Message-----
From: ape-bounces at zope.org [mailto:ape-bounces at zope.org]On Behalf Of
Kelly McDonald
Sent: October 26, 2004 8:47 AM
To: ape at zope.org
Subject: [Ape] .svn files causing problems


I'm trying to use APE with subversion, but the .svn directories are
causing problems upon startup. 

line 270, in write_directory
    raise FSWriteError(
apelib.fs.interfaces.FSWriteError: Not a legal object name: ''

I remove all .svn directories and it starts up with no problems.

I've looked through docs & searched for some way to provide an 'ignore
list' - is there any way to tell ape to filter out these files so that I
can run svn and keep APE happy? - or is there some way to set up a
'null' mapper?


Kelly McDonald <w4kpm at adelphia.net>

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