[Checkins] SVN: zope-foundation-admin/trunk/vote/stv.py counting script.

Jim Fulton cvs-admin at zope.org
Wed Jun 21 12:10:10 EDT 2006

Log message for revision 68777:
  counting script.

  A   zope-foundation-admin/trunk/vote/stv.py

Added: zope-foundation-admin/trunk/vote/stv.py
--- zope-foundation-admin/trunk/vote/stv.py	2006-06-21 11:26:57 UTC (rev 68776)
+++ zope-foundation-admin/trunk/vote/stv.py	2006-06-21 16:10:05 UTC (rev 68777)
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+"""Single-transferable voting implementation
+As decribed at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_Transferable_Vote
+(On June 21, 2006)
+To run the example on the page, use:
+    python stv.py treats 3
+import os, random, sys
+def read(d):
+    data = []
+    for name in os.listdir(d):
+        data.append((1.0, open(os.path.join(d, name)).read().strip().split()))
+    random.shuffle(data)
+    print 'votes'
+    for w, vote in data:
+        print vote
+    print
+    return data
+def count(data, seats):
+    quota = len(data)/(seats+1) + 1
+    print 'quota', quota
+    candidates = {}
+    winners = {}
+    losers = {}
+    round = 1
+    while data:
+        # count votes
+        for weight, vote in data:
+            #print weight, vote
+            while vote:
+                candidate = vote.pop(0)
+                if candidate in winners:
+                    continue
+                if candidate in losers:
+                    continue
+                score, votes = candidates.get(candidate, (0.0, []))
+                score += weight
+                votes.append((weight, vote))
+                candidates[candidate] = score, votes
+                break
+        # find winners and harvest their alternate votes
+        data = []
+        for (candidate, (score, votes)) in candidates.items():
+            if score >= quota:
+                winners[candidate] = score
+                candidates.pop(candidate)
+                data.extend(
+                    [((score-quota)/score * weight, vote)
+                     for (weight, vote) in votes
+                     if vote
+                     ])
+        print
+        print 'round', round
+        round += 1
+        print '  winners', winners
+        print '  losers', losers
+        print '  candidates'
+        for i in candidates.items():
+            print '   ', i
+        if len(winners) >= seats:
+            print winners, [(c, s) for (c, (s, v)) in candidates.items()]
+            return
+        # If we don't have any votes to process from winners,
+        # then take the votes from the losingest loser
+        if not data and candidates:
+            # No winners in last round, so pick losingest loser
+            # and use their other votes.
+            score, candidate, data = sorted(
+                [(score, candidate, votes)
+                 for (candidate, (score, votes)) in candidates.items()]
+                )[0]
+            losers[candidate] = score
+            candidates.pop(candidate)
+    print "Couldn't get enough winners.  Here's what we have so far:"
+    print winners, [(c, s) for (c, (s, v)) in candidates.items()]
+def main(args=None):
+    if args == None:
+        args = sys.argv[1:]
+    d, seats = args
+    if d == 'treats':
+        data = [
+            (1.0, ['orange', 'tangerine']),
+            (1.0, ['orange', 'tangerine']),
+            (1.0, ['orange', 'tangerine']),
+            (1.0, ['orange', 'tangerine']),
+            (1.0, ['tangerine', 'orange']),
+            (1.0, ['tangerine', 'orange']),
+            (1.0, ['chocolate', 'strawberry']),
+            (1.0, ['chocolate', 'strawberry']),
+            (1.0, ['chocolate', 'strawberry']),
+            (1.0, ['chocolate', 'strawberry']),
+            (1.0, ['chocolate', 'strawberry']),
+            (1.0, ['chocolate', 'strawberry']),
+            (1.0, ['chocolate', 'strawberry']),
+            (1.0, ['chocolate', 'strawberry']),
+            (1.0, ['chocolate', 'candy']),
+            (1.0, ['chocolate', 'candy']),
+            (1.0, ['chocolate', 'candy']),
+            (1.0, ['chocolate', 'candy']),
+            (1.0, ['strawberry']),
+            (1.0, ['candy']),
+            ]
+    else:
+        data = read(d)
+    count(data, int(seats))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

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