[Checkins] SVN: zope3org/trunk/src/zorg/live/ftest/ experimental version

Adam Groszer adamg at fw.hu
Sun Apr 9 10:39:30 EDT 2006

Log message for revision 66725:
  experimental version

  A   zope3org/trunk/src/zorg/live/ftest/
  A   zope3org/trunk/src/zorg/live/ftest/__init__.py
  A   zope3org/trunk/src/zorg/live/ftest/fakeftest.py

Added: zope3org/trunk/src/zorg/live/ftest/__init__.py
--- zope3org/trunk/src/zorg/live/ftest/__init__.py	2006-04-09 14:39:08 UTC (rev 66724)
+++ zope3org/trunk/src/zorg/live/ftest/__init__.py	2006-04-09 14:39:29 UTC (rev 66725)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Name:         __init__.py
+# Purpose:
+# Maintainer:
+# Copyright:    (c) 2004 iwm-kmrc.de KMRC - Knowledge Media Research Center
+# Licence:      GPL
+__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

Property changes on: zope3org/trunk/src/zorg/live/ftest/__init__.py
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: zope3org/trunk/src/zorg/live/ftest/fakeftest.py
--- zope3org/trunk/src/zorg/live/ftest/fakeftest.py	2006-04-09 14:39:08 UTC (rev 66724)
+++ zope3org/trunk/src/zorg/live/ftest/fakeftest.py	2006-04-09 14:39:29 UTC (rev 66725)
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2005 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+# This is a fake functional test
+# The problem was that zope.testbrowser is working against the publisher
+# and liveserver is working on the twisted/WSGI level
+# solution is:
+# - bring up the complete server (at the moment manually)
+# - issue requests against this server
+# - liveserver does not write to the ZODB --> no need to clear it
+# We have two goals:
+# - functional testing
+# - benchmarking
+#   - total request time will be taken
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import time
+import urllib
+import urllib2
+import unittest
+from base64 import encodestring
+from pub.dbgpclient import brk
+from zope.testbrowser.browser import Browser
+from zope.testbrowser.browser import PystoneTimer
+from threading import Thread
+BASEURL = 'http://localhost:8088/@@livecomments.html'
+INURL = BASEURL+'/@@input/%(uuid)s'
+OUTURL = BASEURL+'/@@output/%(uuid)s'
+UID_EXTRACT = re.compile(r"LivePage.uuid = '(\w*?)'")
+#manager user
+USER = "adi"
+PWD = "r"
+[00:00.000 - client forwarded to localhost:8088]
+POST /@@livecomments.html/@@input/0000010a79a60c576aa49f2600c000a80000000d HTTP/1.1
+Host: localhost:8089
+User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060111 Firefox/
+Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5
+Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
+Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
+Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
+Keep-Alive: 300
+Connection: close
+X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
+X-Prototype-Version: 1.4.0
+Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+Content-Length: 62
+Pragma: no-cache
+Cache-Control: no-cache
+<script type="text/javascript">LivePage.uuid = '0000010a79a60c576aa49f2600c000a80000000d';</script>
+from threading import *
+import copy
+class Future:
+    def __init__(self,func,*param):
+        # Constructor
+        self.__done=0
+        self.__result=None
+        self.__status='working'
+        self.__excpt = None
+        self.__C=Condition()   # Notify on this Condition when result is ready
+        # Run the actual function in a separate thread
+        self.__T=Thread(target=self.Wrapper,args=(func,param))
+        self.__T.setName("FutureThread")
+        self.__T.start()
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<Future at '+hex(id(self))+':'+self.__status+'>'
+    def __call__(self):
+        # an exception was thrown in the thread, re-raise it here.
+        if self.__excpt:
+            raise self.__excpt[0], self.__excpt[1], self.__excpt[2]
+        self.__C.acquire()
+        while self.__done==0:
+            self.__C.wait()
+        self.__C.release()
+        # We deepcopy __result to prevent accidental tampering with it.
+        a=copy.deepcopy(self.__result)
+        return a
+    def isDone(self):
+        return self.__done
+    def Wrapper(self, func, param):
+        # Run the actual function, and let us housekeep around it
+        self.__C.acquire()
+        try:
+            self.__result=func(*param)
+        except:
+            self.__excpt = sys.exc_info()
+            self.__result="Unknown exception raised within Future"
+        self.__done=1
+        self.__status=`self.__result`
+        self.__C.notify()
+        self.__C.release()
+class Timer:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.timer = PystoneTimer()
+    def _start_timer(self):
+        self.timer.start()
+    def _stop_timer(self):
+        self.timer.stop()
+    @property
+    def lastRequestPystones(self):
+        return self.timer.elapsedPystones
+    @property
+    def lastRequestSeconds(self):
+        return self.timer.elapsedSeconds
+    getElapsed = lastRequestPystones
+def timePrinter(msg, timelist):
+    """average, max, min time calculator, printer """
+    total = sum(timelist)
+    avg = round(total/len(timelist), ROUNDUP)
+    high = round(max(timelist), ROUNDUP)
+    low = round(min(timelist), ROUNDUP)
+    print msg, 'avg:',avg,'max:',high,'min:',low
+def getAuth(usr, pwd):
+    auth = "Basic %s" % encodestring("%s:%s" % (usr, pwd)
+                                 ).replace("\012", "")
+    return auth
+def sleep(secs):
+    for i in range(secs,0,-1):
+        print i,
+        time.sleep(1)
+    print ''
+def getUid(browser):
+    browser.open(BASEURL)
+    uid = UID_EXTRACT.search(browser.contents,re.S)
+    return uid.group(1)
+class testUtils(object):
+    def makeTimer(self):
+        self.timer = Timer()
+    def getUid(self):
+        self.uid = getUid(Browser())
+    def inputRequest(self, url, strg, timelist, uid=None):
+        """simulate INPUT request
+        request is blocking
+        """
+        if strg:
+            data={'name':'update',
+                'id':'text',
+                'html':strg,
+                'extra':'scroll',
+                '_':''}
+            wiredata = urllib.urlencode(data)
+        else:
+            wiredata = None
+        if uid is None:
+            uid = self.uid
+        wireurl = url % {'uuid':uid}
+        print '-->',strg
+        self.timer._start_timer()
+        result = urllib2.urlopen(wireurl, wiredata)
+        self.timer._stop_timer()
+        #print self.timer.getElapsed
+        timelist.append(self.timer.getElapsed)
+        #'ok'
+        return result.read()
+    def outputRequest(self, url, browser, timelist, uid=None):
+        """simulate OUTPUT request
+        request is blocking
+        collect timing in timelist
+        """
+        if uid is None:
+            uid = self.uid
+        wireurl = url % {'uuid':uid}
+        #print wireurl
+        self.timer._start_timer()
+        browser.open(wireurl)
+        self.timer._stop_timer()
+        #print self.timer.getElapsed
+        timelist.append(self.timer.getElapsed)
+        return browser.contents
+    def getOutput(self, browser, timelist, uid=None):
+        """issue OUTPUT request
+        get data from OUTPUT result
+        """
+        print '<--'
+        x=self.outputRequest(OUTURL, browser, timelist, uid)
+        #simulating the delay of the javascript
+        time.sleep(0.5)
+        null=None #for eval
+        retval=eval(x)
+        #print retval
+        return retval
+    def getOnlyTextOutput(self, browser, timelist, uid=None):
+        """issue OUTPUT request
+        get data from OUTPUT result
+        loop requests until 'id'=='text'
+        """
+        while True:
+            retval = self.getOutput(browser, timelist, uid)
+            if retval.get('id','') == 'text':
+                print retval['html']
+                return retval
+class liveserverTest(testUtils, unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.makeTimer()
+        self.getUid()
+    def test_noevent(self):
+        """test for:
+        client makes an input
+        queries events x times
+        result should be:
+        first response: input comes back
+        any following responses: after <TIMEOUT> second timeout, 'idle' message"""
+        strg = '<p>any</p>'
+        self.inputRequest(INURL, strg, [])
+        outputb = Browser()
+        retval = self.getOnlyTextOutput(outputb, [])
+        self.assert_(retval['html'] == strg)
+        for i in range(3):
+            #self.timer._start_timer()
+            retval = self.getOutput(outputb, [])
+            print retval
+            #self.timer._stop_timer()
+            self.assert_(self.timer.lastRequestSeconds>TIMEOUT)
+            self.assert_(retval['name']=='idle')
+    def xtest_timeout(self):
+        """test for:
+        client makes an input
+        wait <TIMEOUT+5> secs
+        result should be:
+        first response: input comes back
+        any following responses: ???
+        """
+        strg = '<p>any</p>'
+        self.inputRequest(INURL, strg, [])
+        outputb = Browser()
+        retval = self.getOnlyTextOutput(outputb, [])
+        self.assert_(retval['html'] == strg)
+        sleep(TIMEOUT+5)
+        retval=self.getOutput(outputb, [])
+        self.assert_(retval['name']=='reload')
+        #TODO: seems to fail?
+    def test_retval(self):
+        """test for:
+        client makes an input
+        same client queries, check for the same output text as the input
+        result should be:
+        input comes back
+        """
+        values = ['s','st','star','star is','star','start','started','o','over']
+        outputb = Browser()
+        for v in values:
+            self.inputRequest(INURL, v, [])
+            retval = self.getOnlyTextOutput(outputb, [])
+            self.assert_(retval['html'] == v)
+    def checktwo(self, text, brw1, uid1, brw2, uid2):
+        """check the output text of two users """
+        retval = self.getOnlyTextOutput(brw1, [], uid1)
+        self.assert_(retval['html'] == text)
+        retval = self.getOnlyTextOutput(brw2, [], uid2)
+        self.assert_(retval['html'] == text)
+    def test_twoUsersListening(self):
+        """one user is typing,
+        two users listening for texts
+        the two users have to get the typed text"""
+        values = ['s','st','star','star is','star','start','started','o','over']
+        outputb1 = Browser()
+        uid1 = self.uid
+        outputb2 = Browser()
+        outputb2.addHeader('Authorization', getAuth(USER, PWD))
+        uid2 = getUid(outputb2)
+        for v in values:
+            self.inputRequest(INURL, v, [], uid1)
+            self.checktwo(v, outputb1, uid1, outputb2, uid2)
+    def test_twoUsersTyping(self):
+        """two users inputting text,
+        two listening for texts"""
+        values1 = ['s','st','star','star is','star','start','started','o','over']
+        #9
+        values2 = ['c','cra','crazy','cra','crater','c','hover']
+        #7
+        #total 16
+        order = [1,2,1,2,1,1,2,2,1,2,2,1,1,2,1,1]
+        #
+        self.assertEqual(len(values1)+len(values2), len(order))
+        self.assertEqual(len(values1), order.count(1))
+        self.assertEqual(len(values2), order.count(2))
+        #sanity check
+        outputb1 = Browser()
+        uid1 = self.uid
+        outputb2 = Browser()
+        outputb2.addHeader('Authorization', getAuth(USER, PWD))
+        uid2 = getUid(outputb2)
+        p1=0
+        p2=0
+        for o in order:
+            if o==1:
+                inuid = uid1
+                v = values1[p1]
+                p1+=1
+            else:
+                inuid = uid2
+                v = values2[p2]
+                p2+=1
+            self.inputRequest(INURL, v, [], inuid)
+            self.checktwo(v, outputb1, uid1, outputb2, uid2)
+    def test_onlineUsers(self):
+        """two users, checking for online status
+        here we behave nicely as expected
+        user1=unauthenticated
+        user2=manager"""
+        timestamp = Timer()
+        outputb1 = Browser()
+        uid1 = getUid(outputb1)
+        outputb2 = Browser()
+        outputb2.addHeader('Authorization', getAuth(USER, PWD))
+        uid2 = getUid(outputb2)
+        #wait for all to timeout
+        #to have a clear picture
+        #sleep(TIMEOUT+5)
+        #retval=self.getOutput(outputb1, [], uid1)
+        #print retval
+        #self.assert_(retval['name'] == 'reload')
+        ##reload it
+        #uid1 = getUid(outputb1)
+        #
+        #retval=self.getOutput(outputb2, [], uid2)
+        #print retval
+        #self.assert_(retval['name'] == 'reload')
+        ##reload it
+        #uid2 = getUid(outputb2)
+        #fake input
+        #the reload has to put the two online
+        timestamp._start_timer()
+        self.inputRequest(INURL, 'x1', [], uid1)
+        self.inputRequest(INURL, 'x2', [], uid2)
+        print '--- user 1'
+        print timestamp.lastRequestSeconds
+        retval=self.getOutput(outputb1, [], uid1)
+        print retval
+        #self.assert_(retval['name'] == 'update')
+        #self.assert_(retval['id'] == 'online')
+        #self.assert_(retval['html'] == 'Unauthenticated User')
+        print timestamp.lastRequestSeconds
+        retval=self.getOutput(outputb1, [], uid1)
+        print retval
+        #self.assert_(retval['id'] == 'text')
+        ##is it coming back really in order?
+        #self.assert_(retval['html'] == 'x1')
+        print timestamp.lastRequestSeconds
+        retval=self.getOutput(outputb1, [], uid1)
+        print retval
+        #self.assert_(retval['id'] == 'text')
+        ##is it coming back really in order?
+        #self.assert_(retval['html'] == 'x2')
+        print '--- user 2'
+        print timestamp.lastRequestSeconds
+        retval=self.getOutput(outputb2, [], uid2)
+        print retval
+        print timestamp.lastRequestSeconds
+        retval=self.getOutput(outputb2, [], uid2)
+        print retval
+        print timestamp.lastRequestSeconds
+        retval=self.getOutput(outputb2, [], uid2)
+        print retval
+        print timestamp.lastRequestSeconds
+        retval=self.getOutput(outputb2, [], uid2)
+        print retval
+        print timestamp.lastRequestSeconds
+        retval=self.getOutput(outputb2, [], uid2)
+        print retval
+        print timestamp.lastRequestSeconds
+    def test_onlineUsersReconnect(self):
+        """two users, checking for online status
+        Getting dirty: simulating that the users get disconnected and send
+        again INPUT instead of doing a reload
+        user1=unauthenticated
+        user2=manager"""
+        outputb1 = Browser()
+        uid1 = getUid(outputb1)
+        outputb2 = Browser()
+        outputb2.addHeader('Authorization', getAuth(USER, PWD))
+        uid2 = getUid(outputb2)
+        #wait for all to timeout
+        sleep(TIMEOUT+5)
+        #fake input to put the two online
+        self.inputRequest(INURL, 'x1', [], uid1)
+        self.inputRequest(INURL, 'x2', [], uid2)
+        print '--- user 1'
+        retval=self.getOutput(outputb1, [], uid1)
+        print retval
+        self.assert_(retval['name'] == 'reload')
+        uid1 = getUid(outputb1)
+        retval=self.getOutput(outputb1, [], uid1)
+        print retval
+        self.assert_(retval['name'] == 'idle')
+        #self.assert_(retval['id'] == 'online')
+        #self.assert_(retval['html'] == 'Unauthenticated User')
+        print '--- user 2'
+        retval=self.getOutput(outputb2, [], uid2)
+        print retval
+        self.assert_(retval['name'] == 'reload')
+        uid2 = getUid(outputb2)
+        retval=self.getOutput(outputb2, [], uid2)
+        print retval
+        self.assert_(retval['name'] == 'idle')
+class liveserverBenchmark(testUtils, unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.makeTimer()
+        self.getUid()
+    def oneinout(self, strg, inputtimes, outputtimes):
+        self.inputRequest(INURL, strg, inputtimes)
+        outputb = Browser()
+        #outputb.addHeader('Authorization', getAuth(USER, PWD))
+        retval = self.getOnlyTextOutput(outputb, outputtimes)
+        print (retval['html'] == strg)
+    def test_multi(self):
+        inputtimes = []
+        outputtimes = []
+        for i in range(100):
+            self.oneinout('<p>benchmarking</p>', inputtimes, outputtimes)
+        timePrinter('input', inputtimes)
+        timePrinter('output',outputtimes)
+#def tt(name):
+#    #brw=Browser()
+#    #util = testUtils()
+#    #util.makeTimer()
+#    #util.getUid()
+#    x=liveserverTest(methodName='test_retval')
+#    x.setUp()
+#    while True:
+#        #util.inputRequest(INURL, name, [])
+#        #print name, util.getOutput(brw, [])
+#        x.test_retval()
+#def test_thread():
+#    ths = []
+#    for i in range(10):
+#        x=Future(tt, 'thread'+str(i))
+#        ths.append(x)
+#    for i in ths:
+#        print i()
+#def test_suite():
+#    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+#    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(liveserverTest))
+#    #suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(liveserverBenchmark))
+#    return suite
+#if __name__ == '__main__':
+#    evto = os.getenv('LIVESERVER_TIMEOUT')
+#    if evto:
+#        try:
+#            TIMEOUT = int(evto)
+#        except:
+#            pass
+#    #unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')
+#    test_thread()
+import asyncore
+import socket, time
+import StringIO
+import mimetools, urlparse
+class async_http(asyncore.dispatcher_with_send):
+    # asynchronous http client
+    def __init__(self, host, port, path, consumer, data=None):
+        asyncore.dispatcher_with_send.__init__(self)
+        self.host = host
+        self.port = port
+        self.path = path
+        self.data = data
+        self.consumer = consumer
+        self.status = None
+        self.header = None
+        self.bytes_in = 0
+        self.bytes_out = 0
+        self.data = ""
+        self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        self.connect((host, port))
+    def handle_connect(self):
+        # connection succeeded
+        if self.data:
+            wiredata = urllib.urlencode(data)
+            text = "POST %s HTTP/1.0\r\n"+ \
+                "Host: %s\r\n"+\
+                "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"+\
+                "Content-Length: %s\r\n"+\
+                "\r\n%s" % (self.path, self.host, str(len(wiredata)), wiredata)
+        else:
+            text = "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n" % (self.path, self.host)
+        self.send(text)
+        self.bytes_out = self.bytes_out + len(text)
+        print text
+    def handle_expt(self):
+        # connection failed; notify consumer
+        self.close()
+        self.consumer.http_failed(self)
+    def handle_read(self):
+        data = self.recv(2048)
+        self.bytes_in = self.bytes_in + len(data)
+        if not self.header:
+            # check if we've seen a full header
+            self.data = self.data + data
+            header = self.data.split("\r\n\r\n", 1)
+            if len(header) <= 1:
+                return
+            header, data = header
+            # parse header
+            fp = StringIO.StringIO(header)
+            self.status = fp.readline().split(" ", 2)
+            self.header = mimetools.Message(fp)
+            self.data = ""
+            self.consumer.http_header(self)
+            if not self.connected:
+                return # channel was closed by consumer
+        if data:
+            self.consumer.feed(data)
+    def handle_close(self):
+        self.consumer.close()
+        self.close()
+def do_request(uri, consumer):
+    # turn the uri into a valid request
+    scheme, host, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(uri)
+    assert scheme == "http", "only supports HTTP requests"
+    try:
+        host, port = host.split(":", 1)
+        port = int(port)
+    except (TypeError, ValueError):
+        port = 80 # default port
+    if not path:
+        path = "/"
+    if params:
+        path = path + ";" + params
+    if query:
+        path = path + "?" + query
+    return async_http(host, port, path, consumer)
+class base_consumer:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.data=''
+    def http_header(self, client):
+        self.host = client.host
+        print self.host, repr(client.status)
+    def http_failed(self, client):
+        print self.host, "failed"
+    def feed(self, data):
+        print self.host, len(data)
+        self.data+=data
+    def close(self):
+        print self.host, "CLOSE"
+class in_consumer(base_consumer):
+    def close(self):
+        print self.host, "CLOSE"
+        #megjott a html
+        print self.data
+class html_consumer(base_consumer):
+    def close(self):
+        print self.host, "CLOSE"
+        #megjott a html
+        uid = UID_EXTRACT.search(self.data,re.S)
+        uid = uid.group(1)
+        dc = in_consumer()
+        wireurl = INURL % {'uuid':uid}
+        do_request(wireurl, dc)
+dc = html_consumer()
+do_request(BASEURL, dc)
+#print dc.data
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: zope3org/trunk/src/zorg/live/ftest/fakeftest.py
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

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