[Checkins] SVN: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/ Branch for sharing elements of zope.app with Zope2 as svn:externals.

Tres Seaver tseaver at palladion.com
Sat Jun 24 16:21:50 EDT 2006

Log message for revision 68827:
  Branch for sharing elements of zope.app with Zope2 as svn:externals.

  A   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/
  A   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils/
  A   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils/__init__.py
  A   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils/tests/
  A   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils/tests/__init__.py
  A   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils/tests/test_datetimeparse.py
  A   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils/tests/test_standard_dates.py
  A   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils/tests/test_tzinfo.py
  D   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils.py
  A   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/decorator/
  A   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/decorator/__init__.py
  A   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/decorator/tests/
  A   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/decorator/tests/__init__.py
  A   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/decorator/tests/test_decorator.py
  D   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/decorator.py
  D   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/tests/test_datetimeparse.py
  D   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/tests/test_decorator.py
  D   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/tests/test_standard_dates.py
  D   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/tests/test_tzinfo.py
  A   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/timezones/
  A   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/timezones/__init__.py
  D   Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/timezones.py

Copied: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals (from rev 68826, Zope3/branches/3.2)

Copied: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils/__init__.py (from rev 68826, Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/datetimeutils.py)
--- Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/datetimeutils.py	2006-06-24 14:22:48 UTC (rev 68826)
+++ Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils/__init__.py	2006-06-24 20:21:49 UTC (rev 68827)
@@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""Commonly used utility functions.
+Encapsulation of date/time values
+import math
+import re
+import time as _time # there is a method definition that makes just "time"
+                     # problematic while executing a class definition
+from types import StringTypes
+    from time import tzname
+except ImportError:
+    tzname = ('UNKNOWN', 'UNKNOWN')
+# These are needed because the various date formats below must
+# be in english per the RFCs. That means we can't use strftime,
+# which is affected by different locale settings.
+weekday_abbr = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
+weekday_full = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday',
+                'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
+monthname    = [None, 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
+                'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
+def iso8601_date(ts=None):
+    # Return an ISO 8601 formatted date string, required
+    # for certain DAV properties.
+    # '2000-11-10T16:21:09-08:00
+    if ts is None:
+        ts = _time.time()
+    return _time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', _time.gmtime(ts))
+def rfc850_date(ts=None):
+    # Return an HTTP-date formatted date string.
+    # 'Friday, 10-Nov-00 16:21:09 GMT'
+    if ts is None:
+        ts = _time.time()
+    year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, y, z = _time.gmtime(ts)
+    return "%s, %02d-%3s-%2s %02d:%02d:%02d GMT" % (
+            weekday_full[wd],
+            day, monthname[month],
+            str(year)[2:],
+            hh, mm, ss)
+def rfc1123_date(ts=None):
+    # Return an RFC 1123 format date string, required for
+    # use in HTTP Date headers per the HTTP 1.1 spec.
+    # 'Fri, 10 Nov 2000 16:21:09 GMT'
+    if ts is None:
+        ts = _time.time()
+    year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, y, z = _time.gmtime(ts)
+    return "%s, %02d %3s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT" % (weekday_abbr[wd],
+                                                    day, monthname[month],
+                                                    year,
+                                                    hh, mm, ss)
+from zope.app.timezones import historical_zone_info as _data
+class DateTimeError(Exception): "Date-time error"
+class DateError(DateTimeError): 'Invalid Date Components'
+class TimeError(DateTimeError): 'Invalid Time Components'
+class SyntaxError(DateTimeError): 'Invalid Date-Time String'
+# Determine machine epoch
+tm=((0, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334),
+    (0, 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335))
+yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc = _time.gmtime(0)[:6]
+to_year =int(i*365+i/4-i/100+i/400-693960.0)
+to_month=tm[yr%4==0 and (yr%100!=0 or yr%400==0)][mo]
+EPOCH  =(to_year+to_month+dy+(hr/24.0+mn/1440.0+sc/86400.0))*86400
+jd1901 =2415385L
+numericTimeZoneMatch=re.compile(r'[+-][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]').match #TS
+class _timezone:
+    def __init__(self,data):
+        self.name,self.timect,self.typect, \
+        self.ttrans,self.tindex,self.tinfo,self.az=data
+    def default_index(self):
+        if self.timect == 0: return 0
+        for i in range(self.typect):
+            if self.tinfo[i][1] == 0: return i
+        return 0
+    def index(self, t=None):
+        t = t or _time.time()
+        if self.timect == 0:
+            idx = (0, 0, 0)
+        elif t < self.ttrans[0]:
+            i = self.default_index()
+            idx = (i, ord(self.tindex[0]),i)
+        elif t >= self.ttrans[-1]:
+            if self.timect > 1:
+                idx=(ord(self.tindex[-1]),ord(self.tindex[-1]),
+                     ord(self.tindex[-2]))
+            else:
+                idx=(ord(self.tindex[-1]),ord(self.tindex[-1]),
+                     self.default_index())
+        else:
+            for i in range(self.timect-1):
+                if t < self.ttrans[i+1]:
+                    if i==0: idx=(ord(self.tindex[0]),ord(self.tindex[1]),
+                                  self.default_index())
+                    else:    idx=(ord(self.tindex[i]),ord(self.tindex[i+1]),
+                                  ord(self.tindex[i-1]))
+                    break
+        return idx
+    def info(self,t=None):
+        idx=self.index(t)[0]
+        zs =self.az[self.tinfo[idx][2]:]
+        return self.tinfo[idx][0],self.tinfo[idx][1],zs[: zs.find('\000')]
+class _cache:
+    _zlst=['Brazil/Acre','Brazil/DeNoronha','Brazil/East',
+           'Brazil/West','Canada/Atlantic','Canada/Central',
+           'Canada/Eastern','Canada/East-Saskatchewan',
+           'Canada/Mountain','Canada/Newfoundland',
+           'Canada/Pacific','Canada/Yukon',
+           'Chile/Continental','Chile/EasterIsland','CST','Cuba',
+           'Egypt','EST','GB-Eire','Greenwich','Hongkong','Iceland',
+           'Iran','Israel','Jamaica','Japan','Mexico/BajaNorte',
+           'Mexico/BajaSur','Mexico/General','MST','Poland','PST',
+           'Singapore','Turkey','Universal','US/Alaska','US/Aleutian',
+           'US/Arizona','US/Central','US/Eastern','US/East-Indiana',
+           'US/Hawaii','US/Indiana-Starke','US/Michigan',
+           'US/Mountain','US/Pacific','US/Samoa','UTC','UCT','GMT',
+           'GMT+0100','GMT+0200','GMT+0300','GMT+0400','GMT+0500',
+           'GMT+0600','GMT+0700','GMT+0800','GMT+0900','GMT+1000',
+           'GMT+1100','GMT+1200','GMT+1300','GMT-0100','GMT-0200',
+           'GMT-0300','GMT-0400','GMT-0500','GMT-0600','GMT-0700',
+           'GMT-0800','GMT-0900','GMT-1000','GMT-1100','GMT-1200',
+           'GMT+1',
+           'GMT+0130', 'GMT+0230', 'GMT+0330', 'GMT+0430', 'GMT+0530',
+           'GMT+0630', 'GMT+0730', 'GMT+0830', 'GMT+0930', 'GMT+1030',
+           'GMT+1130', 'GMT+1230',
+           'GMT-0130', 'GMT-0230', 'GMT-0330', 'GMT-0430', 'GMT-0530',
+           'GMT-0630', 'GMT-0730', 'GMT-0830', 'GMT-0930', 'GMT-1030',
+           'GMT-1130', 'GMT-1230',
+           'UT','BST','MEST','SST','FST','WADT','EADT','NZDT',
+           'WET','WAT','AT','AST','NT','IDLW','CET','MET',
+           'MEWT','SWT','FWT','EET','EEST','BT','ZP4','ZP5','ZP6',
+           'WAST','CCT','JST','EAST','GST','NZT','NZST','IDLE']
+    _zmap={'aest':'GMT+1000', 'aedt':'GMT+1100',
+           'aus eastern standard time':'GMT+1000',
+           'sydney standard time':'GMT+1000',
+           'tasmania standard time':'GMT+1000',
+           'e. australia standard time':'GMT+1000',
+           'aus central standard time':'GMT+0930',
+           'cen. australia standard time':'GMT+0930',
+           'w. australia standard time':'GMT+0800',
+           'brazil/acre':'Brazil/Acre',
+           'brazil/denoronha':'Brazil/Denoronha',
+           'brazil/east':'Brazil/East','brazil/west':'Brazil/West',
+           'canada/atlantic':'Canada/Atlantic',
+           'canada/central':'Canada/Central',
+           'canada/eastern':'Canada/Eastern',
+           'canada/east-saskatchewan':'Canada/East-Saskatchewan',
+           'canada/mountain':'Canada/Mountain',
+           'canada/newfoundland':'Canada/Newfoundland',
+           'canada/pacific':'Canada/Pacific','canada/yukon':'Canada/Yukon',
+           'central europe standard time':'GMT+0100',
+           'chile/continental':'Chile/Continental',
+           'chile/easterisland':'Chile/EasterIsland',
+           'cst':'US/Central','cuba':'Cuba','est':'US/Eastern','egypt':'Egypt',
+           'eastern standard time':'US/Eastern',
+           'us eastern standard time':'US/Eastern',
+           'central standard time':'US/Central',
+           'mountain standard time':'US/Mountain',
+           'pacific standard time':'US/Pacific',
+           'gb-eire':'GB-Eire','gmt':'GMT',
+           'gmt+0000':'GMT+0', 'gmt+0':'GMT+0',
+           'gmt+0100':'GMT+1', 'gmt+0200':'GMT+2', 'gmt+0300':'GMT+3',
+           'gmt+0400':'GMT+4', 'gmt+0500':'GMT+5', 'gmt+0600':'GMT+6',
+           'gmt+0700':'GMT+7', 'gmt+0800':'GMT+8', 'gmt+0900':'GMT+9',
+           'gmt+1000':'GMT+10','gmt+1100':'GMT+11','gmt+1200':'GMT+12',
+           'gmt+1300':'GMT+13',
+           'gmt-0100':'GMT-1', 'gmt-0200':'GMT-2', 'gmt-0300':'GMT-3',
+           'gmt-0400':'GMT-4', 'gmt-0500':'GMT-5', 'gmt-0600':'GMT-6',
+           'gmt-0700':'GMT-7', 'gmt-0800':'GMT-8', 'gmt-0900':'GMT-9',
+           'gmt-1000':'GMT-10','gmt-1100':'GMT-11','gmt-1200':'GMT-12',
+           'gmt+1': 'GMT+1', 'gmt+2': 'GMT+2', 'gmt+3': 'GMT+3',
+           'gmt+4': 'GMT+4', 'gmt+5': 'GMT+5', 'gmt+6': 'GMT+6',
+           'gmt+7': 'GMT+7', 'gmt+8': 'GMT+8', 'gmt+9': 'GMT+9',
+           'gmt+10':'GMT+10','gmt+11':'GMT+11','gmt+12':'GMT+12',
+           'gmt+13':'GMT+13',
+           'gmt-1': 'GMT-1', 'gmt-2': 'GMT-2', 'gmt-3': 'GMT-3',
+           'gmt-4': 'GMT-4', 'gmt-5': 'GMT-5', 'gmt-6': 'GMT-6',
+           'gmt-7': 'GMT-7', 'gmt-8': 'GMT-8', 'gmt-9': 'GMT-9',
+           'gmt-10':'GMT-10','gmt-11':'GMT-11','gmt-12':'GMT-12',
+           'gmt+130':'GMT+0130',  'gmt+0130':'GMT+0130',
+           'gmt+230':'GMT+0230',  'gmt+0230':'GMT+0230',
+           'gmt+330':'GMT+0330',  'gmt+0330':'GMT+0330',
+           'gmt+430':'GMT+0430',  'gmt+0430':'GMT+0430',
+           'gmt+530':'GMT+0530',  'gmt+0530':'GMT+0530',
+           'gmt+630':'GMT+0630',  'gmt+0630':'GMT+0630',
+           'gmt+730':'GMT+0730',  'gmt+0730':'GMT+0730',
+           'gmt+830':'GMT+0830',  'gmt+0830':'GMT+0830',
+           'gmt+930':'GMT+0930',  'gmt+0930':'GMT+0930',
+           'gmt+1030':'GMT+1030',
+           'gmt+1130':'GMT+1130',
+           'gmt+1230':'GMT+1230',
+           'gmt-130':'GMT-0130',  'gmt-0130':'GMT-0130',
+           'gmt-230':'GMT-0230',  'gmt-0230':'GMT-0230',
+           'gmt-330':'GMT-0330',  'gmt-0330':'GMT-0330',
+           'gmt-430':'GMT-0430',  'gmt-0430':'GMT-0430',
+           'gmt-530':'GMT-0530',  'gmt-0530':'GMT-0530',
+           'gmt-630':'GMT-0630',  'gmt-0630':'GMT-0630',
+           'gmt-730':'GMT-0730',  'gmt-0730':'GMT-0730',
+           'gmt-830':'GMT-0830',  'gmt-0830':'GMT-0830',
+           'gmt-930':'GMT-0930',  'gmt-0930':'GMT-0930',
+           'gmt-1030':'GMT-1030',
+           'gmt-1130':'GMT-1130',
+           'gmt-1230':'GMT-1230',
+           'greenwich':'Greenwich','hongkong':'Hongkong',
+           'iceland':'Iceland','iran':'Iran','israel':'Israel',
+           'jamaica':'Jamaica','japan':'Japan',
+           'mexico/bajanorte':'Mexico/BajaNorte',
+           'mexico/bajasur':'Mexico/BajaSur','mexico/general':'Mexico/General',
+           'mst':'US/Mountain','pst':'US/Pacific','poland':'Poland',
+           'singapore':'Singapore','turkey':'Turkey','universal':'Universal',
+           'utc':'Universal','uct':'Universal','us/alaska':'US/Alaska',
+           'us/aleutian':'US/Aleutian','us/arizona':'US/Arizona',
+           'us/central':'US/Central','us/eastern':'US/Eastern',
+           'us/east-indiana':'US/East-Indiana','us/hawaii':'US/Hawaii',
+           'us/indiana-starke':'US/Indiana-Starke','us/michigan':'US/Michigan',
+           'us/mountain':'US/Mountain','us/pacific':'US/Pacific',
+           'us/samoa':'US/Samoa',
+           'ut':'Universal',
+           'bst':'GMT+1', 'mest':'GMT+2', 'sst':'GMT+2',
+           'fst':'GMT+2', 'wadt':'GMT+8', 'eadt':'GMT+11', 'nzdt':'GMT+13',
+           'wet':'GMT', 'wat':'GMT-1', 'at':'GMT-2', 'ast':'GMT-4',
+           'nt':'GMT-11', 'idlw':'GMT-12', 'cet':'GMT+1', 'cest':'GMT+2',
+           'met':'GMT+1',
+           'mewt':'GMT+1', 'swt':'GMT+1', 'fwt':'GMT+1', 'eet':'GMT+2',
+           'eest':'GMT+3',
+           'bt':'GMT+3', 'zp4':'GMT+4', 'zp5':'GMT+5', 'zp6':'GMT+6',
+           'wast':'GMT+7', 'cct':'GMT+8', 'jst':'GMT+9', 'east':'GMT+10',
+           'gst':'GMT+10', 'nzt':'GMT+12', 'nzst':'GMT+12', 'idle':'GMT+12',
+           'ret':'GMT+4'
+           }
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._db = _data
+        self._d, self._zidx= {}, self._zmap.keys()
+    def __getitem__(self,k):
+        try:   n=self._zmap[k.lower()]
+        except KeyError:
+            if numericTimeZoneMatch(k) == None:
+                raise DateTimeError('Unrecognized timezone: %s' % k)
+            return k
+        try:
+            return self._d[n]
+        except KeyError:
+            z = self._d[n] = _timezone(self._db[n])
+            return z
+def _findLocalTimeZoneName(isDST):
+    if not _time.daylight:
+        # Daylight savings does not occur in this time zone.
+        isDST = 0
+    try:
+        # Get the name of the current time zone depending
+        # on DST.
+        _localzone = _cache._zmap[tzname[isDST].lower()]
+    except KeyError:
+        try:
+            # Generate a GMT-offset zone name.
+            if isDST:
+                localzone = _time.altzone
+            else:
+                localzone = _time.timezone
+            offset=(-localzone/(60*60))
+            majorOffset=int(offset)
+            if majorOffset != 0 :
+                minorOffset=abs(int((offset % majorOffset) * 60.0))
+            else: minorOffset = 0
+            m=majorOffset >= 0 and '+' or ''
+            lz='%s%0.02d%0.02d' % (m, majorOffset, minorOffset)
+            _localzone = _cache._zmap[('GMT%s' % lz).lower()]
+        except:
+            _localzone = ''
+    return _localzone
+# Some utility functions for calculating dates:
+def _calcSD(t):
+    # Returns timezone-independent days since epoch and the fractional
+    # part of the days.
+    dd = t + EPOCH - 86400.0
+    d = dd / 86400.0
+    s = d - math.floor(d)
+    return s, d
+def _calcDependentSecond(tz, t):
+    # Calculates the timezone-dependent second (integer part only)
+    # from the timezone-independent second.
+    fset = _tzoffset(tz, t)
+    return fset + long(math.floor(t)) + long(EPOCH) - 86400L
+def _calcDependentSecond2(yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc):
+    # Calculates the timezone-dependent second (integer part only)
+    # from the date given.
+    ss = int(hr) * 3600 + int(mn) * 60 + int(sc)
+    x = long(_julianday(yr,mo,dy)-jd1901) * 86400 + ss
+    return x
+def _calcIndependentSecondEtc(tz, x, ms):
+    # Derive the timezone-independent second from the timezone
+    # dependent second.
+    fsetAtEpoch = _tzoffset(tz, 0.0)
+    nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - long(EPOCH) + 86400L + ms
+    # nearTime is now within an hour of being correct.
+    # Recalculate t according to DST.
+    fset = long(_tzoffset(tz, nearTime))
+    x_adjusted = x - fset + ms
+    d = x_adjusted / 86400.0
+    t = x_adjusted - long(EPOCH) + 86400L
+    millis = (x + 86400 - fset) * 1000 + \
+             long(ms * 1000.0) - long(EPOCH * 1000.0)
+    s = d - math.floor(d)
+    return s,d,t,millis
+def _calcHMS(x, ms):
+    # hours, minutes, seconds from integer and float.
+    hr = x / 3600
+    x = x - hr * 3600
+    mn = x / 60
+    sc = x - mn * 60 + ms
+    return hr,mn,sc
+def _calcYMDHMS(x, ms):
+    # x is a timezone-dependent integer of seconds.
+    # Produces yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc.
+    yr,mo,dy=_calendarday(x / 86400 + jd1901)
+    x = int(x - (x / 86400) * 86400)
+    hr = x / 3600
+    x = x - hr * 3600
+    mn = x / 60
+    sc = x - mn * 60 + ms
+    return yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc
+def _julianday(yr,mo,dy):
+    y,m,d=long(yr),long(mo),long(dy)
+    if m > 12L:
+        y=y+m/12L
+        m=m%12L
+    elif m < 1L:
+        m=-m
+        y=y-m/12L-1L
+        m=12L-m%12L
+    if y > 0L: yr_correct=0L
+    else:      yr_correct=3L
+    if m < 3L: y, m=y-1L,m+12L
+    if y*10000L+m*100L+d > 15821014L: b=2L-y/100L+y/400L
+    else: b=0L
+    return (1461L*y-yr_correct)/4L+306001L*(m+1L)/10000L+d+1720994L+b
+def _calendarday(j):
+    j=long(j)
+    if(j < 2299160L):
+        b=j+1525L
+    else:
+        a=(4L*j-7468861L)/146097L
+        b=j+1526L+a-a/4L
+    c=(20L*b-2442L)/7305L
+    d=1461L*c/4L
+    e=10000L*(b-d)/306001L
+    dy=int(b-d-306001L*e/10000L)
+    mo=(e < 14L) and int(e-1L) or int(e-13L)
+    yr=(mo > 2) and (c-4716L) or (c-4715L)
+    return int(yr),int(mo),int(dy)
+def _tzoffset(tz, t):
+    try:
+        return DateTimeParser._tzinfo[tz].info(t)[0]
+    except:
+        if numericTimeZoneMatch(tz) is not None:
+            offset = int(tz[1:3])*3600+int(tz[3:5])*60
+            if tz[0] == '-':
+                return -offset
+            else:
+                return offset
+        else:
+            return 0 # Assume UTC
+def _correctYear(year):
+    # Y2K patch.
+    if year >= 0 and year < 100:
+        # 00-69 means 2000-2069, 70-99 means 1970-1999.
+        if year < 70:
+            year = 2000 + year
+        else:
+            year = 1900 + year
+    return year
+def safegmtime(t):
+    '''gmtime with a safety zone.'''
+    try:
+        t_int = int(t)
+    except OverflowError:
+        raise TimeError('The time %f is beyond the range '
+                        'of this Python implementation.' % float(t))
+    return _time.gmtime(t_int)
+def safelocaltime(t):
+    '''localtime with a safety zone.'''
+    try:
+        t_int = int(t)
+    except OverflowError:
+        raise TimeError('The time %f is beyond the range '
+                        'of this Python implementation.' % float(t))
+    return _time.localtime(t_int)
+class DateTimeParser:
+    def parse(self, arg, local=1):
+        """Parse a string containing some sort of date-time data.
+        This function returns a tuple (year, month, day, hour, minute,
+        second, timezone_string).
+        As a general rule, any date-time representation that is
+        recognized and unambigous to a resident of North America is
+        acceptable.(The reason for this qualification is that
+        in North America, a date like: 2/1/1994 is interpreted
+        as February 1, 1994, while in some parts of the world,
+        it is interpreted as January 2, 1994.) A date/time
+        string consists of two components, a date component and
+        an optional time component, separated by one or more
+        spaces. If the time component is omited, 12:00am is
+        assumed. Any recognized timezone name specified as the
+        final element of the date/time string will be used for
+        computing the date/time value. (If you create a DateTime
+        with the string 'Mar 9, 1997 1:45pm US/Pacific', the
+        value will essentially be the same as if you had captured
+        time.time() at the specified date and time on a machine in
+        that timezone)
+        x=parse('1997/3/9 1:45pm')
+        # returns specified time, represented in local machine zone.
+        y=parse('Mar 9, 1997 13:45:00')
+        # y is equal to x
+        The function automatically detects and handles
+        ISO8601 compliant dates (YYYY-MM-DDThh:ss:mmTZD).
+        See http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime for full specs.
+        The date component consists of year, month, and day
+        values. The year value must be a one-, two-, or
+        four-digit integer. If a one- or two-digit year is
+        used, the year is assumed to be in the twentieth
+        century. The month may an integer, from 1 to 12, a
+        month name, or a month abreviation, where a period may
+        optionally follow the abreviation. The day must be an
+        integer from 1 to the number of days in the month. The
+        year, month, and day values may be separated by
+        periods, hyphens, forward, shashes, or spaces. Extra
+        spaces are permitted around the delimiters. Year,
+        month, and day values may be given in any order as long
+        as it is possible to distinguish the components. If all
+        three components are numbers that are less than 13,
+        then a a month-day-year ordering is assumed.
+        The time component consists of hour, minute, and second
+        values separated by colons.  The hour value must be an
+        integer between 0 and 23 inclusively. The minute value
+        must be an integer between 0 and 59 inclusively. The
+        second value may be an integer value between 0 and
+        59.999 inclusively. The second value or both the minute
+        and second values may be ommitted. The time may be
+        followed by am or pm in upper or lower case, in which
+        case a 12-hour clock is assumed.
+        If a string argument passed to the DateTime constructor cannot be
+        parsed, it will raise SyntaxError. Invalid date components
+        will raise a DateError, while invalid time or timezone components
+        will raise a DateTimeError.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(arg, StringTypes):
+            raise TypeError('Expected a string argument')
+        if not arg:
+            raise SyntaxError(arg)
+        if arg.find(' ')==-1 and len(arg) >= 5 and arg[4]=='-':
+            yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc,tz=self._parse_iso8601(arg)
+        else:
+            yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc,tz=self._parse(arg, local)
+        if not self._validDate(yr,mo,dy):
+            raise DateError(arg, yr, mo, dy)
+        if not self._validTime(hr,mn,int(sc)):
+            raise TimeError(arg)
+        return yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, tz
+    def time(self, arg):
+        """Parse a string containing some sort of date-time data.
+        This function returns the time in seconds since the Epoch (in UTC).
+        See date() for the description of allowed input values.
+        """
+        yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, tz = self.parse(arg)
+        ms = sc - math.floor(sc)
+        x = _calcDependentSecond2(yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc)
+        if tz:
+            try:
+                tz=self._tzinfo._zmap[tz.lower()]
+            except KeyError:
+                if numericTimeZoneMatch(tz) is None:
+                    raise DateTimeError('Unknown time zone in date: %s' % arg)
+        else:
+            tz = self._calcTimezoneName(x, ms)
+        s,d,t,millisecs = _calcIndependentSecondEtc(tz, x, ms)
+        return t
+    int_pattern  =re.compile(r'([0-9]+)') #AJ
+    flt_pattern  =re.compile(r':([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)') #AJ
+    name_pattern =re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z]+)', re.I) #AJ
+    space_chars  =' \t\n'
+    delimiters   ='-/.:,+'
+    _month_len  =((0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31),
+                  (0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31))
+    _until_month=((0, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334),
+                  (0, 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335))
+    _monthmap   ={'january': 1,   'jan': 1,
+                  'february': 2,  'feb': 2,
+                  'march': 3,     'mar': 3,
+                  'april': 4,     'apr': 4,
+                  'may': 5,
+                  'june': 6,      'jun': 6,
+                  'july': 7,      'jul': 7,
+                  'august': 8,    'aug': 8,
+                  'september': 9, 'sep': 9, 'sept': 9,
+                  'october': 10,  'oct': 10,
+                  'november': 11, 'nov': 11,
+                  'december': 12, 'dec': 12}
+    _daymap     ={'sunday': 1,    'sun': 1,
+                  'monday': 2,    'mon': 2,
+                  'tuesday': 3,   'tues': 3,  'tue': 3,
+                  'wednesday': 4, 'wed': 4,
+                  'thursday': 5,  'thurs': 5, 'thur': 5, 'thu': 5,
+                  'friday': 6,    'fri': 6,
+                  'saturday': 7,  'sat': 7}
+    _localzone0 = _findLocalTimeZoneName(0)
+    _localzone1 = _findLocalTimeZoneName(1)
+    _multipleZones = (_localzone0 != _localzone1)
+    # For backward compatibility only:
+    _isDST = _time.localtime()[8]
+    _localzone = _isDST and _localzone1 or _localzone0
+    _tzinfo    = _cache()
+    def localZone(self, ltm=None):
+        '''Returns the time zone on the given date.  The time zone
+        can change according to daylight savings.'''
+        if not self._multipleZones:
+            return self._localzone0
+        if ltm == None:
+            ltm = _time.localtime()
+        isDST = ltm[8]
+        lz = isDST and self._localzone1 or self._localzone0
+        return lz
+    def _calcTimezoneName(self, x, ms):
+        # Derive the name of the local time zone at the given
+        # timezone-dependent second.
+        if not self._multipleZones:
+            return self._localzone0
+        fsetAtEpoch = _tzoffset(self._localzone0, 0.0)
+        nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - long(EPOCH) + 86400L + ms
+        # nearTime is within an hour of being correct.
+        try:
+            ltm = safelocaltime(nearTime)
+        except:
+            # We are beyond the range of Python's date support.
+            # Hopefully we can assume that daylight savings schedules
+            # repeat every 28 years.  Calculate the name of the
+            # time zone using a supported range of years.
+            yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc = _calcYMDHMS(x, 0)
+            yr = ((yr - 1970) % 28) + 1970
+            x = _calcDependentSecond2(yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc)
+            nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - long(EPOCH) + 86400L + ms
+            ltm = safelocaltime(nearTime)
+        tz = self.localZone(ltm)
+        return tz
+    def _parse(self, string, local=1):
+        # Parse date-time components from a string
+        month = year = tz = tm = None
+        spaces         = self.space_chars
+        intpat         = self.int_pattern
+        fltpat         = self.flt_pattern
+        wordpat        = self.name_pattern
+        delimiters     = self.delimiters
+        MonthNumbers   = self._monthmap
+        DayOfWeekNames = self._daymap
+        ValidZones     = self._tzinfo._zidx
+        TimeModifiers  = ['am','pm']
+        string = string.strip()
+        # Find timezone first, since it should always be the last
+        # element, and may contain a slash, confusing the parser.
+        # First check for time zone of form +dd:dd
+        tz = _iso_tz_re.search(string)
+        if tz:
+            tz = tz.start(0)
+            tz, string = string[tz:], string[:tz].strip()
+            tz = tz[:3]+tz[4:]
+        else:
+            # Look at last token
+            sp=string.split()
+            tz = sp[-1]
+            if tz and (tz.lower() in ValidZones):
+                string=' '.join(sp[:-1])
+            else:
+                tz = None  # Decide later, since the default time zone
+                           # could depend on the date.
+        ints,dels=[],[]
+        i,l=0,len(string)
+        while i < l:
+            while i < l and string[i] in spaces    : i=i+1
+            if i < l and string[i] in delimiters:
+                d=string[i]
+                i=i+1
+            else: d=''
+            while i < l and string[i] in spaces    : i=i+1
+            # The float pattern needs to look back 1 character, because it
+            # actually looks for a preceding colon like ':33.33'. This is
+            # needed to avoid accidentally matching the date part of a
+            # dot-separated date string such as '1999.12.31'.
+            if i > 0: b=i-1
+            else: b=i
+            ts_results = fltpat.match(string, b)
+            if ts_results:
+                s=ts_results.group(1)
+                i=i+len(s)
+                ints.append(float(s))
+                continue
+            #AJ
+            ts_results = intpat.match(string, i)
+            if ts_results:
+                s=ts_results.group(0)
+                ls=len(s)
+                i=i+ls
+                if (ls==4 and d and d in '+-' and
+                    (len(ints) + (not not month) >= 3)):
+                    tz='%s%s' % (d,s)
+                else:
+                    v=int(s)
+                    ints.append(v)
+                continue
+            ts_results = wordpat.match(string, i)
+            if ts_results:
+                o,s=ts_results.group(0),ts_results.group(0).lower()
+                i=i+len(s)
+                if i < l and string[i]=='.': i=i+1
+                # Check for month name:
+                if s in MonthNumbers:
+                    v=MonthNumbers[s]
+                    if month is None: month=v
+                    else: raise SyntaxError(string)
+                    continue
+                # Check for time modifier:
+                if s in TimeModifiers:
+                    if tm is None: tm=s
+                    else: raise SyntaxError(string)
+                    continue
+                # Check for and skip day of week:
+                if s in DayOfWeekNames:
+                    continue
+            raise SyntaxError(string)
+        day=None
+        if ints[-1] > 60 and d not in ['.',':'] and len(ints) > 2:
+            year=ints[-1]
+            del ints[-1]
+            if month:
+                day=ints[0]
+                del ints[:1]
+            else:
+                month=ints[0]
+                day=ints[1]
+                del ints[:2]
+        elif month:
+            if len(ints) > 1:
+                if ints[0] > 31:
+                    year=ints[0]
+                    day=ints[1]
+                else:
+                    year=ints[1]
+                    day=ints[0]
+                del ints[:2]
+        elif len(ints) > 2:
+            if ints[0] > 31:
+                year=ints[0]
+                if ints[1] > 12:
+                    day=ints[1]
+                    month=ints[2]
+                else:
+                    day=ints[2]
+                    month=ints[1]
+            if ints[1] > 31:
+                year=ints[1]
+                if ints[0] > 12 and ints[2] <= 12:
+                    day=ints[0]
+                    month=ints[2]
+                elif ints[2] > 12 and ints[0] <= 12:
+                    day=ints[2]
+                    month=ints[0]
+            elif ints[2] > 31:
+                year=ints[2]
+                if ints[0] > 12:
+                    day=ints[0]
+                    month=ints[1]
+                else:
+                    day=ints[1]
+                    month=ints[0]
+            elif ints[0] <= 12:
+                month=ints[0]
+                day=ints[1]
+                year=ints[2]
+            del ints[:3]
+        if day is None:
+            # Use today's date.
+            year,month,day = _time.localtime()[:3]
+        year = _correctYear(year)
+        if year < 1000: raise SyntaxError(string)
+        leap = year%4==0 and (year%100!=0 or year%400==0)
+        try:
+            if not day or day > self._month_len[leap][month]:
+                raise DateError(string)
+        except IndexError:
+            raise DateError(string)
+        tod=0
+        if ints:
+            i=ints[0]
+            # Modify hour to reflect am/pm
+            if tm and (tm=='pm') and i<12:  i=i+12
+            if tm and (tm=='am') and i==12: i=0
+            if i > 24: raise DateTimeError(string)
+            tod = tod + int(i) * 3600
+            del ints[0]
+            if ints:
+                i=ints[0]
+                if i > 60: raise DateTimeError(string)
+                tod = tod + int(i) * 60
+                del ints[0]
+                if ints:
+                    i=ints[0]
+                    if i > 60: raise DateTimeError(string)
+                    tod = tod + i
+                    del ints[0]
+                    if ints: raise SyntaxError(string)
+        tod_int = int(math.floor(tod))
+        ms = tod - tod_int
+        hr,mn,sc = _calcHMS(tod_int, ms)
+        if local and not tz:
+            # Figure out what time zone it is in the local area
+            # on the given date.
+            x = _calcDependentSecond2(year,month,day,hr,mn,sc)
+            tz = self._calcTimezoneName(x, ms)
+        return year,month,day,hr,mn,sc,tz
+    def _validDate(self,y,m,d):
+        if m<1 or m>12 or y<0 or d<1 or d>31: return 0
+        return d<=self._month_len[(y%4==0 and (y%100!=0 or y%400==0))][m]
+    def _validTime(self,h,m,s):
+        return h>=0 and h<=23 and m>=0 and m<=59 and s>=0 and s < 60
+    def _parse_iso8601(self,s):
+        try:
+            return self.__parse_iso8601(s)
+        except IndexError:
+            raise DateError(
+                'Not an ISO 8601 compliant date string: "%s"' %  s)
+    def __parse_iso8601(self,s):
+        """Parse an ISO 8601 compliant date.
+        TODO: Not all allowed formats are recognized (for some examples see
+        http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html).
+        """
+        year=0
+        month=day=1
+        hour=minute=seconds=hour_off=min_off=0
+        tzsign='+'
+        datereg = re.compile(
+            '([0-9]{4})(-([0-9][0-9]))?(-([0-9][0-9]))?')
+        timereg = re.compile(
+            '([0-9]{2})(:([0-9][0-9]))?(:([0-9][0-9]))?(\.[0-9]{1,20})?'
+            '(\s*([-+])([0-9]{2})(:?([0-9]{2}))?)?')
+        # Date part
+        fields = datereg.split(s.strip())
+        if fields[1]:   year  = int(fields[1])
+        if fields[3]:   month = int(fields[3])
+        if fields[5]:   day   = int(fields[5])
+        if s.find('T')>-1:
+            fields = timereg.split(s[s.find('T')+1:])
+            if fields[1]:   hour     = int(fields[1])
+            if fields[3]:   minute   = int(fields[3])
+            if fields[5]:   seconds  = int(fields[5])
+            if fields[6]:   seconds  = seconds+float(fields[6])
+            if fields[8]:   tzsign   = fields[8]
+            if fields[9]:   hour_off = int(fields[9])
+            if fields[11]:  min_off  = int(fields[11])
+        return (year,month,day,hour,minute,seconds,
+                '%s%02d%02d' % (tzsign,hour_off,min_off))
+parser = DateTimeParser()
+parse = parser.parse
+time = parser.time
+# Time-zone info based soley on offsets
+# Share tzinfos for the same offset 
+from datetime import tzinfo as _tzinfo, timedelta as _timedelta
+class _tzinfo(_tzinfo):
+    def __init__(self, minutes):
+        if abs(minutes) > 1439:
+            raise ValueError("Time-zone offset is too large,", minutes)
+        self.__minutes = minutes
+        self.__offset = _timedelta(minutes=minutes)
+    def utcoffset(self, dt):
+        return self.__offset
+    def __reduce__(self):
+        return tzinfo, (self.__minutes, )
+    def dst(self, dt):
+        return None
+    def tzname(self, dt):
+        return None
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return 'tzinfo(%d)' % self.__minutes
+def tzinfo(offset, _tzinfos = {}):
+    info = _tzinfos.get(offset)
+    if info is None:
+        # We haven't seen this one before. we need to save it.
+        # Use setdefault to avoid a race condition and make sure we have
+        # only one
+        info = _tzinfos.setdefault(offset, _tzinfo(offset))
+    return info
+tzinfo.__safe_for_unpickling__ = True
+from datetime import datetime as _datetime
+def parseDatetimetz(string):
+    y, mo, d, h, m, s, tz = parse(string)
+    s, micro = divmod(s, 1.0)
+    micro = round(micro * 1000000)
+    offset = _tzoffset(tz, None) / 60
+    return _datetime(y, mo, d, h, m, int(s), int(micro), tzinfo(offset))
+_iso_tz_re = re.compile("[-+]\d\d:\d\d$")

Added: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils/tests/__init__.py
--- Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/datetimeutils/tests/__init__.py	2006-06-24 14:22:48 UTC (rev 68826)
+++ Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils/tests/__init__.py	2006-06-24 20:21:49 UTC (rev 68827)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# Package.

Property changes on: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils/tests/__init__.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Copied: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils/tests/test_datetimeparse.py (from rev 68826, Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/tests/test_datetimeparse.py)

Copied: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils/tests/test_standard_dates.py (from rev 68826, Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/tests/test_standard_dates.py)

Copied: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils/tests/test_tzinfo.py (from rev 68826, Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/tests/test_tzinfo.py)

Deleted: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils.py
--- Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/datetimeutils.py	2006-06-24 14:22:48 UTC (rev 68826)
+++ Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/datetimeutils.py	2006-06-24 20:21:49 UTC (rev 68827)
@@ -1,948 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Commonly used utility functions.
-Encapsulation of date/time values
-import math
-import re
-import time as _time # there is a method definition that makes just "time"
-                     # problematic while executing a class definition
-from types import StringTypes
-    from time import tzname
-except ImportError:
-    tzname = ('UNKNOWN', 'UNKNOWN')
-# These are needed because the various date formats below must
-# be in english per the RFCs. That means we can't use strftime,
-# which is affected by different locale settings.
-weekday_abbr = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
-weekday_full = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday',
-                'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
-monthname    = [None, 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
-                'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
-def iso8601_date(ts=None):
-    # Return an ISO 8601 formatted date string, required
-    # for certain DAV properties.
-    # '2000-11-10T16:21:09-08:00
-    if ts is None:
-        ts = _time.time()
-    return _time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', _time.gmtime(ts))
-def rfc850_date(ts=None):
-    # Return an HTTP-date formatted date string.
-    # 'Friday, 10-Nov-00 16:21:09 GMT'
-    if ts is None:
-        ts = _time.time()
-    year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, y, z = _time.gmtime(ts)
-    return "%s, %02d-%3s-%2s %02d:%02d:%02d GMT" % (
-            weekday_full[wd],
-            day, monthname[month],
-            str(year)[2:],
-            hh, mm, ss)
-def rfc1123_date(ts=None):
-    # Return an RFC 1123 format date string, required for
-    # use in HTTP Date headers per the HTTP 1.1 spec.
-    # 'Fri, 10 Nov 2000 16:21:09 GMT'
-    if ts is None:
-        ts = _time.time()
-    year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, y, z = _time.gmtime(ts)
-    return "%s, %02d %3s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT" % (weekday_abbr[wd],
-                                                    day, monthname[month],
-                                                    year,
-                                                    hh, mm, ss)
-from timezones import historical_zone_info as _data
-class DateTimeError(Exception): "Date-time error"
-class DateError(DateTimeError): 'Invalid Date Components'
-class TimeError(DateTimeError): 'Invalid Time Components'
-class SyntaxError(DateTimeError): 'Invalid Date-Time String'
-# Determine machine epoch
-tm=((0, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334),
-    (0, 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335))
-yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc = _time.gmtime(0)[:6]
-to_year =int(i*365+i/4-i/100+i/400-693960.0)
-to_month=tm[yr%4==0 and (yr%100!=0 or yr%400==0)][mo]
-EPOCH  =(to_year+to_month+dy+(hr/24.0+mn/1440.0+sc/86400.0))*86400
-jd1901 =2415385L
-numericTimeZoneMatch=re.compile(r'[+-][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]').match #TS
-class _timezone:
-    def __init__(self,data):
-        self.name,self.timect,self.typect, \
-        self.ttrans,self.tindex,self.tinfo,self.az=data
-    def default_index(self):
-        if self.timect == 0: return 0
-        for i in range(self.typect):
-            if self.tinfo[i][1] == 0: return i
-        return 0
-    def index(self, t=None):
-        t = t or _time.time()
-        if self.timect == 0:
-            idx = (0, 0, 0)
-        elif t < self.ttrans[0]:
-            i = self.default_index()
-            idx = (i, ord(self.tindex[0]),i)
-        elif t >= self.ttrans[-1]:
-            if self.timect > 1:
-                idx=(ord(self.tindex[-1]),ord(self.tindex[-1]),
-                     ord(self.tindex[-2]))
-            else:
-                idx=(ord(self.tindex[-1]),ord(self.tindex[-1]),
-                     self.default_index())
-        else:
-            for i in range(self.timect-1):
-                if t < self.ttrans[i+1]:
-                    if i==0: idx=(ord(self.tindex[0]),ord(self.tindex[1]),
-                                  self.default_index())
-                    else:    idx=(ord(self.tindex[i]),ord(self.tindex[i+1]),
-                                  ord(self.tindex[i-1]))
-                    break
-        return idx
-    def info(self,t=None):
-        idx=self.index(t)[0]
-        zs =self.az[self.tinfo[idx][2]:]
-        return self.tinfo[idx][0],self.tinfo[idx][1],zs[: zs.find('\000')]
-class _cache:
-    _zlst=['Brazil/Acre','Brazil/DeNoronha','Brazil/East',
-           'Brazil/West','Canada/Atlantic','Canada/Central',
-           'Canada/Eastern','Canada/East-Saskatchewan',
-           'Canada/Mountain','Canada/Newfoundland',
-           'Canada/Pacific','Canada/Yukon',
-           'Chile/Continental','Chile/EasterIsland','CST','Cuba',
-           'Egypt','EST','GB-Eire','Greenwich','Hongkong','Iceland',
-           'Iran','Israel','Jamaica','Japan','Mexico/BajaNorte',
-           'Mexico/BajaSur','Mexico/General','MST','Poland','PST',
-           'Singapore','Turkey','Universal','US/Alaska','US/Aleutian',
-           'US/Arizona','US/Central','US/Eastern','US/East-Indiana',
-           'US/Hawaii','US/Indiana-Starke','US/Michigan',
-           'US/Mountain','US/Pacific','US/Samoa','UTC','UCT','GMT',
-           'GMT+0100','GMT+0200','GMT+0300','GMT+0400','GMT+0500',
-           'GMT+0600','GMT+0700','GMT+0800','GMT+0900','GMT+1000',
-           'GMT+1100','GMT+1200','GMT+1300','GMT-0100','GMT-0200',
-           'GMT-0300','GMT-0400','GMT-0500','GMT-0600','GMT-0700',
-           'GMT-0800','GMT-0900','GMT-1000','GMT-1100','GMT-1200',
-           'GMT+1',
-           'GMT+0130', 'GMT+0230', 'GMT+0330', 'GMT+0430', 'GMT+0530',
-           'GMT+0630', 'GMT+0730', 'GMT+0830', 'GMT+0930', 'GMT+1030',
-           'GMT+1130', 'GMT+1230',
-           'GMT-0130', 'GMT-0230', 'GMT-0330', 'GMT-0430', 'GMT-0530',
-           'GMT-0630', 'GMT-0730', 'GMT-0830', 'GMT-0930', 'GMT-1030',
-           'GMT-1130', 'GMT-1230',
-           'UT','BST','MEST','SST','FST','WADT','EADT','NZDT',
-           'WET','WAT','AT','AST','NT','IDLW','CET','MET',
-           'MEWT','SWT','FWT','EET','EEST','BT','ZP4','ZP5','ZP6',
-           'WAST','CCT','JST','EAST','GST','NZT','NZST','IDLE']
-    _zmap={'aest':'GMT+1000', 'aedt':'GMT+1100',
-           'aus eastern standard time':'GMT+1000',
-           'sydney standard time':'GMT+1000',
-           'tasmania standard time':'GMT+1000',
-           'e. australia standard time':'GMT+1000',
-           'aus central standard time':'GMT+0930',
-           'cen. australia standard time':'GMT+0930',
-           'w. australia standard time':'GMT+0800',
-           'brazil/acre':'Brazil/Acre',
-           'brazil/denoronha':'Brazil/Denoronha',
-           'brazil/east':'Brazil/East','brazil/west':'Brazil/West',
-           'canada/atlantic':'Canada/Atlantic',
-           'canada/central':'Canada/Central',
-           'canada/eastern':'Canada/Eastern',
-           'canada/east-saskatchewan':'Canada/East-Saskatchewan',
-           'canada/mountain':'Canada/Mountain',
-           'canada/newfoundland':'Canada/Newfoundland',
-           'canada/pacific':'Canada/Pacific','canada/yukon':'Canada/Yukon',
-           'central europe standard time':'GMT+0100',
-           'chile/continental':'Chile/Continental',
-           'chile/easterisland':'Chile/EasterIsland',
-           'cst':'US/Central','cuba':'Cuba','est':'US/Eastern','egypt':'Egypt',
-           'eastern standard time':'US/Eastern',
-           'us eastern standard time':'US/Eastern',
-           'central standard time':'US/Central',
-           'mountain standard time':'US/Mountain',
-           'pacific standard time':'US/Pacific',
-           'gb-eire':'GB-Eire','gmt':'GMT',
-           'gmt+0000':'GMT+0', 'gmt+0':'GMT+0',
-           'gmt+0100':'GMT+1', 'gmt+0200':'GMT+2', 'gmt+0300':'GMT+3',
-           'gmt+0400':'GMT+4', 'gmt+0500':'GMT+5', 'gmt+0600':'GMT+6',
-           'gmt+0700':'GMT+7', 'gmt+0800':'GMT+8', 'gmt+0900':'GMT+9',
-           'gmt+1000':'GMT+10','gmt+1100':'GMT+11','gmt+1200':'GMT+12',
-           'gmt+1300':'GMT+13',
-           'gmt-0100':'GMT-1', 'gmt-0200':'GMT-2', 'gmt-0300':'GMT-3',
-           'gmt-0400':'GMT-4', 'gmt-0500':'GMT-5', 'gmt-0600':'GMT-6',
-           'gmt-0700':'GMT-7', 'gmt-0800':'GMT-8', 'gmt-0900':'GMT-9',
-           'gmt-1000':'GMT-10','gmt-1100':'GMT-11','gmt-1200':'GMT-12',
-           'gmt+1': 'GMT+1', 'gmt+2': 'GMT+2', 'gmt+3': 'GMT+3',
-           'gmt+4': 'GMT+4', 'gmt+5': 'GMT+5', 'gmt+6': 'GMT+6',
-           'gmt+7': 'GMT+7', 'gmt+8': 'GMT+8', 'gmt+9': 'GMT+9',
-           'gmt+10':'GMT+10','gmt+11':'GMT+11','gmt+12':'GMT+12',
-           'gmt+13':'GMT+13',
-           'gmt-1': 'GMT-1', 'gmt-2': 'GMT-2', 'gmt-3': 'GMT-3',
-           'gmt-4': 'GMT-4', 'gmt-5': 'GMT-5', 'gmt-6': 'GMT-6',
-           'gmt-7': 'GMT-7', 'gmt-8': 'GMT-8', 'gmt-9': 'GMT-9',
-           'gmt-10':'GMT-10','gmt-11':'GMT-11','gmt-12':'GMT-12',
-           'gmt+130':'GMT+0130',  'gmt+0130':'GMT+0130',
-           'gmt+230':'GMT+0230',  'gmt+0230':'GMT+0230',
-           'gmt+330':'GMT+0330',  'gmt+0330':'GMT+0330',
-           'gmt+430':'GMT+0430',  'gmt+0430':'GMT+0430',
-           'gmt+530':'GMT+0530',  'gmt+0530':'GMT+0530',
-           'gmt+630':'GMT+0630',  'gmt+0630':'GMT+0630',
-           'gmt+730':'GMT+0730',  'gmt+0730':'GMT+0730',
-           'gmt+830':'GMT+0830',  'gmt+0830':'GMT+0830',
-           'gmt+930':'GMT+0930',  'gmt+0930':'GMT+0930',
-           'gmt+1030':'GMT+1030',
-           'gmt+1130':'GMT+1130',
-           'gmt+1230':'GMT+1230',
-           'gmt-130':'GMT-0130',  'gmt-0130':'GMT-0130',
-           'gmt-230':'GMT-0230',  'gmt-0230':'GMT-0230',
-           'gmt-330':'GMT-0330',  'gmt-0330':'GMT-0330',
-           'gmt-430':'GMT-0430',  'gmt-0430':'GMT-0430',
-           'gmt-530':'GMT-0530',  'gmt-0530':'GMT-0530',
-           'gmt-630':'GMT-0630',  'gmt-0630':'GMT-0630',
-           'gmt-730':'GMT-0730',  'gmt-0730':'GMT-0730',
-           'gmt-830':'GMT-0830',  'gmt-0830':'GMT-0830',
-           'gmt-930':'GMT-0930',  'gmt-0930':'GMT-0930',
-           'gmt-1030':'GMT-1030',
-           'gmt-1130':'GMT-1130',
-           'gmt-1230':'GMT-1230',
-           'greenwich':'Greenwich','hongkong':'Hongkong',
-           'iceland':'Iceland','iran':'Iran','israel':'Israel',
-           'jamaica':'Jamaica','japan':'Japan',
-           'mexico/bajanorte':'Mexico/BajaNorte',
-           'mexico/bajasur':'Mexico/BajaSur','mexico/general':'Mexico/General',
-           'mst':'US/Mountain','pst':'US/Pacific','poland':'Poland',
-           'singapore':'Singapore','turkey':'Turkey','universal':'Universal',
-           'utc':'Universal','uct':'Universal','us/alaska':'US/Alaska',
-           'us/aleutian':'US/Aleutian','us/arizona':'US/Arizona',
-           'us/central':'US/Central','us/eastern':'US/Eastern',
-           'us/east-indiana':'US/East-Indiana','us/hawaii':'US/Hawaii',
-           'us/indiana-starke':'US/Indiana-Starke','us/michigan':'US/Michigan',
-           'us/mountain':'US/Mountain','us/pacific':'US/Pacific',
-           'us/samoa':'US/Samoa',
-           'ut':'Universal',
-           'bst':'GMT+1', 'mest':'GMT+2', 'sst':'GMT+2',
-           'fst':'GMT+2', 'wadt':'GMT+8', 'eadt':'GMT+11', 'nzdt':'GMT+13',
-           'wet':'GMT', 'wat':'GMT-1', 'at':'GMT-2', 'ast':'GMT-4',
-           'nt':'GMT-11', 'idlw':'GMT-12', 'cet':'GMT+1', 'cest':'GMT+2',
-           'met':'GMT+1',
-           'mewt':'GMT+1', 'swt':'GMT+1', 'fwt':'GMT+1', 'eet':'GMT+2',
-           'eest':'GMT+3',
-           'bt':'GMT+3', 'zp4':'GMT+4', 'zp5':'GMT+5', 'zp6':'GMT+6',
-           'wast':'GMT+7', 'cct':'GMT+8', 'jst':'GMT+9', 'east':'GMT+10',
-           'gst':'GMT+10', 'nzt':'GMT+12', 'nzst':'GMT+12', 'idle':'GMT+12',
-           'ret':'GMT+4'
-           }
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._db = _data
-        self._d, self._zidx= {}, self._zmap.keys()
-    def __getitem__(self,k):
-        try:   n=self._zmap[k.lower()]
-        except KeyError:
-            if numericTimeZoneMatch(k) == None:
-                raise DateTimeError('Unrecognized timezone: %s' % k)
-            return k
-        try:
-            return self._d[n]
-        except KeyError:
-            z = self._d[n] = _timezone(self._db[n])
-            return z
-def _findLocalTimeZoneName(isDST):
-    if not _time.daylight:
-        # Daylight savings does not occur in this time zone.
-        isDST = 0
-    try:
-        # Get the name of the current time zone depending
-        # on DST.
-        _localzone = _cache._zmap[tzname[isDST].lower()]
-    except KeyError:
-        try:
-            # Generate a GMT-offset zone name.
-            if isDST:
-                localzone = _time.altzone
-            else:
-                localzone = _time.timezone
-            offset=(-localzone/(60*60))
-            majorOffset=int(offset)
-            if majorOffset != 0 :
-                minorOffset=abs(int((offset % majorOffset) * 60.0))
-            else: minorOffset = 0
-            m=majorOffset >= 0 and '+' or ''
-            lz='%s%0.02d%0.02d' % (m, majorOffset, minorOffset)
-            _localzone = _cache._zmap[('GMT%s' % lz).lower()]
-        except:
-            _localzone = ''
-    return _localzone
-# Some utility functions for calculating dates:
-def _calcSD(t):
-    # Returns timezone-independent days since epoch and the fractional
-    # part of the days.
-    dd = t + EPOCH - 86400.0
-    d = dd / 86400.0
-    s = d - math.floor(d)
-    return s, d
-def _calcDependentSecond(tz, t):
-    # Calculates the timezone-dependent second (integer part only)
-    # from the timezone-independent second.
-    fset = _tzoffset(tz, t)
-    return fset + long(math.floor(t)) + long(EPOCH) - 86400L
-def _calcDependentSecond2(yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc):
-    # Calculates the timezone-dependent second (integer part only)
-    # from the date given.
-    ss = int(hr) * 3600 + int(mn) * 60 + int(sc)
-    x = long(_julianday(yr,mo,dy)-jd1901) * 86400 + ss
-    return x
-def _calcIndependentSecondEtc(tz, x, ms):
-    # Derive the timezone-independent second from the timezone
-    # dependent second.
-    fsetAtEpoch = _tzoffset(tz, 0.0)
-    nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - long(EPOCH) + 86400L + ms
-    # nearTime is now within an hour of being correct.
-    # Recalculate t according to DST.
-    fset = long(_tzoffset(tz, nearTime))
-    x_adjusted = x - fset + ms
-    d = x_adjusted / 86400.0
-    t = x_adjusted - long(EPOCH) + 86400L
-    millis = (x + 86400 - fset) * 1000 + \
-             long(ms * 1000.0) - long(EPOCH * 1000.0)
-    s = d - math.floor(d)
-    return s,d,t,millis
-def _calcHMS(x, ms):
-    # hours, minutes, seconds from integer and float.
-    hr = x / 3600
-    x = x - hr * 3600
-    mn = x / 60
-    sc = x - mn * 60 + ms
-    return hr,mn,sc
-def _calcYMDHMS(x, ms):
-    # x is a timezone-dependent integer of seconds.
-    # Produces yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc.
-    yr,mo,dy=_calendarday(x / 86400 + jd1901)
-    x = int(x - (x / 86400) * 86400)
-    hr = x / 3600
-    x = x - hr * 3600
-    mn = x / 60
-    sc = x - mn * 60 + ms
-    return yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc
-def _julianday(yr,mo,dy):
-    y,m,d=long(yr),long(mo),long(dy)
-    if m > 12L:
-        y=y+m/12L
-        m=m%12L
-    elif m < 1L:
-        m=-m
-        y=y-m/12L-1L
-        m=12L-m%12L
-    if y > 0L: yr_correct=0L
-    else:      yr_correct=3L
-    if m < 3L: y, m=y-1L,m+12L
-    if y*10000L+m*100L+d > 15821014L: b=2L-y/100L+y/400L
-    else: b=0L
-    return (1461L*y-yr_correct)/4L+306001L*(m+1L)/10000L+d+1720994L+b
-def _calendarday(j):
-    j=long(j)
-    if(j < 2299160L):
-        b=j+1525L
-    else:
-        a=(4L*j-7468861L)/146097L
-        b=j+1526L+a-a/4L
-    c=(20L*b-2442L)/7305L
-    d=1461L*c/4L
-    e=10000L*(b-d)/306001L
-    dy=int(b-d-306001L*e/10000L)
-    mo=(e < 14L) and int(e-1L) or int(e-13L)
-    yr=(mo > 2) and (c-4716L) or (c-4715L)
-    return int(yr),int(mo),int(dy)
-def _tzoffset(tz, t):
-    try:
-        return DateTimeParser._tzinfo[tz].info(t)[0]
-    except:
-        if numericTimeZoneMatch(tz) is not None:
-            offset = int(tz[1:3])*3600+int(tz[3:5])*60
-            if tz[0] == '-':
-                return -offset
-            else:
-                return offset
-        else:
-            return 0 # Assume UTC
-def _correctYear(year):
-    # Y2K patch.
-    if year >= 0 and year < 100:
-        # 00-69 means 2000-2069, 70-99 means 1970-1999.
-        if year < 70:
-            year = 2000 + year
-        else:
-            year = 1900 + year
-    return year
-def safegmtime(t):
-    '''gmtime with a safety zone.'''
-    try:
-        t_int = int(t)
-    except OverflowError:
-        raise TimeError('The time %f is beyond the range '
-                        'of this Python implementation.' % float(t))
-    return _time.gmtime(t_int)
-def safelocaltime(t):
-    '''localtime with a safety zone.'''
-    try:
-        t_int = int(t)
-    except OverflowError:
-        raise TimeError('The time %f is beyond the range '
-                        'of this Python implementation.' % float(t))
-    return _time.localtime(t_int)
-class DateTimeParser:
-    def parse(self, arg, local=1):
-        """Parse a string containing some sort of date-time data.
-        This function returns a tuple (year, month, day, hour, minute,
-        second, timezone_string).
-        As a general rule, any date-time representation that is
-        recognized and unambigous to a resident of North America is
-        acceptable.(The reason for this qualification is that
-        in North America, a date like: 2/1/1994 is interpreted
-        as February 1, 1994, while in some parts of the world,
-        it is interpreted as January 2, 1994.) A date/time
-        string consists of two components, a date component and
-        an optional time component, separated by one or more
-        spaces. If the time component is omited, 12:00am is
-        assumed. Any recognized timezone name specified as the
-        final element of the date/time string will be used for
-        computing the date/time value. (If you create a DateTime
-        with the string 'Mar 9, 1997 1:45pm US/Pacific', the
-        value will essentially be the same as if you had captured
-        time.time() at the specified date and time on a machine in
-        that timezone)
-        x=parse('1997/3/9 1:45pm')
-        # returns specified time, represented in local machine zone.
-        y=parse('Mar 9, 1997 13:45:00')
-        # y is equal to x
-        The function automatically detects and handles
-        ISO8601 compliant dates (YYYY-MM-DDThh:ss:mmTZD).
-        See http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime for full specs.
-        The date component consists of year, month, and day
-        values. The year value must be a one-, two-, or
-        four-digit integer. If a one- or two-digit year is
-        used, the year is assumed to be in the twentieth
-        century. The month may an integer, from 1 to 12, a
-        month name, or a month abreviation, where a period may
-        optionally follow the abreviation. The day must be an
-        integer from 1 to the number of days in the month. The
-        year, month, and day values may be separated by
-        periods, hyphens, forward, shashes, or spaces. Extra
-        spaces are permitted around the delimiters. Year,
-        month, and day values may be given in any order as long
-        as it is possible to distinguish the components. If all
-        three components are numbers that are less than 13,
-        then a a month-day-year ordering is assumed.
-        The time component consists of hour, minute, and second
-        values separated by colons.  The hour value must be an
-        integer between 0 and 23 inclusively. The minute value
-        must be an integer between 0 and 59 inclusively. The
-        second value may be an integer value between 0 and
-        59.999 inclusively. The second value or both the minute
-        and second values may be ommitted. The time may be
-        followed by am or pm in upper or lower case, in which
-        case a 12-hour clock is assumed.
-        If a string argument passed to the DateTime constructor cannot be
-        parsed, it will raise SyntaxError. Invalid date components
-        will raise a DateError, while invalid time or timezone components
-        will raise a DateTimeError.
-        """
-        if not isinstance(arg, StringTypes):
-            raise TypeError('Expected a string argument')
-        if not arg:
-            raise SyntaxError(arg)
-        if arg.find(' ')==-1 and len(arg) >= 5 and arg[4]=='-':
-            yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc,tz=self._parse_iso8601(arg)
-        else:
-            yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc,tz=self._parse(arg, local)
-        if not self._validDate(yr,mo,dy):
-            raise DateError(arg, yr, mo, dy)
-        if not self._validTime(hr,mn,int(sc)):
-            raise TimeError(arg)
-        return yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, tz
-    def time(self, arg):
-        """Parse a string containing some sort of date-time data.
-        This function returns the time in seconds since the Epoch (in UTC).
-        See date() for the description of allowed input values.
-        """
-        yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, tz = self.parse(arg)
-        ms = sc - math.floor(sc)
-        x = _calcDependentSecond2(yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc)
-        if tz:
-            try:
-                tz=self._tzinfo._zmap[tz.lower()]
-            except KeyError:
-                if numericTimeZoneMatch(tz) is None:
-                    raise DateTimeError('Unknown time zone in date: %s' % arg)
-        else:
-            tz = self._calcTimezoneName(x, ms)
-        s,d,t,millisecs = _calcIndependentSecondEtc(tz, x, ms)
-        return t
-    int_pattern  =re.compile(r'([0-9]+)') #AJ
-    flt_pattern  =re.compile(r':([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)') #AJ
-    name_pattern =re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z]+)', re.I) #AJ
-    space_chars  =' \t\n'
-    delimiters   ='-/.:,+'
-    _month_len  =((0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31),
-                  (0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31))
-    _until_month=((0, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334),
-                  (0, 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335))
-    _monthmap   ={'january': 1,   'jan': 1,
-                  'february': 2,  'feb': 2,
-                  'march': 3,     'mar': 3,
-                  'april': 4,     'apr': 4,
-                  'may': 5,
-                  'june': 6,      'jun': 6,
-                  'july': 7,      'jul': 7,
-                  'august': 8,    'aug': 8,
-                  'september': 9, 'sep': 9, 'sept': 9,
-                  'october': 10,  'oct': 10,
-                  'november': 11, 'nov': 11,
-                  'december': 12, 'dec': 12}
-    _daymap     ={'sunday': 1,    'sun': 1,
-                  'monday': 2,    'mon': 2,
-                  'tuesday': 3,   'tues': 3,  'tue': 3,
-                  'wednesday': 4, 'wed': 4,
-                  'thursday': 5,  'thurs': 5, 'thur': 5, 'thu': 5,
-                  'friday': 6,    'fri': 6,
-                  'saturday': 7,  'sat': 7}
-    _localzone0 = _findLocalTimeZoneName(0)
-    _localzone1 = _findLocalTimeZoneName(1)
-    _multipleZones = (_localzone0 != _localzone1)
-    # For backward compatibility only:
-    _isDST = _time.localtime()[8]
-    _localzone = _isDST and _localzone1 or _localzone0
-    _tzinfo    = _cache()
-    def localZone(self, ltm=None):
-        '''Returns the time zone on the given date.  The time zone
-        can change according to daylight savings.'''
-        if not self._multipleZones:
-            return self._localzone0
-        if ltm == None:
-            ltm = _time.localtime()
-        isDST = ltm[8]
-        lz = isDST and self._localzone1 or self._localzone0
-        return lz
-    def _calcTimezoneName(self, x, ms):
-        # Derive the name of the local time zone at the given
-        # timezone-dependent second.
-        if not self._multipleZones:
-            return self._localzone0
-        fsetAtEpoch = _tzoffset(self._localzone0, 0.0)
-        nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - long(EPOCH) + 86400L + ms
-        # nearTime is within an hour of being correct.
-        try:
-            ltm = safelocaltime(nearTime)
-        except:
-            # We are beyond the range of Python's date support.
-            # Hopefully we can assume that daylight savings schedules
-            # repeat every 28 years.  Calculate the name of the
-            # time zone using a supported range of years.
-            yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc = _calcYMDHMS(x, 0)
-            yr = ((yr - 1970) % 28) + 1970
-            x = _calcDependentSecond2(yr,mo,dy,hr,mn,sc)
-            nearTime = x - fsetAtEpoch - long(EPOCH) + 86400L + ms
-            ltm = safelocaltime(nearTime)
-        tz = self.localZone(ltm)
-        return tz
-    def _parse(self, string, local=1):
-        # Parse date-time components from a string
-        month = year = tz = tm = None
-        spaces         = self.space_chars
-        intpat         = self.int_pattern
-        fltpat         = self.flt_pattern
-        wordpat        = self.name_pattern
-        delimiters     = self.delimiters
-        MonthNumbers   = self._monthmap
-        DayOfWeekNames = self._daymap
-        ValidZones     = self._tzinfo._zidx
-        TimeModifiers  = ['am','pm']
-        string = string.strip()
-        # Find timezone first, since it should always be the last
-        # element, and may contain a slash, confusing the parser.
-        # First check for time zone of form +dd:dd
-        tz = _iso_tz_re.search(string)
-        if tz:
-            tz = tz.start(0)
-            tz, string = string[tz:], string[:tz].strip()
-            tz = tz[:3]+tz[4:]
-        else:
-            # Look at last token
-            sp=string.split()
-            tz = sp[-1]
-            if tz and (tz.lower() in ValidZones):
-                string=' '.join(sp[:-1])
-            else:
-                tz = None  # Decide later, since the default time zone
-                           # could depend on the date.
-        ints,dels=[],[]
-        i,l=0,len(string)
-        while i < l:
-            while i < l and string[i] in spaces    : i=i+1
-            if i < l and string[i] in delimiters:
-                d=string[i]
-                i=i+1
-            else: d=''
-            while i < l and string[i] in spaces    : i=i+1
-            # The float pattern needs to look back 1 character, because it
-            # actually looks for a preceding colon like ':33.33'. This is
-            # needed to avoid accidentally matching the date part of a
-            # dot-separated date string such as '1999.12.31'.
-            if i > 0: b=i-1
-            else: b=i
-            ts_results = fltpat.match(string, b)
-            if ts_results:
-                s=ts_results.group(1)
-                i=i+len(s)
-                ints.append(float(s))
-                continue
-            #AJ
-            ts_results = intpat.match(string, i)
-            if ts_results:
-                s=ts_results.group(0)
-                ls=len(s)
-                i=i+ls
-                if (ls==4 and d and d in '+-' and
-                    (len(ints) + (not not month) >= 3)):
-                    tz='%s%s' % (d,s)
-                else:
-                    v=int(s)
-                    ints.append(v)
-                continue
-            ts_results = wordpat.match(string, i)
-            if ts_results:
-                o,s=ts_results.group(0),ts_results.group(0).lower()
-                i=i+len(s)
-                if i < l and string[i]=='.': i=i+1
-                # Check for month name:
-                if s in MonthNumbers:
-                    v=MonthNumbers[s]
-                    if month is None: month=v
-                    else: raise SyntaxError(string)
-                    continue
-                # Check for time modifier:
-                if s in TimeModifiers:
-                    if tm is None: tm=s
-                    else: raise SyntaxError(string)
-                    continue
-                # Check for and skip day of week:
-                if s in DayOfWeekNames:
-                    continue
-            raise SyntaxError(string)
-        day=None
-        if ints[-1] > 60 and d not in ['.',':'] and len(ints) > 2:
-            year=ints[-1]
-            del ints[-1]
-            if month:
-                day=ints[0]
-                del ints[:1]
-            else:
-                month=ints[0]
-                day=ints[1]
-                del ints[:2]
-        elif month:
-            if len(ints) > 1:
-                if ints[0] > 31:
-                    year=ints[0]
-                    day=ints[1]
-                else:
-                    year=ints[1]
-                    day=ints[0]
-                del ints[:2]
-        elif len(ints) > 2:
-            if ints[0] > 31:
-                year=ints[0]
-                if ints[1] > 12:
-                    day=ints[1]
-                    month=ints[2]
-                else:
-                    day=ints[2]
-                    month=ints[1]
-            if ints[1] > 31:
-                year=ints[1]
-                if ints[0] > 12 and ints[2] <= 12:
-                    day=ints[0]
-                    month=ints[2]
-                elif ints[2] > 12 and ints[0] <= 12:
-                    day=ints[2]
-                    month=ints[0]
-            elif ints[2] > 31:
-                year=ints[2]
-                if ints[0] > 12:
-                    day=ints[0]
-                    month=ints[1]
-                else:
-                    day=ints[1]
-                    month=ints[0]
-            elif ints[0] <= 12:
-                month=ints[0]
-                day=ints[1]
-                year=ints[2]
-            del ints[:3]
-        if day is None:
-            # Use today's date.
-            year,month,day = _time.localtime()[:3]
-        year = _correctYear(year)
-        if year < 1000: raise SyntaxError(string)
-        leap = year%4==0 and (year%100!=0 or year%400==0)
-        try:
-            if not day or day > self._month_len[leap][month]:
-                raise DateError(string)
-        except IndexError:
-            raise DateError(string)
-        tod=0
-        if ints:
-            i=ints[0]
-            # Modify hour to reflect am/pm
-            if tm and (tm=='pm') and i<12:  i=i+12
-            if tm and (tm=='am') and i==12: i=0
-            if i > 24: raise DateTimeError(string)
-            tod = tod + int(i) * 3600
-            del ints[0]
-            if ints:
-                i=ints[0]
-                if i > 60: raise DateTimeError(string)
-                tod = tod + int(i) * 60
-                del ints[0]
-                if ints:
-                    i=ints[0]
-                    if i > 60: raise DateTimeError(string)
-                    tod = tod + i
-                    del ints[0]
-                    if ints: raise SyntaxError(string)
-        tod_int = int(math.floor(tod))
-        ms = tod - tod_int
-        hr,mn,sc = _calcHMS(tod_int, ms)
-        if local and not tz:
-            # Figure out what time zone it is in the local area
-            # on the given date.
-            x = _calcDependentSecond2(year,month,day,hr,mn,sc)
-            tz = self._calcTimezoneName(x, ms)
-        return year,month,day,hr,mn,sc,tz
-    def _validDate(self,y,m,d):
-        if m<1 or m>12 or y<0 or d<1 or d>31: return 0
-        return d<=self._month_len[(y%4==0 and (y%100!=0 or y%400==0))][m]
-    def _validTime(self,h,m,s):
-        return h>=0 and h<=23 and m>=0 and m<=59 and s>=0 and s < 60
-    def _parse_iso8601(self,s):
-        try:
-            return self.__parse_iso8601(s)
-        except IndexError:
-            raise DateError(
-                'Not an ISO 8601 compliant date string: "%s"' %  s)
-    def __parse_iso8601(self,s):
-        """Parse an ISO 8601 compliant date.
-        TODO: Not all allowed formats are recognized (for some examples see
-        http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html).
-        """
-        year=0
-        month=day=1
-        hour=minute=seconds=hour_off=min_off=0
-        tzsign='+'
-        datereg = re.compile(
-            '([0-9]{4})(-([0-9][0-9]))?(-([0-9][0-9]))?')
-        timereg = re.compile(
-            '([0-9]{2})(:([0-9][0-9]))?(:([0-9][0-9]))?(\.[0-9]{1,20})?'
-            '(\s*([-+])([0-9]{2})(:?([0-9]{2}))?)?')
-        # Date part
-        fields = datereg.split(s.strip())
-        if fields[1]:   year  = int(fields[1])
-        if fields[3]:   month = int(fields[3])
-        if fields[5]:   day   = int(fields[5])
-        if s.find('T')>-1:
-            fields = timereg.split(s[s.find('T')+1:])
-            if fields[1]:   hour     = int(fields[1])
-            if fields[3]:   minute   = int(fields[3])
-            if fields[5]:   seconds  = int(fields[5])
-            if fields[6]:   seconds  = seconds+float(fields[6])
-            if fields[8]:   tzsign   = fields[8]
-            if fields[9]:   hour_off = int(fields[9])
-            if fields[11]:  min_off  = int(fields[11])
-        return (year,month,day,hour,minute,seconds,
-                '%s%02d%02d' % (tzsign,hour_off,min_off))
-parser = DateTimeParser()
-parse = parser.parse
-time = parser.time
-# Time-zone info based soley on offsets
-# Share tzinfos for the same offset 
-from datetime import tzinfo as _tzinfo, timedelta as _timedelta
-class _tzinfo(_tzinfo):
-    def __init__(self, minutes):
-        if abs(minutes) > 1439:
-            raise ValueError("Time-zone offset is too large,", minutes)
-        self.__minutes = minutes
-        self.__offset = _timedelta(minutes=minutes)
-    def utcoffset(self, dt):
-        return self.__offset
-    def __reduce__(self):
-        return tzinfo, (self.__minutes, )
-    def dst(self, dt):
-        return None
-    def tzname(self, dt):
-        return None
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return 'tzinfo(%d)' % self.__minutes
-def tzinfo(offset, _tzinfos = {}):
-    info = _tzinfos.get(offset)
-    if info is None:
-        # We haven't seen this one before. we need to save it.
-        # Use setdefault to avoid a race condition and make sure we have
-        # only one
-        info = _tzinfos.setdefault(offset, _tzinfo(offset))
-    return info
-tzinfo.__safe_for_unpickling__ = True
-from datetime import datetime as _datetime
-def parseDatetimetz(string):
-    y, mo, d, h, m, s, tz = parse(string)
-    s, micro = divmod(s, 1.0)
-    micro = round(micro * 1000000)
-    offset = _tzoffset(tz, None) / 60
-    return _datetime(y, mo, d, h, m, int(s), int(micro), tzinfo(offset))
-_iso_tz_re = re.compile("[-+]\d\d:\d\d$")

Copied: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/decorator/__init__.py (from rev 68826, Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/decorator.py)

Added: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/decorator/tests/__init__.py
--- Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/decorator/tests/__init__.py	2006-06-24 14:22:48 UTC (rev 68826)
+++ Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/decorator/tests/__init__.py	2006-06-24 20:21:49 UTC (rev 68827)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# Package.

Property changes on: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/decorator/tests/__init__.py
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Copied: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/decorator/tests/test_decorator.py (from rev 68826, Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/tests/test_decorator.py)

Deleted: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/decorator.py
--- Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/decorator.py	2006-06-24 14:22:48 UTC (rev 68826)
+++ Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/decorator.py	2006-06-24 20:21:49 UTC (rev 68827)
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Decorator support
-Decorators are proxies that are mostly transparent but that may provide
-additional features.
-__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"
-from zope.proxy import getProxiedObject, ProxyBase
-from zope.security.checker import selectChecker, CombinedChecker
-from zope.security.proxy import Proxy, getChecker
-from zope.interface.declarations import ObjectSpecificationDescriptor
-from zope.interface.declarations import getObjectSpecification
-from zope.interface.declarations import ObjectSpecification
-from zope.interface import providedBy
-class DecoratorSpecificationDescriptor(ObjectSpecificationDescriptor):
-    """Support for interface declarations on decorators
-    >>> from zope.interface import *
-    >>> class I1(Interface):
-    ...     pass
-    >>> class I2(Interface):
-    ...     pass
-    >>> class I3(Interface):
-    ...     pass
-    >>> class I4(Interface):
-    ...     pass
-    >>> class D1(Decorator):
-    ...   implements(I1)
-    >>> class D2(Decorator):
-    ...   implements(I2)
-    >>> class X(object):
-    ...   implements(I3)
-    >>> x = X()
-    >>> directlyProvides(x, I4)
-    Interfaces of X are ordered with the directly-provided interfaces first
-    >>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(x))]
-    ['I4', 'I3']
-    When we decorate objects, what order should the interfaces come
-    in?  One could argue that decorators are less specific, so they
-    should come last.
-    >>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(D1(x)))]
-    ['I4', 'I3', 'I1']
-    >>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(D2(D1(x))))]
-    ['I4', 'I3', 'I1', 'I2']
-    """
-    def __get__(self, inst, cls=None):
-        if inst is None:
-            return getObjectSpecification(cls)
-        else:
-            provided = providedBy(getProxiedObject(inst))
-            # Use type rather than __class__ because inst is a proxy and
-            # will return the proxied object's class.
-            cls = type(inst)
-            return ObjectSpecification(provided, cls)
-class DecoratedSecurityCheckerDescriptor(object):
-    """Descriptor for a Decorator that provides a decorated security checker.
-    To illustrate, we'll create a class that will be proxied:
-      >>> class Foo(object):
-      ...     a = 'a'
-    and a class to proxy it that uses a decorated security checker:
-      >>> class Wrapper(ProxyBase):
-      ...     b = 'b'
-      ...     __Security_checker__ = DecoratedSecurityCheckerDescriptor()
-    Next we'll create and register a checker for `Foo`:
-      >>> from zope.security.checker import NamesChecker, defineChecker
-      >>> fooChecker = NamesChecker(['a'])
-      >>> defineChecker(Foo, fooChecker)
-    along with a checker for `Wrapper`:
-      >>> wrapperChecker = NamesChecker(['b'])
-      >>> defineChecker(Wrapper, wrapperChecker)
-    Using `selectChecker()`, we can confirm that a `Foo` object uses
-    `fooChecker`:
-      >>> foo = Foo()
-      >>> selectChecker(foo) is fooChecker
-      True
-      >>> fooChecker.check(foo, 'a')
-      >>> fooChecker.check(foo, 'b')  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-      Traceback (most recent call last):
-      ForbiddenAttribute: ('b', <zope.app.decorator.Foo object ...>)
-    and that a `Wrapper` object uses `wrappeChecker`:
-      >>> wrapper = Wrapper(foo)
-      >>> selectChecker(wrapper) is wrapperChecker
-      True
-      >>> wrapperChecker.check(wrapper, 'b')
-      >>> wrapperChecker.check(wrapper, 'a')  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-      Traceback (most recent call last):
-      ForbiddenAttribute: ('a', <zope.app.decorator.Foo object ...>)
-    (Note that the object description says `Foo` because the object is a
-    proxy and generally looks and acts like the object it's proxying.)
-    When we access wrapper's ``__Security_checker__`` attribute, we invoke
-    the decorated security checker descriptor. The decorator's job is to make
-    sure checkers from both objects are used when available. In this case,
-    because both objects have checkers, we get a combined checker:
-      >>> checker = wrapper.__Security_checker__
-      >>> type(checker)
-      <class 'zope.security.checker.CombinedChecker'>
-      >>> checker.check(wrapper, 'a')
-      >>> checker.check(wrapper, 'b')
-    The decorator checker will work even with security proxied objects. To
-    illustrate, we'll proxify `foo`:
-      >>> from zope.security.proxy import ProxyFactory
-      >>> secure_foo = ProxyFactory(foo)
-      >>> secure_foo.a
-      'a'
-      >>> secure_foo.b  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
-      Traceback (most recent call last):
-      ForbiddenAttribute: ('b', <zope.app.decorator.Foo object ...>)
-    when we wrap the secured `foo`:
-      >>> wrapper = Wrapper(secure_foo)
-    we still get a combined checker:
-      >>> checker = wrapper.__Security_checker__
-      >>> type(checker)
-      <class 'zope.security.checker.CombinedChecker'>
-      >>> checker.check(wrapper, 'a')
-      >>> checker.check(wrapper, 'b')
-    The decorator checker has three other scenarios:
-      - the wrapper has a checker but the proxied object doesn't
-      - the proxied object has a checker but the wrapper doesn't
-      - neither the wrapper nor the proxied object have checkers
-    When the wrapper has a checker but the proxied object doesn't:
-      >>> from zope.security.checker import NoProxy, _checkers
-      >>> del _checkers[Foo]
-      >>> defineChecker(Foo, NoProxy)
-      >>> selectChecker(foo) is None
-      True
-      >>> selectChecker(wrapper) is wrapperChecker
-      True
-    the decorator uses only the wrapper checker:
-      >>> wrapper = Wrapper(foo)
-      >>> wrapper.__Security_checker__ is wrapperChecker
-      True
-    When the proxied object has a checker but the wrapper doesn't:
-      >>> del _checkers[Wrapper]
-      >>> defineChecker(Wrapper, NoProxy)
-      >>> selectChecker(wrapper) is None
-      True
-      >>> del _checkers[Foo]
-      >>> defineChecker(Foo, fooChecker)
-      >>> selectChecker(foo) is fooChecker
-      True
-    the decorator uses only the proxied object checker:
-      >>> wrapper.__Security_checker__ is fooChecker
-      True
-    Finally, if neither the wrapper not the proxied have checkers:
-      >>> del _checkers[Foo]
-      >>> defineChecker(Foo, NoProxy)
-      >>> selectChecker(foo) is None
-      True
-      >>> selectChecker(wrapper) is None
-      True
-    the decorator doesn't have a checker:
-      >>> wrapper.__Security_checker__ is None
-      True
-    """
-    def __get__(self, inst, cls=None):
-        if inst is None:
-            return self
-        else:
-            proxied_object = getProxiedObject(inst)
-            if type(proxied_object) is Proxy:
-                checker = getChecker(proxied_object)
-            else:
-                checker = getattr(proxied_object, '__Security_checker__', None)
-                if checker is None:
-                    checker = selectChecker(proxied_object)
-            wrapper_checker = selectChecker(inst)
-            if wrapper_checker is None:
-                return checker
-            elif checker is None:
-                return wrapper_checker
-            else:
-                return CombinedChecker(wrapper_checker, checker)
-class Decorator(ProxyBase):
-    """Decorator base class"""
-    __providedBy__ = DecoratorSpecificationDescriptor()
-    __Security_checker__ = DecoratedSecurityCheckerDescriptor()

Deleted: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/tests/test_datetimeparse.py
--- Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/tests/test_datetimeparse.py	2006-06-24 14:22:48 UTC (rev 68826)
+++ Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/tests/test_datetimeparse.py	2006-06-24 20:21:49 UTC (rev 68827)
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Test datetime parser
-import unittest
-from zope.app.datetimeutils import parse, time, DateTimeError
-class Test(unittest.TestCase):
-    def testParse(self):
-        from zope.app.datetimeutils import parse
-        self.assertEqual(parse('1999 12 31')[:6],
-                         (1999, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0))
-        self.assertEqual(parse('1999 12 31 EST'),
-                         (1999, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 'EST'))
-        self.assertEqual(parse('Dec 31, 1999')[:6],
-                         (1999, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0))
-        self.assertEqual(parse('Dec 31 1999')[:6],
-                         (1999, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0))
-        self.assertEqual(parse('Dec 31 1999')[:6],
-                         (1999, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0))
-        self.assertEqual(parse('1999/12/31 1:2:3')[:6],
-                         (1999, 12, 31, 1, 2, 3))
-        self.assertEqual(parse('1999-12-31 1:2:3')[:6],
-                         (1999, 12, 31, 1, 2, 3))
-        self.assertEqual(parse('1999-12-31T01:02:03')[:6],
-                         (1999, 12, 31, 1, 2, 3))
-        self.assertEqual(parse('1999-31-12 1:2:3')[:6],
-                         (1999, 12, 31, 1, 2, 3))
-        self.assertEqual(parse('1999-31-12 1:2:3.456')[:5],
-                         (1999, 12, 31, 1, 2))
-        self.assertEqual(int(parse('1999-31-12 1:2:3.456')[5]*1000+.000001),
-                         3456)
-        self.assertEqual(parse('1999-12-31T01:02:03.456')[:5],
-                         (1999, 12, 31, 1, 2))
-        self.assertEqual(int(parse('1999-12-31T01:02:03.456')[5]*1000+.000001),
-                         3456)
-        self.assertEqual(parse('Tue, 24 Jul 2001 09:41:03 -0400'),
-                         (2001, 7, 24, 9, 41, 3, '-0400'))
-        self.assertEqual(parse('1999-12-31T01:02:03.456-12')[6], '-1200')
-        self.assertEqual(parse('1999-12-31T01:02:03.456+0030')[6], '+0030')
-        self.assertEqual(parse('1999-12-31T01:02:03.456-00:30')[6], '-0030')
-    def testTime(self):
-        from time import gmtime
-        from zope.app.datetimeutils import time
-        self.assertEqual(gmtime(time('1999 12 31 GMT'))[:6],
-                         (1999, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0))
-        self.assertEqual(gmtime(time('1999 12 31 EST'))[:6],
-                         (1999, 12, 31, 5, 0, 0))
-        self.assertEqual(gmtime(time('1999 12 31 -0500'))[:6],
-                         (1999, 12, 31, 5, 0, 0))
-        self.assertEqual(gmtime(time('1999-12-31T00:11:22Z'))[:6],
-                         (1999, 12, 31, 0, 11, 22))
-        self.assertEqual(gmtime(time('1999-12-31T01:11:22+01:00'))[:6],
-                         (1999, 12, 31, 0, 11, 22))
-    def testBad(self):
-        from zope.app.datetimeutils import time, DateTimeError
-        self.assertRaises(DateTimeError, parse, '1999')
-        self.assertRaises(DateTimeError, parse, '1999-31-12 1:2:63.456')
-        self.assertRaises(DateTimeError, parse, '1999-31-13 1:2:3.456')
-        self.assertRaises(DateTimeError, parse, '1999-2-30 1:2:3.456')
-        self.assertRaises(DateTimeError, parse, 'April 31, 1999 1:2:3.456')
-    def testLeap(self):
-        from zope.app.datetimeutils import time, DateTimeError
-        self.assertRaises(DateTimeError, parse, '1999-2-29 1:2:3.456')
-        self.assertRaises(DateTimeError, parse, '1900-2-29 1:2:3.456')
-        self.assertEqual(parse('2000-02-29 1:2:3')[:6],
-                         (2000, 2, 29, 1, 2, 3))
-        self.assertEqual(parse('2004-02-29 1:2:3')[:6],
-                         (2004, 2, 29, 1, 2, 3))
-    def test_tzoffset(self):
-        from zope.app.datetimeutils import _tzoffset
-        self.assertEqual(_tzoffset('-0400', None), -4*60*60)
-        self.assertEqual(_tzoffset('-0030', None), -30*60)
-        self.assertEqual(_tzoffset('+0200', None), 2*60*60)
-        self.assertEqual(_tzoffset('EET', None), 2*60*60)
-    def testParseDatetimetz(self):
-        from datetime import datetime
-        from zope.app.datetimeutils import parseDatetimetz, tzinfo
-        self.assertEqual(parseDatetimetz('1999-12-31T01:02:03.037-00:30'),
-                         datetime(1999, 12, 31, 1, 2, 3, 37000, tzinfo(-30)))
-def test_suite():
-    loader=unittest.TestLoader()
-    return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Test)
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    unittest.TextTestRunner().run(test_suite())

Deleted: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/tests/test_decorator.py
--- Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/tests/test_decorator.py	2006-06-24 14:22:48 UTC (rev 68826)
+++ Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/tests/test_decorator.py	2006-06-24 20:21:49 UTC (rev 68827)
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Context Tests
-import pickle
-import unittest
-from zope.app.decorator import Decorator
-from zope.interface import Interface, implements, directlyProvides, providedBy
-from zope.interface import directlyProvidedBy, implementedBy
-from zope.testing.doctestunit import DocTestSuite
-from zope.security.interfaces import ForbiddenAttribute
-class I1(Interface):
-    pass
-class I2(Interface):
-    pass
-class I3(Interface):
-    pass
-class I4(Interface):
-    pass
-class D1(Decorator):
-  implements(I1)
-class D2(Decorator):
-  implements(I2)
-def check_forbidden_call(callable, *args):
-    try:
-        return callable(*args)
-    except ForbiddenAttribute, e:
-        return 'ForbiddenAttribute: %s' % e[0]
-def test_providedBy_iter_w_new_style_class():
-    """
-    >>> class X(object):
-    ...   implements(I3)
-    >>> x = X()
-    >>> directlyProvides(x, I4)
-    >>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(x))]
-    ['I4', 'I3']
-    >>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(D1(x)))]
-    ['I4', 'I3', 'I1']
-    >>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(D2(D1(x))))]
-    ['I4', 'I3', 'I1', 'I2']
-    """
-def test_providedBy_iter_w_classic_class():
-    """
-    >>> class X(object):
-    ...   implements(I3)
-    >>> x = X()
-    >>> directlyProvides(x, I4)
-    >>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(x))]
-    ['I4', 'I3']
-    >>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(D1(x)))]
-    ['I4', 'I3', 'I1']
-    >>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(D2(D1(x))))]
-    ['I4', 'I3', 'I1', 'I2']
-    """
-def test_suite():
-    suite = DocTestSuite()
-    suite.addTest(DocTestSuite('zope.app.decorator'))
-    return suite
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()

Deleted: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/tests/test_standard_dates.py
--- Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/tests/test_standard_dates.py	2006-06-24 14:22:48 UTC (rev 68826)
+++ Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/tests/test_standard_dates.py	2006-06-24 20:21:49 UTC (rev 68827)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Tests standard date parsing
-import unittest
-from zope.app.datetimeutils import time
-class Test(unittest.TestCase):
-    def testiso8601_date(self):
-        from zope.app.datetimeutils import iso8601_date
-        self.assertEqual(iso8601_date(time("2000-01-01T01:01:01.234Z")),
-                         "2000-01-01T01:01:01Z")
-    def testrfc850_date(self):
-        from zope.app.datetimeutils import rfc850_date
-        self.assertEqual(rfc850_date(time("2002-01-12T01:01:01.234Z")),
-                         "Saturday, 12-Jan-02 01:01:01 GMT")
-    def testrfc1123_date(self):
-        from zope.app.datetimeutils import rfc1123_date
-        self.assertEqual(rfc1123_date(time("2002-01-12T01:01:01.234Z")),
-                         "Sat, 12 Jan 2002 01:01:01 GMT")
-def test_suite():
-    loader=unittest.TestLoader()
-    return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(Test)
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    unittest.TextTestRunner().run(test_suite())

Deleted: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/tests/test_tzinfo.py
--- Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/tests/test_tzinfo.py	2006-06-24 14:22:48 UTC (rev 68826)
+++ Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/tests/test_tzinfo.py	2006-06-24 20:21:49 UTC (rev 68827)
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-"""Test for the 'tzinfo() function 
-from unittest import TestCase, TestSuite, main, makeSuite
-import pickle
-import datetime
-from zope.app.datetimeutils import tzinfo
-class Test(TestCase):
-    def test(self):
-        for minutes in 1439, 600, 1, 0, -1, -600, -1439:
-            info1 = tzinfo(minutes)
-            info2 = tzinfo(minutes)
-            self.assertEqual(info1, info2)
-            self.assert_(info1 is info2)
-            self.assert_(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(info1)) is info1)
-            self.assertEqual(info1.utcoffset(None),
-                             datetime.timedelta(minutes=minutes))
-            self.assertEqual(info1.dst(None), None)
-            self.assertEqual(info1.tzname(None), None)
-        for minutes in 900000, 1440*60, -1440*60, -900000:
-            self.assertRaises(ValueError, tzinfo, minutes)
-def test_suite():
-    return TestSuite((
-        makeSuite(Test),
-        ))
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    main(defaultTest='test_suite')

Copied: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/timezones/__init__.py (from rev 68826, Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/timezones.py)

Deleted: Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/timezones.py
--- Zope3/branches/3.2/src/zope/app/timezones.py	2006-06-24 14:22:48 UTC (rev 68826)
+++ Zope3/branches/3.2-zope.app.externals/src/zope/app/timezones.py	2006-06-24 20:21:49 UTC (rev 68827)
@@ -1,1202 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
-# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
-""" Historical timezone data, ported from Zope2's DateTime.DateTimeZone.
-historical_zone_info = {
-'Brazil/Acre': ('Brazil/Acre', 101, 2,
-[ '561970800', '571644000', '593420400', '603093600', '625561200',
-'634543200', '656924400', '665992800', '688374000', '697442400',
-'719823600', '729496800', '751273200', '760946400', '782722800',
-'792396000', '814863600', '823845600', '846226800', '855295200',
-'877676400', '887436000', '909126000', '918799200', '940575600',
-'950248800', '972716400', '981698400', '1004079600', '1013148000',
-'1035529200', '1044597600', '1066978800', '1076738400', '1098428400',
-'1108101600', '1129878000', '1139551200', '1162018800', '1171000800',
-'1193382000', '1202450400', '1224831600', '1234591200', '1256281200',
-'1265954400', '1287730800', '1297404000', '1319180400', '1328853600',
-'1351234800', '1360303200', '1382684400', '1391752800', '1414134000',
-'1423893600', '1445583600', '1455256800', '1477033200', '1486706400',
-'1509174000', '1518156000', '1540537200', '1549605600', '1571986800',
-'1581055200', '1603436400', '1613109600', '1634886000', '1644559200',
-'1666335600', '1676008800', '1698476400', '1707458400', '1729839600',
-'1738908000', '1761289200', '1771048800', '1792738800', '1802412000',
-'1824188400', '1833861600', '1856329200', '1865311200', '1887692400',
-'1896760800', '1919142000', '1928210400', '1950591600', '1960351200',
-'1982041200', '1991714400', '2013490800', '2023164000', '2045631600',
-'2054613600', '2076994800', '2086063200', '2108444400', '2118204000',
-[(-18000, 0, 0), (-14400, 1, 4)], 'AST\x00ADT\x00'),
-'Brazil/DeNoronha': ('Brazil/DeNoronha', 101, 2,
-[ '561960000', '571633200', '593409600', '603082800', '625550400',
-'634532400', '656913600', '665982000', '688363200', '697431600',
-'719812800', '729486000', '751262400', '760935600', '782712000',
-'792385200', '814852800', '823834800', '846216000', '855284400',
-'877665600', '887425200', '909115200', '918788400', '940564800',
-'950238000', '972705600', '981687600', '1004068800', '1013137200',
-'1035518400', '1044586800', '1066968000', '1076727600', '1098417600',
-'1108090800', '1129867200', '1139540400', '1162008000', '1170990000',
-'1193371200', '1202439600', '1224820800', '1234580400', '1256270400',
-'1265943600', '1287720000', '1297393200', '1319169600', '1328842800',
-'1351224000', '1360292400', '1382673600', '1391742000', '1414123200',
-'1423882800', '1445572800', '1455246000', '1477022400', '1486695600',
-'1509163200', '1518145200', '1540526400', '1549594800', '1571976000',
-'1581044400', '1603425600', '1613098800', '1634875200', '1644548400',
-'1666324800', '1675998000', '1698465600', '1707447600', '1729828800',
-'1738897200', '1761278400', '1771038000', '1792728000', '1802401200',
-'1824177600', '1833850800', '1856318400', '1865300400', '1887681600',
-'1896750000', '1919131200', '1928199600', '1950580800', '1960340400',
-'1982030400', '1991703600', '2013480000', '2023153200', '2045620800',
-'2054602800', '2076984000', '2086052400', '2108433600', '2118193200',
-[(-7200, 0, 0), (-3600, 1, 4)], 'FST\x00FDT\x00'),
-'Brazil/East': ('Brazil/East', 101, 2,
-[ '561963600', '571636800', '593413200', '603086400', '625554000',
-'634536000', '656917200', '665985600', '688366800', '697435200',
-'719816400', '729489600', '751266000', '760939200', '782715600',
-'792388800', '814856400', '823838400', '846219600', '855288000',
-'877669200', '887428800', '909118800', '918792000', '940568400',
-'950241600', '972709200', '981691200', '1004072400', '1013140800',
-'1035522000', '1044590400', '1066971600', '1076731200', '1098421200',
-'1108094400', '1129870800', '1139544000', '1162011600', '1170993600',
-'1193374800', '1202443200', '1224824400', '1234584000', '1256274000',
-'1265947200', '1287723600', '1297396800', '1319173200', '1328846400',
-'1351227600', '1360296000', '1382677200', '1391745600', '1414126800',
-'1423886400', '1445576400', '1455249600', '1477026000', '1486699200',
-'1509166800', '1518148800', '1540530000', '1549598400', '1571979600',
-'1581048000', '1603429200', '1613102400', '1634878800', '1644552000',
-'1666328400', '1676001600', '1698469200', '1707451200', '1729832400',
-'1738900800', '1761282000', '1771041600', '1792731600', '1802404800',
-'1824181200', '1833854400', '1856322000', '1865304000', '1887685200',
-'1896753600', '1919134800', '1928203200', '1950584400', '1960344000',
-'1982034000', '1991707200', '2013483600', '2023156800', '2045624400',
-'2054606400', '2076987600', '2086056000', '2108437200', '2118196800',
-[(-10800, 0, 0), (-7200, 1, 4)], 'EST\x00EDT\x00'),
-'Brazil/West': ('Brazil/West', 101, 2,
-[ '561967200', '571640400', '593416800', '603090000', '625557600',
-'634539600', '656920800', '665989200', '688370400', '697438800',
-'719820000', '729493200', '751269600', '760942800', '782719200',
-'792392400', '814860000', '823842000', '846223200', '855291600',
-'877672800', '887432400', '909122400', '918795600', '940572000',
-'950245200', '972712800', '981694800', '1004076000', '1013144400',
-'1035525600', '1044594000', '1066975200', '1076734800', '1098424800',
-'1108098000', '1129874400', '1139547600', '1162015200', '1170997200',
-'1193378400', '1202446800', '1224828000', '1234587600', '1256277600',
-'1265950800', '1287727200', '1297400400', '1319176800', '1328850000',
-'1351231200', '1360299600', '1382680800', '1391749200', '1414130400',
-'1423890000', '1445580000', '1455253200', '1477029600', '1486702800',
-'1509170400', '1518152400', '1540533600', '1549602000', '1571983200',
-'1581051600', '1603432800', '1613106000', '1634882400', '1644555600',
-'1666332000', '1676005200', '1698472800', '1707454800', '1729836000',
-'1738904400', '1761285600', '1771045200', '1792735200', '1802408400',
-'1824184800', '1833858000', '1856325600', '1865307600', '1887688800',
-'1896757200', '1919138400', '1928206800', '1950588000', '1960347600',
-'1982037600', '1991710800', '2013487200', '2023160400', '2045628000',
-'2054610000', '2076991200', '2086059600', '2108440800', '2118200400',
-[(-14400, 0, 0), (-10800, 1, 4)], 'WST\x00WDT\x00'),
-'Canada/Atlantic': ('Canada/Atlantic', 138, 2,
-[ '-21492000', '-5770800', '9957600', '25678800', '41407200',
-'57733200', '73461600', '89182800', '104911200', '120632400',
-'136360800', '152082000', '167810400', '183531600', '199260000',
-'215586000', '230709600', '247035600', '262764000', '278485200',
-'294213600', '309934800', '325663200', '341384400', '357112800',
-'372834000', '388562400', '404888400', '420012000', '436338000',
-'452066400', '467787600', '483516000', '499237200', '514965600',
-'530686800', '544600800', '562136400', '576050400', '594190800',
-'607500000', '625640400', '638949600', '657090000', '671004000',
-'688539600', '702453600', '719989200', '733903200', '752043600',
-'765352800', '783493200', '796802400', '814942800', '828856800',
-'846392400', '860306400', '877842000', '891756000', '909291600',
-'923205600', '941346000', '954655200', '972795600', '986104800',
-'1004245200', '1018159200', '1035694800', '1049608800', '1067144400',
-'1081058400', '1099198800', '1112508000', '1130648400', '1143957600',
-'1162098000', '1175407200', '1193547600', '1207461600', '1224997200',
-'1238911200', '1256446800', '1270360800', '1288501200', '1301810400',
-'1319950800', '1333260000', '1351400400', '1365314400', '1382850000',
-'1396764000', '1414299600', '1428213600', '1445749200', '1459663200',
-'1477803600', '1491112800', '1509253200', '1522562400', '1540702800',
-'1554616800', '1572152400', '1586066400', '1603602000', '1617516000',
-'1635656400', '1648965600', '1667106000', '1680415200', '1698555600',
-'1712469600', '1730005200', '1743919200', '1761454800', '1775368800',
-'1792904400', '1806818400', '1824958800', '1838268000', '1856408400',
-'1869717600', '1887858000', '1901772000', '1919307600', '1933221600',
-'1950757200', '1964671200', '1982811600', '1996120800', '2014261200',
-'2027570400', '2045710800', '2059020000', '2077160400', '2091074400',
-'2108610000', '2122524000', '2140059600',
-[(-10800, 1, 0), (-14400, 0, 4)], 'ADT\x00AST\x00'),
-'Canada/Central': ('Canada/Central', 138, 2,
-[ '-21484800', '-5763600', '9964800', '25686000', '41414400',
-'57740400', '73468800', '89190000', '104918400', '120639600',
-'136368000', '152089200', '167817600', '183538800', '199267200',
-'215593200', '230716800', '247042800', '262771200', '278492400',
-'294220800', '309942000', '325670400', '341391600', '357120000',
-'372841200', '388569600', '404895600', '420019200', '436345200',
-'452073600', '467794800', '483523200', '499244400', '514972800',
-'530694000', '544608000', '562143600', '576057600', '594198000',
-'607507200', '625647600', '638956800', '657097200', '671011200',
-'688546800', '702460800', '719996400', '733910400', '752050800',
-'765360000', '783500400', '796809600', '814950000', '828864000',
-'846399600', '860313600', '877849200', '891763200', '909298800',
-'923212800', '941353200', '954662400', '972802800', '986112000',
-'1004252400', '1018166400', '1035702000', '1049616000', '1067151600',
-'1081065600', '1099206000', '1112515200', '1130655600', '1143964800',
-'1162105200', '1175414400', '1193554800', '1207468800', '1225004400',
-'1238918400', '1256454000', '1270368000', '1288508400', '1301817600',
-'1319958000', '1333267200', '1351407600', '1365321600', '1382857200',
-'1396771200', '1414306800', '1428220800', '1445756400', '1459670400',
-'1477810800', '1491120000', '1509260400', '1522569600', '1540710000',
-'1554624000', '1572159600', '1586073600', '1603609200', '1617523200',
-'1635663600', '1648972800', '1667113200', '1680422400', '1698562800',
-'1712476800', '1730012400', '1743926400', '1761462000', '1775376000',
-'1792911600', '1806825600', '1824966000', '1838275200', '1856415600',
-'1869724800', '1887865200', '1901779200', '1919314800', '1933228800',
-'1950764400', '1964678400', '1982818800', '1996128000', '2014268400',
-'2027577600', '2045718000', '2059027200', '2077167600', '2091081600',
-'2108617200', '2122531200', '2140066800',
-[(-18000, 1, 0), (-21600, 0, 4)], 'CDT\x00CST\x00'),
-'Canada/East-Saskatchewan': ('Canada/East-Saskatchewan', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-21600, 0, 0)], 'CST\x00'),
-'Canada/Eastern': ('Canada/Eastern', 138, 2,
-[ '-21488400', '-5767200', '9961200', '25682400', '41410800',
-'57736800', '73465200', '89186400', '104914800', '120636000',
-'136364400', '152085600', '167814000', '183535200', '199263600',
-'215589600', '230713200', '247039200', '262767600', '278488800',
-'294217200', '309938400', '325666800', '341388000', '357116400',
-'372837600', '388566000', '404892000', '420015600', '436341600',
-'452070000', '467791200', '483519600', '499240800', '514969200',
-'530690400', '544604400', '562140000', '576054000', '594194400',
-'607503600', '625644000', '638953200', '657093600', '671007600',
-'688543200', '702457200', '719992800', '733906800', '752047200',
-'765356400', '783496800', '796806000', '814946400', '828860400',
-'846396000', '860310000', '877845600', '891759600', '909295200',
-'923209200', '941349600', '954658800', '972799200', '986108400',
-'1004248800', '1018162800', '1035698400', '1049612400', '1067148000',
-'1081062000', '1099202400', '1112511600', '1130652000', '1143961200',
-'1162101600', '1175410800', '1193551200', '1207465200', '1225000800',
-'1238914800', '1256450400', '1270364400', '1288504800', '1301814000',
-'1319954400', '1333263600', '1351404000', '1365318000', '1382853600',
-'1396767600', '1414303200', '1428217200', '1445752800', '1459666800',
-'1477807200', '1491116400', '1509256800', '1522566000', '1540706400',
-'1554620400', '1572156000', '1586070000', '1603605600', '1617519600',
-'1635660000', '1648969200', '1667109600', '1680418800', '1698559200',
-'1712473200', '1730008800', '1743922800', '1761458400', '1775372400',
-'1792908000', '1806822000', '1824962400', '1838271600', '1856412000',
-'1869721200', '1887861600', '1901775600', '1919311200', '1933225200',
-'1950760800', '1964674800', '1982815200', '1996124400', '2014264800',
-'2027574000', '2045714400', '2059023600', '2077164000', '2091078000',
-'2108613600', '2122527600', '2140063200',
-[(-14400, 1, 0), (-18000, 0, 4)], 'EDT\x00EST\x00'),
-'Canada/Mountain': ('Canada/Mountain', 138, 2,
-[ '-21481200', '-5760000', '9968400', '25689600', '41418000',
-'57744000', '73472400', '89193600', '104922000', '120643200',
-'136371600', '152092800', '167821200', '183542400', '199270800',
-'215596800', '230720400', '247046400', '262774800', '278496000',
-'294224400', '309945600', '325674000', '341395200', '357123600',
-'372844800', '388573200', '404899200', '420022800', '436348800',
-'452077200', '467798400', '483526800', '499248000', '514976400',
-'530697600', '544611600', '562147200', '576061200', '594201600',
-'607510800', '625651200', '638960400', '657100800', '671014800',
-'688550400', '702464400', '720000000', '733914000', '752054400',
-'765363600', '783504000', '796813200', '814953600', '828867600',
-'846403200', '860317200', '877852800', '891766800', '909302400',
-'923216400', '941356800', '954666000', '972806400', '986115600',
-'1004256000', '1018170000', '1035705600', '1049619600', '1067155200',
-'1081069200', '1099209600', '1112518800', '1130659200', '1143968400',
-'1162108800', '1175418000', '1193558400', '1207472400', '1225008000',
-'1238922000', '1256457600', '1270371600', '1288512000', '1301821200',
-'1319961600', '1333270800', '1351411200', '1365325200', '1382860800',
-'1396774800', '1414310400', '1428224400', '1445760000', '1459674000',
-'1477814400', '1491123600', '1509264000', '1522573200', '1540713600',
-'1554627600', '1572163200', '1586077200', '1603612800', '1617526800',
-'1635667200', '1648976400', '1667116800', '1680426000', '1698566400',
-'1712480400', '1730016000', '1743930000', '1761465600', '1775379600',
-'1792915200', '1806829200', '1824969600', '1838278800', '1856419200',
-'1869728400', '1887868800', '1901782800', '1919318400', '1933232400',
-'1950768000', '1964682000', '1982822400', '1996131600', '2014272000',
-'2027581200', '2045721600', '2059030800', '2077171200', '2091085200',
-'2108620800', '2122534800', '2140070400',
-[(-21600, 1, 0), (-25200, 0, 4)], 'MDT\x00MST\x00'),
-'Canada/Newfoundland': ('Canada/Newfoundland', 138, 2,
-[ '-21493800', '-5772600', '9955800', '25677000', '41405400',
-'57731400', '73459800', '89181000', '104909400', '120630600',
-'136359000', '152080200', '167808600', '183529800', '199258200',
-'215584200', '230707800', '247033800', '262762200', '278483400',
-'294211800', '309933000', '325661400', '341382600', '357111000',
-'372832200', '388560600', '404886600', '420010200', '436336200',
-'452064600', '467785800', '483514200', '499235400', '514963800',
-'530685000', '544599000', '562134600', '576048600', '594189000',
-'607498200', '625638600', '638947800', '657088200', '671002200',
-'688537800', '702451800', '719987400', '733901400', '752041800',
-'765351000', '783491400', '796800600', '814941000', '828855000',
-'846390600', '860304600', '877840200', '891754200', '909289800',
-'923203800', '941344200', '954653400', '972793800', '986103000',
-'1004243400', '1018157400', '1035693000', '1049607000', '1067142600',
-'1081056600', '1099197000', '1112506200', '1130646600', '1143955800',
-'1162096200', '1175405400', '1193545800', '1207459800', '1224995400',
-'1238909400', '1256445000', '1270359000', '1288499400', '1301808600',
-'1319949000', '1333258200', '1351398600', '1365312600', '1382848200',
-'1396762200', '1414297800', '1428211800', '1445747400', '1459661400',
-'1477801800', '1491111000', '1509251400', '1522560600', '1540701000',
-'1554615000', '1572150600', '1586064600', '1603600200', '1617514200',
-'1635654600', '1648963800', '1667104200', '1680413400', '1698553800',
-'1712467800', '1730003400', '1743917400', '1761453000', '1775367000',
-'1792902600', '1806816600', '1824957000', '1838266200', '1856406600',
-'1869715800', '1887856200', '1901770200', '1919305800', '1933219800',
-'1950755400', '1964669400', '1982809800', '1996119000', '2014259400',
-'2027568600', '2045709000', '2059018200', '2077158600', '2091072600',
-'2108608200', '2122522200', '2140057800',
-[(-9000, 1, 0), (-12600, 0, 4)], 'NDT\x00NST\x00'),
-'Canada/Pacific': ('Canada/Pacific', 138, 2,
-[ '-21477600', '-5756400', '9972000', '25693200', '41421600',
-'57747600', '73476000', '89197200', '104925600', '120646800',
-'136375200', '152096400', '167824800', '183546000', '199274400',
-'215600400', '230724000', '247050000', '262778400', '278499600',
-'294228000', '309949200', '325677600', '341398800', '357127200',
-'372848400', '388576800', '404902800', '420026400', '436352400',
-'452080800', '467802000', '483530400', '499251600', '514980000',
-'530701200', '544615200', '562150800', '576064800', '594205200',
-'607514400', '625654800', '638964000', '657104400', '671018400',
-'688554000', '702468000', '720003600', '733917600', '752058000',
-'765367200', '783507600', '796816800', '814957200', '828871200',
-'846406800', '860320800', '877856400', '891770400', '909306000',
-'923220000', '941360400', '954669600', '972810000', '986119200',
-'1004259600', '1018173600', '1035709200', '1049623200', '1067158800',
-'1081072800', '1099213200', '1112522400', '1130662800', '1143972000',
-'1162112400', '1175421600', '1193562000', '1207476000', '1225011600',
-'1238925600', '1256461200', '1270375200', '1288515600', '1301824800',
-'1319965200', '1333274400', '1351414800', '1365328800', '1382864400',
-'1396778400', '1414314000', '1428228000', '1445763600', '1459677600',
-'1477818000', '1491127200', '1509267600', '1522576800', '1540717200',
-'1554631200', '1572166800', '1586080800', '1603616400', '1617530400',
-'1635670800', '1648980000', '1667120400', '1680429600', '1698570000',
-'1712484000', '1730019600', '1743933600', '1761469200', '1775383200',
-'1792918800', '1806832800', '1824973200', '1838282400', '1856422800',
-'1869732000', '1887872400', '1901786400', '1919322000', '1933236000',
-'1950771600', '1964685600', '1982826000', '1996135200', '2014275600',
-'2027584800', '2045725200', '2059034400', '2077174800', '2091088800',
-'2108624400', '2122538400', '2140074000',
-[(-25200, 1, 0), (-28800, 0, 4)], 'PDT\x00PST\x00'),
-'Canada/Yukon': ('Canada/Yukon', 138, 2,
-[ '-21474000', '-5752800', '9975600', '25696800', '41425200',
-'57751200', '73479600', '89200800', '104929200', '120650400',
-'136378800', '152100000', '167828400', '183549600', '199278000',
-'215604000', '230727600', '247053600', '262782000', '278503200',
-'294231600', '309952800', '325681200', '341402400', '357130800',
-'372852000', '388580400', '404906400', '420030000', '436356000',
-'452084400', '467805600', '483534000', '499255200', '514983600',
-'530704800', '544618800', '562154400', '576068400', '594208800',
-'607518000', '625658400', '638967600', '657108000', '671022000',
-'688557600', '702471600', '720007200', '733921200', '752061600',
-'765370800', '783511200', '796820400', '814960800', '828874800',
-'846410400', '860324400', '877860000', '891774000', '909309600',
-'923223600', '941364000', '954673200', '972813600', '986122800',
-'1004263200', '1018177200', '1035712800', '1049626800', '1067162400',
-'1081076400', '1099216800', '1112526000', '1130666400', '1143975600',
-'1162116000', '1175425200', '1193565600', '1207479600', '1225015200',
-'1238929200', '1256464800', '1270378800', '1288519200', '1301828400',
-'1319968800', '1333278000', '1351418400', '1365332400', '1382868000',
-'1396782000', '1414317600', '1428231600', '1445767200', '1459681200',
-'1477821600', '1491130800', '1509271200', '1522580400', '1540720800',
-'1554634800', '1572170400', '1586084400', '1603620000', '1617534000',
-'1635674400', '1648983600', '1667124000', '1680433200', '1698573600',
-'1712487600', '1730023200', '1743937200', '1761472800', '1775386800',
-'1792922400', '1806836400', '1824976800', '1838286000', '1856426400',
-'1869735600', '1887876000', '1901790000', '1919325600', '1933239600',
-'1950775200', '1964689200', '1982829600', '1996138800', '2014279200',
-'2027588400', '2045728800', '2059038000', '2077178400', '2091092400',
-'2108628000', '2122542000', '2140077600',
-[(-28800, 1, 0), (-32400, 0, 4)], 'YDT\x00YST\x00'),
-'Chile/Continental': ('Chile/Continental', 121, 2,
-[ '245217600', '258519600', '276667200', '289969200', '308721600',
-'321418800', '340171200', '352868400', '371620800', '384922800',
-'403070400', '416372400', '434520000', '447822000', '466574400',
-'479271600', '498024000', '510721200', '529473600', '542170800',
-'560923200', '574225200', '592372800', '605674800', '623822400',
-'637124400', '655876800', '668574000', '687326400', '700023600',
-'718776000', '732078000', '750225600', '763527600', '781675200',
-'794977200', '813124800', '826426800', '845179200', '857876400',
-'876628800', '889326000', '908078400', '921380400', '939528000',
-'952830000', '970977600', '984279600', '1003032000', '1015729200',
-'1034481600', '1047178800', '1065931200', '1079233200', '1097380800',
-'1110682800', '1128830400', '1142132400', '1160280000', '1173582000',
-'1192334400', '1205031600', '1223784000', '1236481200', '1255233600',
-'1268535600', '1286683200', '1299985200', '1318132800', '1331434800',
-'1350187200', '1362884400', '1381636800', '1394334000', '1413086400',
-'1425783600', '1444536000', '1457838000', '1475985600', '1489287600',
-'1507435200', '1520737200', '1539489600', '1552186800', '1570939200',
-'1583636400', '1602388800', '1615690800', '1633838400', '1647140400',
-'1665288000', '1678590000', '1696737600', '1710039600', '1728792000',
-'1741489200', '1760241600', '1772938800', '1791691200', '1804993200',
-'1823140800', '1836442800', '1854590400', '1867892400', '1886644800',
-'1899342000', '1918094400', '1930791600', '1949544000', '1962846000',
-'1980993600', '1994295600', '2012443200', '2025745200', '2043892800',
-'2057194800', '2075947200', '2088644400', '2107396800', '2120094000',
-[(-10800, 1, 0), (-14400, 0, 4)], 'CDT\x00CST\x00'),
-'Chile/EasterIsland': ('Chile/EasterIsland', 121, 2,
-[ '245224800', '258526800', '276674400', '289976400', '308728800',
-'321426000', '340178400', '352875600', '371628000', '384930000',
-'403077600', '416379600', '434527200', '447829200', '466581600',
-'479278800', '498031200', '510728400', '529480800', '542178000',
-'560930400', '574232400', '592380000', '605682000', '623829600',
-'637131600', '655884000', '668581200', '687333600', '700030800',
-'718783200', '732085200', '750232800', '763534800', '781682400',
-'794984400', '813132000', '826434000', '845186400', '857883600',
-'876636000', '889333200', '908085600', '921387600', '939535200',
-'952837200', '970984800', '984286800', '1003039200', '1015736400',
-'1034488800', '1047186000', '1065938400', '1079240400', '1097388000',
-'1110690000', '1128837600', '1142139600', '1160287200', '1173589200',
-'1192341600', '1205038800', '1223791200', '1236488400', '1255240800',
-'1268542800', '1286690400', '1299992400', '1318140000', '1331442000',
-'1350194400', '1362891600', '1381644000', '1394341200', '1413093600',
-'1425790800', '1444543200', '1457845200', '1475992800', '1489294800',
-'1507442400', '1520744400', '1539496800', '1552194000', '1570946400',
-'1583643600', '1602396000', '1615698000', '1633845600', '1647147600',
-'1665295200', '1678597200', '1696744800', '1710046800', '1728799200',
-'1741496400', '1760248800', '1772946000', '1791698400', '1805000400',
-'1823148000', '1836450000', '1854597600', '1867899600', '1886652000',
-'1899349200', '1918101600', '1930798800', '1949551200', '1962853200',
-'1981000800', '1994302800', '2012450400', '2025752400', '2043900000',
-'2057202000', '2075954400', '2088651600', '2107404000', '2120101200',
-[(-18000, 1, 0), (-21600, 0, 4)], 'EDT\x00EST\x00'),
-'Cuba': ('Cuba', 118, 2,
-[ '290581200', '308721600', '322030800', '340171200', '358318800',
-'371620800', '389768400', '403070400', '421218000', '434520000',
-'453272400', '466574400', '484722000', '498024000', '516171600',
-'529473600', '547621200', '560923200', '579070800', '592372800',
-'611125200', '623822400', '642574800', '655876800', '674024400',
-'687326400', '705474000', '718776000', '736923600', '750225600',
-'768373200', '781675200', '800427600', '813124800', '831877200',
-'845179200', '863326800', '876628800', '894776400', '908078400',
-'926226000', '939528000', '958280400', '970977600', '989730000',
-'1003032000', '1021179600', '1034481600', '1052629200', '1065931200',
-'1084078800', '1097380800', '1115528400', '1128830400', '1147582800',
-'1160280000', '1179032400', '1192334400', '1210482000', '1223784000',
-'1241931600', '1255233600', '1273381200', '1286683200', '1304830800',
-'1318132800', '1336885200', '1350187200', '1368334800', '1381636800',
-'1399784400', '1413086400', '1431234000', '1444536000', '1462683600',
-'1475985600', '1494738000', '1507435200', '1526187600', '1539489600',
-'1557637200', '1570939200', '1589086800', '1602388800', '1620536400',
-'1633838400', '1651986000', '1665288000', '1684040400', '1696737600',
-'1715490000', '1728792000', '1746939600', '1760241600', '1778389200',
-'1791691200', '1809838800', '1823140800', '1841893200', '1854590400',
-'1873342800', '1886644800', '1904792400', '1918094400', '1936242000',
-'1949544000', '1967691600', '1980993600', '1999141200', '2012443200',
-'2031195600', '2043892800', '2062645200', '2075947200', '2094094800',
-'2107396800', '2125544400', '2138846400',
-[(-14400, 1, 0), (-18000, 0, 4)], 'CDT\x00CST\x00'),
-'Egypt': ('Egypt', 152, 2,
-[ '-305164800', '-291949200', '-273628800', '-260413200', '-242092800',
-'-228877200', '-210556800', '-197341200', '-178934400', '-165718800',
-'-147398400', '-134182800', '-115862400', '-102646800', '-84326400',
-'-71110800', '-52704000', '-39488400', '-21168000', '-7952400',
-'10368000', '23583600', '41904000', '55119600', '73526400',
-'86742000', '105062400', '118278000', '136598400', '149814000',
-'168134400', '181350000', '199756800', '212972400', '231292800',
-'244508400', '262828800', '276044400', '294364800', '307580400',
-'325987200', '339202800', '420595200', '433810800', '452217600',
-'465433200', '483753600', '496969200', '515289600', '528505200',
-'546825600', '560041200', '578448000', '591663600', '609984000',
-'623199600', '641520000', '654735600', '673056000', '686271600',
-'704678400', '717894000', '736214400', '749430000', '767750400',
-'780966000', '799286400', '812502000', '830908800', '844124400',
-'862444800', '875660400', '893980800', '907196400', '925516800',
-'938732400', '957139200', '970354800', '988675200', '1001890800',
-'1020211200', '1033426800', '1051747200', '1064962800', '1083369600',
-'1096585200', '1114905600', '1128121200', '1146441600', '1159657200',
-'1177977600', '1191193200', '1209600000', '1222815600', '1241136000',
-'1254351600', '1272672000', '1285887600', '1304208000', '1317423600',
-'1335830400', '1349046000', '1367366400', '1380582000', '1398902400',
-'1412118000', '1430438400', '1443654000', '1462060800', '1475276400',
-'1493596800', '1506812400', '1525132800', '1538348400', '1556668800',
-'1569884400', '1588291200', '1601506800', '1619827200', '1633042800',
-'1651363200', '1664578800', '1682899200', '1696114800', '1714521600',
-'1727737200', '1746057600', '1759273200', '1777593600', '1790809200',
-'1809129600', '1822345200', '1840752000', '1853967600', '1872288000',
-'1885503600', '1903824000', '1917039600', '1935360000', '1948575600',
-'1966982400', '1980198000', '1998518400', '2011734000', '2030054400',
-'2043270000', '2061590400', '2074806000', '2093212800', '2106428400',
-'2124748800', '2137964400',
-[(10800, 1, 0), (7200, 0, 8)], 'EET DST\x00EET\x00'),
-'GB-Eire': ('GB-Eire', 241, 4,
-[ '-1697238000', '-1680476400', '-1664146800', '-1650150000', '-1633906800',
-'-1617490800', '-1601852400', '-1586041200', '-1570402800', '-1552172400',
-'-1538348400', '-1522537200', '-1507503600', '-1490569200', '-1473634800',
-'-1458342000', '-1441321200', '-1428879600', '-1410735600', '-1396220400',
-'-1379286000', '-1364770800', '-1347836400', '-1333321200', '-1316386800',
-'-1301266800', '-1284332400', '-1269817200', '-1252882800', '-1238367600',
-'-1221433200', '-1206918000', '-1189983600', '-1175468400', '-1158534000',
-'-1144018800', '-1127084400', '-1111964400', '-1095030000', '-1080514800',
-'-1063580400', '-1049065200', '-1032130800', '-1017615600', '-1000681200',
-'-986166000', '-969231600', '-950482800', '-942015600', '-904518000',
-'-896050800', '-875487600', '-864601200', '-844038000', '-832546800',
-'-812588400', '-798073200', '-781052400', '-772066800', '-764809200',
-'-748479600', '-733359600', '-719449200', '-717030000', '-706748400',
-'-699490800', '-687999600', '-668041200', '-654735600', '-636591600',
-'-622076400', '-605746800', '-590626800', '-574297200', '-558572400',
-'-542242800', '-527122800', '-512607600', '-496278000', '-481158000',
-'-464223600', '-449708400', '-432774000', '-417654000', '-401324400',
-'-386204400', '-369270000', '-354754800', '-337820400', '-323305200',
-'-306975600', '-291855600', '-276735600', '-257986800', '-245286000',
-'-226537200', '-213231600', '-195087600', '-182386800', '-163638000',
-'-150937200', '-132188400', '-119487600', '-100738800', '-88038000',
-'-68684400', '-59007600', '-37238400', '57715200', '69814800',
-'89168400', '101264400', '120618000', '132714000', '152067600',
-'164163600', '183517200', '196218000', '214966800', '227667600',
-'246416400', '259117200', '278470800', '290566800', '309920400',
-'322016400', '341370000', '354675600', '372819600', '386125200',
-'404269200', '417574800', '435718800', '449024400', '467773200',
-'481078800', '499222800', '512528400', '530672400', '543978000',
-'562122000', '575427600', '593571600', '606877200', '625626000',
-'638326800', '657075600', '670381200', '688525200', '701830800',
-'719974800', '733280400', '751424400', '764730000', '782874000',
-'796179600', '814928400', '828234000', '846378000', '859683600',
-'877827600', '891133200', '909277200', '922582800', '940726800',
-'954032400', '972781200', '985482000', '1004230800', '1017536400',
-'1035680400', '1048986000', '1067130000', '1080435600', '1098579600',
-'1111885200', '1130029200', '1143334800', '1162083600', '1174784400',
-'1193533200', '1206838800', '1224982800', '1238288400', '1256432400',
-'1269738000', '1287882000', '1301187600', '1319331600', '1332637200',
-'1351386000', '1364691600', '1382835600', '1396141200', '1414285200',
-'1427590800', '1445734800', '1459040400', '1477184400', '1490490000',
-'1509238800', '1521939600', '1540688400', '1553994000', '1572138000',
-'1585443600', '1603587600', '1616893200', '1635037200', '1648342800',
-'1666486800', '1679792400', '1698541200', '1711846800', '1729990800',
-'1743296400', '1761440400', '1774746000', '1792890000', '1806195600',
-'1824339600', '1837645200', '1856394000', '1869094800', '1887843600',
-'1901149200', '1919293200', '1932598800', '1950742800', '1964048400',
-'1982192400', '1995498000', '2013642000', '2026947600', '2045696400',
-'2058397200', '2077146000', '2090451600', '2108595600', '2121901200',
-[(3600, 1, 0), (0, 0, 4), (7200, 1, 8), (3600, 0, 0)], 'BST\x00GMT\x00DST\x00'),
-'GMT': ('GMT', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(0, 0, 0)], 'GMT\x00'),
-'GMT+0': ('GMT+0', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(0, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0000\x00'),
-'GMT+0130': ('GMT+0130', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(5400, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0130\x00'),
-'GMT+0230': ('GMT+0230', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(9000, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0230\x00'),
-'GMT+0330': ('GMT+0330', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(12600, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0330\x00'),
-'GMT+0430': ('GMT+0430', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(16200, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0430\x00'),
-'GMT+0530': ('GMT+0530', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(19800, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0530\x00'),
-'GMT+0630': ('GMT+0630', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(23400, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0630\x00'),
-'GMT+0730': ('GMT+0730', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(27000, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0730\x00'),
-'GMT+0830': ('GMT+0830', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(30600, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0830\x00'),
-'GMT+0930': ('GMT+0930', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(34200, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0930\x00'),
-'GMT+1': ('GMT+1', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(3600, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0100\x00'),
-'GMT+10': ('GMT+10', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(36000, 0, 0)], 'GMT+1000\x00'),
-'GMT+1030': ('GMT+1030', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(37800, 0, 0)], 'GMT+1030\x00'),
-'GMT+11': ('GMT+11', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(39600, 0, 0)], 'GMT+1100\x00'),
-'GMT+1130': ('GMT+1130', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(41400, 0, 0)], 'GMT+1130\x00'),
-'GMT+12': ('GMT+12', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(43200, 0, 0)], 'GMT+1200\x00'),
-'GMT+1230': ('GMT+1230', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(45000, 0, 0)], 'GMT+1230\x00'),
-'GMT+13': ('GMT+13', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(46800, 0, 0)], 'GMT+1300\x00'),
-'GMT+2': ('GMT+2', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(7200, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0200\x00'),
-'GMT+3': ('GMT+3', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(10800, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0300\x00'),
-'GMT+4': ('GMT+4', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(14400, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0400\x00'),
-'GMT+5': ('GMT+5', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(18000, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0500\x00'),
-'GMT+6': ('GMT+6', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(21600, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0600\x00'),
-'GMT+7': ('GMT+7', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(25200, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0700\x00'),
-'GMT+8': ('GMT+8', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(28800, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0800\x00'),
-'GMT+9': ('GMT+9', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(32400, 0, 0)], 'GMT+0900\x00'),
-'GMT-0130': ('GMT-0130', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-5400, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0130\x00'),
-'GMT-0230': ('GMT-0230', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-9000, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0230\x00'),
-'GMT-0330': ('GMT-0330', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-12600, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0330\x00'),
-'GMT-0430': ('GMT-0430', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-16200, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0430\x00'),
-'GMT-0530': ('GMT-0530', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-19800, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0530\x00'),
-'GMT-0630': ('GMT-0630', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-23400, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0630\x00'),
-'GMT-0730': ('GMT-0730', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-27000, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0730\x00'),
-'GMT-0830': ('GMT-0830', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-30600, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0830\x00'),
-'GMT-0930': ('GMT-0930', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-34200, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0930\x00'),
-'GMT-1': ('GMT-1', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-3600, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0100\x00'),
-'GMT-10': ('GMT-10', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-36000, 0, 0)], 'GMT-1000\x00'),
-'GMT-1030': ('GMT-1030', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-37800, 0, 0)], 'GMT-1030\x00'),
-'GMT-11': ('GMT-11', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-39600, 0, 0)], 'GMT-1100\x00'),
-'GMT-1130': ('GMT-1130', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-41400, 0, 0)], 'GMT-1130\x00'),
-'GMT-12': ('GMT-12', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-43200, 0, 0)], 'GMT-1200\x00'),
-'GMT-1230': ('GMT-1230', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-45000, 0, 0)], 'GMT-1230\x00'),
-'GMT-2': ('GMT-2', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-7200, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0200\x00'),
-'GMT-3': ('GMT-3', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-10800, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0300\x00'),
-'GMT-4': ('GMT-4', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-14400, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0400\x00'),
-'GMT-5': ('GMT-5', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-18000, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0500\x00'),
-'GMT-6': ('GMT-6', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-21600, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0600\x00'),
-'GMT-7': ('GMT-7', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-25200, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0700\x00'),
-'GMT-8': ('GMT-8', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-28800, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0800\x00'),
-'GMT-9': ('GMT-9', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-32400, 0, 0)], 'GMT-0900\x00'),
-'Greenwich': ('Greenwich', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(0, 0, 0)], 'GMT\x00'),
-'Hongkong': ('Hongkong', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(28800, 0, 0)], 'HKT\x00'),
-'Iceland': ('Iceland', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(0, 0, 0)], 'WET\x00'),
-'Iran': ('Iran', 100, 2,
-[ '575418600', '590535000', '606868200', '621984600', '638317800',
-'653434200', '670372200', '684883800', '701821800', '716938200',
-'733271400', '748387800', '764721000', '779837400', '796170600',
-'811287000', '828225000', '842736600', '859674600', '874791000',
-'891124200', '906240600', '922573800', '937690200', '954023400',
-'969139800', '985473000', '1000589400', '1017527400', '1032039000',
-'1048977000', '1064093400', '1080426600', '1095543000', '1111876200',
-'1126992600', '1143325800', '1158442200', '1174775400', '1189891800',
-'1206829800', '1221946200', '1238279400', '1253395800', '1269729000',
-'1284845400', '1301178600', '1316295000', '1332628200', '1347744600',
-'1364682600', '1379194200', '1396132200', '1411248600', '1427581800',
-'1442698200', '1459031400', '1474147800', '1490481000', '1505597400',
-'1521930600', '1537047000', '1553985000', '1568496600', '1585434600',
-'1600551000', '1616884200', '1632000600', '1648333800', '1663450200',
-'1679783400', '1694899800', '1711837800', '1726349400', '1743287400',
-'1758403800', '1774737000', '1789853400', '1806186600', '1821303000',
-'1837636200', '1852752600', '1869085800', '1884202200', '1901140200',
-'1915651800', '1932589800', '1947706200', '1964039400', '1979155800',
-'1995489000', '2010605400', '2026938600', '2042055000', '2058388200',
-'2073504600', '2090442600', '2105559000', '2121892200', '2137008600',
-[(16200, 1, 0), (12600, 0, 4)], 'IDT\x00IST\x00'),
-'Israel': ('Israel', 42, 2,
-[ '609890400', '622587600', '640735200', '653432400', '670975200',
-'683672400', '704239200', '716936400', '735084000', '747781200',
-'765324000', '778021200', '798588000', '811285200', '829432800',
-'842130000', '862696800', '875394000', '892936800', '905634000',
-'923781600', '936478800', '957045600', '969742800', '987285600',
-'999982800', '1018130400', '1030827600', '1051394400', '1064091600',
-'1082239200', '1094936400', '1114898400', '1127595600', '1145743200',
-'1158440400', '1176588000', '1189285200', '1209247200', '1221944400',
-'1240092000', '1252789200',
-[(10800, 1, 0), (7200, 0, 4)], 'IDT\x00IST\x00'),
-'Jamaica': ('Jamaica', 148, 3,
-[ '-1633280400', '-1615140000', '-1601830800', '-1583690400', '-880218000',
-'-765396000', '-84387600', '-68666400', '-52938000', '-37216800',
-'-21488400', '-5767200', '9961200', '25682400', '41410800',
-'57736800', '73465200', '89186400', '104914800', '120636000',
-'126687600', '152085600', '162370800', '183535200', '199263600',
-'215589600', '230713200', '247039200', '262767600', '278488800',
-'294217200', '309938400', '325666800', '341388000', '357116400',
-'372837600', '388566000', '404892000', '420015600', '436341600',
-'452070000', '467791200', '483519600', '499240800', '514969200',
-'530690400', '544604400', '562140000', '576054000', '594194400',
-'607503600', '625644000', '638953200', '657093600', '671007600',
-'688543200', '702457200', '719992800', '733906800', '752047200',
-'765356400', '783496800', '796806000', '814946400', '828860400',
-'846396000', '860310000', '877845600', '891759600', '909295200',
-'923209200', '941349600', '954658800', '972799200', '986108400',
-'1004248800', '1018162800', '1035698400', '1049612400', '1067148000',
-'1081062000', '1099202400', '1112511600', '1130652000', '1143961200',
-'1162101600', '1175410800', '1193551200', '1207465200', '1225000800',
-'1238914800', '1256450400', '1270364400', '1288504800', '1301814000',
-'1319954400', '1333263600', '1351404000', '1365318000', '1382853600',
-'1396767600', '1414303200', '1428217200', '1445752800', '1459666800',
-'1477807200', '1491116400', '1509256800', '1522566000', '1540706400',
-'1554620400', '1572156000', '1586070000', '1603605600', '1617519600',
-'1635660000', '1648969200', '1667109600', '1680418800', '1698559200',
-'1712473200', '1730008800', '1743922800', '1761458400', '1775372400',
-'1792908000', '1806822000', '1824962400', '1838271600', '1856412000',
-'1869721200', '1887861600', '1901775600', '1919311200', '1933225200',
-'1950760800', '1964674800', '1982815200', '1996124400', '2014264800',
-'2027574000', '2045714400', '2059023600', '2077164000', '2091078000',
-'2108613600', '2122527600', '2140063200',
-[(-14400, 1, 0), (-18000, 0, 4), (-14400, 1, 8)], 'EDT\x00EST\x00EWT\x00'),
-'Japan': ('Japan', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(32400, 0, 0)], 'JST\x00'),
-'Mexico/BajaNorte': ('Mexico/BajaNorte', 102, 2,
-[ '544615200', '562150800', '576064800', '594205200', '607514400',
-'625654800', '638964000', '657104400', '671018400', '688554000',
-'702468000', '720003600', '733917600', '752058000', '765367200',
-'783507600', '796816800', '814957200', '828871200', '846406800',
-'860320800', '877856400', '891770400', '909306000', '923220000',
-'941360400', '954669600', '972810000', '986119200', '1004259600',
-'1018173600', '1035709200', '1049623200', '1067158800', '1081072800',
-'1099213200', '1112522400', '1130662800', '1143972000', '1162112400',
-'1175421600', '1193562000', '1207476000', '1225011600', '1238925600',
-'1256461200', '1270375200', '1288515600', '1301824800', '1319965200',
-'1333274400', '1351414800', '1365328800', '1382864400', '1396778400',
-'1414314000', '1428228000', '1445763600', '1459677600', '1477818000',
-'1491127200', '1509267600', '1522576800', '1540717200', '1554631200',
-'1572166800', '1586080800', '1603616400', '1617530400', '1635670800',
-'1648980000', '1667120400', '1680429600', '1698570000', '1712484000',
-'1730019600', '1743933600', '1761469200', '1775383200', '1792918800',
-'1806832800', '1824973200', '1838282400', '1856422800', '1869732000',
-'1887872400', '1901786400', '1919322000', '1933236000', '1950771600',
-'1964685600', '1982826000', '1996135200', '2014275600', '2027584800',
-'2045725200', '2059034400', '2077174800', '2091088800', '2108624400',
-'2122538400', '2140074000',
-[(-25200, 1, 0), (-28800, 0, 4)], 'PDT\x00PST\x00'),
-'Mexico/BajaSur': ('Mexico/BajaSur', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-25200, 0, 0)], 'MST\x00'),
-'Mexico/General': ('Mexico/General', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(-21600, 0, 0)], 'CST\x00'),
-'Poland': ('Poland', 104, 2,
-[ '512524800', '528249600', '543974400', '559699200', '575424000',
-'591148800', '606873600', '622598400', '638323200', '654652800',
-'670377600', '686102400', '701827200', '717552000', '733276800',
-'749001600', '764726400', '780451200', '796176000', '811900800',
-'828230400', '843955200', '859680000', '875404800', '891129600',
-'906854400', '922579200', '938304000', '954028800', '969753600',
-'985478400', '1001808000', '1017532800', '1033257600', '1048982400',
-'1064707200', '1080432000', '1096156800', '1111881600', '1127606400',
-'1143331200', '1159056000', '1174780800', '1191110400', '1206835200',
-'1222560000', '1238284800', '1254009600', '1269734400', '1285459200',
-'1301184000', '1316908800', '1332633600', '1348963200', '1364688000',
-'1380412800', '1396137600', '1411862400', '1427587200', '1443312000',
-'1459036800', '1474761600', '1490486400', '1506211200', '1521936000',
-'1538265600', '1553990400', '1569715200', '1585440000', '1601164800',
-'1616889600', '1632614400', '1648339200', '1664064000', '1679788800',
-'1695513600', '1711843200', '1727568000', '1743292800', '1759017600',
-'1774742400', '1790467200', '1806192000', '1821916800', '1837641600',
-'1853366400', '1869091200', '1885420800', '1901145600', '1916870400',
-'1932595200', '1948320000', '1964044800', '1979769600', '1995494400',
-'2011219200', '2026944000', '2042668800', '2058393600', '2074723200',
-'2090448000', '2106172800', '2121897600', '2137622400',
-[(7200, 1, 0), (3600, 0, 8)], 'MET DST\x00MET\x00'),
-'Singapore': ('Singapore', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(28800, 0, 0)], 'SST\x00'),
-'Turkey': ('Turkey', 104, 2,
-[ '512517600', '528238800', '543967200', '559688400', '575416800',
-'591138000', '606866400', '622587600', '638316000', '654642000',
-'670370400', '686091600', '701820000', '717541200', '733269600',
-'748990800', '764719200', '780440400', '796168800', '811890000',
-'828223200', '843944400', '859672800', '875394000', '891122400',
-'906843600', '922572000', '938293200', '954021600', '969742800',
-'985471200', '1001797200', '1017525600', '1033246800', '1048975200',
-'1064696400', '1080424800', '1096146000', '1111874400', '1127595600',
-'1143324000', '1159045200', '1174773600', '1191099600', '1206828000',
-'1222549200', '1238277600', '1253998800', '1269727200', '1285448400',
-'1301176800', '1316898000', '1332626400', '1348952400', '1364680800',
-'1380402000', '1396130400', '1411851600', '1427580000', '1443301200',
-'1459029600', '1474750800', '1490479200', '1506200400', '1521928800',
-'1538254800', '1553983200', '1569704400', '1585432800', '1601154000',
-'1616882400', '1632603600', '1648332000', '1664053200', '1679781600',
-'1695502800', '1711836000', '1727557200', '1743285600', '1759006800',
-'1774735200', '1790456400', '1806184800', '1821906000', '1837634400',
-'1853355600', '1869084000', '1885410000', '1901138400', '1916859600',
-'1932588000', '1948309200', '1964037600', '1979758800', '1995487200',
-'2011208400', '2026936800', '2042658000', '2058386400', '2074712400',
-'2090440800', '2106162000', '2121890400', '2137611600',
-[(14400, 1, 0), (10800, 0, 8)], 'EET DST\x00EET\x00'),
-'US/Alaska': ('US/Alaska', 148, 3,
-[ '-1633266000', '-1615125600', '-1601816400', '-1583676000', '-880203600',
-'-765381600', '-84373200', '-68652000', '-52923600', '-37202400',
-'-21474000', '-5752800', '9975600', '25696800', '41425200',
-'57751200', '73479600', '89200800', '104929200', '120650400',
-'126702000', '152100000', '162385200', '183549600', '199278000',
-'215604000', '230727600', '247053600', '262782000', '278503200',
-'294231600', '309952800', '325681200', '341402400', '357130800',
-'372852000', '388580400', '404906400', '420030000', '436356000',
-'452084400', '467805600', '483534000', '499255200', '514983600',
-'530704800', '544618800', '562154400', '576068400', '594208800',
-'607518000', '625658400', '638967600', '657108000', '671022000',
-'688557600', '702471600', '720007200', '733921200', '752061600',
-'765370800', '783511200', '796820400', '814960800', '828874800',
-'846410400', '860324400', '877860000', '891774000', '909309600',
-'923223600', '941364000', '954673200', '972813600', '986122800',
-'1004263200', '1018177200', '1035712800', '1049626800', '1067162400',
-'1081076400', '1099216800', '1112526000', '1130666400', '1143975600',
-'1162116000', '1175425200', '1193565600', '1207479600', '1225015200',
-'1238929200', '1256464800', '1270378800', '1288519200', '1301828400',
-'1319968800', '1333278000', '1351418400', '1365332400', '1382868000',
-'1396782000', '1414317600', '1428231600', '1445767200', '1459681200',
-'1477821600', '1491130800', '1509271200', '1522580400', '1540720800',
-'1554634800', '1572170400', '1586084400', '1603620000', '1617534000',
-'1635674400', '1648983600', '1667124000', '1680433200', '1698573600',
-'1712487600', '1730023200', '1743937200', '1761472800', '1775386800',
-'1792922400', '1806836400', '1824976800', '1838286000', '1856426400',
-'1869735600', '1887876000', '1901790000', '1919325600', '1933239600',
-'1950775200', '1964689200', '1982829600', '1996138800', '2014279200',
-'2027588400', '2045728800', '2059038000', '2077178400', '2091092400',
-'2108628000', '2122542000', '2140077600',
-[(-28800, 1, 0), (-32400, 0, 5), (-28800, 1, 10)], 'AKDT\x00AKST\x00AKWT\x00'),
-'US/Aleutian': ('US/Aleutian', 149, 5,
-[ '-1633262400', '-1615122000', '-1601812800', '-1583672400', '-880200000',
-'-765378000', '-84369600', '-68648400', '-52920000', '-37198800',
-'-21470400', '-5749200', '9979200', '25700400', '41428800',
-'57754800', '73483200', '89204400', '104932800', '120654000',
-'126705600', '152103600', '162388800', '183553200', '199281600',
-'215607600', '230731200', '247057200', '262785600', '278506800',
-'294235200', '309956400', '325684800', '341406000', '357134400',
-'372855600', '388584000', '404910000', '420033600', '436359600',
-'439034400', '452088000', '467809200', '483537600', '499258800',
-'514987200', '530708400', '544622400', '562158000', '576072000',
-'594212400', '607521600', '625662000', '638971200', '657111600',
-'671025600', '688561200', '702475200', '720010800', '733924800',
-'752065200', '765374400', '783514800', '796824000', '814964400',
-'828878400', '846414000', '860328000', '877863600', '891777600',
-'909313200', '923227200', '941367600', '954676800', '972817200',
-'986126400', '1004266800', '1018180800', '1035716400', '1049630400',
-'1067166000', '1081080000', '1099220400', '1112529600', '1130670000',
-'1143979200', '1162119600', '1175428800', '1193569200', '1207483200',
-'1225018800', '1238932800', '1256468400', '1270382400', '1288522800',
-'1301832000', '1319972400', '1333281600', '1351422000', '1365336000',
-'1382871600', '1396785600', '1414321200', '1428235200', '1445770800',
-'1459684800', '1477825200', '1491134400', '1509274800', '1522584000',
-'1540724400', '1554638400', '1572174000', '1586088000', '1603623600',
-'1617537600', '1635678000', '1648987200', '1667127600', '1680436800',
-'1698577200', '1712491200', '1730026800', '1743940800', '1761476400',
-'1775390400', '1792926000', '1806840000', '1824980400', '1838289600',
-'1856430000', '1869739200', '1887879600', '1901793600', '1919329200',
-'1933243200', '1950778800', '1964692800', '1982833200', '1996142400',
-'2014282800', '2027592000', '2045732400', '2059041600', '2077182000',
-'2091096000', '2108631600', '2122545600', '2140081200',
-[(-32400, 1, 0), (-36000, 0, 5), (-32400, 1, 10), (-36000, 0, 15), (-32400, 1, 20)], 'AHDT\x00AHST\x00AHWT\x00HAST\x00HADT\x00'),
-'US/Arizona': ('US/Arizona', 6, 3,
-[ '-1633273200', '-1615132800', '-1601823600', '-1583683200', '-880210800',
-[(-21600, 1, 0), (-25200, 0, 4), (-21600, 1, 8)], 'MDT\x00MST\x00MWT\x00'),
-'US/Central': ('US/Central', 148, 3,
-[ '-1633276800', '-1615136400', '-1601827200', '-1583686800', '-880214400',
-'-765392400', '-84384000', '-68662800', '-52934400', '-37213200',
-'-21484800', '-5763600', '9964800', '25686000', '41414400',
-'57740400', '73468800', '89190000', '104918400', '120639600',
-'126691200', '152089200', '162374400', '183538800', '199267200',
-'215593200', '230716800', '247042800', '262771200', '278492400',
-'294220800', '309942000', '325670400', '341391600', '357120000',
-'372841200', '388569600', '404895600', '420019200', '436345200',
-'452073600', '467794800', '483523200', '499244400', '514972800',
-'530694000', '544608000', '562143600', '576057600', '594198000',
-'607507200', '625647600', '638956800', '657097200', '671011200',
-'688546800', '702460800', '719996400', '733910400', '752050800',
-'765360000', '783500400', '796809600', '814950000', '828864000',
-'846399600', '860313600', '877849200', '891763200', '909298800',
-'923212800', '941353200', '954662400', '972802800', '986112000',
-'1004252400', '1018166400', '1035702000', '1049616000', '1067151600',
-'1081065600', '1099206000', '1112515200', '1130655600', '1143964800',
-'1162105200', '1175414400', '1193554800', '1207468800', '1225004400',
-'1238918400', '1256454000', '1270368000', '1288508400', '1301817600',
-'1319958000', '1333267200', '1351407600', '1365321600', '1382857200',
-'1396771200', '1414306800', '1428220800', '1445756400', '1459670400',
-'1477810800', '1491120000', '1509260400', '1522569600', '1540710000',
-'1554624000', '1572159600', '1586073600', '1603609200', '1617523200',
-'1635663600', '1648972800', '1667113200', '1680422400', '1698562800',
-'1712476800', '1730012400', '1743926400', '1761462000', '1775376000',
-'1792911600', '1806825600', '1824966000', '1838275200', '1856415600',
-'1869724800', '1887865200', '1901779200', '1919314800', '1933228800',
-'1950764400', '1964678400', '1982818800', '1996128000', '2014268400',
-'2027577600', '2045718000', '2059027200', '2077167600', '2091081600',
-'2108617200', '2122531200', '2140066800',
-[(-18000, 1, 0), (-21600, 0, 4), (-18000, 1, 8)], 'CDT\x00CST\x00CWT\x00'),
-'US/East-Indiana': ('US/East-Indiana', 6, 3,
-[ '-1633280400', '-1615140000', '-1601830800', '-1583690400', '-880218000',
-[(-14400, 1, 0), (-18000, 0, 4), (-14400, 1, 8)], 'EDT\x00EST\x00EWT\x00'),
-'US/Eastern': ('US/Eastern', 148, 3,
-[ '-1633280400', '-1615140000', '-1601830800', '-1583690400', '-880218000',
-'-765396000', '-84387600', '-68666400', '-52938000', '-37216800',
-'-21488400', '-5767200', '9961200', '25682400', '41410800',
-'57736800', '73465200', '89186400', '104914800', '120636000',
-'126687600', '152085600', '162370800', '183535200', '199263600',
-'215589600', '230713200', '247039200', '262767600', '278488800',
-'294217200', '309938400', '325666800', '341388000', '357116400',
-'372837600', '388566000', '404892000', '420015600', '436341600',
-'452070000', '467791200', '483519600', '499240800', '514969200',
-'530690400', '544604400', '562140000', '576054000', '594194400',
-'607503600', '625644000', '638953200', '657093600', '671007600',
-'688543200', '702457200', '719992800', '733906800', '752047200',
-'765356400', '783496800', '796806000', '814946400', '828860400',
-'846396000', '860310000', '877845600', '891759600', '909295200',
-'923209200', '941349600', '954658800', '972799200', '986108400',
-'1004248800', '1018162800', '1035698400', '1049612400', '1067148000',
-'1081062000', '1099202400', '1112511600', '1130652000', '1143961200',
-'1162101600', '1175410800', '1193551200', '1207465200', '1225000800',
-'1238914800', '1256450400', '1270364400', '1288504800', '1301814000',
-'1319954400', '1333263600', '1351404000', '1365318000', '1382853600',
-'1396767600', '1414303200', '1428217200', '1445752800', '1459666800',
-'1477807200', '1491116400', '1509256800', '1522566000', '1540706400',
-'1554620400', '1572156000', '1586070000', '1603605600', '1617519600',
-'1635660000', '1648969200', '1667109600', '1680418800', '1698559200',
-'1712473200', '1730008800', '1743922800', '1761458400', '1775372400',
-'1792908000', '1806822000', '1824962400', '1838271600', '1856412000',
-'1869721200', '1887861600', '1901775600', '1919311200', '1933225200',
-'1950760800', '1964674800', '1982815200', '1996124400', '2014264800',
-'2027574000', '2045714400', '2059023600', '2077164000', '2091078000',
-'2108613600', '2122527600', '2140063200',
-[(-14400, 1, 0), (-18000, 0, 4), (-14400, 1, 8)], 'EDT\x00EST\x00EWT\x00'),
-'US/Hawaii': ('US/Hawaii', 9, 4,
-[ '-1633260600', '-1615120200', '-1601811000', '-1583670600', '-1157283000',
-'-1157200200', '-880198200', '-765376200', '-712150200',
-[(-34200, 1, 0), (-37800, 0, 4), (-34200, 1, 8), (-36000, 0, 4)], 'HDT\x00HST\x00HWT\x00'),
-'US/Indiana-Starke': ('US/Indiana-Starke', 56, 4,
-[ '-1633276800', '-1615136400', '-1601827200', '-1583686800', '-880214400',
-'-765392400', '-84384000', '-68662800', '-52934400', '-37213200',
-'-21484800', '-5763600', '9964800', '25686000', '41414400',
-'57740400', '73468800', '89190000', '104918400', '120639600',
-'126691200', '152089200', '162374400', '183538800', '199267200',
-'215593200', '230716800', '247042800', '262771200', '278492400',
-'294220800', '309942000', '325670400', '341391600', '357120000',
-'372841200', '388569600', '404895600', '420019200', '436345200',
-'452073600', '467794800', '483523200', '499244400', '514972800',
-'530694000', '544608000', '562143600', '576057600', '594198000',
-'607507200', '625647600', '638956800', '657097200', '671011200',
-[(-18000, 1, 0), (-21600, 0, 4), (-18000, 1, 8), (-18000, 0, 12)], 'CDT\x00CST\x00CWT\x00EST\x00'),
-'US/Michigan': ('US/Michigan', 138, 3,
-[ '-1633280400', '-1615140000', '-1601830800', '-1583690400', '-880218000',
-'-765396000', '-84387600', '-68666400', '104914800', '120636000',
-'126687600', '152085600', '162370800', '183535200', '199263600',
-'215589600', '230713200', '247039200', '262767600', '278488800',
-'294217200', '309938400', '325666800', '341388000', '357116400',
-'372837600', '388566000', '404892000', '420015600', '436341600',
-'452070000', '467791200', '483519600', '499240800', '514969200',
-'530690400', '544604400', '562140000', '576054000', '594194400',
-'607503600', '625644000', '638953200', '657093600', '671007600',
-'688543200', '702457200', '719992800', '733906800', '752047200',
-'765356400', '783496800', '796806000', '814946400', '828860400',
-'846396000', '860310000', '877845600', '891759600', '909295200',
-'923209200', '941349600', '954658800', '972799200', '986108400',
-'1004248800', '1018162800', '1035698400', '1049612400', '1067148000',
-'1081062000', '1099202400', '1112511600', '1130652000', '1143961200',
-'1162101600', '1175410800', '1193551200', '1207465200', '1225000800',
-'1238914800', '1256450400', '1270364400', '1288504800', '1301814000',
-'1319954400', '1333263600', '1351404000', '1365318000', '1382853600',
-'1396767600', '1414303200', '1428217200', '1445752800', '1459666800',
-'1477807200', '1491116400', '1509256800', '1522566000', '1540706400',
-'1554620400', '1572156000', '1586070000', '1603605600', '1617519600',
-'1635660000', '1648969200', '1667109600', '1680418800', '1698559200',
-'1712473200', '1730008800', '1743922800', '1761458400', '1775372400',
-'1792908000', '1806822000', '1824962400', '1838271600', '1856412000',
-'1869721200', '1887861600', '1901775600', '1919311200', '1933225200',
-'1950760800', '1964674800', '1982815200', '1996124400', '2014264800',
-'2027574000', '2045714400', '2059023600', '2077164000', '2091078000',
-'2108613600', '2122527600', '2140063200',
-[(-14400, 1, 0), (-18000, 0, 4), (-14400, 1, 8)], 'EDT\x00EST\x00EWT\x00'),
-'US/Mountain': ('US/Mountain', 148, 3,
-[ '-1633273200', '-1615132800', '-1601823600', '-1583683200', '-880210800',
-'-765388800', '-84380400', '-68659200', '-52930800', '-37209600',
-'-21481200', '-5760000', '9968400', '25689600', '41418000',
-'57744000', '73472400', '89193600', '104922000', '120643200',
-'126694800', '152092800', '162378000', '183542400', '199270800',
-'215596800', '230720400', '247046400', '262774800', '278496000',
-'294224400', '309945600', '325674000', '341395200', '357123600',
-'372844800', '388573200', '404899200', '420022800', '436348800',
-'452077200', '467798400', '483526800', '499248000', '514976400',
-'530697600', '544611600', '562147200', '576061200', '594201600',
-'607510800', '625651200', '638960400', '657100800', '671014800',
-'688550400', '702464400', '720000000', '733914000', '752054400',
-'765363600', '783504000', '796813200', '814953600', '828867600',
-'846403200', '860317200', '877852800', '891766800', '909302400',
-'923216400', '941356800', '954666000', '972806400', '986115600',
-'1004256000', '1018170000', '1035705600', '1049619600', '1067155200',
-'1081069200', '1099209600', '1112518800', '1130659200', '1143968400',
-'1162108800', '1175418000', '1193558400', '1207472400', '1225008000',
-'1238922000', '1256457600', '1270371600', '1288512000', '1301821200',
-'1319961600', '1333270800', '1351411200', '1365325200', '1382860800',
-'1396774800', '1414310400', '1428224400', '1445760000', '1459674000',
-'1477814400', '1491123600', '1509264000', '1522573200', '1540713600',
-'1554627600', '1572163200', '1586077200', '1603612800', '1617526800',
-'1635667200', '1648976400', '1667116800', '1680426000', '1698566400',
-'1712480400', '1730016000', '1743930000', '1761465600', '1775379600',
-'1792915200', '1806829200', '1824969600', '1838278800', '1856419200',
-'1869728400', '1887868800', '1901782800', '1919318400', '1933232400',
-'1950768000', '1964682000', '1982822400', '1996131600', '2014272000',
-'2027581200', '2045721600', '2059030800', '2077171200', '2091085200',
-'2108620800', '2122534800', '2140070400',
-[(-21600, 1, 0), (-25200, 0, 4), (-21600, 1, 8)], 'MDT\x00MST\x00MWT\x00'),
-'US/Pacific': ('US/Pacific', 148, 3,
-[ '-1633269600', '-1615129200', '-1601820000', '-1583679600', '-880207200',
-'-765385200', '-84376800', '-68655600', '-52927200', '-37206000',
-'-21477600', '-5756400', '9972000', '25693200', '41421600',
-'57747600', '73476000', '89197200', '104925600', '120646800',
-'126698400', '152096400', '162381600', '183546000', '199274400',
-'215600400', '230724000', '247050000', '262778400', '278499600',
-'294228000', '309949200', '325677600', '341398800', '357127200',
-'372848400', '388576800', '404902800', '420026400', '436352400',
-'452080800', '467802000', '483530400', '499251600', '514980000',
-'530701200', '544615200', '562150800', '576064800', '594205200',
-'607514400', '625654800', '638964000', '657104400', '671018400',
-'688554000', '702468000', '720003600', '733917600', '752058000',
-'765367200', '783507600', '796816800', '814957200', '828871200',
-'846406800', '860320800', '877856400', '891770400', '909306000',
-'923220000', '941360400', '954669600', '972810000', '986119200',
-'1004259600', '1018173600', '1035709200', '1049623200', '1067158800',
-'1081072800', '1099213200', '1112522400', '1130662800', '1143972000',
-'1162112400', '1175421600', '1193562000', '1207476000', '1225011600',
-'1238925600', '1256461200', '1270375200', '1288515600', '1301824800',
-'1319965200', '1333274400', '1351414800', '1365328800', '1382864400',
-'1396778400', '1414314000', '1428228000', '1445763600', '1459677600',
-'1477818000', '1491127200', '1509267600', '1522576800', '1540717200',
-'1554631200', '1572166800', '1586080800', '1603616400', '1617530400',
-'1635670800', '1648980000', '1667120400', '1680429600', '1698570000',
-'1712484000', '1730019600', '1743933600', '1761469200', '1775383200',
-'1792918800', '1806832800', '1824973200', '1838282400', '1856422800',
-'1869732000', '1887872400', '1901786400', '1919322000', '1933236000',
-'1950771600', '1964685600', '1982826000', '1996135200', '2014275600',
-'2027584800', '2045725200', '2059034400', '2077174800', '2091088800',
-'2108624400', '2122538400', '2140074000',
-[(-25200, 1, 0), (-28800, 0, 4), (-25200, 1, 8)], 'PDT\x00PST\x00PWT\x00'),
-'US/Samoa': ('US/Samoa', 2, 3,
-[ '-86878800', '439038000',
-[(-39600, 0, 0), (-39600, 0, 4), (-39600, 0, 8)], 'NST\x00BST\x00SST\x00'),
-'Universal': ('Universal', 0, 1,
-[ ],
-[(0, 0, 0)], 'GMT\x00'),
-def dumpTimezoneInfo(_data):
-    print "historical_zone_info = {"
-    items = _data.items()
-    items.sort()
-    for key, value in items:
-        v1, v2, v3, ilist, bitmap, two_by_three, two_nullterm = value
-        print "'%s': ('%s', %s, %s," % (key, v1, v2, v3)
-        print "[",
-        while ilist:
-            next_5, ilist = ilist[:5], ilist[5:]
-            line = ", ".join(["'%s'" % x for x in next_5])
-            print "%s," % line
-        print "], "
-        print "%s," % repr(bitmap)
-        print "%s, %s)," % (repr(two_by_three), repr(two_nullterm))
-    print "}"
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    dumpTimezoneInfo(historical_zone_info)

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